Is it wrong to kill an animal?

Is it wrong to kill an animal?

I Dunno.
Whats an animal? Does it have to be cute and furry?
I mean, I take antibiotics and stuff when I'm ill. Don't you?
The USA straps specimens of Homo Sapiens into chairs and electrocutes them.
If it was wrong I guess we wouldn't do it.

Dee Cee
Hey g[(uy)(al)]s, i'm new here, nice to "meat" you ;)

I think it's wrong, I can undertand people doing it many years ago, when no one knew any better but in this day and age, it's just murder.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
I've said it before but I'll put it to you like this:
Hundreds of people get saved- millions more animals get killed than if they weren't saved.
Fairly obvious.
I don't know why everyone thinks they want to cure diseases, stop war and put an end to world hunger, how many people have to be on this planet before you notice how overpopulated it is?
Forget important, societal gain is a very bad thing.

I'm starting to agree with you. :)

Originally posted by DeeCee
I Dunno.
Whats an animal? Does it have to be cute and furry?
I mean, I take antibiotics and stuff when I'm ill. Don't you?
The USA straps specimens of Homo Sapiens into chairs and electrocutes them.
If it was wrong I guess we wouldn't do it.

Dee Cee

Regarding antibiotics: I suppose we have to defend ourselves, even if it does mean killing off 'biotics'. It doesn't really make sense to let yourself die does it?

The USA's about to go to war with Iraq. It's contentious, but the popular opinion seems to be that that's wrong. Governments don't always do what right, same with idividuals.

Originally posted by DayGlo
Hey g[(uy)(al)]s, i'm new here, nice to "meat" you ;)

I think it's wrong, I can undertand people doing it many years ago, when no one knew any better but in this day and age, it's just murder.

If by saying 'this day and age' you're refering to how society's 'civilized', I'd argue that we're more savages now that ever before. So I don't think that killing in the past is in any way more acceptable than now.
Sure, some people will always be savages but at least now we have the chance to know better. Some people will never change due to their upbringing, selfishness and the media but things will gradually change as our race matures, that is if we don't destroy everything in the meantime.
i think it widely depends on how they are killed. I mean i am not saying it is right, but it is a bit different when say, an animal is slaughtered for "meat" as it is done quickly and painlessly (well reasonably) where as, if you kill an animal say on a fox hunt, it is brutal murder, plain and simple, the chase can intimidate and terrify a fox and then it is ripped to shreads by a hound after being tortured from trying to run away and being chased untill it can't go any further. Also on a hunt you do not know the circumstances of the animals welfare such as it could be leaving poor little fox cubs to be orphans etc.
I guess when it comes to the crunch, its down to will power, can you give up meat and try to stand up for the animals with out being tempted to eat them? And if you were not the "most powerful" species would you want people to eat you?
animals are a limited resource like oil, trees, crops. Animals should be treated as such. they should be used for clothes and food. humans are at the top of the food chain, though we are not the largest creature, we have superior inteligence on earth. if you disagree just look around, do you see any other creatures driving cars, composing music, building skyscrapers? my point is, for what ever reason animals are here for us to surive.
Originally posted by JOHANNsebastianBACH
animals are a limited resource like oil, trees, crops. Animals should be treated as such. they should be used for clothes and food. humans are at the top of the food chain, though we are not the largest creature, we have superior inteligence on earth. if you disagree just look around, do you see any other creatures driving cars, composing music, building skyscrapers? my point is, for what ever reason animals are here for us to surive.

then maybe we should not treat patients with infections anymore, because the microbes and viruses must see us as a resource for survival.
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
then maybe we should not treat patients with infections anymore, because the microbes and viruses must see us as a resource for survival.

Grow a brain dude. yes they rely on us for survival. but becouse we are more inteligent we have established ways to kill them. becouse we are superior to them.
Originally posted by JOHANNsebastianBACH
Grow a brain dude. yes they rely on us for survival. but becouse we are more inteligent we have established ways to kill them. becouse we are superior to them.

why can they kill us so easily if we are so superior?
Your logic has been ridiculed on so many good tv shows that I don't feel I need to do it.
How old are you? 200? I didn't think people could seriously think like that any more. You're like mr burns "I don't understand... engines need coolant":p
Animals can't drive cars? hmmmm good point:rolleyes: You can't make pearls in your mouth, you can't locate objects under sand using your sonar echo location system and at the end of the day we as a species can't survive on this planet for 50 million years, whos more advanced?
Its all about perspectives, you think driving cars and building skyscrapers make humans more advanced but who are you to say whats advanced?
Animals ARE here for you to survive, more than you know, it has nothing to do with putting their skin on some fat bitch either.
Would you have a problem with super-intelligent-aliens who looked upon the universe as their source of resources and decided they liked Johannsebastianbach sandwiches and johannsebastianbach oil lamps? What if they wanted to make a coat out of your little sister?
What would be the difference? There wouldn't be a difference at all.
Originally posted by JOHANNsebastianBACH
they can win battles but they will never win the War.
this would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.
When did they "declare war" on us?
War is a human concept thats only been around about 50 000 years, these animals don't even fathom the concept of war.
You think we would be "winners" if we "defeated" the animals? I wish we'd try it just to teach you a lesson. You'd slowly run out of oxygen and die.
Originally posted by JOHANNsebastianBACH
they can win battles but they will never win the War.

we only won a few battles...most of them are in the stalemate phase and the enemy is not panicking unlike us (anti-biotic resistent bacteria anyone?)

in fact we are still scared shitless by nature and are quite powerless....if you don't believe me inject some HIV into your vein
Would you have a problem with super-intelligent-aliens who looked upon the universe as their source of resources and decided they liked Johannsebastianbach sandwiches and johannsebastianbach oil lamps? What if they wanted to make a coat out of your little sister?

well, you would be right if aliens were eating me and wearing my sisters skin, but guess what, they are not doing that, so we are in fact the superior being of our own planet.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
this would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.
When did they "declare war" on us?
War is a human concept thats only been around about 50 000 years, these animals don't even fathom the concept of war.
You think we would be "winners" if we "defeated" the animals? I wish we'd try it just to teach you a lesson. You'd slowly run out of oxygen and die.

it was a figure of speach. figure of speach is a human concept, so you must be a virus huu..?
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
we only won a few battles...most of them are in the stalemate phase and the enemy is not panicking unlike us (anti-biotic resistent bacteria anyone?)

in fact we are still scared shitless by nature and are quite powerless....if you don't believe me inject some HIV into your vein

I use my superior human skills known as intelligence to fight HIV. its called "I dont use needles or have unpretected sex" I also stay away from bloody humas when I have an open cut or wound.
Clearly you are the virus.
How can you even defend your statements?
Next are you going to start a thread about how mad it makes you that witches are getting away scott free everyday?