Is it wrong to kill an animal?

Re: To dayglo or anyone else following this argument

Originally posted by Mrhero54
I'm a fighter so i reply wheter you do our not.

I'm sorry i'm not convinced a cow realizes what happens to her babe when farmer Joe takes it and it never comes back. I believe animals feel certain emotions, but not or no where near the full range of emotions people feel. Just like your not conviced grass doens't have the emotions necessary to be terrifyied of lawnmowers. Where does one draw the line? What about insects? if i step on an ant does the one beside it get pissed or scared? Do chickens get mad when you take their eggs because you've taken one of their precious babies or is it instinct to guard the nest? I thoroughly believe the latter.

People are at the top of the food chain becuase we smarter than other animals. Exercise your privelidge, eat all things under you.:D

U seem to be obsessed with this whole argument of animals not having as much feelings as humans. I think u mean comprehension and feelings. I'm sure a cow feels sorrow when its calf is taken away just like a woman would if her baby was, just that the cow may not know what is to happen to her calf. And if the cow were slaughtered, I'm sure its feelings would be much the same as if you were about to be killed.

Haven't u seen ants start speeding up when your foot land millimeters away from them and run in the opposite direction? What would you do if a giant alien stomped its foot meters away from you? Run towards it? I'm guessing that your reaction would be much the same as the ants.

How the hell do u know that a chicken gets mad because of instinct? you don't, so don't use that argument and I won't refer to plants at all... remember the title of this thread 'Is it wrong to kill animals?'

Using ur logic: A baby cannot feel they ways I do and there's empirical evidence to support this. According to you, that makes me superior, so its ok to kill it and eat it.

Teachers are suprior to students, they are smarter. They don't use this knowledge to exploit us, they do the sensible thing and use it for the betterment of those who are less fortunate. Why can't this be the case with animals?

I feel truly sorry for those that so passionately believe that humans are so superior to other life. We are so reliant on others and other things. If every computer in the world were to stop working, if all the farms of earth were to fail, we wouldn't be the most superior species on earth, we'd be the most fucked species on earth.
Originally posted by spacemanspiff
"The fact is, we no longer need to hunt, some people just can't grasp this concept. "

of course we don't NEED to hunt. not right now. but we used to, remember? I guess all my ancestors who hunted so that they wouldn't, umm, starve, were just greedy.

It's sad seeing people missing the point. Dayglo was never refering to our ancestors. It's sad that you compare yourself to them. They were by all accounts idiots. They didn't have half the intelligence that we potentially have. Don't be unintelligent (notice i'm using nice words here). Treat an argument for what it is, not what you'd like it to be.

i still don't understand how one can hate that people eat animals and yet be perfectly fine with animals eating other animals. I've heard the "they're not as smart as us" aguement. doesn't really sway me.

You can't just say it doesn't sway me and leave it there? Why? explain or what u said means nothing at all.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
Would you have a problem with super-intelligent-aliens who looked upon the universe as their source of resources and decided they liked Johannsebastianbach sandwiches and johannsebastianbach oil lamps? What if they wanted to make a coat out of your little sister?
What would be the difference? There wouldn't be a difference at all.

:) It's a coincidence! I actully wrote a short story once on just that! just minus the johannsebasianbach thing...

Giant super-intelligent and more-sophisiticated-and-supirior-than-humans aliens had come to earth and were capturing humans and doing tests and experiments and the like with them. All the humans were terrified. The big significant bit of the story was when one of the characters opposing the aliens refuses to crush a cockroach and says, 'If I did this, I could never justify my cause.'

My stupid bitch English teacher gave it a C. (and I'm not just calling her a stupid bitch for nothing, everyone at school agrees, and she's a racist too! It's true! She's one of those teachers you know pride themselves on being more successful than the students she teachers even though the students haven't even had the chance to be successful. You know what I'm talking about.)
Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill...


Originally posted by Xevious
Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill...



This isn't even funny!!
Why do you waste forum space with this shit?
It doesn't even say anything intelligent!
I was waiting for someone to react strongly to it. If you react this strongly to the idea of killing animals to eat, that bothers me. That was my point. We are omnivores. We have canine teeth. Meat is part of our natural diet. I was testing to see just how extreme the point of views of some people are. Guess you passed?
Originally posted by Xevious
I was waiting for someone to react strongly to it. If you react this strongly to the idea of killing animals to eat, that bothers me. That was my point. We are omnivores. We have canine teeth. Meat is part of our natural diet. I was testing to see just how extreme the point of views of some people are. Guess you passed?

I just had a great 10oz steak, ate out w/ my parents. It was their wedding anniversary and my (late) 21st celebration.

Killing animals? All good fun. What are rights anyway?

I believe that it is "wrong" the cause any pain or suffering to any living creature who is capable of feeling.

Right and wrong are based on your own ideas of morality.
I am a vegetarian. I dont eat meat because i dont want to cause pain to others.

If the world was more compassionate, it would be a much better place to live.
And it all has to start somewhere .
It starts with one person .
Hey, who are you to impose your morals on me without the imprical data to back up how it is good or bad for human society?

if it is tring to kill you then it is alright, or you are killing it to eat it, it is alright unless it is a threat to extinction, then you must die, although face withthe situation i would kill the animal to live even if it was the last of its kind in the world.
so in short
if you need to kill it to live (to eat or so you dont get eaten) it is alright!
Originally posted by Xevious
Hey, who are you to impose your morals on me without the imprical data to back up how it is good or bad for human society?
hahahahahahahahahahaha what the....
Who cares whats good or bad for human society? Thats what you base your morals on?
Some people are so strange...
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
hahahahahahahahahahaha what the....
Who cares whats good or bad for human society? Thats what you base your morals on?

The inhabitants of this planet could use a little more compassion. Everything comes back to you, you know that right?
If people werent compassionate, they would be stepping all over eachother.what kind of society, and happines will you find like that? in that soceiety? whether you like it or not, you live here
Originally posted by Squashbuckler
The inhabitants of this planet could use a little more compassion.
Agreed, there is this thing that I believe is called "human society" that is causing great distress to just about all of those inhabitants, therefore I would choose to do what is bad for human society over what is good in an(all be it futile) attempt to be compassionate to the other inhabitants of the planet.

I mean, you don't water and fertilise weeds do you?
I don't think you guys are being serious at all, and if you are I think you guys have some real issues if you don't value other members of your species too well. Psycology has a term for it. It is called psycopaths. By stating that other humans value less to you than other life forms do, you've made yourselves far less trustworthy to other members of society. One is also left wondering how far you would go against your fellow man. That too makes such people dangerous. We simply do not know what they are capable of.
Yes, if I valued society and saw it as a good thing I would consider me very dangerous. You don't know what I'm capable of :eek:
But if its of any reassurance I can assure that at this stage in my life I'm not capable of much.
I probably never will be, so there is no need to hunt me down and burn me at the stake.... yet.
At best human society will find me mildly annoying.

PS: So I am now officially a psycopath? Excellent...