Is it wrong to kill an animal?

Originally posted by JOHANNsebastianBACH
I use my superior human skills known as intelligence to fight HIV. its called "I dont use needles or have unpretected sex" I also stay away from bloody humas when I have an open cut or wound.

how do you fight the common cold with your superior skills?
how do you fight the common cold with your superior skills?

they havent killed me yet, I fight it with bed rest and chicken noodle soupe and it goes away, becouse my body has something called white blood cells that fight it for be, becouse my human body is a superior creature to others on this planet
I could use my "superior intelligence" to trick a baby into walking off a cliff, I just wouldn't do it. Its almost like I have some strange new different kind of superiority...
Originally posted by JOHANNsebastianBACH
they havent killed me yet, I fight it with bed rest and chicken noodle soupe and it goes away, becouse my body has something called white blood cells that fight it for be, becouse my human body is a superior creature to others on this planet

some animals don't develop cancers...maybe they can teach you.
Originally posted by JOHANNsebastianBACH
they havent killed me yet, I fight it with bed rest and chicken noodle soupe and it goes away, becouse my body has something called white blood cells that fight it for be, becouse my human body is a superior creature to others on this planet
Ok you can say your human brain is superior all you want but it is a well known fact that the human body is by far the weakest of all on the planet, bar none.
Shows how much you know afterall.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
Ok you can say your human brain is superior all you want but it is a well known fact that the human body is by far the weakest of all on the planet, bar none.
Shows how much you know afterall.

the human body mabe, but not the human race.
they could also teach you that cancer isn't necessarily caused by technology but is also natural...

anyhoo....i had was nice to exchange 'information'
Originally posted by JOHANNsebastianBACH
non-human animals are instiled with instinct, we have been blessed with a free will.
yeah thats not even true, some animals rely more on instincts than others, but hardly any animal works PURELY on instincts. Humans aren't the supreme beings you have been led to believe. We exercise no more free will than a dolphin, and you might not realise it but you are working on instincts alot of the time. This "command and conquer" way of thinking is your instincts in action for example.
Originally posted by JOHANNsebastianBACH
oh.. and i gues my guitar playing is by instinct too, since, you know, the guitar has been around from the beginning of the earth

You misunderstood.

He wasn't saying YOU don't have free will, and just work on instinct.

He was saying that animals ALSO have free will and do not just work on instinct.

Just like us.
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yes but ours is more superior, they have no means of golbal communication, or quantum physics, or the theory behind music to organize sound into harmony and melody.
Whales can compose hour and a half long songs with thousands of intricate sounds that are undetectable to the human ear, they also perform these songs with complex dance rituals and bubble shows.
You are just ignorant of the animal kingdom and that is the problem with humans throughout history.
Yes I know for sure that they do that...
the dances aren't the moving around frantically humans do but they will dive down and rise back up upside down in unison and stuff like that, slap their tails at specific moments and so on, we know little about this but that only shows how complex a creature whales are.
They have even been reported repeating the exact same hour long routine on special occasions, I'd like to see humans remember hour long songs with in sync dances without reading it in the first place or writing it down.
whell, tchaikovsky wrote 6 hour long symphoneys, ANd im sure you arent familiar with Andreas segovia, playing music intended for orchastra and piano on the guitar. so im sorry you are right, swimming and singing is more chalenging than physics and piano concertos.
thank you:) its about time you admitted it.
I live to teach.

Oh and you forgot the bubble shows, another huge part of their performances, without the bubbles its like a "concerto" without the piano, except bubbles are a more diverse instrument.