Is islam really the fastest growing religion?

surenderer said:
Name me a religion that doesnt talk down about women..........


"women give birth 2 kings, men, U"

a religon i agree that doesnt WANT converts (go in2 it onli if ur commited and feal its rite for u) nor does it NEEDS converts

as stated in the SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB:
but what i dont understand is why so many people fell threatened by islam spreading so fast.
Shalom Aleikum,
People feel threatened not by Islam spreading, but by Muslims continually exploiting that (debatable)fact as an example of why their religion is the best. Also, they incorrectly project numbers forward to conclude that Islam will take over the world, which is pure propaganda. They feel threatened because these statistics are used in a threatening way.

Sikh Punjabi,
Cn u use the othr ltrs on yr kybrd 2, or r yr fngrs brkn?
Saleem Alikum,
Well i dont spread propoganda here but it is silly not to realize that islam is the fastest growing religion i mean even non-muslims acknowledge that.....i'm not saying it's taking over the world and for all i know it could stop growing tomorrow but as of right now it is the fastest growing
But the aim of Islam is to spread over all the world, isn´t it?
Anyway, since the population of the earth is always growing, some religions are bound to grow. Many people are also in a state of spiritual insecurity, so they turn to strong religions to support their selfesteem.

And Sher_Punjabi please stop typing that way, would you?
Sher_Punjabi said:

"women give birth 2 kings, men, U"

a religon i agree that doesnt WANT converts (go in2 it onli if ur commited and feal its rite for u) nor does it NEEDS converts

as stated in the SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB:

I know well of your religion and i respect it and its not my goal to put down anyones religion. Your religion has 99 names for God as does Islam and i believe your founder was even born in Pakistan your religion is also monothestic which is the most important thing in Gods eyes (in my humble opinion)....peace
Islam is based on 5 pilliars non of which are to spread Islam all over the world people can either acept it or reject it thats your decision
spidergoat said:
Shalom Aleikum,
People feel threatened not by Islam spreading, but by Muslims continually exploiting that (debatable)fact as an example of why their religion is the best. Also, they incorrectly project numbers forward to conclude that Islam will take over the world, which is pure propaganda. They feel threatened because these statistics are used in a threatening way.

Sikh Punjabi,
Cn u use the othr ltrs on yr kybrd 2, or r yr fngrs brkn?

wat r u tryin 2 prove, i was ina rush when i rote that
surenderer said:
I know well of your religion and i respect it and its not my goal to put down anyones religion. Your religion has 99 names for God as does Islam and i believe your founder was even born in Pakistan your religion is also monothestic which is the most important thing in Gods eyes (in my humble opinion)....peace


not u 2

for god's sake y there wasnt EVEN a pakistan until 1947, it was PUNJAB then


yesh we are monothestic

we jus call the creator WAHEGURU
surenderer said:
Islam is based on 5 pilliars non of which are to spread Islam all over the world people can either acept it or reject it thats your decision

im sayin y do ppl die if they reject? :confused:
Dreamwalker said:
But the aim of Islam is to spread over all the world, isn´t it?
Anyway, since the population of the earth is always growing, some religions are bound to grow. Many people are also in a state of spiritual insecurity, so they turn to strong religions to support their selfesteem.

And Sher_Punjabi please stop typing that way, would you?

comp slang man

im onli 15, im guessin evry1 is in their 30s

so i shall talk formally then
Sher_Punjabi said:

not u 2

for god's sake y there wasnt EVEN a pakistan until 1947, it was PUNJAB then


yesh we are monothestic

we jus call the creator WAHEGURU

True im sorry it is the area which is now Pakistan my apologys :( I know your founder was died in 1538 ( i think) i've actually studied your religion and have several books on it
surenderer said:
True im sorry it is the area which is now Pakistan my apologys :( I know your founder was died in 1538 ( i think) i've actually studied your religion and have several books on it

no he died in 1539 :)
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