Is islam really the fastest growing religion?

Well i am a sunni muslim and i am proud to be one although i am humble because thats how god wants me to be but what i dont understand is why so many people fell threatened by islam spreading so fast. Their are 45 countries in the world with a majority muslim population and they all cant be terrorists. Every religion has had leaders that havent been rightly guided and they have commited atrocities. Hitler was a christian who killed 6 million jews is he an example for christanity? i dont think so so i dont draw that example. The KKK got their hatred from the bible are they good examples?How about the slave traders who were converting "those savage africans"(their words not mine) were they doing as Jesus instructed? Nope. Yes Islam caused bloodshed by those who werent properly guided but so did all other religions So take a page from Jesus's book and "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"......peace unto you
im not threatened

im stating

how far islam would go for converts

y b part of a religon where women arent equal

kill all non believers

bielive god is one 1 place, despite the fact he's in ur OMNIPRESENCE
Sher_Punjabi said:
and for islam is not sexist BULL SHAIT

the qu'ran ITSELF states it

"Men have authority over women because Allah has made the one superior to the other."(Q. 4:34)

"And it is for the women to act as they (the husbands) act by them, in all fairness; but the men are a step above them."[7] (Q. 2:228)
like said in
that jus stated that men ARE higher than women

For the above quotes, let me clarify. According to the Quran translation that I have:

"Men are protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has made one of them to excel the other and they spend to support them from their means" (Q. 4:34)

The verse 2:28 concerning divorce matter, so the meaning of the verse is Women have similar right to divorce to men, but men have higher degree of responsibility.

As a non-Muslim, I found the Quran very hard to understand and somewhat eh.. too traditional. But gradually I understand that the best approach is to read it with an open mind, and pls read in the whole context.
surenderer said:
Well i am a sunni muslim and i am proud to be one although i am humble because thats how god wants me to be but what i dont understand is why so many people fell threatened by islam spreading so fast. Their are 45 countries in the world with a majority muslim population and they all cant be terrorists. Every religion has had leaders that havent been rightly guided and they have commited atrocities. Hitler was a christian who killed 6 million jews is he an example for christanity? i dont think so so i dont draw that example. The KKK got their hatred from the bible are they good examples?How about the slave traders who were converting "those savage africans"(their words not mine) were they doing as Jesus instructed? Nope. Yes Islam caused bloodshed by those who werent properly guided but so did all other religions So take a page from Jesus's book and "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"......peace unto you

I can speak for myself first. I have absolutely no interest living in a society dominated by islam. There are too many things in this life that I enjoy that islam may interpret as evil (music, wine, pork, dressing how I wish, being critical of government or religions when they are wrong etc etc.). Islam doesn't just want your soul it wants EVERYTHING, the way you dress what you eat how you wash what you listen to are all controlled in islam, that to me is just freaky.
Another problem for most westerners when it comes to islam is the inherant intertwining of religion, law and government. The west has learned a long and painful lesson (not fully learned yet) about the pitfalls of combining religion and politics. You can also take a look at the state of the muslim world and easily understand why we don't want islam in the west. If there were many examples of muslim countries being prosperous, full of learning and opportunity then I think people would be much more relaxed about any spread of islam but with the examples we see today it holds little attraction for the developed world.
Just a few thoughts
path said:
I can speak for myself first. I have absolutely no interest living in a society dominated by islam. There are too many things in this life that I enjoy that islam may interpret as evil (music, wine, pork, dressing how I wish, being critical of government or religions when they are wrong etc etc.). Islam doesn't just want your soul it wants EVERYTHING, the way you dress what you eat how you wash what you listen to are all controlled in islam, that to me is just freaky.
Another problem for most westerners when it comes to islam is the inherant intertwining of religion, law and government. The west has learned a long and painful lesson (not fully learned yet) about the pitfalls of combining religion and politics. You can also take a look at the state of the muslim world and easily understand why we don't want islam in the west. If there were many examples of muslim countries being prosperous, full of learning and opportunity then I think people would be much more relaxed about any spread of islam but with the examples we see today it holds little attraction for the developed world.

well pork is prohibibited in the bible all the way up until paul/saul said otherwise. when jesus(saws) would cast demons out of people do you know what he would cast them into?.......swine think he still wants you to eat that?
Sher_Punjabi said:
im not threatened

im stating

how far islam would go for converts

y b part of a religon where women arent equal

kill all non believers

bielive god is one 1 place, despite the fact he's in ur OMNIPRESENCE

Name me a religion that doesnt talk down about women..........
surenderer said:
path said:
I can speak for myself first. I have absolutely no interest living in a society dominated by islam. There are too many things in this life that I enjoy that islam may interpret as evil (music, wine, pork, dressing how I wish, being critical of government or religions when they are wrong etc etc.). Islam doesn't just want your soul it wants EVERYTHING, the way you dress what you eat how you wash what you listen to are all controlled in islam, that to me is just freaky.
Another problem for most westerners when it comes to islam is the inherant intertwining of religion, law and government. The west has learned a long and painful lesson (not fully learned yet) about the pitfalls of combining religion and politics. You can also take a look at the state of the muslim world and easily understand why we don't want islam in the west. If there were many examples of muslim countries being prosperous, full of learning and opportunity then I think people would be much more relaxed about any spread of islam but with the examples we see today it holds little attraction for the developed world.

well pork is prohibibited in the bible all the way up until paul/saul said otherwise. when jesus(saws) would cast demons out of people do you know what he would cast them into?.......swine think he still wants you to eat that?

I gave up christianity long ago surrenderer for some of the same reasons. I am a confirmed non-beleiver one of the ones that would not be spared by Muhammed or allah.
surenderer said:
Name me a religion that doesnt talk down about women..........

EXACTLY, ergo they are all false ;) That demonstrates that the main religions holy texts were written by men.
path said:
I gave up christianity long ago surrenderer for some of the same reasons. I am a confirmed non-beleiver one of the ones that would not be spared by Muhammed or allah.

You see now there are some on these boards who would have you believe that i(as a muslim) should shun you but i believe that your decisions are your own and i respect them. :cool:
surenderer said:
You see now there are some on these boards who would have you believe that i(as a muslim) should shun you but i believe that your decisions are your own and i respect them. :cool:

That is very humane of you unfortunately it is not the prescribed treatment for non-believers, people who aren't people of the book. That is part of the reason I don't want islam to have any authority or me or my family.
path said:
That is very humane of you unfortunately it is not the prescribed treatment for non-believers, people who aren't people of the book. That is part of the reason I don't want islam to have any authority or me or my family.

Again of course that is your choice but thats not true their WAS a penelty for unbelivers at one time but that was because people would try to assassinate the Prophet(saws) because they were unbelivers and he was hurting their economy by preaching monotheism (they were a pagan society that made alotta money by having visitors come and worship their idols) that was the only time that was acceptable now i will agree that not all muslims see things this way but people interpete things the way they want sometimes to get their own desired results....peace

[2.62] Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve.
surenderer said:
Again of course that is your choice but thats not true their WAS a penelty for unbelivers at one time but that was because people would try to assassinate the Prophet(saws) because they were unbelivers and he was hurting their economy by preaching monotheism (they were a pagan society that made alotta money by having visitors come and worship their idols) that was the only time that was acceptable now i will agree that not all muslims see things this way but people interpete things the way they want sometimes to get their own desired results....peace

Can you show me the verse that says this? that that was only a temporary thing for muhammeds time or are you just telling me what you believe was meant?

[2.62] Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve.

Oops, guess I'm going to be roasted for all eternity :p
everneo said:
..not for your atheistic believes but most probably for torturing those poor goats. :D

I am innocent I tell you, innocent! Now I have a friendly raccoon :D
friendly raccoon.? ha.., it mistook you for another raccoon. Now, on 2 accounts you end up in oven ; torturinng goats and cheating raccoons. :D
path said:
I am innocent I tell you, innocent! Now I have a friendly raccoon
That's a raccoon? :confused:

Lovely. Let me guess, raccoon suffering from gigantism of the gonads?:p

..and you will be seated on a red hot pole for this
Surrenderer :

Remember, the number one enemies of Islam are the unbelievers of first degree, the atheists. :p
path said:
Can you show me the verse that says this? that that was only a temporary thing for muhammeds time or are you just telling me what you believe was meant?

Oops, guess I'm going to be roasted for all eternity :p

Their is no verse that says this it is when the verse was revealed to the Prophet (during his wars with local tribes) these were instructions on how to deal with those tribes. After those wars he told future muslims how to deal with events. I do admit that extremists use those verses to justify blood-lusts today but true muslims know there history and understand when things were revealed and why. Thats why one is required to study the Hadiths because they show the difference
everneo said:
..and you will be seated on a red hot pole for this

Now now, no need to get that nasty. :( .. I know I'm probably damed to hell anyway for my agnostic ways, but to curse me with the 'red hot pole'? That's harsh everneo... real harsh... :( ... cuts deep.. sniff... sniff... wipes away a tear..
