Is islam really the fastest growing religion?

Sher_Punjabi said:
i get where ypu are comng from
but there are the few who ruins it for everyone

I agree thats why its up to people like us to be the voices or reason so that we can be heard and not them.....peace
Sher_Punjabi said:
so then came a leader, Sant (preist) Jarnail Singh Bhindrewale
Osama is a saint when comparing to this fanatic.
he recruited over 100 000 sikhs to free themselves from india control
..and for dragging out hindus out of buses and massacre them.
(indra gandhi<----BIATCH)
She was forced to flush out a coward who was hiding in the holy temple and ordering executions.

attacked the GOLDEN TEMPLE (our hoiliest shrine) killing off 4000 people that day june 6th 1984
Unfortunate but only option left out against armed fanatics.
like entering the Gurudwara with tHEIR SHOWS on, WITHOUT COVERING THIER HEAD
Not true. More soldiers died because they were under strict order not to damage Golden temple or grandh sahib.

her sikh bodyguards assassinated her
ressultig the MASSACRE of sikhs
Very unfortunate and could be avoided, but bloody politicians..

so i ask you, can u FORGET ALL THAT?
Ask the Prime Minister of India, an illustrious Sikh. :m:


and my friend

they attacked WITHOUT WRANING


HA have you ever heard of the RSS?

an all hindu organization who are trying to, for some reason, elimante sikhism

they post false bullcrap saying hindu and sikhs are the SAME THING, which obviosuly are not

..and for dragging out hindus out of buses and massacre them.


gangs of 50 went out just to rape one girl

hindus also did that


she HERSELF said
"i dont give a damn how much SAINTS or PEOPLE die, get bhindrewale"

Unfortunate but only option left out against armed fanatics.

so your saying you would attack a temple/church while inncent people are un aware of whats going to happen?

and in the middle of the night?
What you are talking is politics. There is a seperate forum for that. Hindus or Muslims have nothing to do with punjab debacle of eighties. Its all politics under religious cover. I would be happy to tell you some bitter facts which you are obviously not aware of or have missed due to your high running emotions. Let us discuss about Islam in this thread now, not to go off the track.
everneo said:
What you are talking is politics. There is a seperate forum for that. Hindus or Muslims have nothing to do with punjab debacle of eighties. Its all politics under religious cover. I would be happy to tell you some bitter facts which you are obviously not aware of or have missed due to your high running emotions. Let us discuss about Islam in this thread now, not to go off the track.

bitter facts? do provide them

i come here as a sikh because we too were involived with the very wrath of the muslaman

not to mention the 2 great holocauts of sikh history CUASED by muslims :)
Sher_Punjabi said:
bitter facts? do provide them

i come here as a sikh because we too were involived with the very wrath of the muslaman

not to mention the 2 great holocauts of sikh history CUASED by muslims :)

You know if someone never met anyone of your religion before and they judged it by you all they would get is that Sikhi's have a "victim complex" you dont seem to want to talk about the rich history of your religion(which i acknowledge) all you want to talk about is past wars in which your people were victimized. I am also African-American but i dont go around saying death to all "white-people" because of slavery (a bigger holocaust) I am also muslim but i dont say down with all christians because of the crusades. I acknowledge that everyone that waves a muslim banner aint really behaving as muslims but thats how history is. It is outright ridicoulous(sp?) to bash a religion because of what some of its followers did years and years ago. India has approximatly 60 or 70 million muslims now are they at war with you? how about Indonesia with the worlds largest muslim population...are they at war with you? there isnt a religion or a group of people on this planet or havent been abused or been treated badly by another group of people.
surenderer said:
You know if someone never met anyone of your religion before and they judged it by you all they would get is that Sikhi's have a "victim complex" you dont seem to want to talk about the rich history of your religion(which i acknowledge) all you want to talk about is past wars in which your people were victimized. I am also African-American but i dont go around saying death to all "white-people" because of slavery (a bigger holocaust) I am also muslim but i dont say down with all christians because of the crusades. I acknowledge that everyone that waves a muslim banner aint really behaving as muslims but thats how history is. It is outright ridicoulous(sp?) to bash a religion because of what some of its followers did years and years ago. India has approximatly 60 or 70 million muslims now are they at war with you? how about Indonesia with the worlds largest muslim population...are they at war with you? there isnt a religion or a group of people on this planet or havent been abused or been treated badly by another group of people.

ok ok
i admit, i do lash out alot, because i am a very short tempered person

don't mind me :)
actualy the sad truth is muslims ARE dieing in india
you already know enough about Kashmir conflict
but also there is another state which is split population between muslims and hindus

the state of Gujrat, in one riot alone 60 000 muslims were targetted, for false accuzation of hinuds massacred in a train

though we are STILL being abused badly by another group of people, but it doesnt really matter in this topic

but we musnt forget our history, for it shapes what we are today

but there is something about rather bothersome about islam being the fastest growin religon

there are the few who dont mind ther religons, but there are still the plenty who do

lets say 5 bill out of 6 bill people are muslims, a hand full of those people, meaning a clean bill or less, arent really good people, so they think it's THEIR job to do what they call CLEANING out the "others"

im not saying all of them will be like that, but still u cannot deny that there WONT b any
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Sher_Punjabi said:
ok ok
i admit, i do lash out alot, because i am a very short tempered person
Have you ever noticed that most muslims on this forum are?

What they hell do they teach you?
Persol - I think that guy "Sher_Punjabi" is a Sikh - same neck of the woods but different mythical creature - it's all the spices they eat that makes 'em short tempered....LOL!
Persol said:
Have you ever noticed that most muslims on this forum are?

What they hell do they teach you?

Well i think i talk with nothing but respect so dont group me with them please
I know, that why I said most.

You have to admit that the majortiy who visit this forum act like idiots. Is it culture, a language barrier, or what?
Persol said:
I know, that why I said most.

You have to admit that the majortiy who visit this forum act like idiots. Is it culture, a language barrier, or what?

Well i think people come here with "chips" on their shoulders or others come here just to say "my religion is bigger than yours" i dont think that is a religion thing cause i've seen a couple different ones do it. I've been on these boards for awhile but i have never posted before but i saw what PM and a few others were doing so i thought i would start posting so that people wouldnt think all Muslims think and act as they do. They dont realize that they are "Ambasadors" to their religion because too some people all they will know about islam is what they say good and bad so they need to think before they speak(or in this case write :) )
But we have people from just about every religion here... and the majority don't act like this. Most don't hold much credit to the 'sins of the father' type of short tempered argument... but for a few people this is all the arguments are based on. The fact that most of the people arguing this way are muslims, when muslims are a minortiy on this forum, leads me to believe it's cultural (but not necessarily religious).
Persol said:
Have you ever noticed that most muslims on this forum are?

What they hell do they teach you?

no i dont quite kno what muslims are, i just saw this topic, and decided to share a side from a SIKH ;)
Vienna said:
Persol - I think that guy "Sher_Punjabi" is a Sikh - same neck of the woods but different mythical creature - it's all the spices they eat that makes 'em short tempered....LOL!

dont quite follow you, but spices HA we eat em like candy :p
surenderer said:
Well i think people come here with "chips" on their shoulders or others come here just to say "my religion is bigger than yours" i dont think that is a religion thing cause i've seen a couple different ones do it. I've been on these boards for awhile but i have never posted before but i saw what PM and a few others were doing so i thought i would start posting so that people wouldnt think all Muslims think and act as they do. They dont realize that they are "Ambasadors" to their religion because too some people all they will know about islam is what they say good and bad so they need to think before they speak(or in this case write :) )


with people like them, e get a very bad image of islam :) \

i hate fights like that "my religon is higher than yours"

Sher_Punjabi said:
actualy the sad truth is muslims ARE dieing in india
you already know enough about Kashmir conflict
but also there is another state which is split population between muslims and hindus

the state of Gujrat, in one riot alone 60 000 muslims were targetted, for false accuzation of hinuds massacred in a train
Yeah, poor muslims.

but we musnt forget our history, for it shapes what we are today
Now, the poor muslims are not so poor that they are blamed now for what happened to your people.?!

but there is something about rather bothersome about islam being the fastest growin religon

there are the few who dont mind ther religons, but there are still the plenty who do

lets say 5 bill out of 6 bill people are muslims, a hand full of those people, meaning a clean bill or less, arent really good people, so they think it's THEIR job to do what they call CLEANING out the "others"

im not saying all of them will be like that, but still u cannot deny that there WONT b any
So, how to prevent that.? Shall we kill all muslims in excess of 3 bill ..ah ?
surenderer said:
You know if someone never met anyone of your religion before and they judged it by you all they would get is that Sikhi's have a "victim complex" you dont seem to want to talk about the rich history of your religion(which i acknowledge) all you want to talk about is past wars in which your people were victimized. I am also African-American but i dont go around saying death to all "white-people" because of slavery (a bigger holocaust) I am also muslim but i dont say down with all christians because of the crusades. I acknowledge that everyone that waves a muslim banner aint really behaving as muslims but thats how history is. It is outright ridicoulous(sp?) to bash a religion because of what some of its followers did years and years ago. India has approximatly 60 or 70 million muslims now are they at war with you? how about Indonesia with the worlds largest muslim population...are they at war with you? there isnt a religion or a group of people on this planet or havent been abused or been treated badly by another group of people.

Surrenderer as an african american muslim what are your feelings on the current genocide being conducted by arab muslims against black african muslims in sudan?
path said:
Surrenderer as an african american muslim what are your feelings on the current genocide being conducted by arab muslims against black african muslims in sudan?

The thing thats most cofusing about the Sudan situation also is that they are all Sunni muslims and historically when muslims fight each other thats usually the reason why.But even though Sudan is the largest country on Africa it is also one of the poorest which shows the poverty and unemployment leads to crime and finger pointing(you even see that in this country in inner cities)
Actually what hurts the most is that the administration in the white house hasnt intervened when that is a way worse evilness going on there than in Iraq(i know this isnt the forum for this though :) )Humanitarian workers are also blocked from helpng 3.5 million Palestinians, 3 million people in eastern Congo, 1.6 million in northern Uganda, 1.5 million in Ivory Coast, 1.2 million in the northern Caucuses, 1 million in Afghanistan and 500,000 in Liberia so there are many places in the world that definatly need help