Is islam really the fastest growing religion?

Azhar, your replies have not yet proven anything worth or valuable. The only thing you have accomplished is that you have wasted pages and pages posting articles which I doubt was hardly read. Religion is in the modern is an instrument that can gather people and use them against others. Well if you really want to believe in god then go ahead but becoming part of a religion does not necessarily mean that you are a true believer. Now what is the common thing about religious followers? Its just that they believe in god. So if you really take a look at it, most of the religions in the world follow the same fundamental principles. However, Islam is more extreme than others. Well, I lived in Saudi Arabia for 10 years, so I am confidential when I say that Islam is more extreme. However, recently they have used Bush's silly decisions tyo their defence and have started attacking the USA. I am from Canada, I have muslim friends who say that America is the next Nazi State. And they want it to burn. Well, there is more equity in USA than any muslim state. Freedom of speech and freedom of thought are couple among many vast things that the western nations possess and the Islamic states do not. You could not even fight for justice in Saudi Arabia. This is because the entire thing is first of all processed in Arabic, then you really do not have a option to reappeal and finally, you pretty much sit there and stare at the judge who just mumbles in Arabic. The religious executors in Saudi Arabia were barbarists. they would come in a van with the prisoner who was to be executed, and they would chop off his head in front of the public and then throw the head and the body, brutally, in the van and just drive away. Now tell me, what sense of empathy or a feeling of sorry do those executors who practice religion possess? Nothing. No religion is perfect. But if you think so then I would like you to state your defnition of a "perfect religion". If you are here to argue that Islam is perfect then your ideology has nothing in common with the fundamentals of the "common-good" established long time ago. Islamic states have no tolerance level for other religions or different sect of people but their own. I can proveide you with examples from my own personal experiences. Well, it should already be known to you because it a universally known fact. An Islamic state's aim is to assimilate other groups of people to follow their own beliefs. If one of their own people stops the practise of their religion then he/she could be killed "legally" ( wow now isn't that a "perfect" thing). Islam is the fastest going religion in the world because muslims practise it hardcore and encourage/pressure others to convert to Islam. Well this will be my last post on this topic, so do not expect me to come back with replies. I really dont think this topic deserves that much attention.
phoenix: Islam is the fastest going religion in the world because muslims practise it hardcore and encourage/pressure others to convert to Islam.

wow...what religion doesn't encourage converts? what religion doesn't have some people who pressure people into converting?
Most religions actively try to convert you. Few make it illegal to publicly practice any other religion in a given country and a capital crime if you try to convert one of their members to another faith.
surenderer said:
What is your religion Michael?

surenderer said:
What does it teach you?
I do not have a religion.

surenderer said:
Has anyone ever killed in it's name?
see above

surenderer said:
are there bad people in your religion?
see above

surenderer said:
is your religion perfect?
see above

surenderer said:
Thanks for your response in's easy to try to keep people on defense to give the illusion that you are smart but I aint that dumb......sorry
I'm sorry you feel defensive – but these are my questions and I am still waiting for your replies. If you prefer to think I’m asinine that is perfectly fine, but these are the questions I have.

I would have thought that as a believer you would be happy to be given the opportunity explaining the answers that you think best answer the questions asked.