Is islam really the fastest growing religion?

johnahmed said:
the growth of islam is more visible in europe than anywhere else,i;m not referring to long standing muslim communities but daily conversions of christians to islam,a visit to any mosque in the uk for example will reveal this.the BBC (UK) 11.30 program on monday "a muslim in the family" makes the point even more clearer, ISLAM is GAINING

any increase will be great.

oh, it's nice to know those euros are so gullible,
next thing you know, they'll think the earth is flat


I have pointed this out many times. 14,000 British and 20,000 Poles over the course of the last twenty years is insignificant compared to hundreds of millions in Africa and Asia and many thousands of secretly practicing Christians in the Middle East.
Lemming3k said:
Its very difficult to prove any religion is growing fastest in the world, theres so many countrys and so many relgions and you'd need to take all of them into account, as far as i was aware more people are becoming athiest than anything else and not going to church or anything.
Thats a good link for overall statistics in britain, and if you can find something similar from five years ago then you'll see the change in religions in britain, only a few hundred countries to go then we'll have this case solved....
M*W: I found an interesting article regarding Christianity's decline.

by Peter <> wrote:


"Europe is increasingly a post-Christian society, one with a
diminishing connection to its tradition or its historic values. The numbers of believing, observant Christians has collapsed in the past two generations to the point that some observers call it the "new dark continent." Already, analysts estimate Britain's mosques host more worshippers each week than does the Church of England."

* From: the article "The human comedy of the coming Muslim Europe" by Daniel Pipes, May 11, 2004 / 20 Iyar, 5764

"Daniel Pipes is director of the Middle East Forum and the author of several books, most recently Militant Islam Reaches America.

To visit your group on the web, go to:
P_M, I'll be praying & waiting for your name to appear here, don't be 'proud', be 'humble' before your God

Amidst all the garbage in this thread, that's the best line I've read here.

I really wish everyone were a bit more humble in their beliefs.

- N
Neildo said:
Amidst all the garbage in this thread, that's the best line I've read here.

I really wish everyone were a bit more humble in their beliefs.
M*W: Humility can be a good thing as long as it doesn't instill the fear of searching for the truth.
Countries with access to the sciforums religeon forum, who have seen PM's posts, are losing Islamic members..
Medicine Woman said:
Neildo said:
Amidst all the garbage in this thread, that's the best line I've read here.

I really wish everyone were a bit more humble in their beliefs.
M*W: Humility can be a good thing as long as it doesn't instill the fear of searching for the truth.
ahh..., but what is truth? does it change as time ticks by, as people & cultures evolve or is it set in stone?

almost everything you have ever posted on Sciforums as truth, is lies to me,

so, who is more grounded in truth, or is truth relative &/or who is more deluded?
Randolfo said:
ahh..., but what is truth? does it change as time ticks by, as people & cultures evolve or is it set in stone?

almost everything you have ever posted on Sciforums as truth, is lies to me,

so, who is more grounded in truth, or is truth relative &/or who is more deluded?
M*W: The truth is not set in stone. The truth is already being revealed, but some people are too afraid to believe it. As people and cultures evolve, as you say, the truth will become more obvious as will the lies. You are of the mindset that Christianity is the truth, so you don't want to learn the truth that's being revealed about Christianity. It's your choice to believe in lies. That's what you've been programmed to do.
M*W: The truth is not set in stone. The truth is already being revealed, but some people are too afraid to believe it. As people and cultures evolve, as you say, the truth will become more obvious as will the lies.
The truth is a stone which some have tripped over.

You are of the mindset that Christianity is the truth, so you don't want to learn the truth that's being revealed about Christianity. It's your choice to believe in lies. That's what you've been programmed to do.
Who programmed Randolfo? If you say yourself, you're clearly not better than he is because you contend that humanity is a god, a god who should be able to program itself appropriately. If you say God, I'm sure God has good reasons for that. If you say, Christianity, then who programmed Christianity? Could there be a darker force than Christianity?
Medicine Woman said:
Lemming3k said:
Its very difficult to prove any religion is growing fastest in the world, theres so many countrys and so many relgions and you'd need to take all of them into account, as far as i was aware more people are becoming athiest than anything else and not going to church or anything.
Thats a good link for overall statistics in britain, and if you can find something similar from five years ago then you'll see the change in religions in britain, only a few hundred countries to go then we'll have this case solved....
M*W: I found an interesting article regarding Christianity's decline.

by Peter <> wrote:


"Europe is increasingly a post-Christian society, one with a
diminishing connection to its tradition or its historic values. The numbers of believing, observant Christians has collapsed in the past two generations to the point that some observers call it the "new dark continent." Already, analysts estimate Britain's mosques host more worshippers each week than does the Church of England."

* From: the article "The human comedy of the coming Muslim Europe" by Daniel Pipes, May 11, 2004 / 20 Iyar, 5764

"Daniel Pipes is director of the Middle East Forum and the author of several books, most recently Militant Islam Reaches America.

To visit your group on the web, go to:

Christianity's power base is moving South from its traditional European home to South America, Africa, Asia, and to soem extent, the United States, which remains significantly and unusually religious for a liberal Western democracy.
Well, for a couple of days, Wes was the fastest growing religion in the world. We increased our membership by over a 1000% over a two day period. :p
yeah, but now where is your religion???

in the gutter, you poor misguided creature
ISLAM is growing faster in Africa than anywhere else in the world,there have been countless articles on the growth of Islam especialy in Rawanda after the christian genocide of the 90's, here's a link from an evangelical christian site reporting to the massive growth of ISLAM

(A CHRISTIAN NEWS WEBSITE)'' Islam is exploding across sub-Saharan Africa at a rate even statisticians are having difficulty quantifying, and its growth, fueled by seemingly limitless funding...............''. .

When 800,000 of their Tutsi countrymen were slaughtered in a massacre that began 10 years ago this week, many Rwandans lost faith not only in their government but also in their religion. Today, in what is still a predominantly Roman Catholic country, Islam is the fastest-growing religion.
Many people, disgusted by the role some Catholic priests and nuns played in the genocide, have shunned organized religion altogether, and many more have turned to Islam..................................
yeah, but now where is your religion???

in the gutter, you poor misguided creature

Yes, it is indeed. Good thing we weren't serious about it. But if we had been? Who knows where it would have ended up? It would have eventually reached a point of stability, but there are always those willing to join a new way. And recruitment techniques become more advanced each day.

Anyway, the point still stands. Starting from zero, any gain in followers is a large increase.
allow me 2 laff fo a moment

i am a SIKH (u may not kno much about my religon, ask me if ur intrested)

it seems its onli been christians vs muslims

allow me 2 enter,

my religon jus formed 500 yrs ago, and now its the 5th largest religon

islam, ATTEMPTED 2 erase my religon and failed

now u claim islam is the worldest FASTEST growing religon, ever wondered HOW and Y they bcame who they are?

other than false statements?
ill tell u

1100 yrs ago, mughals (muslims) invaded india slaughtering those who WERENT under islam

ha 100 000 died weekly cuz of it, God then showed the people a messiah Guru Nanak Dev Ji, he was created by god 2 spread the message of sikhism, he wasnt sent 2 CONVERT PPL (coff coff muslims coff coff) but 2 tell ppl the ways of PEACE, well im not gonna elaborate 2 much on it, but here's muslims answer 2 this "THREAT" after Guru Nanak got som followers, it started 2 bcom the peaceful wayof life, after his death, he passed his GuruSHip 2 Guru Angad 2 carry out his mission, this went on after 8 more Gurus, and the last LIVING 1 (Guru Gobind Singh ji) pasing it on 2 the HOly book (Sri Guru Granth Sahib), during the prcess u wont even believe the kind of things the msulism did

since they were SOOOOO threatend by sikhism they believed it was their job 2 eliminate it
boy did they shead their darkness on us

ill giv u jus the tip of the iceburg

in my religon we are required 2 gro our hiar, thas a very key important requierment, alongside with the other 4 Ks

now obviously muslims didnt WANT them 2 b who they are, so they started 2 kill them off (nothing new 2day)

women had a choice embrace islam or hav thier children cut in2 peices, they aint backing down on hteir word

bhai mani singh a sikh scholar, was giving the choice of embrace islam or die, hew was cut from limb 2 limb, but he made it from each finger and from their on

bhai tara singh, he, again useual embrace islam or die, but they wanteed 2 shave his head b4 he died, but instead tara protested, so instead they comprimised 2 scrape of his scalp jus so his hair could b in contact with his head

this list goes ON and ON of those who sacrificed their lives for sikhi

jus bcuz of that phase f history, things could have been different 2 day

and o ya, if u want proof and images i will provide

so now u kno how far muslims r willing 2 go for converts
and for islam is not sexist BULL SHAIT

the qu'ran ITSELF states it

"Men have authority over women because Allah has made the one superior to the other."(Q. 4:34)

"And it is for the women to act as they (the husbands) act by them, in all fairness; but the men are a step above them."[7] (Q. 2:228)
like said in
that jus stated that men ARE higher than women