Is islam really the fastest growing religion?

You might be an exception amongst many many Christians, that you go to church and know what happened to Jesus for those three days. Believe me if you go out and aks a rendom Christian about it he won't know.
About Qur'an I meant that we still have the original (Arabic, the first hand written) Of course there are thousands of copies in different languages but the thing is the "Original is still there". Where is your's? You don't know. Besides if you really believe in Jesus why don't you follow his own sayings (Original Bible) but you believe in somebody else's (sorry I don't know who wrote the Second one, there are so many of them)?
As you said it's not allowed for you guys to kill, steal, and hate... why then so many Iraqis are getting killed by the U.S. troops? If the Bible says not to steal, why then you're almost stealing the Iraq's oil? If the Bible says don't hate your enemy why aren't you praying for the terrorists but going after them? It means that you're not following what you're supposed to as true Christians right?
Proud_Muslim said:
This table below shows the growth of Islam:

North America (1989-1998) 25%


Latin America -4.73%

'Cept that ain't growth.
It's decay.

Looks like the Latino Catholics don't take well to Mohammedism.

Proud_Muslim said:
We are having the last laugh.....look at you, you are so desperate sad creatures !!!

go on brother Munim, you and young Muslims like you are indeed OUR BRIGHT FUTURE.

All right. It's official.

There's no way you believe the crap you post.

You have got to be some guy, bored out of his mind at work, who just up and decided to troll forums for kicks.

This is all some kind of sick contest to you.

Guess what... you win the A.S.S. award, for Astoundingly Stultifying Shenanigans.

Like my liberal use of color?
I learn from the best!!!!! :D :rolleyes: !!!!!!! :D !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! !! !!!!!!! !!! !!!


P.S. In case you didn't catch that, yes, I did just criticize your immature posting style.
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Jamol said:
First of all (m)uhammad is spelled with an upper case,
for the delusional ego he had?

you kafir.

There are many names of (m)uhammad
& they all spell false prophet

and the number is growing rapidly and will be growing.
sad, more going to hell, satan loves it, sorry for you, convert to the truth before its to late

Let me tell you something, if you're a christian you are lost.
look in the mirror, when you say that infidel. the standard is Jesus, all things after are judged against Him & His words, islam falls as a false decieving religion, mohammad of the lies, allah of the crescent-moon god, the quran of satanic verses

Coz you don't know what to believe in. The original Bible contradicts the letter. You're completely confused and unsure which one to follow.
you must be talking about Mormons & JW's, they learned their lessons form mohammad, satan uses all ways to turn aside the lost

Unlike Bible the Qoran has never been rewriten for several times in different languages.
you are to blind, even a little reading would let you know the truth of that lie, all the surahs in longest to shortest lenght? the meccan & medinan surahs mixed up, aboragation of surahs, satanic veses? read the hadiths, the quran, you will run from error, if you search for truth

Coz we LOVE and RESPECT our religion and will never let anybody to rewrite it for us.
too late, you should have told that to Calif Utman, when he put the quan together for the 2nd or 3rd time

Unlike you We know that we're in the right path and the end is clear for us.
as Jesus said, broad is the path to destruction

We know the exact rules that we should obey not be thrown in the hell. But you, you don't know nothing.
there is only one rule, Jesus is the only way to heaven

Even Jesus (who is considered as a prophet in Islam) was rejected by his own people.
Jews were His first followers, first converts

You call yourself christian but never go to the church, you call yourself christian but don't know anything except 10 commendments from Bible, you call yourself christian but don't know where this word oreginated from, you call yourself christian but don't know that Jesus was burnt in the Hell for three days... Ask any christian he won't know it...
so you are an expert on christian behaviour & rules, convert infidel

So now you tell me which one sucks ...
sorry, infidel, but islam is not the answer

The New American Bible was translated to English from the original Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic texts. It is considered the best English translation as others were translated from French or Latin Bibles which had already been translated once. During the Reformation some sects of Christianity left out a few Old Testament books because their originals could not be located and they wanted to ensure purity. These books are called the apocrypha. Since the New Testament is the fulfillment of the Scripture, the Old Testament is regarded as less important in Christianity. However, in the intervening years all of these texts were found and some Protestant churches now use Bibles that include the apocrypha, or deuterocanonical books.

It is incorrect to say that the Bible has been radically altered or a new version released other than during the Reformation. New translations are sometimes made, such as from archaic English to contemporary English. For example I have one Bible that reads "Ask and thou shalt receive, seek and ye shall find" and the other reads "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find". That's the nature of the changes. The sayings and lessons are the same.

One need not be Christian to be an American but since the majority of Americans are at least nominal Christians, you bring up a good point. Christianity has a doctrine called the Just War Doctrine which can only be invoked under the strictest of guidelines. The three main features of a just war are just cause, competent authority and right intent. According to Christian Ethics Today "If the intent is merely to inflict harm or to seek revenge or gain some economic advantage, then the cause is not just."

Afghanistan was deemed by most Christian leaders to meet this criteria as it was known to be the safe haven of al-Qaeda, but the war in Iraq was judged by the majority of Christian leaders, including the Pope, to fall short of meeting the Just War criteria. Like jihad, this concept is meant to encompass self-defense or the defense of a weaker people only. Like jihad, the term is corrupted for use by those with a more sinister agenda.

The appeasement of Christians against the war may be one reason that instilling democracy and liberating Iraqis from Hussein became the reason for war after no WMD's were found. I'm not a fan of this war but I still think this can happen.

This puts the American soldier, if he is a practicing Christian (and I know many who are) in an awkward predicament. They are obliged to obey their President because they have joined the military, ostensibly to defend their homeland. They are compelled to follow the dictates of their religion, the majority of which did not approve the War in Iraq. I believe most soldiers probably feel they are giving the Iraqis a shot at a better future by staying the course. I have heard this from my cousin and a friend who are serving in Fallujah right now.

The price of oil is ourageous right now so I can't speak to stealing anybody's oil. I know this is the working theory in the Middle East but I have never seen any proof that anything is being stolen from Iraq or Iraqis.

For what it's worth, my Church prays every day for the people of Iraq and Afghanistan, Israel and Palestine, for the troops, for the salvation of the terrorists, for peace in our Holy Land and for the end to these and all wars. However, Americans and Christians may prefer peace and strive for peace, but we are not obliged by either our Bible or our Constitution to allow ourselves to be slaughtered. Events like 9/11, Bali and Madrid do more to harm Muslims than they do Christians or Americans or anyone else.
Proud_Muslim said:
According to Muslim Statistics, Muslims are now about 2 BILLION (Third of the world ) :

Muslims in Asia (1996) 1,022,692,000 (30%)

Muslims in Africa (1996) 426,282,000 (59%)

Total Number of Muslims on the Earth (1996) 1,482,596,925

Total Number of People on the Earth (1996) 5,771,939,007

Percentage of Muslims (1996) 26%

Islam annual growth rate (1994-1995) from U.N. 6.40%

Christianity growth rate (1994-1995) from U.N. 1.46%

Total Number of Muslims on the Earth (1998) 1,678,442,000

Expected Number of Muslims on the Earth (2000) 1,902,095,000

This table below shows the growth of Islam:

North America (1989-1998) 25%

Africa 2.15%

Asia 12.57%

Europe 142.35%

Latin America -4.73%

Australia 257.01%

The number of the total population has been taken from The CIA World's Facts Book.
There is an old saying: there are three kinds of lies; lies, damn lies & statistics.

I guess you just gave us the answer,

2 billion or 1.5 billion?

fastest growing or declining overall?

Where was the starting point?

I wish I had paid more attention in stats class, I'd sink your little ship
Paula said:
I have read more than one translation of the Koran so I have no idea where you get his notion that it's never been altered. I havae Picktall's and Yusuf Ali and my friend had an altogether different one.

The Quran, to be fully comprehended, must be read in the original language it was revealed in, Arabic. What you my friend was reading was the translation. The Quran is made to be read in Arabic because it kinda sorts like in a meter and rhymes, kinda like poetry. Translating it to another language makes it lose some expression.

Also, you will find that there are no two different alternations of the Quran in Arabic. However, when reading a translation, you will come upon many different versions.

Also, I'm not too sure, but I too possess an English Quran which I think was written by Yusuf Ali. On the left column was the English text and on the right was the Arabic version. I'm not too sure if Picktall does that too, but if you were to compare both the Arabic versions from both Quran translations, you will find the Arabic to be verbatim.
Pakman said:
The Quran, to be fully comprehended, must be read in the original language it was revealed in, Arabic.
arabic? so god is an arabic god? what's the matter, this so-called god of the universe, only can be understood in one human language? must be a tribal god, poor allah of the crescent-moon, he must be embarrassed that he can not speak to all us other earthians. no wonder he is so mad, trying to conquer the world, so that we can all become arabs & understand him, hmmm, now I understand, arabic yes

What you my friend was reading was the translation. The Quran is made to be read in Arabic
if allah is the god of the universe, why can't his so-called holy words be translated into, lets say, Mexican? (as everyone knows, it's the real language of God). is allah a studderer, does he speeak English with an arabic accent?

because it kinda sorts like in a meter and rhymes, kinda like poetry.
so, the poetry is more important than the message? is that what you are telling us? or are you saying that muslims are idolizing the language the quran was written in? too bad then, the message is only for arabs & those they conquer, sad

Translating it to another language makes it lose some expression.
so, are you saying that the words of this so-called god, do not translate well? too bad, your god needs more language courses.

Pakman, I bet you speak more languages than your god! why, he's so monolingual, he reminds me of most americans, funny huh, pity.

Pakman, get a real God, go to the one that saves you, loves you, wants you to willingly give your heart & soul, submit to HIm, without being a slave, but a friend of God, if islam is submission, submit to truth; Jesus, the way, the truth and the life!
Jamol said:
About Qur'an I meant that we still have the original (Arabic, the first hand written) Of course there are thousands of copies in different languages but the thing is the "Original is still there". Where is your's? You don't know. Besides if you really believe in Jesus why don't you follow his own sayings (Original Bible) but you believe in somebody else's (sorry I don't know who wrote the Second one, there are so many of them)?
1)What year was the Qur'an started and when was it completed?

2) Are you suggesting that all Arabic published Qur'ans are identical to one another?

3) "About Qur'an I meant that we still have the original".

Who has it? I mean where is this original Qur'an?
Proud_Muslim said:
Re: BATH ! :p
IN YOUR FACE [deleted]:

Islamic Britain lures top people Sunday Times 22 February 2004
MORE than 14,000 white Britons have converted to Islam after becoming disillusioned with western values, according to the first authoritative study of the phenomenon......

Even if islam is the fastest growing, what is the deduction?

P.S.: Smoking among teenagers is growing at 10% every year. :m:
About Qur'an I meant that we still have the original (Arabic, the first hand written) Of course there are thousands of copies in different languages but the thing is the "Original is still there".
I don't think you do have the original handwritten Quran, and I've never heard a muslim claim to have it.
Jamol said:

About Qur'an I meant that we still have the original (Arabic, the first hand written)
you obviously don't know enough about your own history to tell us about it. the originals were burned by calif uthman, after about the 2nd or 3rd version. read the hadiths to start, use your broswer to search the truth, not just troll

Of course there are thousands of copies in different languages but the thing is the "Original is still there".
after calif uthman had gotten as many palm leaves, bones, memories, palypri, etc., he supposedly had all other copies burned after getting 4 duplicates to the 4 corners of the muslim world, anyway, that's the story

Where is your's? You don't know.
1000's of manuscripts, our people were literate

Besides if you really believe in Jesus why don't you follow his own sayings (Original Bible)
thanks, & I suppose you know where this original is at? :D

but you believe in somebody else's (sorry I don't know who wrote the Second one, there are so many of them)?
why mohammad of course, that's why I don't believe in it

As you said it's not allowed for you guys to kill, steal, and hate... why then so many Iraqis are getting killed by the U.S. troops? If the Bible says not to steal,
what a hypocrite, muslims do that every day, why don't you hold them to the same standards? where were you when saddam & his sons had the run of that country? or is it ok, because they were muslims?

why then you're almost stealing the Iraq's oil?
are you sure about that? proof?

If the Bible says don't hate your enemy why aren't you praying for the terrorists but going after them? It means that you're not following what you're supposed to as true Christians right?
& you are a true muslim? can you say the same about yourself? truely?
ISLAM is growing faster in Africa than anywhere else in the world,there have been countless articles on the growth of Islam especialy in Rawanda after the christian genocide of the 90's, here's a link from an evangelical christian site reporting to the massive growth of ISLAM

(A CHRISTIAN NEWS WEBSITE)'' Islam is exploding across sub-Saharan Africa at a rate even statisticians are having difficulty quantifying, and its growth, fueled by seemingly limitless funding...............''. .

When 800,000 of their Tutsi countrymen were slaughtered in a massacre that began 10 years ago this week, many Rwandans lost faith not only in their government but also in their religion. Today, in what is still a predominantly Roman Catholic country, Islam is the fastest-growing religion.
Many people, disgusted by the role some Catholic priests and nuns played in the genocide, have shunned organized religion altogether, and many more have turned to Islam..................................
johnahmed said:

When 800,000 of their Tutsi countrymen were slaughtered in a massacre that began 10 years ago this week, many Rwandans lost faith not only in their government but also in their religion. Today, in what is still a predominantly Roman Catholic country, Islam is the fastest-growing religion.
Many people, disgusted by the role some Catholic priests and nuns played in the genocide, have shunned organized religion altogether, and many more have turned to Islam..................................
Johnahmed Al Jazeera ran a piece on christianity that opainted a very different piece in 1900 there were 1 million catholics in africa today there are 350 million as compared to 347 million muslims you can find the link earlier in this thread
mustafhakofi said:
simple answer NO the fastest is common sense

Aljazeera article has to be wild exaggeration or pure fantasy,christians world wide report 1.5 million annual conversions per year,mostly in india,china,the figure of 6 million from africa alone does seem pure fantasy..
anyone interested in the real growth of islam verses christiantiyi i advise to check an independednt western site that predicts islam to overtake christiantiy in numbers within 25 years !!
path said:
Apparently in Algeria more and more people are turning away from islam in reaction to the terror that the islamists have perpetrated in allahs name. Many of these people are Karbilya of whom there are around 1 million in France all of whom muslims count as french muslims, are they really.

That actually fits in perfectly with al quidas tried and true saying "they love life while we love death"

from hereconverting

I've got a feeling that the global terror al-quida is unleashing to spread islam will end up being, if not the last then one of the last nails in the coffin of islam
Aljazeera article has to be wild exaggeration or pure fantasy,christians world wide report 1.5 million annual conversions per year,mostly in india,china,the figure of 6 million from africa alone does seem pure fantasy..
anyone interested in the real growth of islam verses christiantiyi i advise to check an independednt western site that predicts islam to overtake christiantiy in numbers within 25 years !
the growth of islam is more visible in europe than anywhere else,i;m not referring to long standing muslim communities but daily conversions of christians to islam,a visit to any mosque in the uk for example will reveal this.the BBC (UK) 11.30 program on monday "a muslim in the family" makes the point even more clearer, ISLAM is GAINING