Is islam really the fastest growing religion?

Yes, in particular he was curious as to the Christian movement and was trying to make sense to religion. And although he grew up Presbyterian, science quickly drew him away from religion.
So, if I am to believe your statistic, 1 in 3 US scientists is non-religious. What of Indian scientists, and Chinese scientists, and African scientists?
Sorry, don't have access to those stats although we could probably right-off China.
Vienna said:
Munim doesn't understand Atheism at all, I would love to hear his definition of it. I doubt whether he understands Islam that much better either.

He says "i am a Practiscing Muslim after loads of thoughts conerning Logic and science" - phoey, what a pile of crap.


you silly pagan i said i ll make a thread about it soon. anyway there are plenty of scientific revelations in the Quran (no im not talkking about Mauricae's book becasue a lot of the things are arguable) bit im talkin in general and Muslims made great advances in Maths, Science, technology, Astornomy etc.

anyway alot of logic was put in to it and i didnt expect you to understand. ill make a thread soon like i said
path said:
It seems Munim is attracted to islam because of the lucrative rewards system allah set up. That muhammed was one shrewd businessman what other religion can come up with a rewards system that matches the pyramid reward scheme of islam? I mean just look at all the rewards munim has gotten in this thread alone.
Islam is the 1 true religion
HEY LOOK I just got a reward!!!! I feel all warm and fuzzy :D
Look I am on the EXPRESS train to paradise
Islam is the 1 true religion
All aboard
Islam is the 1 true religion
Islam is the 1 true religion
choo choo
Islam is the 1 true religion
Islam is the 1 true religion
Next station paradise tooot toot

Disclaimer: In no part of my post did I state that the reward scheme of islam sounds like an idiotic bait system for children

is that meant to be offensive?
munim_786 said:
you silly pagan i said i ll make a thread about it soon. anyway there are plenty of scientific revelations in the Quran

Of course there is munim - there there.

I'm sure you're gonna tell us all about these great scientific revelations in the quran like a good little boy you are

anyway alot of logic was put in to it and i didnt expect you to understand. ill make a thread soon like i said

Yes Logic munim Logic - You really MUST tell us all about it.

Are you REALLY going to make a thread?

I remember you say all sorts of things - but you never do them...

Remember this one......

munim_786 said:
i will cruush this entire thread. i will prove Islam gives women equal rights.

You never did that either. :D :D
Isnt Jedi one of the fastest growing religions? no followers until about 2 years ago, then suddenly several thousand, its interesting if nothing else.
I dont think anyones managed to prove Islam is or isnt the fastast growing religion, its just a lot of people saying it is, i believe all most people are interested in are figures from a reliable source(copying and pasting doesnt count:p).
I'd say this thread is more a propaganda chance for Islam(i noticed someone quoted muslim figures as if they would ever say they were losing followers :rolleyes: ).
Vienna you [deleted]. i said i would make a thread and i would. i am not a slave for you. i will do things in my own time. i said i got exams and am busy so [deleted]. and i do have a life aswell unlike you who sits on infront of a computer all day writing against Islam. wow! 1290 posts, very immpressive Vienna. i wonder how much of you silly life all of those post wasted. anyway your posts aren;'t achieving anything are there there not dettering people from Islam. since you started posting i dont know how many millions upon millions people have already CONVERTED to Islam.

and thank YOU so much for hating Islam on this message board. becasue of youre hate you are encouraging people to study Islam more to see this hate. once they stufy Islam and find out about its great ways... well it is the fastest converting religion in the world.

the bad press is encouraging people to study Islam. just like after 9/11 people wanted to study this "religion of hate" more and thats why conversion rates QUADROUPLED.

Conversion rates tend to go high at times of war against Muslim countires. the Gulf war managed to make 3,000 PLUS Americans convert to Islam.

and like i said about having a life. [deleted] some of us have Doh and can afford to live a little as a pose to sit infromt of a Computer all day and hate on a religion. [deleted]
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Aslaam Alaikum Muslims,
we are the fastest growing religion in the whole world and there's no doubt abt that.... Most of our prophecies told by Muhammad have also come true by now....
including the Iraq War prophecy.... these are all myths of people leaving Islam just to attack Islam and put doubts into the hearts of the Quran look at Surah Imran...Allah says that the jews converted into Muslims (not real muslims just to fool ppl) and later left Islam so that they could put doubts into the heart of Muslims that there's something wrong abt Islam... and that is the case for Algeria...although i dont know if they are leaving Islam..Allah knows better....but even if its true...remember all Muslims this is all a propaganda just as Allah described to put doubts into your hearts........
Be strong...these christians are attacking our muslim countries everyday but remember one thing no matter what they do......there's no end to Islam NO END..........
Islam gave scientific facts that have been proved today....Scientists are amazed at the facts....this one scientist said i think this is the time to embrace Allah and say LA ILAAHA ILALAHU MUHAMMAD....

First of all Muhammad is spelled with an upper case, you kafir. There are many names of Muhammad and the number is growing rapidly and will be growing.
Let me tell you something, if you're a christian you are lost. Coz you don't know what to believe in. The original Bible contradicts the letter. You're completely confused and unsure which one to follow. Unlike Bible the Qoran has never been rewriten for several times in different languages. Coz we LOVE and RESPECT our religion and will never let anybody to rewrite it for us.
Unlike you We know that we're in the right path and the end is clear for us. We know the exact rules that we should obey not be thrown in the hell. But you, you don't know nothing. Even Jesus (who is considered as a prophet in Islam) was rejected by his own people. You call yourself christian but never go to the church, you call yourself christian but don't know anything except 10 commendments from Bible, you call yourself christian but don't know where this word oreginated from, you call yourself christian but don't know that Jesus was burnt in the Hell for three days... Ask any christian he won't know it...
So now you tell me which one sucks ...

You suck. Anyway, I only said that because you asked! :) Jesus went to Hell for three days not to roast but to deliver the souls that did not belong there because humans had sealed themselves off from God's grace by our bad behavior. He then returned, hence the Resurrection.

I have read more than one translation of the Koran so I have no idea where you get his notion that it's never been altered. I havae Picktall's and Yusuf Ali and my friend had an altogether different one. I go to Church every Sunday and several times during the week, as do all the Christians I see in Church with me. Don't worry about how Muhammed spells his name. We were warned to recognize false prophets no matter what name they use.

Incidentally, the Koran acknowledges Jesus as the Messiah no less than 26 times yet you insist He was a mere prophet. Fortunately for you, Christians pray constantly for the souls of unbelievers, so you may still be saved by our compassion and God's grace.
See? Even when you insult my religion, I refuse to take God's place as judge of who goes to Hell.
Hey Mr. proud Muslim. i see you have been doing alot of research; good!1

"Narrow is the way that leads to eternal life/heaven and few are those that find it. But broad is the way that leads to destruction and hell and many are they that walk on this broad road." These were the words of Jesus attesting to the sad fact that there will be more people in hell/jehana than in paradise. It is easy to live a life of sinful pleasures tha to strive and live a holy life. THE FACT THAT ONE RELIGION HAS MORE FOLLOWERS THAN THE REST DOES NOT MEAN IT IS THE TRUE PATH.
(In a town where evrybody is a criminal, will that make criminality a good thing?)
The "Truth" is not in numbers.

Proud Muslim please read the book of Revelation in the Holy bible. It will give you stuff to think about. It is the last book in the bible so it is easy to find. Revelation is "hakika" in arabic , i hope you speak arabic;as a muslim that will help you.

Lastly Jesus is alive . All other prophets/founders of religions are dead.
Jesus loves you proud muslim. The Holy Quran says Jesus is the mesiah(sura 3;44). That means he is the saviour of the world.
Jesus saves from a sinful lifestyle.(Anger,hate ,adultery,fornication,homosexuality,drunken-ness and the like)
Jesus said ' I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can come to know God but by me." As sinners we cannot experience the Holy god of the bible neither can we know Him. "Your sins have separated you from the almighty God", says the bible.
God is love. which of the two demonstrates true love to people; Christianity or Islam. Mark you that if a muslim converts to christianity the other muslims and family members are supposed to kill the converted ex-muslim. But christians are told by Christ jesus to love their enemies, and pray for those that mistreat you. Forgive so that the heavenly father might forgive you.
The quran allows muslims to use force and even death to convert kaffirs(non-believers) Muhammad fought many bloody battles in the spread of islam.
But Jesus did not kill anyone. He said those who rule by the sword will also die by the sword .

The early christian church were severely persecuted, thrown to lions,beheaded, sawn in two and stoned for their belief in Jesus as the savior of the world. They never fought back physically but the gospel of Jesus spread faster than wild fire.
In 1970s, Uganda ,Africa, a muslim president Idi Amin came to power. He was a real dictator who took people's wives and killed them. He ordered the arrest and murder of many christian bishops. However, that is when the number of christians in uganda multiplied.

The more christianity is oppossed the more it spreads . There is a divine hand behind the gospels in the bible.
Jesus is alive this 21st century and is coming back to earth!!!
tomasito said:
Hey Mr. proud Muslim. i see you have been doing alot of research; good!
M*W: Christianity is NOT the "narrow way." Christianity is the WRONG WAY! If Jesus had ever lived, do you think he would want you to know that he was scourged and crucified? Probably not. What humiliation! Now Christians bear that humiliation! There was no need for Jesus to die, and there was no reason for Jesus to live. Jesus is but a footnote in history. Jesus saved us from naught.
These were the words of Jesus attesting to the sad fact that there will be more people in hell/jehana than in paradise.
M*W: Now, what is the purpose of this? Do you really think we have a creator that is all or nothing? Not so.
It is easy to live a life of sinful pleasures tha to strive and live a holy life. THE FACT THAT ONE RELIGION HAS MORE FOLLOWERS THAN THE REST DOES NOT MEAN IT IS THE TRUE PATH.
M*W: Our creator is our innermost consciousness. That is a gift that humanity has been given... the truth about our spirit.
(In a town where evrybody is a criminal, will that make criminality a good thing?) The "Truth" is not in numbers.
M*W: The "truth" is found in our human spirit.
Proud Muslim please read the book of Revelation in the Holy bible. It will give you stuff to think about. It is the last book in the bible so it is easy to find. Revelation is "hakika" in arabic, i hope you speak arabic;as a muslim that will help you.
M*W: PM, don't be concerned about tomasito's post. He is the lost soul. Revelation is an interesting read if one has the spiritual knowledge to interpret it. (Tomasito doesn't).
Lastly Jesus is alive. All other prophets/founders of religions are dead.
M*W: No, Jesus is not alive, and may never have been alive. Jesus is a myth of a dying demigod savior. If you believe a myth can save you, so be it.
M*W: Jesus is dead--or he was never alive. He loves NO ONE!
The Holy Quran says Jesus is the mesiah(sura 3;44). That means he is the saviour of the world. Jesus saves from a sinful lifestyle.
M&W: The Qur'an says Jesus was a prophet; therefore, I believe Jesus did, in fact, exist, but not as God and not as a savior, just a simple prophet of his time.
(Anger,hate ,adultery,fornication,homosexuality,drunken-ness and the like) Jesus said ' I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can come to know God but by me." As sinners we cannot experience the Holy god of the bible neither can we know Him. "Your sins have separated you from the almighty God", says the bible.
M*W: We are all part of God, and God is part of us. We were created in his image. That is the gift our creator gave us. No one had to die for us. The Qur'an is more truthful than the Bible. Jesus didn't die for anyone, and no one is saved except by the One Spirit of God.
Here is the unswer to your question,
How many muslims were around you 10 years ago and how many you see now? How many mosques were there in the U.S. itself 10 years ago and how many there are now? Just look around you, you'll realize and see how many muslims are out there. Everybody knows that the number of converts to Islam is increasing but nobody wants to admit it coz nobody wants to admit that s/he is loosing.
Jamol said:
Here is the unswer to your question,
How many muslims were around you 10 years ago and how many you see now? How many mosques were there in the U.S. itself 10 years ago and how many there are now?
The majority of people become Xian in the USA. Anyway, in the same vain, how many atheists were there 200 years ago in the US, how about 100, or 50 - now compare that with today.

Muslims and Xian’s are losing :)

What you're saying is sort of true but sort of not. Christianity isn't one hundred percent as it was 200 years ago but it is now about 86% which is way up from what it was in the 70's. In fact, church attendance is up to the same levels as it was in the 60's in the US. This is not an American or Christian study but a BBC study done a few months ago, however there have been several studies over the past couple of years which indicate the same numbers. I saw an entire display in the bookstore the other day dealing with the current Christian revival in the US.

Apparently it's been going on since the 90's. I am Catholic and I think many Catholics are going to other forms of Christianity, but the overall number of practicing Christians is rising.

So yes, there are more atheists in the US now than 200 years ago but there is a higher percentage of practicing Christians than there was thirty years ago.