Is islam really the fastest growing religion?

well i wont know becasue i am dead and there is nothing there.

Exactly, now you're starting to get it.

but i have already lived my happy life.

Your fear of your gods forces you to submit to them. If not and there was reasonable doubt that you've wasted your life in submission, why continue living in submission? Free yourself from submission and become your own person ruled only by what you dictate.
that example of all of those 6 million Muslims denouncing their faith is besides the point

The fact that 6 million people came to their senses IS the point.
(Q) said:
Based on your reasoning, Atheism is gaining the most followers.

Atheism is actually a very small religion. ill try and find you the offical stats (in a pie chart) that i saw in a book but until then just look at this;

Christianty - 2 BILLION
Islam - 1.4 BILLION
Hinduism - 800 MILLION

these alone equal 4.2 Billion which compaerd to 6 BILLION world population is alot. then add in all of the other religions.

all the above is fact

im not sure but i think Atheism is like 8th or 9th biggest religion in the world. like i said ill try and get the facts.
Atheism is actually a very small religion.

Do you even understand the definition of atheism?

these alone equal 4.2 Billion which compaerd to 6 BILLION world population is alot.

So what, in time atheism will overcome all religions once people become educated and shed their ignorance.
(Q) said:
well i wont know becasue i am dead and there is nothing there.

Exactly, now you're starting to get it.

but i have already lived my happy life.

Your fear of your God forces you to submit to them. If not and there was reasonable doubt that you've wasted your life in submission, why continue living in submission? Free yourself from submission and become your own person ruled only by what you dictate.

this topic is kindda of long so i havent really described anything properly but i probably will make a thread about it some day.

i am not stupid becasue i am not just a blind follower of faith becasue i am insecure or my family makes me or becasue i have done something really bad blah blah (the list goes on forever)

i am a Practiscing Muslim after loads of thoughts conerning Logic and science.
like i said im not stupid so i am aware of loads of points like "why is their sufferuing in the world if Allah exsisits" "there are so many religions to chose from, why Islam" "Look at the stae of Muslim countires today" and so on. but i have found answers to these.

also there is NO way in hell i would ever just follow a book and the example of a man i never saw if i didnt have a reason. like i said i had considered loads of points, looked to other religions and found many answers. i wouldn't belive a book unless it had proof. and believe me Islam has proof for eveything. And there is also no way i would follow a religion that as racist, sexist or illogical and i know Islam isn';t any of these despite what all of these people think. Islam is also very logical, Islam and science are connected.

like i said maybe in the future i will make a thread about the proofs of these. it is very hard to explain these things (not the science bits of course) but thats why Islam is the fastest growing religion, becasue people are seeing this and these converst arent blind followers they are educated people who have though alot about this.
i am a Practiscing Muslim after loads of thoughts conerning Logic and science.

This makes no sense - most people who concern themselves with logic and science inherently do not practice religion or share the beliefs prescribed with those religions. I have found very little logic in any of your posts.

...and believe me Islam has proof for eveything...

That is exactly the point, I don't believe you because Islam is a faith and cannot provide proof of itself or its gods.

Islam is also very logical, Islam and science are connected.

Sorry, but unless you're prepared to make a case as to how Islam and science are connected, I can only assume that your statement comes from being brainwashed.
munim_786 said:
Atheism is actually a very small religion. ill try and find you the offical stats (in a pie chart) that i saw in a book but until then just look at this;

Christianty - 2 BILLION
Islam - 1.4 BILLION
Hinduism - 800 MILLION
M*W: Please check your statistics. Christianity holds about 25% of the worlds population, and Islam holds much more. Atheism and Neo-Paganism are fast runners up.
Christianity 2 Billion
Islam 1.2 Billion
Hinduism 785 Million
Buddhism 360 Million
Judaism 17 Million
Sikhism 16 Million
Baha'i 5 Million
Confucianism 5 Million
Jainism 4 Million
Shintoism 3 Million
Wicca .7 Million
Zoroastrianism .2 Million
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Please check your statistics. Christianity holds about 25% of the worlds population, and Islam holds much more. Atheism and Neo-Paganism are fast runners up.


Why not cite a source instead of shoot in the dark?
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(Q) said:
Atheism is actually a very small religion.

Do you even understand the definition of atheism?

these alone equal 4.2 Billion which compaerd to 6 BILLION world population is alot.

So what, in time atheism will overcome all religions once people become educated and shed their ignorance.

Munim doesn't understand Atheism at all, I would love to hear his definition of it. I doubt whether he understands Islam that much better either.

He says "i am a Practiscing Muslim after loads of thoughts conerning Logic and science" - phoey, what a pile of crap.

Vienna said:
Christianity 2 Billion
Islam 1.2 Billion
Hinduism 785 Million
Buddhism 360 Million
Judaism 17 Million
Sikhism 16 Million
Baha'i 5 Million
Confucianism 5 Million
Jainism 4 Million
Shintoism 3 Million
Wicca .7 Million
Zoroastrianism .2 Million
One thing I always find interesting is that every house I went to in Japan had a Shinto shrine and/or Buddhist shrine - so why only 3 million? Is that "practicing" Shinto’s? Because if that’s the case we better take Christianity down to about 2 million and Atheism up to 3 billion. It just makes me wonder who makes these charts and how accurate they are.
Proud_Muslim said:
Liars and haters tend to quote from famous hate sites like
That's exactly your problem, take a hint from yourself
munim_786 said:
well i belive it wont be the end

but EVEN IF IT ISN'T, how have i had a wasted life? i have already had a life that i am happy about becasue of my faith and if i die and there is nothing there... well i wont know becasue i am dead and there is nothing there. :eek: but i have already lived my happy life.

you will die wishing you lived longer, and wishing you had more things or you could do more
but are you going to heaven? if even Mohammad didn't know, how can you? The only way is, by becoming a Christian muslim, submit to Jesus
According to Muslim Statistics, Muslims are now about 2 BILLION (Third of the world ) :

Muslims in Asia (1996) 1,022,692,000 (30%)

Muslims in Africa (1996) 426,282,000 (59%)

Total Number of Muslims on the Earth (1996) 1,482,596,925

Total Number of People on the Earth (1996) 5,771,939,007

Percentage of Muslims (1996) 26%

Islam annual growth rate (1994-1995) from U.N. 6.40%

Christianity growth rate (1994-1995) from U.N. 1.46%

Total Number of Muslims on the Earth (1998) 1,678,442,000

Expected Number of Muslims on the Earth (2000) 1,902,095,000

This table below shows the growth of Islam:

North America (1989-1998) 25%

Africa 2.15%

Asia 12.57%

Europe 142.35%

Latin America -4.73%

Australia 257.01%

Among every four humans in the world, one of them is Muslim. Muslims have increased by over 235 percent in the last fifty years up to nearly 1.6 billion. By comparison, Christians have increased by only 47 percent, Hinduism, 117 percent, and Buddhism by 63 percent. Islam is the second largest religious group in France, Great Britain and USA (Muslims in USA are 10 millions and Jews are 6 millions).

For a list of all Muslim countries and where the total number of Muslims came from, please visit this site:

The numbers of the growth rates have been taken from here:

The number of the total population has been taken from The CIA World's Facts Book.
This makes no sense - most people who concern themselves with logic and science inherently do not practice religion or share the beliefs prescribed with those religions.

I think you'll find that most scientists are religious.
Proud_Muslim said:
According to Muslim Statistics, Muslims are now about 2 BILLION (Third of the world ) :

Muslims in Asia (1996) 1,022,692,000 (30%)

Muslims in Africa (1996) 426,282,000 (59%)

Total Number of Muslims on the Earth (1996) 1,482,596,925

Total Number of People on the Earth (1996) 5,771,939,007

Percentage of Muslims (1996) 26%

Islam annual growth rate (1994-1995) from U.N. 6.40%

Christianity growth rate (1994-1995) from U.N. 1.46%

Total Number of Muslims on the Earth (1998) 1,678,442,000

Expected Number of Muslims on the Earth (2000) 1,902,095,000

This table below shows the growth of Islam:

North America (1989-1998) 25%

Africa 2.15%

Asia 12.57%

Europe 142.35%

Latin America -4.73%

Australia 257.01%


LOL No wonder islam is the fastest growing religion in the world why just in 1 page of this thread it has gained 200 million followers :D
It seems Munim is attracted to islam because of the lucrative rewards system allah set up. That muhammed was one shrewd businessman what other religion can come up with a rewards system that matches the pyramid reward scheme of islam? I mean just look at all the rewards munim has gotten in this thread alone.
Islam is the 1 true religion
HEY LOOK I just got a reward!!!! I feel all warm and fuzzy :D
Look I am on the EXPRESS train to paradise
Islam is the 1 true religion
All aboard
Islam is the 1 true religion
Islam is the 1 true religion
choo choo
Islam is the 1 true religion
Islam is the 1 true religion
Next station paradise tooot toot

Disclaimer: In no part of my post did I state that the reward scheme of islam sounds like an idiotic bait system for children
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When you run out of any intellectual debate, you resort to that sort of childish behaviour, but never mind, you are the BIBLE'S BELIEVER, what can I expect from you ???

''And if a man smite his servant, or his maid, with a rod, and he die under his hand; he shall be surely punished. Notwithstanding, if he continue a
day or two, he shall not be punished: for he is his money."
- Exodus 21:20-21
Proud_Muslim said:
When you run out of any intellectual debate, you resort to that sort of childish behaviour, but never mind, you are the BIBLE'S BELIEVER, what can I expect from you ???
Very interesting I didn't even know I was a bible's believer I better tell my wife she doesn't know either! I am injecting a bit of levity into the proceedings I think many besides myself find the concept of receiving rewards from god by posting on an internet forum (and winning the debate just by declaring you have) extremely comical.
I think you'll find that most scientists are religious.

That is not what I've found, personal or otherwise. And since my personal affairs are not valid here, I'll comment on the otherwise.

Victor Scheffer, a zoologist wrote a book based on those very statistics. He found that there was a steady decline in the percentage of scientists who tend towards religious beliefs, down to 1 in 3. However, he found that belief amongst members of the National Acadamy of Scientists for example, was almost totally nil.