Is islam really the fastest growing religion?

surenderer said:
Goodness dude going back a couple hundred years to quote what a warrior says to justify him wanting his name in history i could do the same for slave traders or pilgrims who were massacreing native-americans as they were holding bibles....common man i know your not gonna use an extremists website to make your point here is a more credible link:

You are missing the point surrenderer those aren't my quotes check the links they are all from islamic sites, not really radical sites either. Understanding islam, USCs muslim site, etc. Also you claimed the idea that jihad meant war came from the west I am just showing you that isn't true
surenderer said:
Whats wrong with that? sounds like John 3:16 in the bible to me

I guess one needs to be a believer to think that nothing is wrong with that because I do think something is wrong with that sort of thinking
surenderer said:
Actually you thats not true. the word Jihad usually has nothing to do with violence thats just something that the west says. Jihad for a muslim means internal struggle like struggling to not drink alcohal or struggling to not use drugs etc.... thats the jihad that is important in muslims lives :) Now i pretty much know the quran inside and out so tell me where it says that the koran's goal is global dominace(sp?) I do know that in the Koran God says"me word will spread even when they(unbelevers) hate it"..........peace

bu thought jihad translates into "holy war"
Vienna said:
Racist?? me??? How dare you say that

Of course I'm not racist, Islam is not a race, chucklecheeks.

Oh and the BNP did VERY WELL, quite a lot of their candidates did get elected.

LOL strudel! Most of your comments on here are racists Vienna. Let me ask you a question Vienna. You want the Muslims to leave your country and go back to where they came from right? You want the UK to go back to being a white only State right? What about the white Brits who've converted to Islam? Imprison them or just kick them out? And lets see now... oh yeah.. you actively support and tout your support for the BNP.. a party that denies anyone of colour the right to join their party. And then of course there was this little gem a page or so back...

Persol - I think that guy "Sher_Punjabi" is a Sikh - same neck of the woods but different mythical creature - it's all the spices they eat that makes 'em short tempered....LOL!

Yes... clump 'them' all together now Vienna. Another quick question. What about all the black, Asian, Middle Eastern, etc citizens of the UK who aren't Muslim? Should they be kicked out as well? Because you keep going on and on about how it is so damn hard for you to be a great white hope in the UK... because all of 'them' are everywhere.. watching.. waiting... Can the non-white non-muslims stay in the country? Or do you have a problem with 'them' as well? The BNP, as you are aware, don't want 'them' to stay in the country either. So do you support that line? You know.. the UK must become white campaigns?

Oh and I was talking about the EU elections. Last I heard, BNP didn't even get one seat in that election. Are you talking about a local domestic council election?

And I cannot believe you just called me 'chucklecheeks'. You've been watching too much Happy Days old son.

I'm not going down that path Bells, you should know better than to come up with that old argument. The fact remains that Islam is the cause of all the terrorism in the world today.
All terrorism? Really? You really wish to take that road to the dead end? Hmm... interesting.. What about the Christians in Indonesia, for example, who are routinely commiting terrorist acts? How about the Hindus who also commit terrorist attacks? What about November 17 in Greece? And the Tamils in Sri Lanka? And then of course the Basque separatists? Are you now being so bold as to make a statement that all of those terrorists have converted to Islam without anyone knowing? Because as you have said Vienna, Islam is the cause of "ALL" terrorism today. :rolleyes:

And pray tell, how is it an old argument. Priests are being accused and charged with peadophilia just about every week. I can't read a newspaper without seeing a report of how the church has protected this priest or person within their folds so that the police cannot arrest them for child abuse. It is not an old argument Vienna, it is a daily argument and it is a daily fight.

Ha ha ha ha ha, now you have totally lost the plot my little Kookaburra.
Yes Vienna, and they're coming after you. You must convert Vienna. Or else they're going to take over and dominate you. Possibly make you a slave.. Maybe even an eunuch if you don't convert?.. chop chop snip snip.. Convert my child... lol..

Oh yeah.. and ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha (since you mentioned kookaburra's and all).. lol.. sorry couldn't resist. And you're right though. I have lost the plot slightly (not on this issue though lol). I've just found out that my mechanic has stuffed up my car to such an extent that it's going to cost me nearly $1500 to get another mechanic to repair it properly. So I'm in the process of filing complaints and a few scary legal letters to the fool and if he doesn't repay me the original repair costs, then it's court time. So excuse me if I'm a bit ... ermmm... pre-occupied.. at the moment..

I'm waiting for you - my strokey bearded friend
What makes you think he has a beard? He may not have one. Oh wait that's right. Or is it that you and your non-racist self is going upon the assumption that all Muslim males grow a beard. If I were Surenderer, my reply to that comment about the beards Vienna would be to make a comment about whether all your teeth are still in place and if they're growing in the right direction... what with you being a Brit and the thing with Brits and bad teeth and all...:p But that's right.. that'd be a huge generalisation wouldn't it? And probably quite false.
path said:
You are missing the point surrenderer those aren't my quotes check the links they are all from islamic sites, not really radical sites either. Understanding islam, USCs muslim site, etc. Also you claimed the idea that jihad meant war came from the west I am just showing you that isn't true

no what i meant was that in the west Jihad means ONLY war not the daily struggles that 99.9% on muslims have to go through everyday. I mean think about it in the west when you hear the word Jihad on TV are they talking about a muslim kicking the smoking habit or trying to get over breaking up with his girlfriend? Of course not they are talking about violence 100% of the time


Don't you just love em surenderer :D

surenderer said:
no what i meant was that in the west Jihad means ONLY war not the daily struggles that 99.9% on muslims have to go through everyday. I mean think about it in the west when you hear the word Jihad on TV are they talking about a muslim kicking the smoking habit or trying to get over breaking up with his girlfriend? Of course not they are talking about violence 100% of the time

Face it surenderer - Islam painted its own picture - you cant change it.
Vienna said:
Face it surenderer - Islam painted its own picture - you cant change it.
Just like the BNP paint the picture of racism. But while surenderer works at showing that not all of Islam is like that, that he is not like that, that he is against people like that, you on the other hand keep pushing the racist messages that the BNP is so proud of.

You refuse to see that not all Muslims agree with terrorism. That the majority of Muslims aren't terrorists, nor do they agree with it. Here we have a Muslim voice that is speaking out against it and you just abuse him because he's a Muslim. Why? Instead of discussing things with him and maybe trying to find out what a Muslim would do to defeat terrorism, etc, you berate him and abuse him.
Bells said:
Just like the BNP paint the picture of racism. But while surenderer works at showing that not all of Islam is like that, that he is not like that, that he is against people like that, you on the other hand keep pushing the racist messages that the BNP is so proud of.

You refuse to see that not all Muslims agree with terrorism. That the majority of Muslims aren't terrorists, nor do they agree with it. Here we have a Muslim voice that is speaking out against it and you just abuse him because he's a Muslim. Why? Instead of discussing things with him and maybe trying to find out what a Muslim would do to defeat terrorism, etc, you berate him and abuse him.

OK Bells - lets hear it from the Muslims - Are Muslims prepared to issue a Fatwa against all Islamic fanatical terrorists, are we going to see and hear the condemnation of Islamic terrorism from the Muslims in the streets of British cities.

Nah, are we hell!

I haven't forgot seeing them dance and cheering in the street where I live when 9/11 happened.

I am sick of hearing muslims preach their sickly claims that Islam is peaceful - if they really want to prove it then they must be proactive against their own terrorism. We need action from Muslims not words.
Bells said:
Just like the BNP paint the picture of racism.

No bells - You are wrong - Yet again.

I have had enough of you playing the racist card.


BNP Candidate Patricia Richardson, Jewish London housewife, won a council seat in Essex for the far right British National Party.

Her father, Abraham, had emigrated with his parents from Transylvania around the turn of the century, when he was just 13. And her mother, Fay Groner, though born in London's East End, had seven brothers and sisters and was of direct Lithuanian descent.
Vienna said:
Get real will you - there is no such thing as God, it's all in your head

Do you notice how respectful my responses have been to your disrespectful posts? If one didnt know me or you and they just read our posts who would they think was the hatefillled terrorist me or you? YOU are closer to Osama than i could ever be. you hate a entire group of people only because of your failures in life.When people fell bad about themselves the only thing they do to make themselves feel better is to try to put someone benath them. I will no longer respond to your posts because your ingnorance and hatred actually make my point for me.If you really dont believe in God then that doesnt make you a bad person.....OOPS i forgot Im a muslim sorry i gotta kill you now cause thats what my religion teaches right? WRONG Islam teaches that God is the judge so maybe one day you will look back at our posts to each other and see the hatred in your words and learn that hatred is always bad and never productive.....i still wish peace to you
surenderer said:
no what i meant was that in the west Jihad means ONLY war not the daily struggles that 99.9% on muslims have to go through everyday. I mean think about it in the west when you hear the word Jihad on TV are they talking about a muslim kicking the smoking habit or trying to get over breaking up with his girlfriend? Of course not they are talking about violence 100% of the time

Right and why could it be that for the west does jihad means mostly war? Why in the links I posted (the tip of the iceberg believe me) do those muslims also believe it relates more to war than to personal struggle? The ummah is divided over the meaning obviously. So how can you expect non-muslims to be clear over its meaning if there is no set concensus in the ummah?
surenderer said:
i still wish peace to you

Aye... and peace to you lad.

I have no argument with muslims living in the middle east.

I have no hatred for muslims in general.

But I do object your organisation coming to this country (uninvited by the native Brits), showing disrespect, and trying to change the shape of this country around Islam. Britain is not an Islamic country, it never has been, and it never will be. Yet Muslims are still coming here. My message is to them is that are wasting their time.

I also object to Islamic terrorism for obvious reasons.

In short, I object to Islams presence in Britain, it is offensive, it is intimidating, and its not welcome. It belongs to the Middle East and parts of Asia where the standards are more appropiate for its way of life, most of all - it does not belong in Britain.
path said:
Right and why could it be that for the west does jihad means mostly war? Why in the links I posted (the tip of the iceberg believe me) do those muslims also believe it relates more to war than to personal struggle? The ummah is divided over the meaning obviously. So how can you expect non-muslims to be clear over its meaning if there is no set concensus in the ummah?

To the west Jihad means mostlly war because if you think that they(muslims) are trying to kill you then you wont feel so bad when you kill them to avenge 3000 innocent lives lost on 9-11 the US has killed at least 15-20 thousand people :confused: Even my 2nd grade daughter knows that is bad math. Is that how you get rid of terrorism by making more terrorists? What you guys dont understand is that in Arab culture when someone is murdered it becomes his family's job to avenge that death.....thats tribal law so thats why as time goes on you see continous fighting. If islam was trying to take over the world why isnt Indonesia a haven for terrorists? why doesnt Canada experience terrorism?how aboutUS state sponsered(sp?) terrorism? how many has it killed?(hint: a heck of a lot more than muslim terrorism) Why dont you ever talk about that? As far as your links on the internet( the internet is both good and bad) you can find anyone to support what ever view you want to present but reality is that 1 out of every 5 people on the planet and also in the US are muslim so if we all were terrorists then the world would be in trouble wouldnt you think? Me and several others (bruce Wayne etc....) represent mainstream islam on a daily basis 90% of the time against hostility and disrespect not from anyone trying to understand why i feel how i feel but telling me instead why how i feel is wrong. there are people on these forums who tell me that all my people(muslims) are murderers and terrorists and how we all need to be "delt with"(we know what that means) People tell me that "my kind" is not wanted by "their kind" sounding exactly like how slavemasters treated slave" back in the day" yet islam has taught me that i am an ambasador for my religion so that i shouldnt "fulfill sterotypes" and lower myself to disrespectful levels........peace unto you

ever hear of this? hmmmmmm why not? :confused:
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i dunno

would a muslim actually FEEL happy for 9/11?

people dancing on the streets of the COUNTRY they're IN that just had 3000 people dead, thas disrespect

on the news, angry mobs of muslims in britain burned the uk flag vowing bloodshed if tony blair does not withdraw english soldiers out of iraq--if they despise a country enuf 2 BURN the flag the very country htey on why bother?

why would you kill innocent people for your own cause?

sure their is an dioplomatic way out of it, say petitions :D

you heard about france right? how they are banning sikhs from wearing turbans, muslims and jews cannot wear thier caps, the muslim gurls cannot wear their hijab either, do uthink its right what they're doing?
Vienna said:
Racist?? me??? How dare you say that :D

Of course I'm not racist, Islam is not a race, chucklecheeks.
islam is racist, it banishes all non-arab cultures, ethnicities, races to secondary status, while its not unique, other cultures have done the same, it has taken arabic mores, culture, ideas, worldview to the heights, by putting arabic on the top-of-the-heap, why the only true message from god is the quran according to muslims, & you can't translate it, or it loses its meaning