Is islam really the fastest growing religion?

Bells said:
I did answer that question. I said that there's nothing wrong with anyone wanting to protect their ethnic identity and heritage...

What I dislike is the way that it is implemented. The BNP implement it in a manner that is so hypocritical that it's amusing. Frankly Vienna, I rather someone comeout and just be racist, rather than go about it in a round about way. At least then one knows where one stands. I don't have a problem with a zero immigration policy. On the contrary, there are times when I think such a policy should be implemented every once in a while to protect the job market and the economy (for example, if there is high unemployment and the economy is going down the gurgler, then immigration should be cut right back until it begins to pick up again)... but I don't think such a policy should be permanent because immigration is essential in many respects and for many reasons. And I'm a migrant.. go figure.

But for me, when I see a party like the BNP, advocating zero immigration, but then allowing white migrants to join... that for me reeks of hypocrisy. It's as though they are posting a false message. They're quite happy taking money from ethnic European migrants to become members of their party, but they don't want them in the country. The BNP aren't just seeking a closing of the borders, they are also seeking the repatriation of millions of people. Now that is bad Vienna. That is what I find to be racist. To kick someone out because they are not ethnically British is racist. Just think of the millions of people who will be asked to leave? I just keep getting the image of the Nazis kicking out the Jews. And frankly Vienna, it's a scary thought.

Just think of the British economy if millions of people were asked to leave? Think of who would have to fill in all those vacant positions. Imagine the hospital staff shortages as an example. Imagine how much it would cost the State to compensate those asked to leave (after all, their website states that they will recompense the repatriated and the country they are going back to). But even with all of that aside. The racism of asking migrants to leave so that the UK can go back to being ethnically clean... that's just nasty Vienna. Real nasty.

Who said the BNP are going to do it ????????????? ;)

Anyway the population of Britain is NINE times denser than America - we could do with a clearout!
Vienna said:
The biggest danger to world peace is ISLAM. - FACT!

Opinion - The biggest danger to world peace is the consumer society.

Particularly the weapons industry rather benefits from sales (strange isn't it). Economies thrive on weapons sales. Economies don't thrive on peace. Peace means no weapons sales. Western countries don't mind selling weapons to muslim countries. Muslim countries don't mind buying them. Muslim countries don't mind using them. Western countries mind it when muslim countries use them to disrup economic growth. A war once in while is good for the economy. Even if it is not good for the economy it is good for the lobbyists. If it is good for the lobbyists it is good for the politicians. Politicians don't mind be a christian or muslim as long as it pays. blabla
Vienna said:
Yeah, I saw it - and I random check on Terrorism in the world today - TODAYS NEWS.

And guess what - its all linked to Islamic Terrorism

And guess what will be in tomorrows news, and the day after that - Yep, it will be ISLAMIC TERRORISM

Terrorism Suspect Vowed to Kill Americans in Taped Interview


Saudi Arabia Citing Threat of Terrorism

You don't fool me surenderer - Islam has made its bed of nails, now it must lay on it.

Dang it i thought i had you fooled :rolleyes: Notice how my link has worlds opionin which is how non-muslims view the threat to world peace and your is about extreme isolated incidents. Im not trying to fool you im only telling you how i feel so i guess you are saying that either im not a real muslim or im not truly practicing my must really stink to think that 1 out of every 5 people in the world want you dead but tell me again why isnt there terrorism all over the west?you would be making more sense(although you would still be wrong) if you said Arabs were out to kill you....i mean they supposedly did 9-11 they cause most of the "terrorism" in the world right? the fact that India and Indonesia have so many muslims and so little terrorism means what to you? :confused:
Vienna said:
Who said the BNP are going to do it ????????????? ;)
Either that or their lying. Imagine that poor old racist right wing BNP supporter who is voting for them only because of their immigration policy?... lol.. So you're voting for a party that you know is lying about things just to get the votes from the racists in the country? :p
Haven't you seen the attrocities done by muslims in India and Indonesia

LOL...... you don't convince me an inch
Bells said:
Either that or their lying. Imagine that poor old racist right wing BNP supporter who is voting for them only because of their immigration policy?... lol.. So you're voting for a party that you know is lying about things just to get the votes from the racists in the country? :p

You know nothing about my country, you know even less about me.

You are a prejudiced Mulsim - is there any other type -NO.
Vienna said:
You know nothing about my country, you know even less about me.

You are a prejudiced Mulsim - is there any other type -NO.

Yes Vienna, I'm a Muslim and I'm out to either convert you or make you into my eunuch slave.:D

Chop Chop ... Snip Snip..:D

Resistance is futile Vienna... Admit it Vienna... you're a Muslim at heart but in denial... :p
Vienna said:
You know nothing about my country, you know even less about me.

You are a prejudiced Mulsim - is there any other type -NO.

prej·u·dice [ préjjədiss ]

noun (plural prej·u·dic·es)

1. opinion formed beforehand: a preformed opinion, usually an unfavorable one, based on insufficient knowledge, irrational feelings, or inaccurate stereotypes

2. the holding of ill-informed opinions: the holding of opinions that are formed beforehand on the basis of insufficient knowledge

3. irrational dislike of somebody: an unfounded hatred, fear, or mistrust of a person or group, especially one of a particular religion, ethnicity, nationality, or social status

Dont know sounds more like you :rolleyes:
From MSN Encarta on Indonneisa:

D Religion

Followers of a form of Islam make up 87 percent of the population, making Indonesia the largest Islamic country in the world. Christians represent 9 percent of the population. Most of these belong to the Protestant Church in Indonesia, a merger of several Protestant sects. There are also many other locally organized Protestant groups, such as the Batak Protestant Christian Church, which claims about 2 million members. About 2 percent of the population is Roman Catholic. Buddhists, most of whom are of Chinese descent, account for about 1 percent of the population. Hinduism was once a major influence throughout the region but is now significant only on Bali. Indonesia’s constitution guarantees freedom of religion

Please read that last sentence twice you might have overlooked it the 1st time(by mistake im sure) Could that be? Could that make sense? 87% of the countries population, worlds largest muslim population yet freedom of religion garenteed by their constitution? Oh well must have been a typo

Peace unto you
surenderer said:
No show me :cool:

So - you pretend not to knowof the butchery the muslims have done in those countries

You don't fool me with your "I'm so peaceful" crap
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Vienna said:
So - you pretend not to knowof the butchery the muslims have done in those countries

You don't fool me with your "I'm so peaceful" crap

I see you see what you want to see in my posts......I told you that muslims have created attrocites that im not proud of but are so prejudiced that you cant even acknowledge a successful thriving 87% democratic muslim society. Tell me of a single country without a violent past?Do you acknowledge attrocites commited by Brittian? how about the US? You see facts beat prejudice and ignorance(ignorance meaning "not knowing" Im not be disrespectful) everytime....peace
Dear Vienna,

It seems you should read more about how peaceful the spaniards were in latin america and the caribbean. How civilised the americans were in bringing civilization to the natives .How the British Empire resolved the problems of India, China, Africa, and Arabia.

But no problem, I'll give you my conclusion: BLOOD, MURDER, BLACKMAIL, LIES, HUMILIATION, THEFT, SLAVERY, etc.....
Yazdajerd said:
Dear Vienna,

It seems you should read more about how peaceful the spaniards were in latin america and the caribbean. How civilised the americans were in bringing civilization to the natives .How the British Empire resolved the problems of India, China, Africa, and Arabia.

But no problem, I'll give you my conclusion: BLOOD, MURDER, BLACKMAIL, LIES, HUMILIATION, THEFT, SLAVERY, etc.....

And you think this gives Islam to right to carry it on today eh?
Bells said:
The racism of asking migrants to leave so that the UK can go back to being ethnically clean... that's just nasty Vienna. Real nasty.

Are you then saying that we should allow immigrants to reach a point where, the British identity is lost - that is ethnic cleansing.

Pensioners have been moved out of old peoples homes to accomadate asylum seekers - that is ethnic cleansing.

If you wish, I will make a list of all the ethnic cleansing incidents which are eating away at British society

As you say - ethnic cleansing is really nasty - especially when its being done to British natives in their own country.
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Bells said:

Here you are Vienna, striving for the British ethnic rights, and I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with that, because there really is not. And in fighting for the ethnic Brit, you support the BNP, who wish to stop immigration to save the native British people. All well and good.
Thank you Bells, at least we agree on this..:)

Send them all back says the BNP. So therefore, by their immigration policy, ALL migrants are to be repatriated to their native lands with a 'generous financial incentive both for individuals and or the countries in question' (where would the money come from by the way, on a side note?).

IMHO Instead of paying immigrants millions of pounds of social security, and countless other government benefits (which many of them have not contributed to), it would be a saving by paying them a lump sum to go back.

Where do the BNP say send them ALL back?

In ALL migrants being kicked out of the UK, one would assume that the European migrants would also be joining the exodus from your fair shores. After all, if the BNP believe in a zero immigration policy, that would also include European migrants as well wouldn't it? But here comes the little thing that amuses me. In their rantings of pushing for a zero immigration policy and for kicking ALL the migrants out, they allow migrants to become members of the party...

Where do the BNP state that ALL migrants will be kicked out of the UK?
Where do the BNP state that ALL migrants will be kicked out of the UK?
Common vienna you aint stupid enough to believe they'll let any of them stay, it does stand for British Nazi Party after all;).
Lemming3k said:
Common vienna you aint stupid enough to believe they'll let any of them stay, it does stand for British Nazi Party after all;).

Really?? Where does it state that???

I bet you're a labour supporter....... ;)
Bells - Just for you I am going to re-post something I wrote in another thread - It sums up the picture in Britain today.

Muslims came here on the governments invitation - NOT the British public - confirmed by enoch Powells "Rivers of blood" speech in 1968, which is drawing nearer day by day.

The British government favours the muslim way of life, and has rammed it down the throats of the British public in the form of political correctness. It didn't even take any action against Abu Hamza who IN LONDON preached anti-west, burned the British flag and demanded an Islamic Britain along with terrorist rants. If it wasn't for American action that guy would be still on the streets chanting his filth without approach from the British law - however if I were to do the same against Islam ~ I would be arrested on the spot and imprisoned. Americans fail to see this, the British government is so biased towards the ethnic minorities over the ethnic British - no wonder why we are angry.

Muslims are having drug based gang warfare in the cities of Britain today, muslims crimes against the whites are hushed up for fear of upsetting the racial applecart (It's going over anyway - reference to Enoch Powells speech).

Mosques spoil the characteristic British landscapes, no go areas for whites in British cities, don't forget that the British population is NINE times denser than the USA, the problems are much greater.

One way political correctness, unfair hand outs to immigrants who have done jack shit for this country when British pensioners who have worked all their life for this country are struggling to make ends meet. It all adds up to resentment.

Face it - if YOU moved lock stock and barrel into a foreign country and your new hosts had thoughtfully created an entire industry to do everything for you including wiping your backside, you'd fill your boots. Thats what Britain is providing for the muslim population and it has caused one hell of resentment towards muslims.

Then we get all this allah bullshit and white racist stuff from muslims rammed down the throats of the British -Puleeease we've all had enough - get rid of the muslims from this country, we've all had it up to our necks and we are sick of it
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