Is islam really the fastest growing religion?

everneo said:
So, how to prevent that.? Shall we kill all muslims in excess of 3 bill ..ah ?

did i say we should kill al them? :D

Now, the poor muslims are not so poor that they are blamed now for what happened to your people.?!

blamed? they DID it, surrenederer just said that are they still dieing, i said yesh we sikhs are still not gettting the himan rights we deserve, hopefully our new PM Manmohan Singh can make lives better, as he saved india from financial disaster

but again the kashmir and gujrat conflict still people are dieing
Muslims keep cheering that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world - but what does it prove?

What do they hope to gain? :rolleyes:
Vienna said:
Muslims keep cheering that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world - but what does it prove?

What do they hope to gain? :rolleyes:

Probably because Islam constantly gets a bad "rap"(espcially in this country) and if people are still joining islam in increasing numbers then maybe the truth is getting out about islam and people are starting to realize that it isnt about hijackings and suicide bombings :) that those things are abodimations not the norm....oh yea and a muslim didnt start this thread either :rolleyes:
Islam gets a bad "rap" in this country because the government is politically correct manic and ultra-pro ethnic minority. Muslims don't help matters by creating city ghettos and no go areas for whites - I can go on....

And don't give me the "Islam isn't about hijackings and suicide bombers" crap, it goes together like a knife and fork.

What I asked was - What does Islam hope to acheive by becoming the fastest growing religion in the world?

What is Islams ultimate aim? eh.
surenderer said:
Probably because Islam constantly gets a bad "rap"(espcially in this country) and if people are still joining islam in increasing numbers then maybe the truth is getting out about islam and people are starting to realize that it isnt about hijackings and suicide bombings :) that those things are abodimations not the norm....oh yea and a muslim didnt start this thread either :rolleyes:

but as the population of islam increases, so does the small population of extremists

like i said before, there is the few who are still "bad"
Vienna said:
Islam gets a bad "rap" in this country because the government is politically correct manic and ultra-pro ethnic minority. Muslims don't help matters by creating city ghettos and no go areas for whites - I can go on....
Hmmm and I'm sure you're trying to help matters along with racism. So tell me Vienna, how did the BNP go again in the elections these last couple of weeks? Did one even manage to get elected?

And don't give me the "Islam isn't about hijackings and suicide bombers" crap, it goes together like a knife and fork.
Just like one could say that "Christianity and peadophilia go together like a knife and fork". By making such a statement, one is saying that all Christian priests are peadophiles, instead of admitting that of all the Christians in the world, only a small minority abuse children. The same can be applied to your little statement about Islam. Not all Muslims are terrorists and are into hijackings and suicide bombers. The majority, like the majority of Christian priests and pastors, find the practice abhorrent. But I guess when one is racist Vienna, it becomes much easier to group them all together so that you can feel better about yourself, plus it's less work for you mentally.:rolleyes:

What I asked was - What does Islam hope to acheive by becoming the fastest growing religion in the world?
Do you understand what it means when it is said that it has become the fastest growing religion in the world? It means Vienna that people are converting to Islam, for whatever reasons that suits them at that time. And whether it is true or not (that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world), it doesn't mean that they're out to get you. The religion itself is not out to achieve anything. It's not like they're Pinky and the Brain.. with the Brain out to conquer the world. What it means is that individuals around the world are finding Islam to suit their needs and their beliefs so they convert. It's not some kind of conspiracy where everyone around the world is out to get you, the great white hope, Vienna.

What is Islams ultimate aim? eh.
Why Vienna, my sweet lil strudel! The ultimate aim is to come after just you... for you are the great white hope... and plunder your home and spouse... and convert your children. :rolleyes: Or maybe they're the Borg and trying to assimilate you.... resistance is futile...

By asking such a question Vienna, you're making yourself sound like a crackpot. :D
Vienna said:
Islam gets a bad "rap" in this country because the government is politically correct manic and ultra-pro ethnic minority. Muslims don't help matters by creating city ghettos and no go areas for whites - I can go on....

I'm comin for you Vienna.....gettin closer and closer.......BOO :D
Sher_Punjabi said:
but as the population of islam increases, so does the small population of extremists

like i said before, there is the few who are still "bad"

I do agree with that but i am not one of those muslims who claim that Islam is always a "peaceful" religion.... Islam tell muslims to fight aggresssion and I dont think that is wrong. Seems to me that the only people who would disagree with that philosphy is a Wolf who plans to make someone their meal.
Sher_Punjabi said:
lol at surrenderer and bells

y do u think ppl fite? (jus a q)
Calm yourself Sher. Vienna and I have been having these little discussions for a long time. He knows my stance on this issue and I know his stance. He is well aware that any animosity that appears in such replies is only that... an appearance. He makes fun of my stance and I make fun of his stance.

And you really should not be looking at our replies on here and asking such a question about why we may think people fight on here, especially in light of your responses and the aggressive tone you've been known to employ in here.

So calm down. Vienna knows its all good. :p
Bells said:

Do you understand what it means when it is said that it has become the fastest growing religion in the world? It means Vienna that people are converting to Islam, for whatever reasons that suits them at that time. And whether it is true or not (that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world),
they are the so-called fastest growing pop, because they are keeping up with the world's pop 800 million in 1982, 1.3 billion now, lets see, in 1982 the world's pop was 4.6 billion, now its 6.4 billion, I think they slowed down, where's the statisticians? are we in the wrong forum to crunch niumbers & compare?

it doesn't mean that they're out to get you. The religion itself is not out to achieve anything. It's not like they're Pinky and the Brain.. with the Brain out to conquer the world. What it means is that individuals around the world are finding Islam to suit their needs and their beliefs so they convert. It's not some kind of conspiracy where everyone around the world
actually, if you read the quran, the goal is world domination; either you are 'muslim' (one who submits to allah) or you are dhimmi (one who submits to muslims), why do you think jihad plays such a large role in the lives of muslims & ideals of islam?
Bells said:
]Hmmm and I'm sure you're trying to help matters along with racism. So tell me Vienna, how did the BNP go again in the elections these last couple of weeks? Did one even manage to get elected?

Racist?? me??? How dare you say that :D

Of course I'm not racist, Islam is not a race, chucklecheeks.

Oh and the BNP did VERY WELL, quite a lot of their candidates did get elected.


Just like one could say that "Christianity and peadophilia go together like a knife and fork". By making such a statement, one is saying that all Christian priests are peadophiles, instead of admitting that of all the Christians in the world, only a small minority abuse children. The same can be applied to your little statement about Islam. Not all Muslims are terrorists and are into hijackings and suicide bombers. The majority, like the majority of Christian priests and pastors, find the practice abhorrent. But I guess when one is racist Vienna, it becomes much easier to group them all together so that you can feel better about yourself, plus it's less work for you mentally

I'm not going down that path Bells, you should know better than to come up with that old argument. The fact remains that Islam is the cause of all the terrorism in the world today.

The religion itself is not out to achieve anything.

Ha ha ha ha ha, now you have totally lost the plot my little Kookaburra. :D
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Randolfo said:
they are the so-called fastest growing pop, because they are keeping up with the world's pop 800 million in 1982, 1.3 billion now, lets see, in 1982 the world's pop was 4.6 billion, now its 6.4 billion, I think they slowed down, where's the statisticians? are we in the wrong forum to crunch niumbers & compare?

actually, if you read the quran, the goal is world domination; either you are 'muslim' (one who submits to allah) or you are dhimmi (one who submits to muslims), why do you think jihad plays such a large role in the lives of muslims & ideals of islam?

Actually you thats not true. the word Jihad usually has nothing to do with violence thats just something that the west says. Jihad for a muslim means internal struggle like struggling to not drink alcohal or struggling to not use drugs etc.... thats the jihad that is important in muslims lives :) Now i pretty much know the quran inside and out so tell me where it says that the koran's goal is global dominace(sp?) I do know that in the Koran God says"me word will spread even when they(unbelevers) hate it"..........peace
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surenderer said:
Actually you thats not true. the word Jihad has nothing to do with violence thats just something that the west says. Jihad for a muslim means internal struggle like struggling to not drink alcohal or struggling to not use drugs etc.... thats the jihad that is important in muslims lives :) Now i pretty much know the quran inside and out so tell me where it says that the koran's goal is global dominace(sp?) I do know that in the Koran God says"me word will spread even when they(unbelevers) hate it"..........peace

Actually surrender that is not just something the west says that is something many of your fellow muslims say, and I am sure they believe they know the quran as well or better than you

Another distortion that is promoted is the idea that Jihad is only defensive. The protagonists of this idea again utilise certain misinterpretations to justify their positions.

"Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress the limits. For Allah loves not the transgressors” [TMQ Al-Baqarah: 190].

“And if they incline to peace, you incline to it also, and trust in Allah. Verily! He is the hearer, the knower” [TMQ Al-A’raf: 61].

These two verses however, cannot abrogate the 119 other verses of Qur’an that suggest that Jihad is not merely limited to defensive war alone. These 119 verses, which are general and absolute, indicate that Jihad encompasses all of the following types of war:

Here is an article link
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Here are some more from non-western sources

1. The objective of Jihad. This objective warrants that one must struggle against Kufr (disbelief) and Shirk (polytheism) and the worship of falsehood in all its forms. Jihad has to continue until this objective is achieved


This Hadith strongly refutes the people who distort the Islamic concept of Jihad and hold that Islam preaches defensive war only. It is an apologetic approach because defensive war has to be fought in any case by every nation and country. Thus, it is a compulsion and needs no justification. The real distinction of Islam lies in its enjoining Muslims to wage war for upholding the truth beside fighting for their own defense. The domination of Kufr, Shirk and falsehood is darkness, heresy and tyranny, and the objective of Islam is to purge the world of all these evils. It aims at liberating man from the worship of man, set them on the path of worship of Allah, and to provide a just and equitable society to mankind. Wherever in the world there is tyranny, ignorance and heresy, Muslims are bound to fight such evils and finish them by means of Jihad.

From here
On spreading islam over the entire globe by any means including force

The Khilafa is a fard kifaya {obligatory} on the ummah.

The duties and responsibilities of the Khalifa
The Khalifa of the Muslim ummah must strive to:
5. Defend the rights of Muslims abroad, and to see to it that Islam can spread freely in non-Muslim lands (including the use of force).

6. Organize jihad against any non-Muslim government which prevents Muslim da'wah from entering its land. ...

from here
Last one just to make certain you know that this isn't some western distortion but rather a part of muslim doctrine (not all muslims I realize)

"The Qur'an tells us that Muhammad (sws) was not only a Prophet (nabi) but also a messenger (Rasu'l) of Allah.

The Qur'an tells us that when Allah sends His messenger in a people, these people are not allowed to live on Allah's earth if they reject the messenger.

It tells us that these people are given time in which to make up their minds and to present all their objections against the messenger (Rasu'l). It tells us that when the Al-knowing Allah decides that these people have been given adequate time and that they are now absolutely clear of the truthfulness of the messenger and thus are not left with any excuse for their rejection but still are persistent in their rejection then Allah directs his prophet to migrate from the area and then he destroys all those who have rejected his messenger.

The Qur'an refers to the peoples (nations of the messengers of old - Noah, Hood, Lot, Shoaib, Saaleh and Moses (pbuh)- and narrates the result of their rejection. It declares to the direct addressees of Muhammad (sws) that if they don't accept the message of Allah's messenger (Muhammad) their fate shall be no different from those nations that have gone before them. (Surah al-Qamar the whole Surah especially verse no 43-45)

In short the Qur'an says it is the unalterable law of Allah that when he sends his messenger in a people, these particular people are left with no option but to accept his message or to face the punishment of death and sometimes complete annihilation. "

"The Qur'an goes further to tell us how this punishment was implemented on the polytheists from among the direct addressees of the Prophet (sws).

It tells us that although the previous nations of the messengers of Allah were annihilated because of their rejection through (apparently) natural calamities the companions of Muhammad (sws) because Allah has given them rule in a land (Medina) shall fight the rejecters and through these believers shall Allah implement his punishment (al_Tauba 9:14-16).

It directs them that the Mushrikeen should be killed without any exception. They should only be allowed to live if they accept Islam (al-Taubah 9:5). On the other hand, it also directs them that the Jews and the Christians (because they weren't polytheists I.e. Mushrikeen) even if they don't enter the folds of Islam, they may be allowed to live if they accept to live under the Muslim rule and agree to pay the Jizyah (Al-Taubah 9:29).
Thus the Prophet (sws) sent his messenger who declared at the time of Hajj that no one from among the rejecting polytheists shall be allowed to live after the prohibited months, if he does not accept Islam.

As a result of this declaration, most of the people who previously were polytheists, accepted Islam and thus the punishment of Allah was avoided."

From here

path said:
On spreading islam over the entire globe by any means including force

from here

Goodness dude going back a couple hundred years to quote what a warrior says to justify him wanting his name in history i could do the same for slave traders or pilgrims who were massacreing native-americans as they were holding bibles....common man i know your not gonna use an extremists website to make your point here is a more credible link:
The Qur'an refers to the peoples (nations of the messengers of old - Noah, Hood, Lot, Shoaib, Saaleh and Moses (pbuh)- and narrates the result of their rejection. It declares to the direct addressees of Muhammad (sws) that if they don't accept the message of Allah's messenger (Muhammad) their fate shall be no different from those nations that have gone before them. (Surah al-Qamar the whole Surah especially verse no 43-45)

Whats wrong with that? sounds like John 3:16 in the bible to me

It tells us that although the previous nations of the messengers of Allah were annihilated because of their rejection through (apparently) natural calamities the companions of Muhammad (sws) because Allah has given them rule in a land (Medina) shall fight the rejecters and through these believers shall Allah implement his punishment (al_Tauba 9:14-16)

Thats reffering to the wars the prophet(saws) fought back in the days when the polythests were attacking muslims because they were preaching monotheism which was destroying their economy(5th article of jihad came from here) these quotes you use sounds like some kind of Al Queda sympathesier which thankfully most muslims dont believe or follow (including me of course)