Is Hell a Physical Reality?

Lawdog says: human nature itself was not unacceptable to God, originally, only after the archsin.

Woody says: Human nature changed when sin entered the world through A&E. All of nature changed at that point. When I say human nature I am talking about adamic nature.

Rom 3:23

For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God

Rom 7:18-25

For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me. For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.
Audible says: woody, please dont change your the best comedian on the internet.
please post some more of your humourous anecdotes, they are hilarious.

Woody says: Your avatar looks unhappy, glad I could cheer you up. However I don't think Yorda is laughing about what I said. She has a spiritual side.

Yorda originally said: No human is good, they just happen to be that way?

Woody says: That's a pretty good start for somebody figuring it out for themself.
SnakeLord said:
Sure you can. I did a trial robot with free will. It picked it's nose, farted in public and was an all round general nuisance. I then realised that I had made a glitch in the 'nature' subroutine.

I tried again this time giving it a pleasant nature. Voila.. It still had free will but behaved, (the way I personally demanded it to - which somewhat negates the very essence of free will), simply because it was in it's nature to do so.

I didn't annihilate the first robot because that would show a callous lack of respect for my creation. I gave it the right to do as it pleased - it would simply be wrong for me to doom it because I didn't personally like the choices it made. I told it to chop the end of it's penis off and it laughed in my face. It chose not to because believe it or not that robot had developed it's own morals, it's own guidelines to what was right or wrong. That made my penis-chopping demands completely irrelevant to him and his life, (which is exactly the same with modern day christians. god's demand that you be circumcised has been completely swept aside and ignored - just as stoning naughty sons to death has been). Who am I to get all upset and moody because my creation has utilized that which I have given it to it's fullest ability? I gave it free will to use that free will. Adding all kinds of threats and demands completely removes any worth that free will would have had.
A well made point, and interesting to read as well. I counter in this way: Free Will cannot be epiphenomenal (a byproduct of intellect that only seems like freedom), for that goes contrary to the very definition, in which it is understood as an autonomous power. Like Artificial Intelligence or animal intelligence, there really is no such thing, there is only something which appears to be intelligence but is not. Both Intellect and Free Will are faculties (powers) and these are spiritual powers proper only to indestructable (immortal) souls.
Have your free will and die, or have no free will and live. It's astoundingly pathetic. Promises of another life that wont be like this one.. one where the creator hasn't included such beautiful creations like cancer that has spent it's entire existence killing both the worshipful and the worshipless. One where nobody will have a choice to be bad or to do anything that does not belong there.. A bunch of sheep all living in a golden city worshipping this one being for eternity and for what?
The benificence of the Creator is boundless, and even the fact that we were created and have being is a blessing beyond what is comprehensible. Thus, were the creator to create out of nothingness beings that reject an even further offering, such as immortal bliss, it would have to be a totally free rejection on their part. The Creator allows this, unwilling to force any being into intimacy with him. Since the Creator originally designed humans to have final bliss with him, they cannot find true joy in any other end. This is their nature, that the human soul cannot love unless it is free to love. For example, a triangle must have three sides, and there is no triangle that does not have three sides, such a thing cannot be created. In the same way human nature must have Free Will. [/quote]
Ok I'm not an eternal being, but I could not even contemplate what would be wrong with my brain to need people to worship me. Some respect is always nice, and it's a pleasure to see my robots come up to me and say thanks and hi once in a while - but absolute servitude and worship? But it doesn't even stop there.. We're not talking respect - he doesn't ask for that, we're not talking appreciation - he doesn't care for that... nope, what he wants above all else is for his creation to "fear" him. That in itself shows some serious issues that would have a human locked up or killed within a short while, (sup Saddam).
All men owe God worship and service. This is not so much for the good of God, or an increase in benefits that he might recieve thereby, for God cannot benefit at all from Man, since He is a transcendent God, totally encompassing all Goodness in himself and needing nothing. We are unessesary beings, but God has chosen us to be in Eternity with him. He asks (not demands) that we worship him, not for hisown good, but for our good and happiness. God is so goods and loving that he cannot stop considering and desiring whats best for us.[/quote]
Frankly it's disgusting.

All of this of course while this being plays a magical game of hide and seek somewhere out in the cosmos. He hasn't been seen sitting on a mountain in millennia and only lets us know he's still alive and kicking with the occasional tsunami or earthquake when us little humans misbehave. Oh and of course the 1 in 3 first time pregnancies that end in miscarriage. We know that's his doing because he says so in the bible, (the firstborn are his).
God has removed himself from the earth for a time, for several reasons: 1) So that man may practice the virtue of faith and thereby merit eternal reward. 2) Because we God to remain on earth as a ruler, he would be treated badly by men, as he was on Golgotha. Therefore, in order that blasphemies and such be less culpable, he has removed himself.
3) In a very real way God is still present on the Earth, in the form of the Holy Ghost and the Eucharist
Also, miscarriages are for a reason, perhaps unknown, but God allows a soul to enter the world for a brief time for his own mysterious reason.[/quote]
I could only imagine how much worse it must have been for the angels - a full third of which decided he wasn't quite the cool dude you'd make him out to be.
The fallen angels envied the exaltation of Christ as Man, for God consented to take on human nature, and the angels thought this too inglorious for them.
Doesn't that bring some serious issues into mind?

god creates angels.. angels leave god, god creates man, man doesn't listen to god because god sent the angel that didn't like god down to intervene with mankind who was at that stage getting along perfectly until god sent down the naughty angel to persuade man not to listen to god. god then dooms man to spend eternity with the angels that left him, and instead of acting like a father and working out what the problem is and how to solve it in the most caring and loving way possible, he just dumps them all together in a fiery burning pit. Amen.
God does not doom Man, but destines man for the bliss of Eternity, as he did for the angels.
Oh wait.. let's not forget the time that is fast approaching where he decides to loose this fallen angel to cause some havoc on the planet, before bombarding the planet with some asteroids, apocolyptic horsemen, flying dragons and several other weird things, loosing a bunch of plagues, turning the sun and moon into sackcloth and ash, and utterly completely destroying the entire universe, (which is a tragedy for the animals who haven't done any harm to anyone and yet get whacked along with the rest of us).
The Apocalypse (the Revealing of God) is indeed preceded by a time of great trial and temptation for men. Using the teachings of Christ anyone may live through that time or die as a saint.
Thats like me making an ant nest thing, (the glass thingy you can see ants in), placing loads of ants in it, giving them a bunch of stupid ass rules for the mere sake of it, demanding they worship and fear me and then battering the smeg out of the ants nest just for kicks.

And there I was thinking Dawn of the Dead was depressing.

You honestly worship that? You see some joy in having this wonderful planet and all on it annihilated for no good reason? You see some joy in watching the mass majority of mankind, (your species), end up in a lake of lava? Would you enjoy watching your god loose a huge variety of plagues on women, children, old aged pensioners? Would you enjoy finding out that god didn't like some things your wife did in her life and while you get to spend an eternity bowing at his knees your wife will always be below you slowly burning - all because a man and a woman with no understanding of good and evil made the wrong choice several thousand years ago - and were set up to make that wrong choice. god put the tree there, knowing they would eat from it, god put the serpent there, knowing he would tempt them, god knew all that time what they would do, and knew all that time that perhaps your wife, or parents, or children would end up burning forever and ever and ever simply because they weren't perfect, and all because he messed up on the maths?
A formidible perspective. Pray about these things and you will come to understanding. Consider that had not God allowed Man to be tempted in this way, he would never have needed to send the Christ who opened the gates of Heaven to us. As far as beloved ones in Hell, those who are with God do not suffer for they know that His justice has been metted. Those in Hell chose that fate for themselves, they were not forced into it. That is why you should make every effort to go to Heaven, so that the rest of your earthly family will have all the more joy knowing that you are with them.
A well made point, and interesting to read as well. I counter in this way: Free Will cannot be epiphenomenal (a byproduct of intellect that only seems like freedom), for that goes contrary to the very definition, in which it is understood as an autonomous power. Like Artificial Intelligence or animal intelligence, there really is no such thing, there is only something which appears to be intelligence but is not. Both Intellect and Free Will are faculties (powers) and these are spiritual powers proper only to indestructable (immortal) souls.

The problem with this of course being that there is not so much as one piece of credible evidence to suggest existence of souls or "spiritual powers". If we looked at dictionary definition we would see that free will would apply to robots and animals aswell.

1. The ability or discretion to choose; free choice: chose to remain behind of my own free will.

2. The power of making free choices that are unconstrained by external circumstances or by an agency such as fate or divine will.

Free will has nothing to do with imaginary 'inner beings' or intelligence.

All men owe God worship and service

Not at all.

This is not so much for the good of God

Of course it is.

We are unessesary beings

So are pubic lice. That doesn't make us or them special.

God is so goods and loving that he cannot stop considering and desiring whats best for us.

The removal of cancer would be a good start. Needless to say man will eventually eradicate this creation of god's and then the religious man will claim it was an act of god that eradicated it instead of realising that in every single instance it's down to mankind.

I saw a programme where some firemen rescued some people. The mother said: "thank god", instead of realising she should have just said: "thanks firemen" who actually did all the saving.

You guys take all the worth out of mans hands and lump it all on some non-existant invisible cloud being. I find that really quite sickening.

God has removed himself from the earth for a time, for several reasons: 1) So that man may practice the virtue of faith and thereby merit eternal reward.

Faith is simply idiotic.

2) Because we God to remain on earth as a ruler, he would be treated badly by men, as he was on Golgotha. Therefore, in order that blasphemies and such be less culpable, he has removed himself.

Somewhat pointless considering a) he can surely handle the bad treatment, b) he intends to come back and rule for 1000 years anyway so must be able to handle some bad treatment, and c) he only intends to kill us all anyway, so why wait?

3) In a very real way God is still present on the Earth, in the form of the Holy Ghost and the Eucharist

Where exactly?

Also, miscarriages are for a reason, perhaps unknown, but God allows a soul to enter the world for a brief time for his own mysterious reason.

And these "humans" owe god their worship and service too?

The fallen angels envied the exaltation of Christ as Man, for God consented to take on human nature, and the angels thought this too inglorious for them.

And from where did the angels get envy?

God does not doom Man, but destines man for the bliss of Eternity, as he did for the angels.

Unless you happen to be a fortune teller right?

The Apocalypse (the Revealing of God) is indeed preceded by a time of great trial and temptation for men. Using the teachings of Christ anyone may live through that time or die as a saint.

Well, after the stars fall on earth there's little chance that anyone will survive - whether they followed christ or not.

A formidible perspective. Pray about these things and you will come to understanding.

Praying does nothing. You know that. It's also somewhat pointless to an atheist.

As far as beloved ones in Hell, those who are with God do not suffer for they know that His justice has been metted.

Typical to see the religious worrying only about himself. Who gives a shit if your wife suffers as long as you don't right?

Those in Hell chose that fate for themselves, they were not forced into it.

Sorry, when did they 'choose' that?

That is why you should make every effort to go to Heaven, so that the rest of your earthly family will have all the more joy knowing that you are with them.

The rest of my family are not christians and as such will most likely go to hell. Unlike the rest of you I am actually loyal to my kind. If burning is what it takes to be with my loved ones then I'm good with that.

Let me ask you a question, and answer honestly if you can: You get to the gates of heaven where god informs you your wife is going to hell. Would you offer yourself instead of her? Would you give up your happiness in heaven for an eternity of burning just to save your wife that fate?
Of course any man should instinctually offer himself to suffer woe rather than his beloved ones. However God would reject this offer.

I recommend for you a viewing of Brom Stoker's Dracula by Francis Ford Copolla, as a meditation on those who have difficult relationships with God.

Snaklord has never attended a church service in his life, and he has a college degree in religious education.

I told him that was really odd. He doesn't see it that way. What do you think?
Of course any man should instinctually offer himself to suffer woe rather than his beloved ones.

I didn't ask 'any man', I asked you.

However God would reject this offer.

Free will becomes non-existant at this point?

I told him that was really odd. He doesn't see it that way. What do you think?

What he thinks or what you think are of no value to your off-topic statement. And once again, although being a clearly fraud christian you don't pay any attention to it, jesus said not to go to church but to find a quiet room. Church is simply irrelevant - meant only to please little old grannies who could use the company, and keep paedophiles in very gainful employment.

When I find myself in need of a social atmosphere I find the pub serves just as much use but with less weirdos and hotter women.

Hell was invented by perverted propogators of religious dogma to attempt to control the masses. For eons they succeeded. Now it is their turn to suffer their own invention.

Some like it hot. They won't.

Lawdog said:

I recommend for you a viewing of Brom Stoker's Dracula by Francis Ford Copolla, as a meditation on those who have difficult relationships with God.

Ha, HA; :D He, he, he, LOL. :D I recommend 2Peter 2:20-22 !
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S/L said: What he thinks or what you think are of no value to your off-topic statement.

Woody says: Anybody that would get a degree in religious education and never even once attend a church service has got to be a total weirdo.

How about someone that majors in music education and never even once touches a musical instrument?

How about someone that majors in physical education and never even once does excercise. Ever heard of a paraplegic PE instructor?


Snakelord said: And once again, although being a clearly fraud christian you don't pay any attention to it, jesus said not to go to church but to find a quiet room.

Woody says: So you know what a "real" christian is, after reading about it in college -- Well that's wonderful! Like the blind man that tells me what eyesight is supposed to be like -- I just consider the source.

According to you, Jesus told us not to go to church, did he? Could you please quote chapter and verse? He told us to run and hide in a closet -- yeah right! :rolleyes:

After you quote your misguided translation of the bible, please be sure to include the incident that prompted Jesus to say something about praying in a closet, if you don't mind.
woody: does this help.

king james version,

And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues(churches) and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

matthew 6:6
But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

luke 9:28
And it came to pass about an eight days after these sayings, he took Peter and John and James, and went up into a mountain to pray. (not a church,why .)?
Woody says: Anybody that would get a degree in religious education and never even once attend a church service has got to be a total weirdo.

Why is that? Btw, would that also mean I would be a weirdo for not attending a synagogue or mosque service aswell?

How about someone that majors in music education and never even once touches a musical instrument?

Well, my wife did a course in beauty and therapy yet doesn't wear make up and has never given herself a massage. I am currently doing a study from home degree in Archaeology but have no real intention of digging up dead people or old relics. Personally I fail to see what your problem is.

According to you, Jesus told us not to go to church, did he? Could you please quote chapter and verse? He told us to run and hide in a closet -- yeah right!

Someone who I would assume attends church services on a regular basis and yet he doesn't even know what's written in the bible. Weirdo.. right?
Why all the foolish name calling?

Since Snakelord can find no commonality on which to establish trust in a benevolent Creator, after having studied religion and believed falshoods of those who lie, he then puts himself in danger of eternal woe. This is a simple truth, but one does not need to insult him.

One must go to Church and hear from the Shepherd which God has appointed for you. If you have not yet done this, then pray for discernment on which Church to attend. Christ himself attended Synagog. The Catholic Church is universally known to be the Church established by Christ himself.
Woody: Anybody that would get a degree in religious education and never even once attend a church service has got to be a total weirdo.

So you know what a "real" christian is, after reading about it in college -- Well that's wonderful! Like the blind man that tells me what eyesight is supposed to be like -- I just consider the source.

According to you, Jesus told us not to go to church, did he? Could you please quote chapter and verse? He told us to run and hide in a closet -- yeah right! :rolleyes:

After you quote your misguided translation of the bible, please be sure to include the incident that prompted Jesus to say something about praying in a closet, if you don't mind.
M*W: Verily I sayeth unto thou, thou art fulleth of shitteth.
Since Snakelord can find no commonality on which to establish trust in a benevolent Creator, after having studied religion and believed falshoods of those who lie, he then puts himself in danger of eternal woe. This is a simple truth

A simple truth? If you honestly think you can arrive at "truths", (simple or otherwise) by reading books written by unknown authors from millennia gone by, then there is a serious problem. You are putting unfounded trust in a man you don't know who most likely didn't even know what an earthquake was or that the earth is round. And because one of them then mentions lakes of fire and golden cities you buy it without so much as a question? I can only imagine how much double glazing salesmen love you.

One must go to Church and hear from the Shepherd which God has appointed for you.

With all due respect, but if I really wanted to go and hear a shepherd I'd just drive to Wales, walk up some big hill and look for man with a funny stick and a large bunch of sheep.

But besides that, it's 2005 now.. why are people still talking about shepherds?

If you have not yet done this, then pray for discernment on which Church to attend.

There's nothing to pray to. I think you need to understand that I'm an atheist. I have no need to go to church, to find a sheep herder or to pray to non existant beings.

Christ himself attended Synagog.

Who cares?

The Catholic Church is universally known to be the Church established by Christ himself.

While I have nothing against your free advertising, you're talking to the wrong guy. Go hand out your leaflets elsewhere.
Woody: Anybody that would get a degree in religious education and never even once attend a church service has got to be a total weirdo.

S/L said: Why is that? Btw, would that also mean I would be a weirdo for not attending a synagogue or mosque service aswell?

Woody: yes, it is indeed strange that you haven't attended a single religious service of any kind, regardless of your degree in religious education.


S/L said: Well, my wife did a course in beauty and therapy yet doesn't wear make up and has never given herself a massage.

Woody says: By your own admission she doesn't need help in the looks department, and she probably gets all the massages she wants from you.

S/L said: jesus said not to go to church but to find a quiet room.

Woody said: According to you, Jesus told us not to go to church, did he? Could you please quote chapter and verse?

S/L said: Someone who I would assume attends church services on a regular basis and yet he doesn't even know what's written in the bible. Weirdo.. right?

Woody says: I asked you for chapter and verse. I got a weirdo answer instead. You failed. See what I mean?
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M*W: Verily I sayeth unto thou, thou art fulleth of shitteth.

Woody says: I thought you were a backslidden catholic, yet you attempt to speak Elizabethan English. Could you say that in latin?
snakelord is really right... the nature.
so is woody.... he's a christian.
so is mw... she's angry and talks about the sun, but her real person is the sun.
lawdog si right... church is where 43598 person are.
jesus is right... hide your closet.