Is Hell a Physical Reality?

CT said: I think I would fit in better in Hell.

Woody says: Some people you know about are going to be there, do you want to spend an eternity with these types?

Gal 5:19-21

The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Rom 1:29-32

They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death,

I agree. Please don't hate me, even though most of what I say is bullshit. I hate it all too. I wish we all could work something out. I'm just weak a lot of the time and resort to what I learned earliest: anger and violence. Though I don't condone it other than in self-defense, and even then, not to an extreme.
Believe me, I'm aware of how bad I can be. I apologize.


I've done nothing but think about my choices for a very long time now, something like 16-17 years. So no, I don't think I'm being hasty. I have spent time with a few "Mother Theresas" in my life, too, mainly my two Grandmothers, who in my eyes were saints. They are the main reason it's taken me so long to leave Christ behind. But in the end, I think that no matter how saintly they were, they were still misled. Again, not to say the Bible doesn't have it's good qualities, just not all the answers that a semi-sane, rational man like me must have. Sorry.

We're all sinners, son, even you. The only difference is I'm not looking for the easy way out. You may say that the path of the righteous is not easy, but on so many levels, in my mind, it is. You may forget that I was a die-hard Christian for about 30 years, so I kind of know all the verses by heart. Too well, you might say.

And yes, I felt like I was blessed for most of it. Until I came to realize that it wasn't God making me feel that way, it was me. When I realized that, the glass house shattered, and I will never be able or willing to go back. Maybe someday you'll have a simialar experience. Maybe not. Who knows for sure?
SnakeLord said:
I'm not. I've never sinned in my life.

Oh yeah, sorry. Everyone but Snake Lord, people!! I tell you, it is hard to remember everything, all the time. God must have a big, cosmic-sized brain. If you believe in fractal cosmology, it might not be so hard to comprehend, though.
Lawdog said:

It seems that we should posit Hell as a physical reality
or domain beneath the Earth, or in some such place in the space/time continuum.

Let us consider this teaching of the wise.

1) Scientists have only minimal understanding of the Moho and Core,
it very well may be cavernous, perhaps like cheese. Eventhough the core may be solid, it still could be Hell.

2) Christ's teachings in scripture, as well as many things from the OT,
strongly suggest that Hell is a place of physical torture,
as well as spiritual. There are scenes were entire groups
of people are swallowed by the Earth.
It does not seem to be a metaphorical teaching.....


You original post is thought provoking and makes some excellent points which seem to bear upon the truthfulness of Christ's teachings.

Jesus certainly spoke of hell as a real place of real torment.
The question of its physical location has had me wondering sometimes since there appear to be many references to it being beneath the earth.

I have even heard stories of people in Russia (non-Christians) who used drilling equipment to bore deep within the earth's crust, but stopped when they began to hear tormenting screams and voices in the distant coming from within the shaft of the hole. Strange stuff!

I know the teachings of the Scripture well; I'm just not settled on that question, though, of the location of hell. Whereever it is, I don't want to go there. :eek:

There is also a fascinating account in the Book of Revelation where it speaks of a final woe in the last days of earth where smoke arises out of the 'bottomless pit', and from the smoke came horrible 'locusts' who tormented men for months, and they had a king over them which was the angel of the bottomless pit, called Apollyon (meaning destroyer). (Revel.9)

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Woody said:
CT said: I think I would fit in better in Hell.

Woody says: Some people you know about are going to be there, do you want to spend an eternity with these types?
misty said:
have no fear all you atheist's, something to look forward to.

Hell for nonbelievers

If there is a special Hell for atheists and other nonbelievers, I shall never fear for my comfort. The musings of Epicurus will entertain my mind and Voltaire will tickle my wit. While Paine harries the Devil, Franklin will write us a constitution. Cicero, Madison and Frederick the Great can in turn conspire a government that Marx will quickly deride.

Goethe and Poe will tell delightfully chilling tales by the eternal lake-of-fire-side. Mrs. Cady Stanton and Mrs. B. Anthony will preserve our equality and Darwin will write our history. Messieurs Robert Ingersoll and Bertrand Russell will entertain our ears in the theatre built by Carnegie and designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, and they'll speak through the sound system invented by Thomas Edison.

Twain will make us laugh with his satire of old split-foot and criticism of the almighty, and Clarence Darrow will win his right to do so. Nietzsche will philosophize and Freud will analyze. Wells and Roddenberry will give us fantasy, Frost will give us poetry, Shaw will write us a play and Hepburn will be the queen of the stage.

Virginia Wolff will biographize our very own Margaret Sanger, a choice we'll all applaud. Rubinstein will play us a tune and Berlin will pen the words. Charlie Chaplin will adapt for film a comedic tale of H.P. Lovecraft and Earnest Hemmingway that will star W.C. Fields. Howard Hughes will fund the disastrous project.

Pearle Buck and Ayn Rand will make us think and give Skinner thoughts to study. Snoopy will once again have daily installment in our paper, with Schultz returning to the drafting table. All in all I will be quite entertained.

My social calendar will be full to busting, and I'll have many calls to make. The Huxleys (Aldus, Thomas, and Sir Julian Sorell) will be worth a talk on biology and authorship. Perhaps I myself can compose the great novel of the underworld with the help of Lawrence, Orwell, Joyce and Asimov.

I am in good company in my disbelief.

Nevyn O'Kane

sounds like an awfully good place to be.
pavlosmarcos said:
no I've never sinned in my life either.

OK, OK!! Everyone but pavlosmarkos and snake lord. And any other damned atheist out there. I guess that means I am no longer a "sinner" either, huh? I'm still kinda new to this whole godless thing. Trying to feel my way around a bit, still. Hey, wait a minute, what do we believe in? Anything? :) Anything at all?
Pavlos: sounds like an awfully good place to be.

Woody: Yes, it's great if you like being covered with worms. There will be quite a noisy crowd down there. It's a "party" where nobody ever gets to sleep, even though it's totally dark. I hope you like listening to Yoko Ono's "screams" album, because it plays 24-7s for eternity.

Jesus says it is a place:
Mark 9:44 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.

Sounds kind of icky and hot down there.

Pavlos, Have you had your worm pills?

Look at the bright side of hell, if you lose all your teeth here on earth, you will receive new ones to knash with! If you lose your voice you will receive a new one to wail with! :bugeye:
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Going back to the original question:

Is Hell a Physical reality?
Has anyone ever been to Basingstoke!!

I tell you now, Hell is real! :D
Cottontop3000 said:
Hey, wait a minute, what do we believe in? Anything? :) Anything at all?
We belive in love, peace and justice, (although im goin to stop now, or il be accused of preaching...)hehehe,my belief anyway ;) :m:
Sarkus said:
Going back to the original question:

Is Hell a Physical reality?
Has anyone ever been to Basingstoke!!

I tell you now, Hell is real! :D
I gotta agree with you, fuck me, i really am afriad of death now...just imagine spending the whole of eternity inBASINGSTOKE !!! :p
Cottontop3000 said:
Believe me, I'm aware of how bad I can be. I apologize.

Haha. Don't take it so personal. I wasn't talking about you. I'm just annoyed by Christians and atheists who think they're right even though they know nothing. Some Christians (and other 'believers') seem to be so happy to condemn people to hell, but judging people is not a job for "sinners".
Yorda said:
I'm just annoyed by Christians and atheists who think they're right even though they know nothing.
Oh rite, thats al rite then.
Yorda said:
even though they know nothing.
are you gonna be the judge of that oh mighty one?? :bugeye:
Woody said:
Southstar says: News Headline: An infinite God with boundless patience has finally been worn out.

Woody says: Do you expect Him to wait forever? He could, but why should He?

Marvelous sophistry Woody. Simply marvelous.

Now back to topic.

But why shouldn't he?

In the final judgement, everyone has already made their decision. What more is there to wait for. God is not a procrastenator that sits there wringing His hands. One of the "No's" you say to him will be your eternal last "No." He won't keep you living forever until you finally say yes. Is that what you expect instead?

Rev 22:11

Oh not at all Woody. But He already knows whether I'm going to say "No" or "Yes" before I even say it. No?