Is Hate Delusional Thinking?

Exactly. Humanity is a great thing, it just needs to get together. We don't hate one another as humans, we merely despise the ideologies that attempt to divide and conquer us.

what would you suggest as a fix for this?

on the contrary life is full of ideological justifications for doing bad things. You can find two broad categories within politics and justice, neither of which are intrinsically irreligious or religious.

that is my point..if ppl would understand this, they would quit justifying their hate by attacking a particular group of ppl, just because they can be stereotyped...(blacks,gays,christians,jews,asians..etc..etc) there are just as many bad ppl as there are good judge a whole group because all you have known is the bad ppl is not fair to the good ppl of that group..

I asked what planet do you live on.

she has no opinions LG. she just likes to argue on autopilot.
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what kind of education..what would you say is needed to be known?

The ideologies that divide and conquer us, of course, and how to stop them from doing so that we might all work together for humanity.
The ideologies that divide and conquer us, of course, and how to stop them from doing so that we might all work together for humanity.

what ideoligies are seperating us?
how would we stop them?
Many assumptions you have made here were full of rhetoric. Why should that one be any different?
Even though I couldn't word it as such at the time, I first encountered that I lived in a world that offered ideological justifications for good and bad acts when I went to kindergarten.

I don't consider myself unique in this regard.

But anyway, please feel free to continue with your ideological justifications for atheism being good and theism being bad ......

Or love for that matter? Or a product of delusional thinking? I thought of this when I read SAM's 'Do Atheists have a God Complex' thread this morning. I don't hate theists, I pity them. Maybe hate is too strong a word but I believe SAM at least detests atheism. Detest being a harbinger of hate.

Hate for someone never seems to be instantaneous. Never hear that "it was hate at first sight'. So it kind of builds momentum. Same with love. Can love and hate be anything other than delusional thinking if the object of these affections doesn't reciprocate.

Getting back to the theist/atheist relationship...who is more likely to hate the other? Somehow I can't bring myself to believe that emotions such as hate & love are normal, everyday rational thoughts. Hate and love are accumulative, it takes a series of occurrences to firmly establish themselves.

When I write about theists do I come across as hating them? If you think that then why? If you think I am anti religious out of spite then isn't that very thought hateful of me in some respect? I'm just using myself as an example of an atheist here so don't think I'm harboring any irrational fears, far from the truth.

Personally I can't hate the delusional theist. Are the deluded more prone to hate? If so, then in a world that's approximately 90% delusional it is not surprising to see a lot of it. Yes I expect a few theists to see my remarks and take it as a hate-thread, but isn't thinking that thought somewhat hateful of me or at least a step in that direction?


ironically it is the theists who hate each other and obviously this is not delusional
If I don't squelch her in advance, Sam will jump in and say that the depredations of Stalin and Mao were motivated by atheism, and I'll have to remind her that communism is an offshoot of Christianity.
This would be like saying scientific thinking is an offshoot of paganism - if one thinks it came from the Greeks - or Abrahamic religions if you think it came primarily from the learned Christians, Jews and Muslims.

Should we be wary of scientific thinking also?
so is that all you got?

just leave a generic remark and not get into specifics??

Are you asking me to solve the worlds problems, that I have all the answers?

I don't have all the answers.

But most certainly, the cycle of religious indoctrination is the first thing that has to be broken. Offer choices to children and teach them. Don't demand they believe in the same religion you believe.

With religious indoctrination of children out of the way, we'll begin to see a breakdown of organized religions and eventually they'll become irrelevant and have little or no control over the population. That's a start to ridding ourselves of ideologies that divide and conquer us.
Are you asking me to solve the worlds problems, that I have all the answers?

I don't have all the answers.

But most certainly, the cycle of religious indoctrination is the first thing that has to be broken. Offer choices to children and teach them. Don't demand they believe in the same religion you believe.

With religious indoctrination of children out of the way, we'll begin to see a breakdown of organized religions and eventually they'll become irrelevant and have little or no control over the population. That's a start to ridding ourselves of ideologies that divide and conquer us.

You are such a raging hypocrit.

Hate the sin and love the sinner is a basic tenet of my faith. The fact that some religious people don't practice the fundamentals of their own doctrine isn't surprising according to the doctrine.

To hate what causes suffering and death is sane, if you love people.