Is Hate Delusional Thinking?

Perhaps you could provide an example from everyday life

I know that many examples from the bible have been presented to you ad nauseum, and you know it.

So there is no other factor that introduces issues of hatred within an atheist's life ?

Intellectual dishonesty. Lying.

What you and many theists fail to grasp is that your cults are ideologies, not arms and legs. I'm disgusted with cult ideologies, not arms and legs.
I know that many examples from the bible have been presented to you ad nauseum, and you know it.
I know you have a passion to present caricatured renditions that find no practical support in everyday life to support your biased arguments ad nauseum, .....but I suspect you don't know it.
(I guess its part of the delusional aspect of hatred that makes one blind to such things)

Intellectual dishonesty. Lying.

So an atheist is never susceptible to these things?

What you and many theists fail to grasp is that your cults are ideologies, not arms and legs. I'm disgusted with cult ideologies, not arms and legs.
My question is not what you think is the most popular issue that disgusts am atheist but whether there are any other issues that introduce hatred into an atheist's life.

Or is it that an atheist is so shallow that they have no pending issues in their life aside from the religious?
I know you have a passion to present caricatured renditions that find no practical support in everyday life to support your biased arguments ad nauseum, .....but I suspect you don't know it.

True, the bible has no practical support for everyday life. It's demands would have us all extinct in a short time.


So an atheist is never susceptible to these things?

There is no need to support reality with intellectual dishonesty and lies, but most certainly it is required to support a supernatural worldview.

My question is not what you think is the most popular issue that disgusts am atheist but whether there are any other issues that introduce hatred into an atheist's life.

Violence is an issue that might disgust people.
True, the bible has no practical support for everyday life. It's demands would have us all extinct in a short time.
well ... yeah .. hence you are an atheist I guess ......

There is no need to support reality with intellectual dishonesty and lies, but most certainly it is required to support a supernatural worldview.
I don't see how that explains how an atheist is beyond issues of hatred ... much less delusion.

Violence is an issue that might disgust people.
I don't see how that explains how an atheist is beyond issues of hatred ... much less delusion.
Or is it that an atheist is so shallow that they have no pending issues in their life aside from the religious?
Religion is an enormous issue; it's the 500-pound gorilla of issues. Averaged over the centuries since the rise of Christianity, and exacerbated by the rise of Islam, Abrahamic religion has been (certainly) one of the top two or three forces for disharmony and violence among humans, and (arguably) the number one force.

In the name of their god and with the blessing and encouragement of their top religious leaders, Abrahamists have destroyed three of earth's precious civilizations. (Egypt, Inca and Aztec/Maya/Olmec.) Whether from a purely scholarly, academic perspective, or from a touchy-feely humanitarian perspective, there is no greater sin than the obliteration of an entire civilization, and it is a sin that the Abrahamist community (or communities, they seem to be able to discern subtle differences among themselves) can never atone for.

It's rather difficult to get past that when deciding which battle to join--which evil against which to muster one's finite energies.

When I think about speaking out in the debates over drugs, spanking, abortion or immigration, I'm overwhelmed by the image of ALL of the Aztec libraries being burned by Christians, because ALL of the history of an entire people was labeled "heathen." Today the power of the Christian community has waned slightly in the West, but the baton of evil has been passed to their clones, the Muslim community in the Middle East.

If so many of us atheists are fixated on religion, it's because we see transcendence over religion as humanity's most pressing need.
Q is so emotionally invested in his disbelief in a God, that it consumes him. Like it does many atheists.
It isn't disbelief in a god that consumes us. It's the evil perpetrated in the name of that god over two millennia. As I noted in my previous post, much of that evil is both enormous and irreparable.

Genghis Khan is probably the greatest figure of evil in our history who was not motivated by Abrahamic monotheism. And the depredations of his armies pale in comparison to those of the Muslim armies of Caliph Omar and the Christian armies of Pope Urban.

If I don't squelch her in advance, Sam will jump in and say that the depredations of Stalin and Mao were motivated by atheism, and I'll have to remind her that communism is an offshoot of Christianity. The notion that what a man takes from civilization need not correlate with what he gives back is not one that would have popped into the head of any self-respecting member of a Hindu, Jewish or Confucian society.