Is Hate Delusional Thinking?

The fact that some religious people don't practice the fundamentals of their own doctrine isn't surprising according to the doctrine.

To hate what causes suffering and death is sane

It is the tenets of your cult that causes suffering and death, Lori.
It is the tenets of your cult that causes suffering and death, Lori.

Sin, and the hatred of people, is what causes suffering and death according to christianity. Your sin and hatred of people is no less devastating than anyone elses.
Am I not deluding myself if I hate (or love) someone at first sight?

Hatred yes, love no. Why wouldn't you love everyone? Anyone? I'm not talking about sex or romanticism either, but a realization that everyone is equally valuable.
Why do you think that everyone is equally valuable in the first place? Are people really equally valuable? By what criteria do you judge that?
Only on the proviso that your viewpoint is not delusional .... namely individuality having no inherent value outside of the material elements it operates out of

I feel stupid.. Can you explain?
Seems to me that inherent value doesn't exist.
Sin, and the hatred of people, is what causes suffering and death according to christianity.

That's like saying a certain group of people are the cause of all evil in the world, according to Nazism. It is Christianity that is the evil, Lori, and YOU are one of it's followers.

Your sin and hatred of people is no less devastating than anyone elses.

I don't hate anyone, Lori, and it is your cults version of "sin" that is the real sin of mankind.
Well there is merit on which to love or hate but it is purely subjective.

I think there is merit on which to like or dislike someone.

Loving or hating someone means you greatly amplify a few aspects of the persons personality while completely ignoring a host of other aspects, without justification.

In other words, you paint a picture of the person in your mind that does not correspond with reality. And no matter what anyone else says or points out about that person you hold on to your unrealistic image of that person.
Isn't that pretty much the definition of delusion?
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Yes, I would agree with that, but to the person who is caught in this delusion your reasoning is just as delusional.
Or love for that matter? Or a product of delusional thinking? I thought of this when I read SAM's 'Do Atheists have a God Complex' thread this morning. I don't hate theists, I pity them. Maybe hate is too strong a word but I believe SAM at least detests atheism. Detest being a harbinger of hate.

Hate for someone never seems to be instantaneous. Never hear that "it was hate at first sight'. So it kind of builds momentum. Same with love. Can love and hate be anything other than delusional thinking if the object of these affections doesn't reciprocate.

Getting back to the theist/atheist relationship...who is more likely to hate the other? Somehow I can't bring myself to believe that emotions such as hate & love are normal, everyday rational thoughts. Hate and love are accumulative, it takes a series of occurences to firmly establish themselves.

When I write about theists do I come across as hating them? If you think that then why? If you think I am anti religious out of spite then isn't that very thought hateful of me in some respect? I'm just using myself as an example of an atheist here so don't think I'm harboring any irrational fears, far from the truth.

Personally I can't hate the delusional theist. Are the deluded more prone to hate? If so, then in a world that's approximately 90% delusional it is not surprising to see a lot of it. Yes I expect a few theists to see my remarks and take it as a hate-thread, but isn't thinking that thought somewhat hateful of me or at least a step in that direction?


Why hate at all? Why not let people think what they want. You could say you hate all military people, because their job is to kill others. You could hate governments, because they are different to yours. You could hate religion because it is different to yours or because you think there is no God. You could hate science because it also is delusional thinking. You could also hate science because it has given man the ability to destroy the earth.
Many wars are a result of all these things. We have a world now that is devoid of a clear leader, ( like God) so man in his own thinking, has brought the world to where it is now.( on the brink of destruction)
If you think science is correct and evolution is correct, then what does any of this matter? The toughest meanest ruthless gang is the one that will win, and only those will survive, then in time they will hate each other, and kill each other off. In our willingness to hate, we, may destroy all life.