Is Hate Delusional Thinking?

We are not talking so much about your arguments, but your manner of argument.

Is that an ideology or are you confused as usual?

The manner in which I deal with cult ideology is blunt and aggressive, tossing in a few dollops of general frustration dealing with the delusional and insane.
No, it was a reasonable question. If one believes in free will

I didn't mention anything about free will, I stated that indoctrination overrules the choices one makes. They will choose the indoctrinated ideology over all else. That has been made more evident here than anything else.
I didn't mention anything about free will, I stated that indoctrination overrules the choices one makes. They will choose the indoctrinated ideology over all else. That has been made more evident here than anything else.
Yes, but he or she put the question in terms of free will, that would have been the time to mention that you said nothing about free will and that he or she was misrepresenting your position. Then the two of you could have worked on the distinction between 'overruling choices on makes' and 'eliminating free will'.
Is that an ideology or are you confused as usual?

The manner in which I deal with cult ideology is blunt and aggressive, tossing in a few dollops of general frustration dealing with the delusional and insane.

Bluntness is not a problem. But repeatedly resorting to ad homs is a problem, especially if, as you admit, the frustration with people you consider delusional and insane leads you to be aggressive.
Bluntness is not a problem. But repeatedly resorting to ad homs is a problem, especially if, as you admit, the frustration with people you consider delusional and insane leads you to be aggressive.

It would be a problem, but that isn't the case.
So, he put words in my mouth, what does that have to do with me?
As I said, it would have been clearer if you had raised this issue when he or she put it in terms of free will - a choice that is not at all unreasonable, especially in a science forum where determinism would be seen to hold in all cases - rather than asking a question with a dollop of aggression in it.
It would be a problem, but that isn't the case.

Are you making the claim that your posts do not contain ad homs? I checked and only looked at posts from after your banning. There are a good number of examples. The post I quoted, where you refer to your discussion partners as insane, is an ad hom.
Is that an ideology or are you confused as usual?

The manner in which I deal with cult ideology is blunt and aggressive, tossing in a few dollops of general frustration dealing with the delusional and insane.
Ironic that you speak like this in a thread titled as it is
If you allow emotion to fuel your thinking about a particular group then you abandon rational thought and in so doing that you are becoming just like these indoctrinated people that make you so mad.
Are you making the claim that your posts do not contain ad homs? I checked and only looked at posts from after your banning. There are a good number of examples. The post I quoted, where you refer to your discussion partners as insane, is an ad hom.

It was an observation from evidence where no other conclusion was plausible, not an ad hom.

And no, I'm not making that claim.
If you allow emotion to fuel your thinking about a particular group then you abandon rational thought and in so doing that you are becoming just like these indoctrinated people that make you so mad.

The fact that a particular group exhibits characteristics that would charge emotions does not preclude the fact that those they charge are not capable of rational thought.

How do you become 'like these indoctrinated people' if you haven't been indoctrinated?
Its more to do with your character and disposition than your ideology

Well, you could have a really, really, really nice person lying to you instead.

You often pleasantly piss off a number of people here yourself LG. Is it because of your character and disposition? Or, are you intellectually dishonest?

What's your preference, LG?
That isn't an answer, it's a bs excuse.
Would that be my disgust for your cult?
So, in other words, you're blowing hot air again.
Do you need someone to explain indoctrination to you?
Is that an ideology or are you confused as usual?
Is it because of your character and disposition? Or, are you intellectually dishonest
The manner in which I deal with cult ideology is blunt and aggressive,
That's why I blame the cult, not you.
You know nothing of either my character or disposition

the above says everything about your character and disposition..
it also says your blunt and aggressive...

That's because religion still exists.
It implies that religion is a primary driver of hatred throughout the ages

i wont argue with that point..there is alot of truth there..

I stated that indoctrination overrules the choices one makes. They will choose the indoctrinated ideology over all else. That has been made more evident here than anything else.

nothing or nobody would ever make me do something that i dont believe cant make me kill a baby even if the pope himself asked me to..
indoctrination is a choice you make(you choose to listen and apply it) if it is a persons nature to kill a baby then he will find an excuse to, otherwise if it is not in your nature then you won't,NO MATTER WHAT!
if you dont like what your church is teaching you,go to a different church! there is a church for everything may even find one that feels the same way you do on alot of issues..

So, he put words in my mouth, what does that have to do with me?
um..maybe he was just trying to clarify your position?
you haven't excatl'y been clear on where you stand..your mostly telling everyone else how bad their thoughts are..

The thread is titled, "Is Hate Delusional Thinking?"

What is ironic?


I'm not an atheist. That is a word made up by theists to give their supernatural delusions validity.

so now the word atheist has become a bad either believe in god or you don't which is it?..god=theist no god=atheist..

It was an observation from evidence where no other conclusion was plausible

what is the evidence you are claiming??
and what about any evidence that contradicts your conclusion?
is plausibility dependent on how you feel at the time?
Well, you could have a really, really, really nice person lying to you instead.

You often pleasantly piss off a number of people here yourself LG. Is it because of your character and disposition? Or, are you intellectually dishonest?

What's your preference, LG?

You made the comment that religion makes good people do bad things. I am simply asking what (given that the OP is asking around the topic of hatred being delusional thinking), IYHO, makes atheists do the same.

You made the comment that religion makes good people do bad things. I am simply asking what (given that the OP is asking around the topic of hatred being delusional thinking), IYHO, makes atheists do the same.


Ah but there are no atheists who "hate". :rolleyes:
the above says everything about your character and disposition..

No, it does not, it's simply reaction to an ideology that is destroying mankind. Big difference.

nothing or nobody would ever make me do something that i dont believe cant make me kill a baby even if the pope himself asked me to..

Almost everything you think and do is a result of what somebody else told you to believe in. There isn't a single choice you made yourself. That's one of the results of indoctrination.

indoctrination is a choice you make

No, it isn't. It wouldn't be indoctrination then.

if you dont like what your church is teaching you,go to a different church! there is a church for everything may even find one that feels the same way you do on alot of issues..

In other words, you don't go to churches that don't agree with your indoctrination.

The fact that there are churches for everything nowadays only demonstrates the hypocrisy of religion.

so now the word atheist has become a bad either believe in god or you don't which is it?..god=theist no god=atheist..

Then, if you don't believe in unicorns, you're a aunicornist? :rolleyes:

and what about any evidence that contradicts your conclusion?
is plausibility dependent on how you feel at the time?

You're free to provide any evidence whatsoever that would support your god. Can you show your god? Can you do anything at all that would demonstrate anything about your god?
You made the comment that religion makes good people do bad things. I am simply asking what (given that the OP is asking around the topic of hatred being delusional thinking), IYHO, makes atheists do the same.

Where does the lack of belief in cult doctrines translate to doing good or bad things? It doesn't because that makes no sense.