Is Hate Delusional Thinking?

I think LG is correct here, that hatred between groups often has other real causes and religion is used as a way to get people to do or think what you want. Secular versions abound, see WOMD and Iraq.

I think when people focus on religion and act like hate is primarily derived from religious difference it offsets the real fact that hate is a product of differences and peoples inablity to cope with them.
I think when people focus on religion and act like hate is primarily derived from religious difference it offsets the real fact that hate is a product of differences and peoples inablity to cope with them.
and to add to that, that differences are used by small groups of people and individuals to rile up majorities for the ends of those small groups. These ends are often rather secular in nature: money, power, resources (energy resources, land, etc.)......These differences can be racial, religious, belief centered, cultural, financial, national......
Originally Posted by PsychoticEpisode
If in your mind the decision is made to believe in something there is no proof of then it is delusional thinking. If the delusion is expanded to include a religion that eventually instigates hate between others with the same delusion then that hate is a product of delusional thinking.

belief without proof exists in many forms without being delusional..
life on other planets.
big bang.
health care.
and to add to that, that differences are used by small groups of people and individuals to rile up majorities for the ends of those small groups. These ends are often rather secular in nature: money, power, resources (energy resources, land, etc.)......These differences can be racial, religious, belief centered, cultural, financial, national......

yes indeed, power being the real catalyst.

Actually I guess difference would be the catalyst and power the cause.
and to add to that, that differences are used by small groups of people and individuals to rile up majorities for the ends of those small groups. These ends are often rather secular in nature: money, power, resources (energy resources, land, etc.)......These differences can be racial, religious, belief centered, cultural, financial, national......

well..think of it like this..what were divided up evenly so no one person would have more than the other...hate would still exist..
well..think of it like this..what were divided up evenly so no one person would have more than the other...hate would still exist..

Well as long as human beings are different they will fight over their differences. Making everyone on equal material/financial footing would eliminate some difference, but racial ,cultural, geographical and sexual differences would still exist.
Well as long as human beings are different they will fight over their differences. Making everyone on equal material/financial footing would eliminate some difference, but racial ,cultural, geographical and sexual differences would still exist.
I don't think it has to be like this. I have been in environments with a wide range of differences where there was no violence. I realize fight can also mean arguing, etc., and I do see some struggle to be present, but I think war, etc., does not have to inevitable.
I don't think it has to be like this. I have been in environments with a wide range of differences where there was no violence. I realize fight can also mean arguing, etc., and I do see some struggle to be present, but I think war, etc., does not have to inevitable.

that would require the ppl involve to be responsible for their own emotional state of being..and not blame others for how they are feeling..
that would require the ppl involve to be responsible for their own emotional state of being..and not blame others for how they are feeling..

Givin the history of the human race I have doubts about our ability to maintian that kind of long term rational thought.
that would require the ppl involve to be responsible for their own emotional state of being..and not blame others for how they are feeling..
Or to blame others in a primarily emotional way, rather than a physical one or by labeling the other person or group as subhuman or evil. 'I hate when you do that.' is a lot easier to work with than 'you are Lucifer's lapdog and always will be.'
well..think of it like this..what were divided up evenly so no one person would have more than the other...hate would still exist..

That's because religion still exists.
belief without proof exists in many forms without being delusional..
life on other planets.
big bang.
health care.

Those are beliefs that would considered delusional without being educated. Big difference.
the ppl who are that way and get into religion to justify their hate are the ones destroying belief in god from withing their religion.

Or, more precisely, religion makes good people do bad things.