Is Hate Delusional Thinking?

What if hate breeds shitty people and love heals? Then are you not part of the problem by not loving?

I believe there is power in love and in hate, the fruit of which is manifest.

No, if you don;t love that doesn't automatically mean you hate.
What with 'manifest'..?
Actually science ... can not demonstrate or show that evolution is correct.

Are you lying or is it that you simply don't know what you're talking about? Perhaps, you're about to tell us that your god created everything 6000 years ago?
You have the ability to rule yourself to some degree, thinking you have no power in the happenings around you is just as bad as thinking you have absolute power.

....Evolution has been proven to be correct.....;)
Man has tried to rule himself for a long time. With as many types of governments that you can think of. And in the end it comes down to where we are now , on this planet. It is not over population, because all the people on the earth now could fit in the sate of Texas.( with a couple of yards around them)
Man tries to rule, and some governments are better than others( but that is subjective) But for all the people in the world, there has to be a world wide government, and people that will want to go along with that. The LN and UN have tried to do that , but it does not really work. For just one government, to be pretty good, is not good enough. You can't have some countries having everything and some nothing. Force does not work either. People in time always rebel.
Nationalism, is a dividing state of mind, for the world coming together.
Man on his own, does not have the ability rule. In all countries there are huge problems. Which eventually collapse a government and you have to start over. Even if a leader wants to help other nations, it often turns out badly.
The world left to mans thinking is doomed.
No, if you don;t love that doesn't automatically mean you hate.
What with 'manifest'..?

You don't think ambivalence is detrimental?

You experience the outcome of love and hate.
Man has tried to rule himself for a long time. With as many types of governments that you can think of. And in the end it comes down to where we are now , on this planet. It is not over population, because all the people on the earth now could fit in the sate of Texas.( with a couple of yards around them)
Where you can fit people says nothing about over population or otherwise. It's to do resources available where you are, or immediately available. to you

But for all the people in the world, there has to be a world wide government, and people that will want to go along with that.
Unsubstantiated drivel.

The LN and UN have tried to do that

The world left to mans thinking is doomed.
Considering that's all we have then we must be doomed. :rolleyes:
Are you lying or is it that you simply don't know what you're talking about? Perhaps, you're about to tell us that your god created everything 6000 years ago?
You are talking about the Bibles statements on creation , there are other creation accounts also. But from the bibles point of view, days can refer to periods of time. ( not necessarily 24 hour days, like we have on earth)
You are talking about the Bibles statements on creation , there are other creation accounts also. But from the bibles point of view, days can refer to periods of time. ( not necessarily 24 hour days, like we have on earth)

Can we stick to the topic at hand?
Considering that's all we have then we must be doomed.
If it were just up to man, that would be the case. Not necessarily , from wars, or bad government, but also from the ruining of the earth. This is something everyone has a responsibility for. But then there are some who have no control, over this, they all ready have nothing. But these ones are victims also.

Or, the process by which nations rise and fall could just be the evolution of our social and governmental systems?
It has been this way from very early times, even small tribes do things the same way as governments today. There is always friction between groups and even in a group. That is what man does.
As people that are interested in science, would you not have to agree that the evidence from all of man's governments to date, is that the world today is in more peril than in times past. Not just from military weapons, but from the destruction of the earth it'self. Governments have let this happen. Now how do they stop it. And will the people let them.
There maybe no governments left to evolve.
By the way, this is the same thing you would see if evolution ( of life) actually happened.

Where you can fit people says nothing about over population or otherwise. It's to do resources available where you are, or immediately available. to you
Yes this is correct. It really is distribution of people and material needs. What we have now is over abundance in some places and not enough in other places. Over population in some places and huge open areas in others. Governments are responsible for this. We are distributed ,, by factors of nationalism, ( this is ours and not yours), financial reasons, ( people go where the money is, which can be based on greed or just survival) some times it's just social thinking. Governments can not control all of that.
There is a limitation on what man can do when trying to rule. It won't work if people don't go along with what the governments thinks is best.
What man needs is something they all can agree upon, and is more important than anything else. It's a third party. Man will not trust another man or organization to rule the world. The UN has tried to fulfill this role at least as to wars. But if some country doesn't like what they say they just ignore it.
This third party, is built into man. There are so many examples of this.
Some turn to government to satisfy this , it is something they can come together with as a group, and some might chose another party and they go with that group. They will even die for this. For some it is religion, there are so many types of religions, that they will defend to the death. Even isolated tribes have some kind of religion. For some it is money, that will save them. For others it is other teachings , like science or atheism, something else.
The dictionary says a religion is:
  /rɪˈlɪdʒən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [ri-lij-uhn] Show IPA
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1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe.....
This is why man will never to able to rule successfully. We need a third party, that we all can trust!
Can we stick to the topic at hand?
Yes.. you are right, this subject is about hate. So here is a thought.
Does nationalism promote hate? What I mean is, because you live in a certain country, does that make you any better than anyone else from other country?
In other words, are all other countries a potential enemy?
Yes.. you are right, this subject is about hate. So here is a thought.
Does nationalism promote hate? What I mean is, because you live in a certain country, does that make you any better than anyone else from other country?
In other words, are all other countries a potential enemy?

Nationalism can promote hate or fear, I feel its an outdated concept used to divide humanity as a whole.
Yes so far religion has done a bang up job of giving us that trusted third party......

That is absolutely true. But it is not only religion, there are many other things also.
As mentioned politics, but there are other things as well. Like , wealth, crime, knowledge and power.
All of these can cause wars, and hate.
As mentioned politics, but there are other things as well. Like , wealth, crime, knowledge and power.
All of these can cause wars, and hate.

Yes they can contribute to hate and wars, but ultimately its the human beings who decide who and what to hate.