Is God unhappy with muslims.......?

cool skill said:
"The majority were hindus buddhists and muslims involved in this tragedy."
Majority were Caltholics.

Sorry I rarely use such terminology but.
You are an uneducated idiot and as Bells says answering one bullshit claim with another does nothing but drag this even further into the mud. I am not going to argue with you over this as it means nothing anyway. Do yourself a favor if you want to get hung up on religion and at least research it before talking about it.
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I am extremely saddened by the Tsunami disaster.

It is not an act of vengence by God, it is a natural disaster.

I would hope that these catastrophies should make all people of a religous nature (especially Moslems, Christians and Jews) examine how they imagine God to be and what humanities place is in this world.

Disasters are predetermined at the beginning of the Universe and in the creation of our planet. It was always going to happen, just as others are going to happen. If we (humans) can ever detect them, then we could avoid them.

But it is because of these calamities that we are here at this point in time. It is a sad part of the evolution of life on this planet that these things must occur for the diversity of life to exist. Without death there would be no life, and without environmental pressure there would be no intelligent life.

For anyone to assign any such disaster to an act by a vengeful God, then they must be sick or ignorant. For humanity (and it's offspring) to flourish we must except that, just like all the other creatures that have ever existed, our day will come, and something else will replace us. It will not be judgment, it might be by our own hand, but I suspect nature will play it's part. It is simply how things work.

We are far from the perfect rationalising beings that we like to think of ourselves as. We are simply animals with a little bit of free will, which we could allow to predetermine the fate of our own lives.

Unfortunately, free will seems to be something reserved for the old boys club, such as religion or monetary and governmental power.

And for most of us free will applies to very little and democracy is now used as a tool by these clubs to fool us.
path said:
if you want to get hung up on religion and at least research it before talking about it.
Who needs research?
I'm not the retard who thinks that the largest religious population killed weren't Catholic.
Your argument has no substance.

You try to say religion doesn't matter.
Then, you claim that this flood (a random act of nature) is punishing Muslims when the more Catholics were killed.
What makes you think killing Catholics is punishing Muslims?
cool skill said:
Who needs research?
I'm not the retard who thinks that the largest religious population killed weren't Catholic.
Your argument has no substance.


You try to say religion doesn't matter.
Then, you claim that this flood (a random act of nature) is punishing Muslims when the more Catholics were killed.

Hey moron try refering to my first post in this thread and or quote me to show where I said god is punishing anyone.

What makes you think killing Catholics is punishing Muslims?

Exactly which country involved has even a significant catholic minority? Indonesia? Thailand? Sri Lanka? India? Somalia? The Maldives? Since you insist on remaining wilfully ignorant here I will help you do your research


Sri Lanka





Now stop being such an ass and just think about the victims
God Fails to Break His Own Record for Killing
True Christian™ World News: God's Wrath Touches Down in Asia


Freehold, Iowa - Not since the time of Noah has God used water so effectively to harass sinners and wreak havoc upon those who don't flatter Him with sufficient regularity. As unsaved, impoverished Hindus toiled in beachside shacks on Christmas instead of exchanging expensive gifts from American department stores to celebrate the Baby Jesus' Birthday, the Lord was plotting their horrific, briny demise. True Christians know from the Great Flood that one of God's favorite ways to indiscriminately kill enormous swaths of children is by drowning them and watching them gasp for air and then float like little discarded Styrofoam cups in the tide. Sometimes, He extends an enormous hand as if He is about to rescue the bobbing tot, only to retract it at the last minute to teach the drowning child a valuable lesson about the ineffable nature of God's love.

While American Christians have long delighted in the carnage that resulted from the Lord's irascibility as depicted in countless, grisly episodes in the Old Testament, the present-day flooding in Asia brought home the enormous power of their deity more vividly because of its immediacy. After all, there were no 24-Hour news cycles in Samaria. As Pastor Deacon Fred said during Wednesday evening services, "My stars! It really is something to see the glorious purity of God's Biblical wrath unfold on a 62-inch Plasma wide screen in HDTV from the comfort of your own Christian living room. These are certainly amazing times for technology when the Almighty's insatiable appetite for snatching little infants from their unsaved mothers' arms are transported directly from the pages of the Bible right into your home theater! We ran plum clean out of popcorn! Praise Jesus!"

The Bible teaches us that God Almighty holds the world record for genocide with Adolph Hitler and Stalin arguing over bragging rights for second and third place that are rendered so miniscule by the Lord's body count they are irrelevant. While a tornado or mudslide is seen as God's calling card, many Christians have been growing concerned by the less-impressive scale of Heavenly-provoked disasters recently. "I don't know," said Sister Inez, "it was almost as if the Lord was getting too old to really stir things up any more. Even them hurricanes that ran through Florida barely killed anyone. I was mighty concerned of late that the Lord was downsizing. And no one wants to worship a god that can't kill as many folks as that phony Muslim god over there in them sand countries."

For those of us who are permitted to watch secular television, last week was a heartening reminder that the Lord has not lost his knack for slaughter on an impressive scale. For churchgoers who catch their news on the 700-Club, you will probably hear about this major world event in a few months, so this might come as quite a shock. God used what unsaved Chinese people call a "sashimi " to wipe out over 100,000 Yellow unbelievers in one fell splash . What used to take 40-days and 40-nights, the Lord is now able to accomplish in a single day. Church officials agree it is very likely that God picked the last week of December to initiate this massive undertaking because He was far behind in meeting His annual quota to populate Hell.

Landover Baptist Creation Scientists who track the Lord's killing patterns globally 24/7 predicted earlier this year that God could be getting testy because his Christian troops in Iraq were pansy footing as far as the killing goes, and making Him look bad. "We thought that He was gearing up for something," said Creation Scientist, Dr. Jonathan Edwards. "A little earthquake here, a hurricane, a few tornadoes, some epidemics - and still no lead story. Well, we all know what happens when the Lord gets bumped out of the front page. The Bible says he is a jealous God. You don't want to stand in the way of a jealous God, especially one who enjoys killing en-masse just to get the lead story for a few days."

President Bush has been slow in responding for aid in this tragedy, and rightly so. "The UN has been making sniping remarks about our cloistered President not making a public statement earlier about this so-called tragedy," said Mrs. Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian "but I think his advisers wisely chose to keep him away from microphones when he would have to wrangle with the word, 'Phuket.'" Further, there were simply not enough Americans affected to warrant our President's attention. Unlike Florida, no aid relief to Thailand would translate into votes. Besides, President Bush is a True Christian™ and although he will admit this is a great tragedy, he knows that the greater tragedy is that 99% of those who perished were unsaved, and according to the Bible, they are being tortured in eternal hell fire right now. "I bet they are missing all that cool water that killed them right about now," said Mr. Bush in Crawford.

"What saddens me the most," says Pastor Deacon Fred, "is that that those who perish in countries I can't pronounce were never able to visit America so they could have met someone who could have led them to Christ. These ignorant folks could have avoided going to Hell and being tortured for eternity after dying such horrible deaths if they would have had the common sense to buy a plane ticket and fly somewhere to hear the Gospel. Instead those Hindus and Buddhists spent their lives praying to statues of demons with six-arms and pointy heads - that sort of behavior aggravates the Lord to no end, an we see where it gets you!"

Posted with permission of the LORD!
Like I said.
You're the one claiming that religion has no relevance to this thread.
A thread in the religion forum about the religious reasons for killing people.
The fact is, even if there was a religios reason for the flood.
It would be well against the Catholics.
Not the Muslims as described.
Your links are nothing but insubstantial statistics on religion.
There is no proof in there that the majority of the people that died were Muslims.

Get it right.
cool skill said:
Like I said.
You're the one claiming that religion has no relevance to this thread.
A thread in the religion forum about the religious reasons for killing people.
The fact is, even if there was a religios reason for the flood.
It would be well against the Catholics.
Not the Muslims as described.
Your links are nothing but insubstantial statistics on religion.
There is no proof in there that the majority of the people that died were Muslims.

Get it right.

Congratulations you are the first poster idiotic enough to get me to utilize the ignore function.
cool skill said:
There is no proof in there that the majority of the people that died were Muslims.

Huh? Dude - look at any map showing regional density of religious beliefs across the world. Sure, there are some folks from every religious franchise in that area and its *possible* that it killed a bunch more of them than muslims. But the area is by FAR mostly Muslim and Hindu, its pretty damn certain that it killed a LOT more of them than Catholics or any other beLIEf system. Not because of what fairytale they happen to believe in, but simply because of local demographics.
I think that god really used to be pissed at people by causing many distasters and catastrophes. But then Science discovered that these awful events were caused by natural processes. Now it is all science's fault.
spuriousmonkey said:
I think that god really used to be pissed at people by causing many distasters and catastrophes. But then Science discovered that these awful events were caused by natural processes. Now it is all science's fault.

HEY! aren't you a scientist?! WHY YOU EVIL SON of a B?"#¤%
Gravity said:
Huh? Dude - look at any map showing regional density of religious beliefs across the world. Sure, there are some folks from every religious franchise in that area and its *possible* that it killed a bunch more of them than muslims. But the area is by FAR mostly Muslim and Hindu, its pretty damn certain that it killed a LOT more of them than Catholics or any other beLIEf system. Not because of what fairytale they happen to believe in, but simply because of local demographics.

You are wasting your time gravity when someone says something as idotic as this
Originally Posted by cool skill
Who needs research?

A logical discussion is the last thing you will get ;)
is there a good reason behind your claims (which run counter to all the evidence) that catholics were the majority of the victims in this disaster? If so, could you share this with us.
Godless said:
But I don't think the US should be the sucker to come and rescue the whole fucking world when something bad happens!!.
That is called humanitarian help. Many countries do that.

Second, when ever something bad happens here, hardly anyone shows up to aid, if at all. No one gives a shiet about us. Were was the UN when four major hurricanes bombarded Florida?.
If you can spend $2 billion a week in iraq (remember?) why should you need any aid from others?

Basically it's WE HATE YOU!! come and help us, send us more money, feed us, and if we do little we are stengy? What the fuck?. What about other nations jumping on every corner of the world when something of this magnitude happens. We go, get criticised for the effort, meanwhile they call us Nazis, assholes, etc.
You don't get criticised for helping victims of natural disasters. If you whine about helping victims of disasters caused by something other than US then you look like Nazi, asshole etc.

When next tsunami hits california, just remember, the cheque is ready.
You know it's bad news of what happened with the tsunami victims climbing and all. But I don't think the US should be the sucker to come and rescue the whole fucking world when something bad happens!!.
The US is hardly coming to the rescue like some knight in shinning armour. Your country, like just about all others, are offering humanitarian aid. Had the US been the type of country that came to the 'rescue of the world when something bad happens' Godless, it would have gone to the rescue to try to stop the genocide in Rwanda and the mass killings that are occuring in Sudan. You're hardly the world's rescuer, merely a member of humanity like the rest of us. You've picked and chosen where the aid and 'rescue' should be directed to, principally because you do not wish to be involved in wars where you have nothing to gain from either side. This is different to a civil war in countries that your President probably does not know either where it is on the map or if it even existed. This has involved more than one country Godless. This has destroyed more than one country's infrastructure and its people. Would you rather that no aid be given by your country?

First people aroudn the world are hating our fucking guts because of this damn war.
Then consider this to be one way of redeeming yourself in the eyes of the watching world.

Second, when ever something bad happens here, hardly anyone shows up to aid, if at all. No one gives a shiet about us. Were was the UN when four major hurricanes bombarded Florida?.
As for the hurricanes, aid is usually offered to you and turned down by your Government. Maybe that's something you need to take up with them.

I seem to recall that each time there is a major bush fire in your State forests, aid is forthcoming and sometimes even accepted, in the guise of firefighters from other countries coming to help. I remember my ex flying off to the US on several occasions to help you fight bushfires after a call for help from your Government.

Basically it's WE HATE YOU!! come and help us, send us more money, feed us, and if we do little we are stengy? What the fuck?.
So you think you should only help countries that like you and tell you how good you are? Hmmm... I guess if you follow that philosophy, you wouldn't be helping anyone at all now would you? Hell, if you follow that philosophy, no one would come to your aid either. You'd be completely alone in Iraq and Afghanistan, because all the countries who are helping you there don't really like you that much. You're all good for asking for money from the world community to rebuild what you have destroyed in other countries, yet when a natural disaster occurs that devastates so many countries and people, you whine like a child refused candy by his mummy. And you wonder why people hate you? Godless I dare you to walk into your nearest town, stand on a park bench and voice the feelings that you have towards offering aid to the victims of this tsunami. I know if you did it in Australia, you'd probably be flogged by the public before you were dragged away by the police.

What about other nations jumping on every corner of the world when something of this magnitude happens.
So why did you go? Could it be that you're part of the world community? Or do you think you're above and beyond that now? Do you prefer to sit idly by and watch this disaster occur, while pointing the finger at the countries offering aid and sniggering. What am I asking! Of course you do...

We go, get criticised for the effort, meanwhile they call us Nazis, assholes, etc. Look at Cool Skills posts. The SOB.
So? You're using coolskill as an example? That reeks of desperation Godless. Tell me something Godless. Lets just say you have an enemy. You detest each other. And then one day you see your enemy's child on fire on your doorstep. Do you turn the hose on the child of your enemy or do you do nothing because the child's parent called you an arsehole?
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