Is God unhappy with muslims.......?

Thats right, screw sending a few million dollars to help people - but we'll spend 1 billion dollars a week to KILL SAND NIGGERS FOR CHRIST! ;)
*Let me explain, American is like a person, and people these days only
do things to benefit themself. Why do u think American helped Korea,
Vietnam, Afaghstan, beucase they were a threat of communist not to their
country but to the US itself.

You should read your history a bit better, this country has put communist regimes in charge, it feeds, and contributed to communist causes. It benefits us to always have enemies if we got none, we create them. I.E. Panama, Argentina, who do you think put Saddam in power? who trained Osama Bin Ladden? WE DID!!

*What would the American ppl c that their
president is doing nothing to stop communism that may target this
democratic nation.

Look around dood!! you are being fooled, this is no longer a democratic country per se, it's becoming a Police State, thanks to the fear after the staged 9-11 atacks.

The Patriot Acts were written before 9-11 ever happened, the war in Irag was pre-planned before that infamous day, that Brush ever stole the Election of 2000.

*Well, first of all, if the president don't do shit, then
ppl would call him communist. The same goes to Iraq, do u think that all
this debt and all this money that is being wasted (literaly), on this
"war" in Iraq comes for free. There is alot money going to Bush's pocket
and may b soon to the country.

Man wake up!! The common man never benefits from the spenditures of this nation, the one tall tell sign of this is the dwedeling of the "middle class", the so called "American Dream" is becoming a Nightmare. Homes are getting way too expencive, the elderly are loosing benefits, our military is getting royally screwed out of their benefits, and the list goes on and on.

*Now if the president feels he'll get
something in return for helping those needy ppl, he would have done so or
may b will do so soon, but i dont think that there is anything to

The president is nothing more than a puppet to corporate manipulations, I'm not claiming that we should not send aid, in the form of "people, supplies, medical needs, food, etc." my beef is sending just money that dwindles our resourses, we get screwed here at home when some tragedy happens, we get no government help only "small interest loans" The world community does nothing but "feel sorry or talk about it", while we have to fend for ourselves, it's our money lets keep it here at least, for our needs when tragedy accurs.

As for heartless, no! just objective.

You know I don't support this unjust war, right?. I don't support the puppet in office either.

And the expence has just been raised to almost two billion a week. You got to account for the amount of "body bags" that are constantly been used for our kids and theirs.

Godless said:
I'm not claiming that we should not send aid, in the form of "people, supplies, medical needs, food, etc." my beef is sending just money that dwindles our resourses,
You have a bizarre concept of how these things work. How do you pay for the people? How do buy supplies? What's used to purchase the medicines? Wow, you don't suppose it could be money do you?
marv said:
I put superstition behind me a long time ago, probably before you were born. I've also learned not to be thin skinned. Now, if you want to see real hate, go to that Sunni forum.
I don't need to. I get plenty of it from here.

Individually, I don't hate muslims. But I have a very, very, very serious problem with what the likes of a UBL does. And where are the decent, law-abiding muslims to declare him an apostate, an infidel to the Islam religion? There is a great silence with but soft, scattered voices saying, "Oh well, we don't approve of him." Is that all there is?
That's the thing. Muslims do denounce him as an infidel to Islam, yet you do not hear those voices. Every Muslim I've spoken to in person and on here have done so. The question that needs to be asked Marv is why don't you ever see or hear it? Is it because you don't wish to or because it doesn't fit into your classification of what a Muslim should be?

Read the on-line versions of the Arab News or Yemen Times and see the hate and misrepresentations they put to the world. Who am I to be sorry for the youth of Saudi who lack practical trades and skills to contribute something to their nation? I wasn't the one to see that they only learned religion.
No you aren't to blame for their lack of education or skills. But you are to blame for perpetrating the hate that continues on our side of the world. You also misrepresent and put hate out there on all Muslims with threads such as this. Your helping make this a tit for tat battle.

Your attitude, Bells, does not in any way help to promote any good will or solve any problem at any level. Have muslims done anything wrong, indeed! Denial doesn't cut chips as a wood cutter might say. There are people who commit crimes, and there are people who do nothing to prevent them. It's difficult to tell the difference.
The question was Marv, have all Muslims done something wrong, and I find it interesting that you choose to change it to suit your own needs in your response. I don't deny that there are some crazy, sick Muslims out there in the world who are hell bent on destruction. Just as there are right wing nuts from all sides of the globe, be they Jewish, Christian, Hindue, etc, who are also the same as the Muslims who wish to see our destruction. Only difference between you and me is that I know that not all Muslims are the same, just as all Jews, Christian, Hindu, etc are not all the same. The few do not represent or speak for the whole.

No, not all muslims have done wrong, but a small and very active number do.
Just as there are small numbers of people representing all creeds and faiths who have done wrong, yet do not represent the rest of us. Tell me something Marv, when McVeigh bombed the Federal building, did he represent you and fellow Americans in his views? He and his cronies were white blooded Americans, yet they did not represent the whole. There are a small number of right wing Christians who actually do wish to overthrow the Government in the US... they have their own little army.. and if they were given the money, they probably would act on it.. do they represent you Marv? The same applies to Muslims. The actions of that very small and active number do not represent all Muslims on this planet.
Godless said:
You know I don't support this unjust war, right?. I don't support the puppet in office either.

And the expence has just been raised to almost two billion a week. You got to account for the amount of "body bags" that are constantly been used for our kids and theirs.


Yep, actually I agree with you about pretty much everything I see you say here . . . and I like your alias! :) Your post provided the excuse to make those statements, but they were not aimed at you.
Bells said:
There are a small number of right wing Christians who actually do wish to overthrow the Government in the US... they have their own little army.. and if they were given the money, they probably would act on it.. do they represent you Marv? The same applies to Muslims. The actions of that very small and active number do not represent all Muslims on this planet.

Those folks ended up not needing to overthrow it - they started really organizing about 30 years ago, and now they have really taken it over. They have their own BIG army, our army. And they now have the money.
You have a bizarre concept of how these things work. How do you pay for the people? How do buy supplies? What's used to purchase the medicines? Wow, you don't suppose it could be money do you?

Ophi; You didn't read the link did you?.

If we just send money, some shmuck will take advantage of the loot, and the people get fucked!!. If we send aid; other than monetary dirrect to these people, at least we know this way were the aid is going, to those that needed! NOT to those in power to loot the goods. It has happened many times already, we send aid, people get screwed, money & supplies are stolen by the elite that supposed give aid to the people.

Marv, you have got to be pretty Phucked up to come up with this theory. There have been 120k people dead and from all RELIGIONS. Jews, christians, hindu, muslims and budhist.

Read the news papers and read the online news. You will find out that thousands of people from all kind of religions are dead. If some one look at this tragedy in terms of religion, then it is very scary thing since that person is pretty phucked up in the head and could be a danger to a society. In our case that would be you.
First of all, most of the people that were killed in the flood were Catholics.
Even if they were Muslim, assuming that they were being punished for 9/11 hit is pretty far fetched considering 9/11 is only significant to a brainwashed Amerinazican. Otherwise, their act on 9/11 is utterly insignificant considering occurances around the world that are far worse.
In other words, if this flood were actually punishing anybody as you so ignorantly assumed, it certainly would be for something far more significant than the 9/11 nonsense that put the Amerinazican population in an uproar.
Let's taka a gander on how dumb tis thread is:

"Following the death of over 3000 innocents on September 11, 2001, over 30,000 muslims were killed in an earthquage in Iran. Now, over 23,000, mostly muslims"

**They were Catholics**

"from Indonesia to the western coast of Africa, have been killed as a result of the tsunami resulting from the earthquake that moved the island of Sumatra more than 100 feet!"

**Sorry, but the flood was not a result of an island that was moved by an earthquake.**

"Retribution for evil-doing?"
**Evil-doing. Can you be anymore brainwashed? Reiterating terms that come out of the mouth of the moron president is not helping your argument.

"Evil-doing" is what America is best at. Perhaps if such a large-scale tragedy were to occur in the United States, you would probably blame it in the Muslims instrad of America's evil-doing.
"But I don't think the US should be the sucker to come and rescue the whole fucking world when something bad happens!"

That's because you are irresponsible.
Why would anybody send aid to the United States when hurricaines are hitting.
That's like saying the highschool janitor should donate money to Bill Gates because he has a cold.
Get real.

cs 101:
Survival of the Fittest: Less fit serve the fittest. Primitive. Large gap between fittest/less fit.
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: The fittest serve the less fit. Progressive. Approaches a negligible gap between fittest/less fit.

Quick fix economy. Quick fixes are seen as permanent solutions. Nothing really gets solved.

Government priorities:
1. Protect and Secure human earth environment, rights, and lives.
2. Feed, shelter, clothe, provide medical care to the citizens.
3. Education, communication, transportation administration.
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cool skill said:
Let's taka a gander on how dumb tis thread is:

"Following the death of over 3000 innocents on September 11, 2001, over 30,000 muslims were killed in an earthquage in Iran. Now, over 23,000, mostly muslims"

**They were Catholics**

"from Indonesia to the western coast of Africa, have been killed as a result of the tsunami resulting from the earthquake that moved the island of Sumatra more than 100 feet!"

**Sorry, but the flood was not a result of an island that was moved by an earthquake.**

"Retribution for evil-doing?"
**Evil-doing. Can you be anymore brainwashed? Reiterating terms that come out of the mouth of the moron president is not helping your argument.

"Evil-doing" is what America is best at. Perhaps if such a large-scale tragedy were to occur in the United States, you would probably blame it in the Muslims instrad of America's evil-doing.

Who exactly were catholics cool skill? Do your research before you mouth off like an idiot. The majority were hindus buddhists and muslims involved in this tragedy. If there were any catholics killed they were almost certainly tourists. Not that that means a damn thing as this was a tragic natural disaster for the world.
Plug the worst case scenario into a calculator -- 300,000 Deaths out of a World Population of 7 Billion People, and you get a mortality of less than .003%.

Then no critical industries were effected... the World's Food Supply and the flow of the Life Blood Oil has largely been uneffected.

Compare that to the Doomsday Scenarios that the Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin are warning us about in which we can anticipate losing at least a third of the World's Population, that is more than 10,000 Times the mortality rate of this recent Earthquake/Tsunami Disaster.

What could cause it? Easy. Just move the Earthquake next time to California. The Dollar is already low. A Disaster in America would cause an International dumping of dollars... a true monetary crisis. Dollars would become worthless overnight. Without dollars, America has no oil. No oil means no food transport to the Metropolitan Areas on both the West and East Coasts. In 90 days you would have mass starvation in addition to the casualties caused directly by the Earthquake.

Remember how the World Markets tanked when the measly Russian and Asian Exchanges took a dump back in the late 90's. Okay. Next remember how the World Markets tanked just because a few buildings in New York got blown up. Right. So what do you think will happen when the entire continent of America drops off the Economic Map? World Capitalism will at least go into a shock that it would take years to recover from. In the meantime I am afraid that power will go from the Capitalists to the Militarists.

When America, the "Last Superpower", is knocked out of the World's Political Calculations, we could anticipate a huge rush of everybody jumping into the Power Vacuum with every gun, bomber, tank and fighter plane they could scratch up. It would be an international free for all. Political maps would be redrawn with territories going to whoever felt like rolling in with the tanks to grab it. And nobody would want to deal with messy Occupations. Nobody needs to enslave anybody... there is already enough unemployment. The format would be to genocide out the native populations and re-settle with your own people.

But could that kill off a couple of Billions of People. I doubt it. It think it would take a Big Epidemic to do that. But is that at all likely? Well, it would depend on the pressures put upon certain Homogenuously Ethnic Societies. You see, biomedical technology even now can design genetically specific Diseases, that is, a disease can be designed either to attack a certain racial gene, or to lock in immunity around that particular gene. A country that is extremely ethnically diverse could not use the technology. But a Racially Homogenous Society that feels threatened by the rest of the World, and which has a sophisticated Bio-Medical Infrastructure could easily eliminate every competing ethnic group from the face of the earth. China could do it. Japan could do it. Europe could do it if it didn't mind seeing its most recent Near Eastern and African immigrants disappear.

But designer diseases are a gamble. Diseases could easily mutate. But we can't make the mistake of supposing that Leaders always make the best and most rational choices. We have the Iraq debacle to prove to us that Leaders can be misinformed and can act stupidly, destructively and even against their own best interests. In a mileau of Decision Making to compare to the Iraq Mistake, World Leaders unleashing a racially specific disease would not be surprising.

So, considering what COULD happen, that earthquake/tsunami combo cut us loose easy.
marv said:
Following the death of over 3000 innocents on September 11, 2001, over 30,000 muslims were killed in an earthquage in Iran. Now, over 23,000, mostly muslims from Indonesia to the western coast of Africa, have been killed as a result of the tsunami resulting from the earthquake that moved the island of Sumatra more than 100 feet! Retribution for evil-doing?

Meanwhile, the "Christian/crusader" nation of the United States is putting together a package of relief more than twice what the oil-rich muslim brothers are doing; not to speak of what American private relief organizations are doing!

But the United Nations is doing what it does best - talking about doing "something".

Mindless shit. Humanity is a concept you christians have no inkling about, is it?
marv said:
Meanwhile, the "Christian/crusader" nation of the United States is putting together a package of relief more than twice what the oil-rich muslim brothers are doing

Dear Marv,

Nations like the United States that print their own money can simply wheel out existing supplies and apply them against their debt. But the secondary nations that have to use Real Money would have to actually adjust their Fiscal Budgets in order to free up Funds to send off for Relief. It is difficult to imagine that after several years of Oil being over forty dollars a barrel, and costing less than 7 to pull out of the sand, that the Saudis would not have huge Dollar Reserves sitting somewhere.

But there is the difference between Real Money and what all these other nations know for a fact that America is doing. America does not spend money: It PRINTS money. That is why the dollar is worth less every day that goes by. There are only so many things that a Dollar can by, and most of it is Oil. The amount of Oil does not change, but America is always printing up new dollars. You don't really expect the Arab Nations to shell out Real Currency when all America has to do is run the press for another minute or two.

Besides, all those 'borrowed' America Dollars will go to American Companies that wrote Campaign Contribution Checks. It amounts to American Politicians paying back their constituencies. Of course, America is no longer the center for Manufacturing that it used to be. Much of what is bought in America these days is produced overseas, but even then, the distributors are still American, or foreigners who have paid off American Politicians which amounts to the same thing regarding the Politicians. The Arabs, on the other hand, wouldn't have any idea of who to funnel large amounts of money to... unless they think that Disaster Relief could use a couple Rolls Royces and a dozen or so Mercedes.

But the real issue is not Money but Man Power. The World is actually asking that people who were doing one job yesterday, will tomorrow become full time relief workers. Usually this would be the Army, since they don't do anything anyway. But the Saudis are using their complete Army in order to shore themselves up against an immanent Civil War. and the Stupid Americans have committed their entire Military and even their Reserves to Iraq... they have committed the folly of completely overextending themselves leaving no left over capacity to deal with any contingency (Bush must have assurances from God that there will never be an earthquake in California).

So, the UN really needs its own Army. I simply don't know why the U.N. General Assembly does not contribute to a fund and put together its own Military Force so it can tell the Security Council (the United States) to get bent. People would listen more closely to the Secretary General if he had 15 Armoured Divisions and a couple of Aircraft Carriers of his own. And then the UN would have a pool of its own Manpower to apply toward these Relief Efforts.
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"The majority were hindus buddhists and muslims involved in this tragedy."
Majority were Caltholics.
Who gives a shit what religion they did or did not belong to? 130,000 people dead and you're arguing if they were Catholic or Muslim? Coolskill, it's bad enough that we have one peon who's making dumbarse statements that God must be angry at Muslims, therefore the tsunamis happened, but you join in and say that the majority killed were Catholic? How pathetic can you honestly be? Scratch that. I have seen you long enough on these forums to know how pathetic you can be. I thought Marv was bad but you're living down to the expectation I had of you. Notice I said 'down' cool and not 'up'.

Who honestly gives a flying crap what religion they belonged to?

This was a natural disaster. It did not pick religion as its starting point. People from all faiths and creeds have perished in this nightmare. Tectonic plates do not decide to look at the resident's religions before they move and shift.