Is God unhappy with muslims.......?

marv said:
I don't care what religion, if any, the recipient of a nickle of what I contributed is. If you were my next door neighbor and vilified me every day, and your house caught fire, I'd still grab a hose and try to put it out. That's the difference between us.
My my. You have come a long way from this:

Marv said:
Following the death of over 3000 innocents on September 11, 2001, over 30,000 muslims were killed in an earthquage in Iran. Now, over 23,000, mostly muslims from Indonesia to the western coast of Africa, have been killed as a result of the tsunami resulting from the earthquake that moved the island of Sumatra more than 100 feet! Retribution for evil-doing?

Meanwhile, the "Christian/crusader" nation of the United States is putting together a package of relief more than twice what the oil-rich muslim brothers are doing; not to speak of what American private relief organizations are doing!

But the United Nations is doing what it does best - talking about doing "something".
First post
Don't compare yourself with me Marv. I don't boast about how much I give or do. And I don't start threads like this one as you have to get a rise out of people. Therein lies the difference between us. You'd put out the fire and boast about it and expect gratitude for your actions. I'd put out the fire without a word and expect or want nothing in return.
Since I'm an atheist (and you knew that to start with), you've taken the first post in this thread in the wrong context, Bells. But then, that's not surprising. I don't care about Islam. I don't care about any religion. You, who parade your religion, and others, are the source of too much hatred in this world. But again, that's your nature. If I could, I would wish all imaginations of gods to disappear. Then, perhaps, we could all live in peace.
path said:
That info is old Ophiolite The US has now pledged $350 million dollars, more than $1 per citizen with a further $170 million being contributed by private individuals and corporations. So together that is $1.73 per person third highest on the list.

I think his post was in response to the fact that a claim was made(rather silly I must say) that Muslim countries werent contributing to the Disaster victims...I dont think how much the US gives or doesnt give (even though they werent going to give nearly as much then as they are now) is even an issue
marv said:
Since I'm an atheist (and you knew that to start with), you've taken the first post in this thread in the wrong context, Bells. But then, that's not surprising. I don't care about Islam. I don't care about any religion. You, who parade your religion, and others, are the source of too much hatred in this world. But again, that's your nature. If I could, I would wish all imaginations of gods to disappear. Then, perhaps, we could all live in peace.
Marv, considering you admitted yourself to wanting to be provocative with this thread, you should hardly be accusing others of taking this thread and your opening post out of context. So what context should we have taken this pathetic little thread of yours Marv? As a display of love for your fellow man? Blaming a natural disaster on Muslims by saying that God was angry at them and saying that all others who perished along with them merely got in the way? Hmmm now tell me again Marv, in what context exactly could anyone have taken that? As a joke maybe? But then, that would make you a bigger horses arse for making such a crass joke. To be provocative in the hope of getting a rise out of the Muslim members on this forum? Again Marv, there's a horse neighing with your name stamped on its rear end.

You claim you don't care about any religion, and yet...

Marv said:
Individually, I don't hate muslims. But I have a very, very, very serious problem with what the likes of a UBL does. And where are the decent, law-abiding muslims to declare him an apostate, an infidel to the Islam religion? There is a great silence with but soft, scattered voices saying, "Oh well, we don't approve of him." Is that all there is?


It wasn't Jews or Christians or Buddhists or Hindus who hijacked those airliners.
For someone who claims to not care about religion Marv, you sure do carry on a lot about one particular religion don't you? You sure do hate one particular religion. Why is that? Because of OBL? And? The bombs your country has dropped on Iraq has caused more collateral deaths than 9/11 ever did. It may not have been Jews, Christians or Buddhist or Hindus who hijacked those planes Marv, but that doesn't mean that every Muslim on this planet took part in that action. But I digress...

As an atheist Marv, I find your obsession troubling and as a frankly pathetic attempt to place yourelf and your own amusement above the plight of others. So you gave to the plight of the victims? Good for you. I mean that in all honesty. But for you to then come in here and start up this thread and then proclaim that you didn't care what religion the victims are. That merely makes you hypocritical.
Leo Volont said:
It is difficult to imagine that after several years of Oil being over forty dollars a barrel, and costing less than 7 to pull out of the sand, that the Saudis would not have huge Dollar Reserves sitting somewhere.
I agree.

Leo Volont said:
Of course, America is no longer the center for Manufacturing that it used to be. Much of what is bought in America these days is produced overseas, but even then, the distributors are still American, or foreigners who have paid off American Politicians which amounts to the same thing regarding the Politicians.
Actually, America manufactures over 75% of what it consumes (economist last month).

Leo Volont said:
The Arabs, on the other hand, wouldn't have any idea of who to funnel large amounts of money to... unless they think that Disaster Relief could use a couple Rolls Royce’s and a dozen or so Mercedes.
Is that a copout? I can’t tell.

But all I would say is, whose fault is that?

Leo Volont said:
I simply don't know why the U.N. General Assembly does not contribute to a fund and put together its own Military Force so it can tell the Security Council (the United States) to get bent. People would listen more closely to the Secretary General if he had 15 Armoured Divisions and a couple of Aircraft Carriers of his own. And then the UN would have a pool of its own Manpower to apply toward these Relief Efforts.
But Japan gives the most money to the UN and they stipulate in their constitution that they can not have a standing army. But that may change with time . . . . .

I certainly know if I were a Japanese, I’d have absolutely no trust in Americans to protect my arse. America would let a nuke slip by just to have an excuses to finally sell something back to Japan as well as do what America loves to do - go to war.
Bells said:
Tectonic plates do not decide to look at the resident's religions before they move and shift.
true, but many religious folk interpret natural disasters as having some Godly meaning. If God is all powerful and all knowing and all loving many will naturally wonder – why did God let this happen? The answer is obvious: Because you deserved it.

(Didn’t you read the Yemeni linked post?)

Anyway, the answers are obvious.

1) The US government does what is beneficial to America.

I personally think it’s to gain more prestige from a Muslim nation. Of course EVERYONE in Indonesia is going to know that the US gave them a big handout (and Japan even more so) as well as some European countries. They’re going to wonder at the generosity of Americans (those same Americans they danced to in the streets on 9/11) are now giving so much? That buys a lot of goodwill – which is exactly why America is giving.

Sure a few will be cynical - but what you’re missing is most Indonesians think highly of America (regardless of what you hear on the news, that’s the case in most 3rd world nations) and they will be very appreciative.

So the US gets the good will of a Muslim country.

2) The religious comparisons are stark.

Did Arabia even give anything? I don’t know. If not, maybe that’s Arab or ME culture – to be tight arsed??

Regardless in their time of need people in Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, etc. . . will naturally make a comparison between the religions. If they see Christians and Christian nations really offering a lot help and money and Muslims and Muslim nations offering little (and perhaps condemning a few of the dead to the fiery pits of hell deservedly) – yeah, that’s going to result in a very favorably outlook for Christians and a bleaker outlook on Muslims by all involved (whether Xian, Hindu, Buddhist or Muslim)

Now is the time when people are really out there making religious comparisons - - and this is a time when Christians can shine (because they have money and love to proselytize). And people will remember that. However, if Muslims act niggardly – they’ll also remember that.

This isn’t the first time the US gave aid to as Muslims country (remember supplies to Iran after their earth quake and everyone knows that the Iranian government is always blathering that the US is Satan). Yet the US still give and people remember all these things.

So in short – it’s all good for American World Prestige and Bush is a Christian and probably thinks God wants him to make God look good :D

3) Balance of Power

As China gets more powerful and more influence in the region, the US is looking for ways to shore up relationships with SA. As the Indonesian Chinese own about 95% of Indonesia’s wealth – it’ll be a good thing if American gets in good with the politicians and military leaders. Basically a better working relationship with all countries in valued.

4) The American donors.

That’s just typical of Americans. We do tip after all.

As to God's wrath – if there is one, then it’d have to be really pissed off at someone in SA! But as there isn’t one, it’s really no different than some ants getting caught in a storm, just a part of nature with no meaning or intent at all. Bad Luck.
"Of course you don't care, cool skill, that's why you're a muslim!"
I didn't think so.
You can't prove a single thing that comes out of you.
All of your racist comments are just examples of how ignorant Amerinazicans are.

"You saw the Indonesian muslim standing idly by in his UBL tee shirt while Americans were providing medical aid to his countryman - or maybe it was his family member."
No I didn't.
Are you attempting to prove that he would be free to walk around with that shirt on in the United States without being harrassed by you narrow pea brained uneducated alcoholics?
Here is your psychosis belief system:
1. Muslims don't care about others. They hate everybody.
2. Cool Skill is a Muslim.
3. The flood that killed mostly Catholics was punishing Muslims for attacking the innocent America on 9/11.
4. The horrors and terrors that America inflicted upon Muslims in the past are not what provoked such an attack.
5. It is ok to inflict horror, murder, and terror upon Muslim women/children and honest men because they hate everybody and are not human anyway.
6. The person in the photo wearing the Osama T-shirt would freely be able to do so in the United States without being abused or harrassed.
7. Those are All-American relief personel in the photo carrying the person on the stretcher.
8. Religion is the source of hatred in this world. Not hateful racist people. And certainly not anti-religious psycho atheists that believe Muslims hate everybody.
This is as fu%#ed up as the satirical link that gravity posted but more disturbingly it is serious and it made it onto Saudi TV :eek:

Tsunami Reactions (3) - Saudi Professor Sheik Fawzan Fawzan: Allah Punishes for Homosexuality and Fornication at Christmas

The following are excerpts from an interview with sheik Fawzan Al-Fawzan, a professor at the Al-Imam University

Al-Fawzan: These great tragedies and collective punishments that are wiping out villages, towns, cities, and even entire countries, are Allah's punishments of the people of these countries, even if they are Muslims.

Some of our forefathers said that if there is usury and fornication in a certain village, Allah permits its destruction. We know that at these resorts, which unfortunately exist in Islamic and other countries in South Asia, and especially at Christmas, fornication and sexual perversion of all kinds are rampant. The fact that it happened at this particular time is a sign from Allah. It happened at Christmas, when fornicators and corrupt people from all over the world come to commit fornication and sexual perversion. That's when this tragedy took place, striking them all and destroyed everything. It turned the land into wasteland, where only the cries of the ravens are heard. I say this is a great sign and punishment on which Muslims should reflect.

All that's left for us to do is to ask for forgiveness We must atone for our sins, and for the acts of the stupid people among us and improve our condition. We must fight fornication, homosexuality, usury, fight the corruption on the face of the earth, and the disregard of the lives of protected people.

The mind boggles. You can watch the original in arabic here

Is it my imagination or is he smiling while saying this and waving his hand as if to shoo away 150,000 human lives :mad: