Is God unhappy with muslims.......?

Bells I wrote my post before I saw yours, I know that the money is needed for trying to build shelter and medical aid, I would rather see a world come together than have wars, when stuff like this happens I don't expect nothing less, than humanity coming together, though I do think some order is required before handing a blank check to these citizens, I've seen it too often, where the officials that were supposed to be helping are only pocketing the goods and money, while the people get screwed. Yea lets help these people, cool, but lets make sure that it is being done. Another thing that angers me biterly is that we had enough time to warn these governments of their coming tragedy, many thousands of deaths could have been avoided.,,18690-1422669,00.html

Beware of scam artists;

All the good and all the bad comes out in the times of tragedy.

whoever wrote this thread is quite amusing really.
think about it,
if a muslim was reading it they would be like "why is my God unhappy with me" Silly
if a christian was reading it they would be like "why would god be unhappy with muslims, god love all and does not judge" Silly
So please explain, which god are you talking about
fill me in because it is quite a silly dig if you ask me.

the tsunami was in that area, and thoes areas are full of people whom are muslim, well fair enough, it was a earthquake for silly sake

These are the people we are being asked to help. Notice the man wearing the Osama bin laden T-Shirt. These were the same people that were dancing in the streets on 9/11. The US is being criticized for not sending more money to people that hate us. These are Muslim countries. Why aren’t Saudi Arabia and other rich Arab nations helping their own Muslim brothers? Because it is Christians that always come to the aid of people. We even help our enemies.
Brutus1964 said:
We even help our enemies.[/QUOTE]

You HAVE to if you are christian, jesus said it specifically.

And the soldiers likewise demanded of him, saying, And what shall we do? And he said unto them, [b]Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely[/b]; and be content with your wages

But I say unto you which hear, [b]Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you,[/b]

[b]Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use[/b]

[b]And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other[/b]; and him that taketh away thy cloak forbid not to take thy coat also.

[b]Give to every man that asketh of thee[/b]; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again.

[b]And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise[/b].

[b]For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? [u]for sinners also love those that love them[/u][/b].

[b]And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? [u]for sinners also do even the same[/u].[/b]

[b]And if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive, what thank have ye? [u]for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again[/u].[/b]

[b]But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest:[/b] for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.

[b]Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.[/b]

Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:

Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

[b]And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, [u]but perceivest not the beam that is in thine own eye?[/u][/b]
[b]And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.[/b]
[b]And he said, He that showed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise[/b]

Now quit bitching and pony over the dough!

PS for those that don't get it helping the guy in the OBL T-shirt IS the best way to fight terror.


That is the very point of my post. It is a pure illustration of Jesus’ admonitions to love thy enemy. That is what sets us apart from Muslims whose creed is to hate and kill those who disagree with them.
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Brutus1964 said:
These are the people we are being asked to help. Notice the man wearing the Osama bin laden T-Shirt. These were the same people that were dancing in the streets on 9/11. The US is being criticized for not sending more money to people that hate us. These are Muslim countries. Why aren’t Saudi Arabia and other rich Arab nations helping their own Muslim brothers? Because it is Christians that always come to the aid of people. We even help our enemies.

Well this sounded more like you were lamenting the fact instead of encouraging it if you weren't then my bad.
I do lament that we are asked to help but are never appreciated for it. I know that God appreciates it and will bless us for it.
Brutus1964 said:
I do lament that we are asked to help but are never appreciated for it. I know that God appreciates it and will bless us for it.

Your right hand should not know what the left is doing etc. Let them rail against you, it is what's in your heart that counts.
If you wanna turn this into a Christian vs. Islam debate then open a new can bring Osama and I will bring Hitler:

"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter."

Adolf Hitler 1922

Or as Path quoted:

Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:

Dont be a hypocrite :m:
"These are the people we are being asked to help. Notice the man wearing the Osama bin laden T-Shirt. These were the same people that were dancing in the streets on 9/11. The US is being criticized for not sending more money to people that hate us. These are Muslim countries. Why aren’t Saudi Arabia and other rich Arab nations helping their own Muslim brothers? Because it is Christians that always come to the aid of people. We even help our enemies."
Although more Catholics were killed in the flood than Muslims, Arab nations have their own death tolls, and problems to deal with caused by the United States. Hundreds of American soldiers. dead. Thousands upon thousands of Arabs, mostly women and children. Dead. Billions of American dollars spent for these atrocities. You would never see death tolls like that within our own borders. Our motto is to blow them up on their turf, then drop food on them to make them believe we are the good guys.

"That is what sets us apart from Muslims whose creed is to hate and kill those who disagree with them."
Are you backwards or something?
American's creed is to hate and kill those who disagree with them. Why do you think so many people hate America so much. We are the biggest most murderous terrorist the world has ever faced. Especially now that we have a blithering psycho in office.

Here's the latest news:
The voice defending the United States from charges of being niggardly with its tsunami aid was indeed that of President George W. Bush. From the ranch at Crawford, Texas, the cowboy-in-chief went into his defensive crouch. The TV caption said "Western White House," which is to say: presidential vacation. Late December, as all of August, means vacation, come hellfire or tsunami.

Some 72 hours passed before President Bush changed his vacation clothes to address the catastrophe.

The first words from the wealthiest nation on earth had come from his administration promising $15 million in assistance. This initial insult in our name rose to $35 million in the face of charges from a United Nations official that America was being "stingy." Secretary of State Colin Powell rode out to counter the "stingy" charge only to have his white steed splattered with mud. Concerned Americans who see themselves as citizens of the world noted that, since the onset of this most calamitous natural disaster of our time, President Bush had remained both out of sight and silent.

Under Bush, this steel-helmet republic is spending $87B-plus to wage an unprovoked war against an Arab state whose plight under siege is hardening the hearts of Muslims against this increasingly evangelical White House. Western nations also look askance at Bush's with-us or agin'-us approach to world diplomacy. The Sept. 11 attacks offered a chance for the United States to lead a united front against terrorism orchestrated by Osama bin Laden. This time, the earthquake-tsunami afforded an opening for statecraft.

The U.S. war president could have doubled as a missionary of peace and compassion, with a respectable tsunami-aid package and a few timely words. He could have extended an olive branch to the world's largest Muslim country, in Indonesia, as well as to the Hindu-Islamic-Buddhist populations of Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, Somalia and the rest.

It is tempting to conclude that some sinister White House policy is at play here. Would Bush have reacted so slowly had the victims not been primarily brown-skinned? The answer may lie in the president's shocking immobility when his chief of staff informed him that a second jet plane had crashed into the World Trade Center on Sept. 11. What the nation apparently has saddled itself with is a sitting president who, left alone, is incapable of responding rationally to unscripted events.

The Bush schedule last week called for vacation.

The American people cannot say they weren't warned about his Advanced Vacation Syndrone (AVS). Barely six months into his first term, he dropped everything - and took a month off. Most American workers, with one-week allotments, would have still been on probation. Bush's absence almost tied Richard Nixon's record for the longest presidential stay away from the White House. Even horseback-riding, underbrush-clearing, Ronald Reagan could manage only 28 days away.

The 43rd president put the vacation record out where it poses a serious challenge for his second term. Back in the spring, prior to his August slumber, Bush had spent 40 percent of his time away from the White House, according to The Guardian newspaper, which takes note of such things. Between his inauguration and the 2004 Easter weekend, Bush had reportedly spent 233 days, or almost eight months, in 33 visits to Crawford, Texas, according to CBS News, which conducts a body watch on the president, but at a mandated out-of-sight distance. Tacking on his 78 visits to Camp David and five to the family compound at Kennebunkport, Maine, The Guardian clocked 500 presidential days spent "out of the office while in office."

The friendlier Washington Post, by August 2003, had clocked Bush with 27 percent of his presidency spent on vacation. Although, to be fair, much of this time is classified as "working vacation." Work indeed intrudes on the president's vacation schedule, as it did on Aug. 6, 2001. As reported in the 9/11 Commission Report, Bush's regular August vacation was interrupted by that CIA briefing warning that Osama bin Laden was determined to attack the United States.

The threat of an al-Qaida attack did not deter Bush from his vacation in 2001. Last week he likely slumbered through the earthquake-tsunamis. Such dedication.
And the niggardly aid offered by the Arab states, cool skill? Do they not care for their own bretheran? Where is your complaint?

I can only see that you hate anyone not muslim, cool skill! Is that what we are to learn of your religion?
Godless said:
Bells I wrote my post before I saw yours, I know that the money is needed for trying to build shelter and medical aid, I would rather see a world come together than have wars, when stuff like this happens I don't expect nothing less, than humanity coming together, though I do think some order is required before handing a blank check to these citizens, I've seen it too often, where the officials that were supposed to be helping are only pocketing the goods and money, while the people get screwed. Yea lets help these people, cool, but lets make sure that it is being done. Another thing that angers me biterly is that we had enough time to warn these governments of their coming tragedy, many thousands of deaths could have been avoided.,,18690-1422669,00.html

Beware of scam artists;

All the good and all the bad comes out in the times of tragedy.

That's why you give your money to organisations like the Red Cross who do not give it to the Governments in those countries, instead they buy what is necessary to help these people on the ground. Yes there was time to warn these poor people but there was nothing in place to actually send that warning out, hence the urgent call to set up an early warning system in that area.

These are the people we are being asked to help. Notice the man wearing the Osama bin laden T-Shirt. These were the same people that were dancing in the streets on 9/11. The US is being criticized for not sending more money to people that hate us. These are Muslim countries. Why aren’t Saudi Arabia and other rich Arab nations helping their own Muslim brothers? Because it is Christians that always come to the aid of people. We even help our enemies.
Brutus, you really are a piece of work. These people have lost everything. EVERYTHING, from their homes to their family members. And you're complaining that one guy is wearing an OBL t-shirt? Could it be that he didn't have anything else to wear? Would you have preferred he walk around naked? But then that could have offended your Christian sensibilities. Path is right, the best way to beat terrorism is to help the guy in the OBL t-shirt.

So what if they're Muslim countries? Should we refuse aid to these people because they are Muslim? Should we tell them to contact rich Muslim countries for aid? How do you know that the wealthy Muslim countries aren't donating any aid? Because they don't sing about the amounts they are donating like the Western countries are? Has it now become a competition to see who gives more aid in a bid to outdo other nations? Don't be such a pathetic human specimen. Just because they hate you doesn't mean that you don't send aid. I should ask you the same question I asked Godless. If your enemy's child was on fire on your doorstep, would you turn the hose on that child, even if that child's parent hates you?

You whine that we are helping people who hate us. Do you wonder why they may hate you? Sitting here I don't like you very much at the moment. Why? Because you're bitching about helping others in need after this monstrous disaster. They hate you? Boo freakin hoo. Get over it and stop whining about it.

That is the very point of my post. It is a pure illustration of Jesus’ admonitions to love thy enemy. That is what sets us apart from Muslims whose creed is to hate and kill those who disagree with them.
You just get better and better don't you? You think you're set apart from Muslims because you help? Actually it does not. You want to know why? Because you boast about it and complain about having to do it. You look at the victims of that tsunami. The Muslims who've managed to survive. And do you see them complaining? I just watched a news brief where they were showing how these people were overjoyed at being given a bottle of clean water. They weren't complaining. They weren't asking for more. They were merely thankful that they could give their surviving children clean water. They were helping their neighbours build shelter. They were helping to pull the dead bodies out of places that dead bodies should not have been. And they weren't complaining. They didn't have homes for themselves, but they were helping others build homes. They were just thankful to not only have survived, but they were thankful for a couple of bottles of clean water. And here you are carrying on like an old woman saying that you're set apart from Muslims because you help and all the while complaining that one of the survivors was wearing an OBL t-shirt and complaining that you're helping people who hate you and won't appreciate it and how you're giving aid but Muslim nations aren't, blah blah blah friggin blah. You make me sick. These people aren't complaining about what's happened to them and they have every right to complain, instead they are merely thankful, but you, sitting in front of your computer in your home is complaining about having to help them. And you think you're better than they are? Because you're a Christian? If I were a Christian and not an atheist, I'd be tempted to convert to Islam after reading your supposedly Christian words and having seen your supposed Christian attitude. You bring Christians to shame.

I do lament that we are asked to help but are never appreciated for it. I know that God appreciates it and will bless us for it.
Yeah, I'm sure that God will be sooooo forgiving to someone who gives and expects to be praised and bowed down to. I'm sure that God will be very forgiving to a person who 'laments' having been asked to help and who is upset that he's not appreciated for it. I'm sure that God will be very forgiving at your giving nature when you bitch and moan about having to give. You should be lucky if your God only gives you a kick up your backside for your attitudes and your words in this matter, because in reality, you deserve to get way more than that.
marv said:
And the niggardly aid offered by the Arab states, cool skill? Do they not care for their own bretheran? Where is your complaint?
Are you on weak ground Marv?

Definition: Funds pledged by the governments of developed countries for tsunami relief (as of Friday, Dec 31st, 2004 - 05:51 AM). The World Bank has pledged $250 million and the European Union $44 million. There have been significant amounts coming in from the UN and other aid agencies like IMF, UNDP, UNESCO, Red Cross, etc. which are not mentioned here. Private donations and collections from media campaigns are also high in many European countries, but have not been included here. Per capita figures expressed per 1 population.

1. Qatar $12.23 per person
2. Denmark $2.89 per person
3. United Kingdom $1.59 per person
4. Norway $1.45 per person
5. Australia $1.36 per person
6. Canada $1.36 per person
7. Portugal $1.08 per person
8. Kuwait $0.96 per person
9. United Arab Emirates $0.80 per person
10. Finland $0.65 per person
11. Saudi Arabia $0.41 per person
12. France $0.33 per person
13. Germany $0.32 per person
14. Japan $0.31 per person
15. Singapore $0.26 per person
16. Ireland $0.25 per person
17. Taiwan $0.22 per person
18. Netherlands $0.22 per person
19. United States $0.12 per person
Weighted Average $0.47 per person

Source: The Australian, BBC, Bloomberg,The Indian Express and The Reuters.
Ophiolite said:
Are you on weak ground Marv?

Definition: Funds pledged by the governments of developed countries for tsunami relief (as of Friday, Dec 31st, 2004 - 05:51 AM). The World Bank has pledged $250 million and the European Union $44 million. There have been significant amounts coming in from the UN and other aid agencies like IMF, UNDP, UNESCO, Red Cross, etc. which are not mentioned here. Private donations and collections from media campaigns are also high in many European countries, but have not been included here. Per capita figures expressed per 1 population.

1. Qatar $12.23 per person
2. Denmark $2.89 per person
3. United Kingdom $1.59 per person
4. Norway $1.45 per person
5. Australia $1.36 per person
6. Canada $1.36 per person
7. Portugal $1.08 per person
8. Kuwait $0.96 per person
9. United Arab Emirates $0.80 per person
10. Finland $0.65 per person
11. Saudi Arabia $0.41 per person
12. France $0.33 per person
13. Germany $0.32 per person
14. Japan $0.31 per person
15. Singapore $0.26 per person
16. Ireland $0.25 per person
17. Taiwan $0.22 per person
18. Netherlands $0.22 per person
19. United States $0.12 per person
Weighted Average $0.47 per person

Source: The Australian, BBC, Bloomberg,The Indian Express and The Reuters.

That info is old Ophiolite The US has now pledged $350 million dollars, more than $1 per citizen with a further $170 million being contributed by private individuals and corporations. So together that is $1.73 per person third highest on the list.

This should never be a competition to see who donates more money. It does not make any country better than the other because they've donated more.
True that Bells, even the media has gone on the frensie of who has donated what, and how much so & so country has done, the tirads of "miracle stories" & unfortunate events.

It's sad that these atrocities all it does is keep these sob's claiming to have better coverage, and higher ratings of their freaking "corporate BS news".

Ophiolite, in re the United States, the Federal government has pledged $350,000,000, not $35,000,000 as you've shown. Further, the private contributions to charities such as the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army, etc., will more than double that. Then add more millions needed to move the Air Force and Navy assets to station just to distribute the aid. Then the needed fuel and material support for the military personnel to do the work comes to quite a few millions more. I think you'll find that Path is quite correct.

BTW, Ophiolite, I've donated $500US. How much have you - or anybody on this forum - given?
Wow you gave a whole $500. Are we supposed to care? Is this your normal routine? Make a donation, and brag about it later? As for those who are unable to give a donation? They do exist, and you are aware of that correct? And what of those who choose not to give a donation? Shall you label them niggardly, and go about your business?

"And the niggardly aid offered by the Arab states, cool skill? Do they not care for their own bretheran? Where is your complaint?"
First of all, did you not just read my post before you replied to it?
Must I spell it out?
Second, what brethren?
You mean their Catholic brethren?
Should any country give a flying crap what religion those people were that died when contemplating on offering aid?
Are you attempting to claim that the US would give them less aid if they were Muslim (the religion America hates so much), and more aid if they were Christian (the dominating religion in America)?

"I can only see that you hate anyone not muslim, cool skill! Is that what we are to learn of your religion?"
You know nothing of my religion. All of your claims are twisted.

Do you think Americans are free to express themselves? Walk around with a Bush shirt on, and you may get looked at funny by the demoncrats, but no big deal. Try walking around with an Osama shirt on, and watch America lynch and burn you at the stake. Freedom of expression indeed.

We do of course have more freedoms than most of the Arab nations.
We have of course contributed to the flood relief.
With these wonderful attributes, it may be difficult to see America as the terror of Earth.
But that's only because we use the media so well.
As the most oppressive dictatorships in history have known. Propaganda is the name of the game.
When America murders and slaughters thousands upon thousands of innocents, let us keep the press far far away. NO MEDIA ALLOWED. Doors are shut with big bars and brick walls in front of them to make sure the media cannot get through. Perhaps a real investigative reporter might come across some information, but it is so distant that any reports will be considered conspiracy theory trash.
When America makes a contribution, let's open the doors the press. In fact, let's kiss their asses so that they may have incentive to come into our open arms and report on our great deeds.
marv said:
Ophiolite, in re the United States, the Federal government has pledged $350,000,000, not $35,000,000 as you've shown. Further, the private contributions to charities such as the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army, etc., will more than double that. Then add more millions needed to move the Air Force and Navy assets to station just to distribute the aid. Then the needed fuel and material support for the military personnel to do the work comes to quite a few millions more. I think you'll find that Path is quite correct.
So? Does that make the US better than all other nations who've given less? The fact of the matter is marv, one should not be judging what another gives. At the moment the people who need it most don't give a shit. They're just happy with any amount they get. Your country is not the best at offering aid to other nations in need, history has taught us that. So right now the fact that your Government is giving aid, no matter what the amount, is good enough. Your country is no better and no worse than any other country. Boasting about it only makes you look proud, when in reality you really have no reason to be.

Forget the fact that after the $35m that was originally pledged there was an outcry from the American public and that figure was increased to appease the conscience. Forget the fact that the bombs built by your Government in a week cost more than they are donating. Just be happy that the money will go to helping the people who need it and not towards blasting the home of another with a missile.

BTW, Ophiolite, I've donated $500US. How much have you - or anybody on this forum - given?
Wow! You deserve a medal. Hell you deserve to have a town named after you.

Tell me something marv, when you donated that money, did you tell whoever you donated it to that you think God must be angry at Muslims for all that they have done wrong? Stop being such a hypocrite. Don't boast about how much you give though, marv. It only makes you look like a bigger horses arse. The victims won't care how much you gave, only that you did give.


Coolskill, shut up! You've gone beyond the 'you're annoying' line.
cool skill said:
Wow you gave a whole $500. Are we supposed to care?
Of course you don't care, cool skill, that's why you're a muslim! It's so easy; not a care in the world, only your hate for others.
Try walking around with an Osama shirt on, and watch America lynch and burn you at the stake.
You saw the Indonesian muslim standing idly by in his UBL tee shirt while Americans were providing medical aid to his countryman - or maybe it was his family member.
Bells said:
Tell me something marv, when you donated that money, did you tell whoever you donated it to that you think God must be angry at Muslims for all that they have done wrong? Stop being such a hypocrite. Don't boast about how much you give though, marv. It only makes you look like a bigger horses arse. The victims won't care how much you gave, only that you did give.
I don't care what religion, if any, the recipient of a nickle of what I contributed is. If you were my next door neighbor and vilified me every day, and your house caught fire, I'd still grab a hose and try to put it out. That's the difference between us.

We have put man on the moon, but an Israeli doctor is forbidden in Indonesia, even if only to save the lives of little muslim children. Until religions of every type draw their last breath and disappear forever, nothing will exceed man's hate for his fellow man.
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