Is God unhappy with muslims.......?

MaskHellRaiser said:
well then....explain it? explain what i misunderstood.

PS: Islam is the religion, and muslims are all thos ewho pratice the islamic beleive.

a racist statement is one that maligns a specific ethnic group for example, indians, pakistanis, chinese, arabs, jews etc. Muslims are not an ethnic group they are a religious group or denomination therefore a statement against muslims while it may be bigoted is not racist.
LOL, ya guthrie made an exellent point, isn't go suppose to be mercifull, forgiving, turn-the-other check? Well, by the post u made, u christian, don't god love his children and bla bla bla.....well then he can't possibly punish those who dont deserve to b punished.
to path-
actually racism has evolved these so a days, thanks to ignorants....well a person can b racist against white ppl or black, can't they? What about KKK? A person can b racist to blondes, brunnettes and etc? The can also b racist to ethinc group? BUT also to religious catagory, such as christians, muslims, that friend of ur was...Ppl got so ignorant these days that can be racist to almost anything, my teacher told a story about a guy that was racist (practice a malign hate) towards tall ppl, just cause he was does any tall ppl have anything to do with him being short? - dont reply that thanks to tall ppl he is categorized as short, it's not their fault.
MaskHellRaiser said:
to path-
actually racism has evolved these so a days, thanks to ignorants....well a person can b racist against white ppl or black, can't they?


What about KKK?

The KKK is not a race but it would be safe to assume that they are all caucasian.

A person can b racist to blondes, brunnettes and etc?

No, hair color is not an ethnic group they could be called biased or bigoted against blondes brunetes etc..

The can also b racist to ethinc group? BUT also to religious catagory, such as christians, muslims, that friend of ur was...Ppl got so ignorant these days that can be racist to almost anything,

No, refer to my definition above.

my teacher told a story about a guy that was racist (practice a malign hate) towards tall ppl, just cause he was does any tall ppl have anything to do with him being short? - dont reply that thanks to tall ppl he is categorized as short, it's not their fault.

I am afraid that your teacher is ignorant of the definition of the word racist, the word he should have used was biased tall people aren't a race
MaskHellRaiser said:
Marv by being 66 years old, u have reached two line. One the edge of senile and the other the edge of knowldge. U can b anyone of the, but according to ur posts, u r just being plain racist.
Is it not a route fraught with danger to imply mental limitations in another, when your own are so visible through your incompetent typing, bizarre syntax and farcical spelling?
Ahah! I knew I would find something to punch a hole in marv's theory.

Assuming a magical deity in the sky did cause these earthquakes, it certainly wasn't aimed directly at muslims. Sri Lanka is reporting about 25,000 deaths, India is reporting in the 10,000's. Vietnam is also reporting heavy losses. Both India and Sri Lanka are predomenantly hindu or buddhist. Vietnam is some form of buddhism...

So why is god mad at them?
Path, u talk so much about the word biased and yet do u no that the two word are almost the same. Biased has a synonym which is predjudice (Irrational suspicion or HATRED of a particular group, race, or RELIGION)<<<from a dictionary>>>....there is no much diff to racism.

ANYWAY, changing the subject, i made a reference the also same as top mosker, dont bother top mosker we already concluded that he was wrong.
MaskHellRaiser said:
Path, u talk so much about the word biased and yet do u no that the two word are almost the same. Biased has a synonym which is predjudice (Irrational suspicion or HATRED of a particular group, race, or RELIGION)<<<from a dictionary>>>....there is no much diff to racism.

ANYWAY, changing the subject, i made a reference the also same as top mosker, dont bother top mosker we already concluded that he was wrong.

MHR I am simply giving you the correct definition of a few words it is up to you if you use them properly or not :)
from a Spiritual / religious perspective death is not a punishent.
only the mater-minded fear death, as they, cannot yet see beyond it.

with consideration to the established fact not all those people were muslims. i pose a counter theory to Marv perhaps
God has blessed those people who have been taken from this life by this natural disaster.

Learn the difference between being a bigot and a racist. Marv was being a bigot in his claim.


I think that Marv is simply a flamer. He wanted to get a violent response from the Muslims in this thread and he didn't get one from them, so he's left it. This thread has merely shown him in his true colours.. that of a bigot and an ignorant peon. He really should go to any one of the countries affected by this disaster and make that claim. I'd enjoy watching the news just to see the survivors of this disaster tearing his skin off. Hell, he wouldn't have to go there to make any of the statements he's made in this thread. He merely has to stand in the middle of a public place and make it and the reaction would still probably be the same from the public. Maybe then he could claim that God must be angry at him.
well after searching their definition, they r synonym, duh.

In the way i look they means almost the same thing. But hey, my bad, i'll try using bigot instead then.
tiassa said:
Help me out here ... Are we supposed to take you seriously?
Take me seriously? Only to a degree. I confess that I did intend to be a little provocative; but flame? Never. I wanted people to think, but if I offended anyone, I apologize.

Too often we put off unto the gods those things we should be doing for ourselves is my dictum. When bad things happen, the religious zealot cries, "We have sinned. We are being punished. We must change our ways." The objectivist says, "It's normal plate tectonics in action but with unfortunate results. It's happened before and it will happen again. Is there anything we can do about it?"

If a muslim feels offended on this forum, they should go to the Sunni forum and try to find any accomodation for, let alone an apology to, a non-muslim.

Hate is everywhere, like it or not.
Yorda said:
U humans think yr so tough but when a earthquake kills ya, you ain't so tough. yr so small & god is so gr8 but U don't get it.
you're the one who doesnt get it,kiddo!

if God is all good,why does evil happen to innocent people was the question ;)

care to explain that one?

btw its spelled like this: you,you are,you're,and great,
so spare us those retarded geeky expresions.
marv said:
Take me seriously? Only to a degree. I confess that I did intend to be a little provocative; but flame? Never. I wanted people to think, but if I offended anyone, I apologize.
You picked a bad subject to be provocative about Marv. 80,000+ people have died and you pick that to be provocative about? What's to think about this? A natural disaster has occured that has resulted in so many deaths that I can't even begin to fathom what the victims have gone through and will continue to go through. I had several friends in Thailand Marv. Friends who were there on holidays. So far only 2 have contacted us to let us know they were ok and saw the disaster happen from their balconies, one with a lucky escape as she was jogging on the beach only 5 minutes before the first wave struck and had gone upstairs to her room to get changed before heading down to breakfast and a swim. 2 are still unaccounted for and our hopes and dreams are that they did go to the mainland for the hike into the hills they had planned and haven't been able to contact us to let us know they are ok. I didn't just find you offensive, I found you tasteless and frankly bordering on the obscene.

Too often we put off unto the gods those things we should be doing for ourselves is my dictum. When bad things happen, the religious zealot cries, "We have sinned. We are being punished. We must change our ways." The objectivist says, "It's normal plate tectonics in action but with unfortunate results. It's happened before and it will happen again. Is there anything we can do about it?"
So far in this forum, you are the only one that I've seen so far who's acted like the zealot and asked the question of whether God was unhappy with Muslims. You hold yourself on a higher moral ground, that you are an atheist and post a link to a Muslim forum who blame this disaster on God, as though to say that you are better than they... yet it was you who asked this question here.. to be, as you stated above, provocative. As I said before Marv, this thread says a lot about you.

Yes religious zealots will blame this on God, just like you appear to be doing. But normal sensible people see this for what it is. A natural disaster of immense proportions that has resulted in too many deaths to comprehend.

If a muslim feels offended on this forum, they should go to the Sunni forum and try to find any accomodation for, let alone an apology to, a non-muslim.
Any human being with a minute amount of decency would feel offended with this thread Marv. And why should Muslims apologise? Have all Muslims done something wrong?

Maybe it's you who should post a link to this thread in the Sunni forum and apologise to them.
I put superstition behind me a long time ago, probably before you were born. I've also learned not to be thin skinned. Now, if you want to see real hate, go to that Sunni forum.

Individually, I don't hate muslims. But I have a very, very, very serious problem with what the likes of a UBL does. And where are the decent, law-abiding muslims to declare him an apostate, an infidel to the Islam religion? There is a great silence with but soft, scattered voices saying, "Oh well, we don't approve of him." Is that all there is?

Read the on-line versions of the Arab News or Yemen Times and see the hate and misrepresentations they put to the world. Who am I to be sorry for the youth of Saudi who lack practical trades and skills to contribute something to their nation? I wasn't the one to see that they only learned religion.

It wasn't Jews or Christians or Buddhists or Hindus who hijacked those airliners. I should pretend that the miseries of the Middle East is my fault, or my nations fault, and that is the root cause? Your attitude, Bells, does not in any way help to promote any good will or solve any problem at any level. Have muslims done anything wrong, indeed! Denial doesn't cut chips as a wood cutter might say. There are people who commit crimes, and there are people who do nothing to prevent them. It's difficult to tell the difference.

No, not all muslims have done wrong, but a small and very active number do. They murder innocent women and children, including muslim, in the name of Allah! And the ummah stands quietly by. Arab leaders (should I even use the term) fill their palaces with gold trinkets while their people, for whom they are responsible, live in poverty or idleness or run off to seek adventure in war with muslim fundamentalists who promise them virgins in some paradise.

Those Islamic fundamentalists will shed every drop of those young muslim men, and those young muslim men will continue to march into a killing machine on the promise of a paradise with virgins that isn't. It's shear maddness and unless the muslim world stands up and shouts, "Enough! Stop!", a generation will be lost. Is that what Islam wants?
Thousands of fucking CHILDREN were killed! If a god was involved with such a thing . . . it is an EVIL god!
You know it's bad news of what happened with the tsunami victims climbing and all. But I don't think the US should be the sucker to come and rescue the whole fucking world when something bad happens!!. :bugeye:

First people aroudn the world are hating our fucking guts because of this damn war.
Second, when ever something bad happens here, hardly anyone shows up to aid, if at all. No one gives a shiet about us. Were was the UN when four major hurricanes bombarded Florida?.

Basically it's WE HATE YOU!! come and help us, send us more money, feed us, and if we do little we are stengy? What the fuck?. What about other nations jumping on every corner of the world when something of this magnitude happens. We go, get criticised for the effort, meanwhile they call us Nazis, assholes, etc. Look at Cool Skills posts. The SOB.

Good article on my point of view; SEND NO MONEY TO TSUNAMI NATIONS

Umm, damn this is harsh godless.

Let me explain, American is like a person, and people these days only do things to benefit themself. Why do u think American helped Korea, Vietnam, Afaghstan, beucase they were a threat of communist not to their country but to the US itself. What would the American ppl c that their president is doing nothing to stop communism that may target this democratic nation. Well, first of all, if the president don't do shit, then ppl would call him communist. The same goes to Iraq, do u think that all this debt and all this money that is being wasted (literaly), on this "war" in Iraq comes for free. There is alot money going to Bush's pocket and may b soon to the country. Now if the president feels he'll get something in return for helping those needy ppl, he would have done so or may b will do so soon, but i dont think that there is anything to return.

And that's my friend is what life is.... god damn money.

Ps: may b u should change ur name to heartless not godless, since that was harsh dawg.