Is consciousness to be found in quantum processes in microtubules?

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correction on post # 1518.
"Hystrionics" shoud read "histrionics".... my baaaaaaad!
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I revisited this site and show it here for others to contemplate. It's pretty comprehensive as a general overview.
And found some new info about "dynamic instability", which clearly is a requirement for"changing thoughts", in relation to the flexibility of "consciousness".


Microtubules are conveyer belts inside the cells. They move vesicles, granules, organelles like mitochondria, and chromosomes via special attachment proteins. They also serve a cytoskeletal role. Structurally, they are linear polymers of tubulin which is a globular protein. These linear polymers are called protofilaments. The figure to the left shows a three dimensional view of a microtubule. The tubulin molecules are the bead like structures. They form heterodimers of alpha and beta tubulin. A protofilament is a linear row of tubulin dimers.
Microtubules may work alone, or join with other proteins to form more complex structures called cilia, flagella or centrioles . In this unit we will cover all of these structures.
Microtubules can be seen in a bundle in the above negatively stained preparation. Recall that negative staining starts by immobilizing the preparation on plastic on an electron microscopic grid. Then heavy metal stain is deposited around the structures, delineating their structure. This preparation may allow you to see the tubulin molecules in the protofilaments. (Taken from Bloom and Fawcett; Textbook of Histology)

Dynamic instability
Microtubules may vary in their rate of assembly and disassembly. Tubulin half life is nearly a full day, however, the half life of a given microtubule may be only 10 minutes. Thus, they are in a continued state of flux. This is believed to respond to the needs of the cell and is called "dynamic instability".
Furthermore, there are regulatory processes that appear to control this in a cell. Microtubule growth would be promoted in a dividing or moving cell. However, microtubule growth would be more controlled in a stable, polarized cell.
As described in your text, the cell can provide a GTP cap on the growing end of a microtubule to regulate further growth. This happens when the tubulin molecules are added faster than the GTP can be hydrolyzed. Thus, the microtubule becomes stable and does not depolymerize. It may also be encouraged to continue growing. Once the GTP is hydrolyzed, it begins to shrink, however. Another way of capping a microtubule is to put a structure at its end, such as a cell membrane. .....more
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Whatever you think about microtubules, it has nothing whatsoever to do with comparing yourself to a man who was brutally murdered. You should be apologising for that comment, Write4U. To exploit Floyd George's death in that way is despicable.
Whatever you think about microtubules, it has nothing whatsoever to do with comparing yourself to a man who was brutally murdered. You should be apologising for that comment, Write4U. To exploit Floyd George's death in that way is despicable.
I have offended you?

I have already been called worse just for posting about microtubules. I see no one apologize to me for the terrible treatment they have subjected me to. Apologize to me first for the barrage of ad hominems inflicted on me during this nightmare.

I have never in my life been subjected to such treatment as I have experienced here at the hands of some despicable hypocrites.

My wife has.
She's Indian and her ancestors walked the "trail of tears", remember that? There are still places here in Idaho which refuse to serve her.
I see no whites apologize to her, or to me, for her lifetime of being subjected to despicable maltreatment.

I shall no longer respond to any comments about me or my character. Believe what you will, but please keep it to yourself.

This did not start with me. This thread is about microtubules. Can we keep the smut slinging out of this, please.
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Here we go.................:);
A microprocessor made of carbon nanotubes says, “Hello, World!”
The technology is still in its infancy, but could someday aid the development of faster, more energy-efficient electronics.

This week, a computational milestone made its debut: a 16-bit microprocessor made up of carbon nanotubes, programmed to greet its makers with the phrase, “Hello, world!”
The breakthrough, described in a paper published Wednesday in the journal Nature, could constitute a crucial step on the path to faster, more energy-efficient electronics.
Standard computer processors typically contain transistors, or electronic switches, that are based in silicon (think “Silicon Valley”). Boosting the speed and power of processors requires building smaller, more efficient transistors—but in recent years, it’s become increasingly apparent that silicon has its limits in terms of scalability. As an alternative, scientists have sought other materials that have the potential to be manipulated on smaller scales. One promising alternative lies in carbon nanotubes: sheets of carbon just one atom thick, rolled up into hardy, lightweight tubes.

And guess what template is used?

Microtubule architecture: inspiration for novel carbon nanotube-based biomimetic materials
Microtubules are self-assembling biological nanotubes that are essential for cell motility, cell division and intracellular trafficking. Microtubules have outstanding mechanical properties, combining high resilience and stiffness. Such a combination allows microtubules to accomplish multiple cellular functions and makes them interesting for material sciences.
We review recent experiments that elucidate the relationship between molecular architecture and mechanics in microtubules and examine analogies and differences between microtubules and carbon nanotubes, which are their closest equivalent in nanotechnology. We suggest that a long-term goal in bionanotechnology should be mimicking the properties of microtubules and microtubule bundles to produce new functional nanomaterials.

Are we beginning to pay attention?
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[...] I have never in my life been subjected to such treatment as I have experienced here at the hands of some despicable hypocrites. [...]

Well, opportunism is a fundamental feature of society. We all at least dip our foot into it. At a greater level that includes political, commercial, and personal career exploitation of particular events and circumstances in contemporary news and the pre-modern tidings of the past. Righteousness posturing and shaming/outrage customs are ubiquitous activities, in even para-religious and secular contexts. Same old traditional templates serving motivated interests, just plugging different specifics into the operative placeholders, according to the era. Though there can be highs and lows in terms of terms of factional crusader intensity (one duration an _X_ may be stigma or taboo, and the next or a future cycle maybe not).

[...] My wife has. She's Indian and her ancestors walked the "trail of tears", remember that?

I'm merely a heavily interracial member of one of those Indian Removal Act tribes (i.e., the card-carrying type, not the E. Warren anecdotal mode). Some members of the Five owned slaves, as did some free blacks and Hispanics.

Remarkable how long it took for that NFL team in Washington to finally modify its name. Other, objecting non-indigenous minority populations or movements would not have been slighted for that long with a similar, glaring magnitude of slur applicable to them, tacked onto that well-known or famous an establishment. Perhaps "we're" are not as reliable, categorizable, homogenous, monolithic, and predictable when it comes to voting -- and thereby less useful robotic pawns less deserving of speedy facades of accommodation. (Nah -- rather ignorable it seems, for the heck of it. But I have encountered many who aren't devotedly single-party or have a conservative bent.)

There are still places here in Idaho which refuse to serve her. I see no whites apologize to her, or to me, for her lifetime of being subjected to despicable maltreatment.

I've heard of that, as well as bilateral belligerence, lingering in certain parts of the country. But as "still places" maybe hints at, there are some areas where being indigenous doesn't arouse that degree of animosity. Consequently those native groups have a history of being more(?) patriotic and contributing to the surrounding or general non-native communities in a mutually beneficial, reciprocal relationship. I guess "forgiving", or partial cultural amnesia, or something -- rather than clinging to aggravating ancestral grievances -- surely plays a role in that disposition.
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I have offended you?

Yes. Comparing yourself to a man who was murdered by police is offensive.
What's next? Are you going to claim that your treatment here is worse than what the Jews endured during the Holocaust? That your plight is worse than what slaves went through in the US prior to 1860? Or something even more offensive?
This did not start with me.
I have offended you?
Not personally. I just think it's disgusting that you think that being insulted on an internet forum (if your assessment of the situation is correct) is at all comparable or equivalent to having somebody kneel on your neck until you die.

In attempting to play the martyr in the way that you are, you minimise the significance and impact of the killing of Floyd George. You're sending the message to those who knew that man, and to those who believe it is important to highlight the manner of his death and the injustice of it, that his death was something that matters no more than a throw-away discussion on an internet forum.

You need to wake up and realise that there are things going on in the world that are bigger than your petty concerns. You need to get some perspective. But most importantly, you need to learn how to be respectful to other human beings.

Your current lack of respect for strangers is in no way excused by ill-treatment that you or your wife may have suffered from strangers in the past. Two wrongs do not make a right. Your behaviour is nobody's responsibility but your own.

The fact that you have repeatedly dismissed people here who have tried to teach you this really speaks volumes.
Not personally. I just think it's disgusting that you think that being insulted on an internet forum (if your assessment of the situation is correct) is at all comparable or equivalent to having somebody kneel on your neck until you die.
If my assessment of the situation is correct I was subject to a concerted and premeditated effort in character assassination (killing a person's honor and reputation), while I was emgaged in a serious scientific inquiry. Check the chronology.
I consider that a serious moral offense. Nearly as repugnant as premeditated murder.

Anyway, I consider that "obstacle" closed and have a way of ignoring those who wish to do me public injury. They now have to do it behind my back. Just like Trump.
If my assessment of the situation is correct I was subject to a concerted and premeditated effort in character assassination (killing a person's honor and reputation), while I was emgaged in a serious scientific inquiry. Check the chronology.
I consider that a serious moral offense. Nearly as repugnant as premeditated murder.
Really, get a grip.

I'm done with this nonsense.
Any comment on post # 1529 ?

I consider that article as justifying my enthousiasm about the potential role microtubules and micro filaments may play in the very fundamental "processing" (input<-> output) of sensory data.

If so, then an expectation of evolving complexity and sophistication in "understanding" the observed data may be the result and make MT a primary object of research and study in connection with forms of intelligence and self-referential consciousness. (As the article promises)
Really, get a grip.
I'm done with this nonsense.
Right, finally a word of wisdom. But why are you addressing me?

I DID NOT START THIS , nor am I continuing this!
I have been begging to end this nonsense, they won't let me .

Because you are you, James, I have responded. But as I indicated I simply won't respond to any Off Topic posts anymore and concentrate my efforts only in maintaining recent updates on research in "microtubules" and their possible role in the emergence of consciousness. A new and exciting area of study about nano-scale electro-chemical information processing.

Don't you agree?

Any derogatory comment will be posted without my knowledge, and will only serve as rumor.
A microprocessor made of carbon nanotubes says, “Hello, World!”
The technology is still in its infancy, but could someday aid the development of faster, more energy-efficient electronics.

Why is " faster " , important ?
Why is " faster " , important ?
Ability to process greater volume and depth in calculations. Science today deals with astronomically large numbers.

Thus both in terms of spikes and synaptic transmission, the brain can perform at most about a thousand basic operations per second, or 10 million times slower than the computer. The computer also has huge advantages over the brain in the precision of basic operations.
Why Is the Human Brain So Efficient?
The computer has huge advantages over the brain in the speed of basic operations.3 Personal computers nowadays can perform elementary arithmetic operations, such as addition, at a speed of 10 billion operations per second. We can estimate the speed of elementary operations in the brain by the elementary processes through which neurons transmit information and communicate with each other.
For example, neurons “fire” action potentials—spikes of electrical signals initiated near the neuronal cell bodies and transmitted down their long extensions called axons, which link with their downstream partner neurons. Information is encoded in the frequency and timing of these spikes. The highest frequency of neuronal firing is about 1,000 spikes per second.
As another example, neurons transmit information to their partner neurons mostly by releasing chemical neurotransmitters at specialized structures at axon terminals called synapses, and their partner neurons convert the binding of neurotransmitters back to electrical signals in a process called synaptic transmission. The fastest synaptic transmission takes about 1 millisecond.
Thus both in terms of spikes and synaptic transmission, the brain can perform at most about a thousand basic operations per second, or 10 million times slower than the computer.4
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