Is consciousness to be found in quantum processes in microtubules?

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No, you better look again and inform yourself of what's going on here. Bells has become my word police.

I am forbidden (on threat of censorship) to mention the word "microtubule" anywhere, unless it is in reference to "consciousness." And that only by her magnanimous graciousness of allowing me to post in Sciforums at all.

If you will note. Bells complained about my use of the word microtubule, in relation to Immunology and by extension, Homeostasis in general, in both threads.
This left me no choice but to open a new dedicated thread specifically addressing the role of microtubules in respect to Homeostasis as that includes the field of Immunology.

I'll be happy to do that every time there is a complaint about my incorrect choice of the word microtubule in reference to some fundamental importance in mitosis and maintaning cellular health (among many other functions) in living organisms.

I'll just open a new dedicated thread, everytime, although I'd prefer to keep it all under one simple title so that a comprehensive image can be presented in the attempt to describe the important role microtubules have in ALL dynamic information sharing in living organisms, and in particular how this all pervasive engagement of information processing by microtubules and microfilaments may be causal to the emergence of self-aware conscious sentience.

Write4U ; just breath .

Communication .
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Yet you still respond .
Yes, I won't slink away like a beaten dog. They will have to kill me in this forum, in public view and for public judgement about "poster's rights" and when they need to be "restricted" or "killed" in the interest of pseudo-scientific purity.

After all the concession I have made, give me a f******* break, will you?

I believe I have valuable contributions to make and I am spending considerable time researching and posting pertinent information about the role microtubules play in the mechanics of life and consciousness, a subject that should be of primary interest to all humans.
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Didn't a moderator already ask you to keep all your microtubule woo in the other thread?

this is its own thread

you seem to be quick to the posy and slow to the details

peoples conjective opinion about the possible fringe science ability of microbiological engineering may need to take a seat on the bench for 5 while they figure out the difference between pseudoscience & scientific exploration concepts

i think bells may have the wrong end of the stick

This is a molecular biology subject
NOTE religious nutters are against molecular-biology(biological engineering) because they think it is man playing god
so keep in mind there is a concerted, funded propaganda machine in operation being driven by those religious crazies targeting micro-biology to try and undermine biological engineering

i suggest all the sane people take a moment to do some back reading

people flaming the thread is not very useful
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Yes, I won't slink away like a beaten dog. They will have to kill me in this forum, in public view and for public judgement about "poster's rights" and when they need to be "restricted" in the interest of pseudo-scientific purity.

I believe have valuable contributions to make and I am spending considerable time researching and posting pertinent information about the role microtubules play in the mechanics of life and consciousness, a subject that should be of primary interest to all humans.

Good .
Indeed .:(.
Thank you for the sentiment, river.

But I see it more as a frustrated person trying to be relevant by making derogatory statements about others, thereby trying to elevate himself to a status of authority.
Just like Vociferous , but at the other end of the spectrum.

I can see a comparison with that cop killing a compliant detainee, rather than a Holocaust.
I would not presume to cheapen that terrible tragedy by citing it so casually. That in itself speaks volumes about the state of mind of the person who is purportedly carefully considering weighty scientific issues, before flapping his lips.
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just like any common terrorist.
Yes, I am just like a common terrorist. I'm like a cop killing black people. I'm like Ted Bundy and Osama bin Laden all rolled into one. Just because I find your obsession with microtubules bizarre.
I would not presume to cheapen that terrible tragedy by citing it so casually.
But killing innocent blacks! Why, just throw that right in there; that's fine to cheapen as long as you can defend them microtubules from evil terrorists and murderers.
Yes, I am just like a common terrorist. I'm like a cop killing black people. I'm like Ted Bundy and Osama bin Laden all rolled into one. Just because I find your obsession with microtubules bizarre.
Now you're getting it. Perhaps there is hope for you yet. I'm an optimist.
But killing innocent blacks! Why, just throw that right in there; that's fine to cheapen as long as you can defend them microtubules from evil terrorists and murderers.
Stop being ridiculous, you're beginning to sound Hysterical now. Holocast, Ted Bundy, Osama bin Laden are all your projections "rolled into one"

You realize , you are now interfering in a new thread with a completely off topic post and with the expressed intent to "shut me up" and prevent me from posting scientific material.

Killing a person's thoughts is tantamount to killing a person, in case you need a lesson in humanity. Better still, what you need is a lesson in humility and respect .

p.s. bells, are you listening? Are you finally going to do the right thing and put this attack dog on a leash?
You realize , you are now interfering in a new thread with a completely off topic post and with the expressed intent to "shut me up" and prevent me from posting scientific material.
Just hoping you will start posting scientific material and stop posting woo. (I realize there is effectively zero chance of that but figured I'd give it a shot.)
Just hoping you will start posting scientific material and stop posting woo. (I realize there is effectively zero chance of that but figured I'd give it a shot.)
Oh I see, you are acting in my best interest by posting ad hominem. Well that's a new approach to me. I do realize it is common practice in your backyard. I do appreciate the intent.....:rolleyes:

But, if at all possible, please stay on the topic of inquiry about the role of microtubules in a host of life sustaining activities in Eukaryotic organisms.

Even better, make a real scientific contribution to the thread, so that we (I) can benefit from your superior knowledge and wisdom. I would certainly appreciate any "authoritative" contributions.

After all, I am only asking questions what role microtubules play in the greater picture of life and consciousness and offering links to pertinent research into microtubules. That's all!
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Nobody is killing you or your thoughts. Please get a grip. If you can't, I will shut your microtubule thread down.
After all, I am only asking questions what role microtubules play in the greater picture of life and consciousness and offering links to pertinent research into microtubules. That's all!
Fair enough.

Microtubules are one of the many structures within a cell that are important for the life of the cell. Their biggest roles are actually nothing to do with consciousness or eating pure electricity. They form the skeleton of eukaryotic cells and play a big role in spindle formation during mitosis and meiosis (a critical part of cell division) and they help move around parts of the cells (like vacuoles) that need to be in different areas of the cell. Since they can be rapidly built and deconstructed, they are useful for "pushing" things (like waste vacuoles) towards the edge of the cell. They also are part of the "motor" that drives flagella in cells that are motile; such flagella always originate near a microtubule organizing center, and the protein motor that spins the flagellum sits inside a microtubule.

But they are just one part of a cell. The endoplasmic reticulum is a pretty miraculous "highway" that propel molecules along to where they are needed. They also carry the ribosomes (and are indeed an important _part_ of the ribosomes) that synthesize all our protein. In many cells, the endoplasmic reticulum is the single largest organelle in the cell, taking up much of the volume of the cell.

And of course the nucleus is even more amazing, containing most of the genetic information the cell carries. It is not only able to carry all that information accurately for decades, but is also able to duplicate it, and measure both time and cell divisions (by telomere erosion.) Having a limit to cell division is critical to preventing cancers. It also allows RNA transcription to occur; the RNA then moves along the reticulum to ribosomes where proteins are synthesized.

And then there is the mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell, that generates all the energy within the cell. Perhaps the most amazing thing about it is that it is likely a parasite that attacked a cell billions of years ago - and then just stuck around because it was useful. It has its own DNA and can divide on its own. This is why women have DNA that passes back only through women - because the mitochondria in an embryo comes purely from the egg cell.

So absolutely microtubules have a role in consciousness. Without them, neurons would die and we would lose consiousness (and die soon afterwards.) But that's true of everything else listed above. So while they are undoubtedly important, they are important solely because they allow the neurons that form our brains to work - not because they imbue the cells they inhabit with any inherent communicative properties.

And they are pretty cool. But cooler than the foreign invaders that power our cells? More miraculous than the nucleus that stores hundreds of terabytes of information reliably for decades? Probably not.
Fair enough.

Microtubules are one of the many structures within a cell that are important for the life of the cell. Their biggest roles are actually nothing to do with consciousness or eating pure electricity. They form the skeleton of eukaryotic cells and play a big role in spindle formation during mitosis and meiosis (a critical part of cell division) and they help move around parts of the cells (like vacuoles) that need to be in different areas of the cell. Since they can be rapidly built and deconstructed, they are useful for "pushing" things (like waste vacuoles) towards the edge of the cell. They also are part of the "motor" that drives flagella in cells that are motile; such flagella always originate near a microtubule organizing center, and the protein motor that spins the flagellum sits inside a microtubule.

But they are just one part of a cell. The endoplasmic reticulum is a pretty miraculous "highway" that propel molecules along to where they are needed. They also carry the ribosomes (and are indeed an important _part_ of the ribosomes) that synthesize all our protein. In many cells, the endoplasmic reticulum is the single largest organelle in the cell, taking up much of the volume of the cell.

And of course the nucleus is even more amazing, containing most of the genetic information the cell carries. It is not only able to carry all that information accurately for decades, but is also able to duplicate it, and measure both time and cell divisions (by telomere erosion.) Having a limit to cell division is critical to preventing cancers. It also allows RNA transcription to occur; the RNA then moves along the reticulum to ribosomes where proteins are synthesized.

And then there is the mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell, that generates all the energy within the cell. Perhaps the most amazing thing about it is that it is likely a parasite that attacked a cell billions of years ago - and then just stuck around because it was useful. It has its own DNA and can divide on its own. This is why women have DNA that passes back only through women - because the mitochondria in an embryo comes purely from the egg cell.

So absolutely microtubules have a role in consciousness. Without them, neurons would die and we would lose consiousness (and die soon afterwards.) But that's true of everything else listed above. So while they are undoubtedly important, they are important solely because they allow the neurons that form our brains to work - not because they imbue the cells they inhabit with any inherent communicative properties.

And they are pretty cool. But cooler than the foreign invaders that power our cells? More miraculous than the nucleus that stores hundreds of terabytes of information reliably for decades? Probably not.


Microtubules provide , the Space that communication needs , Between things and life forms . It is in these microtubules that things form , in various durations , and disintegrate ; the form did not work out .
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Might find this of interest. I only watched a few minutes - it is 34 minutes long

Oh Christ, not sodding Tour again!:rolleyes:

This guy is talking out of his arse. He's a messianic Jew (yes I know, look it up) with an axe to grind to try to make a case for Goddidit.

Tour knows jack *** about evolution or abiogenesis. This talk will most likely be load of synthetic chemistry designed to bamboozle non-scientists with how clever he is, while actually demonstrating nothing of any value. I watched one of these and it was laughable - but his audience of born-again numbskulls lapped it up of course.
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