No, you better look again and inform yourself of what's going on here. Bells has become my word police.
I am forbidden (on threat of censorship) to mention the word "microtubule" anywhere, unless it is in reference to "consciousness." And that only by her magnanimous graciousness of allowing me to post in Sciforums at all.
If you will note. Bells complained about my use of the word microtubule, in relation to Immunology and by extension, Homeostasis in general, in both threads.
This left me no choice but to open a new dedicated thread specifically addressing the role of microtubules in respect to Homeostasis as that includes the field of Immunology.
I'll be happy to do that every time there is a complaint about my incorrect choice of the word microtubule in reference to some fundamental importance in mitosis and maintaning cellular health (among many other functions) in living organisms.
I'll just open a new dedicated thread, everytime, although I'd prefer to keep it all under one simple title so that a comprehensive image can be presented in the attempt to describe the important role microtubules have in ALL dynamic information sharing in living organisms, and in particular how this all pervasive engagement of information processing by microtubules and microfilaments may be causal to the emergence of self-aware conscious sentience.
Write4U ; just breath .
Communication .
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