Is consciousness to be found in quantum processes in microtubules?

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For an interesting visual of the exquisite precision at what might seem the most fundamental world at a scale which our consciousness cannot reach.
When the individual visual representation is multiplied a trillion times per second we see an incredibly dynamic environment. A bio-molecular machine that works with mathematical precision every second of the day, your entire life. A human biome is a nano-scale universe with a really pretty good information sharing abilities.

Humans are the gods of their own nano universe.
For an interesting visual of the exquisite precision at what might seem the most fundamental world at a scale which our consciousness cannot reach.
When the individual visual representation is multiplied a trillion times per second we see an incredibly dynamic environment. A bio-molecular machine that works with mathematical precision every second of the day, your entire life. A human biome is a nano-scale universe with a really pretty good information sharing abilities.

Humans are the gods of their own nano universe.
Yet more random stuff.
What's for sure is none of it has anything to do with the original subject of the thread, namely Hameroff's hypothesis that "quantum processes" taking place within microtubules play a role in consciousness.

I wonder if we can take the heat out of this by renaming the thread "Write4U's Microtubule Thread". Then he can post all the material he wants to about microtubules, whether on slime moulds, Alzheimer's, ciliary motors, mitotic spindles or whatever, without attracting either criticism or interest from anyone else.
It's not a blog.

And he's not even posting about microtubules now.

It's just anything that takes his fancy. Prime example:

If I may hazard a guess, the "fuzz" of glacier mice are evolved "cilia".
But cilia also propel single cell Paramecium and many other single celled bacteria The motors that drive cilia are microtubules, a self-assembling dynamic biological motor.

Because microtubules are computers which function identically for a large variety of MT functions, their quorum function is very predictable, not just for one individual, but for all related individuals in the hive structure.
I think a strong case can be made that MT are the propulsion motor of glacier mice (moss balls) in a quorum coordinated movement, without the need for conscious motor skills. All the moss balls in the herd react the same way to shared causal information much as hive insects behave via "quorum sensing"

I mean, it's complete and utter bullshit.

He has failed to consider that these moss balls are actually little habitats for other microorganisms that could be propelling them to roll to ensure the health of the moss on all sides. But he is "guessing" that these mosses are evolved life-forms..

Just as he declares microtubules are computers, with no actual evidence whatsoever. Ergo, they must be making the moss balls move.. Because god forbid it could be something else. Just as he has basically disregarded studies that directly show how disrupting microtubules had no affect on organism's ability to learn or retain information because it does not fit into his personal obsession of what he believes they are.

As I said before, it's utter bullshit.

So we are left with a bit of a quandary.

Do we allow him to keep treating this like his blog and screw the rules and everyone else that has to follow them - thereby giving him special treatment?

Or do we try to get him to adhere to the rules like everyone else does, and hope like hell he doesn't start infecting other threads with all of this rubbish?

It's frustrating.

Because we get report after report about his posts. It is a drain on staff time.

At the end of the day, sciforums is not a blog site. And he is treating this like a blog site.

So he either adheres to the rules or I shut his thread down and issue him with infractions each time he explodes microtubules over the forum.
It's not a blog.

And he's not even posting about microtubules now.

It's just anything that takes his fancy. Prime example:

I mean, it's complete and utter bullshit.

He has failed to consider that these moss balls are actually little habitats for other microorganisms that could be propelling them to roll to ensure the health of the moss on all sides. But he is "guessing" that these mosses are evolved life-forms..

Just as he declares microtubules are computers, with no actual evidence whatsoever. Ergo, they must be making the moss balls move.. Because god forbid it could be something else. Just as he has basically disregarded studies that directly show how disrupting microtubules had no affect on organism's ability to learn or retain information because it does not fit into his personal obsession of what he believes they are.

As I said before, it's utter bullshit.

So we are left with a bit of a quandary.

Do we allow him to keep treating this like his blog and screw the rules and everyone else that has to follow them - thereby giving him special treatment?

Or do we try to get him to adhere to the rules like everyone else does, and hope like hell he doesn't start infecting other threads with all of this rubbish?

It's frustrating.

Because we get report after report about his posts. It is a drain on staff time.

At the end of the day, sciforums is not a blog site. And he is treating this like a blog site.

So he either adheres to the rules or I shut his thread down and issue him with infractions each time he explodes microtubules over the forum.
Hmm, I see the dilemma. Even Michael Anteski has an actual theme, that he sticks to.

Free Thoughts?

But I do think the problem is partly that the title invites readers to expect posts on a particular (controversial) topic, only to find all this irrelevant stuff instead.
It's not a blog.
It's just anything that takes his fancy.
I mean, it's complete and utter bullshit.
It's frustrating.
Because we get report after report about his posts. It is a drain on staff time.

What I don't understand is what is keeping it open. Is it not in your power to correct the problems listed above (i.e. bullshit/blog)?

I'm not advocating for it to be closed (nor do I want to be the cause), but this is now the third? fourth? time Moderation has had to step in and list, at great length, the myriad ways in which this thread is a swamp.

Maybe a more practical, self-serving question I should be asking is: are we members, who feel we're helping to optimize signal-to-noise of this science site - doing the right thing? Are our goals aligned with the Moderator's goals?

(Maybe this question should be moved to Forum Feedback.)
He has failed to consider that these moss balls are actually little habitats for other microorganisms that could be propelling them to roll to ensure the health of the moss on all sides. But he is "guessing" that these mosses are evolved life-forms..
How old are they? Is there any doubt they are evolved life- forms ? What you are failed to consider that the balls all move at the same time in the same direction and that there is no evidence of symbiotic habitants being responsiblefor motion. That means the walking signal is a shared potential and very likely based on a form of quorum sensing which makes all the moss balls follow the same mathematical pseudopodal response.
I knew it! Glacier mice are conscious!
Yes, the same way bacteria are conscious and employ "quorum sensing". Are Paramecium conscious?
But I do think the problem is partly that the title invites readers to expect posts on a particular (controversial) topic, only to find all this irrelevant stuff instead
Your problem is ignoring the microtubular organelles which are a common denominator found in all organisms that display a form of consciousness or electrochemical sensitivity to sensory stimulation.

Any example of the function of microtubules is pertinent to the OP . This is not a trivial potential of the universe and its functional properties.
Roger Penrose seems interested in the possibility of a universal aspect to sentience already in evidence at quantum scales. Consciousness is an abstract emergent quality which apparently manifests itself when certain conditions are met and the integration of "patterns" allow for sentient processing of information.

The problem with looking at any particular topic in a narrow sense is that it fails to draw a comprehensive evolutionary path from simple chemical reactions in very primitive (single cell) organisms, to the intricate mathematical calculations (triangulation) made by predators and General Relativity by Einstein.

This was David Bohm greatest complaint, that instead of looking at the wholenes, all subjects are separated and parsed until nothing is connected anymore and it becomes impossible to "connect the mathematical dots" of the ultimate connectivity of all occurring phenomena in accordance to certain "timeless"rules".
Wholeness and the Implicate Order is a book by theoretical physicist David Bohm. It was originally published in 1980 by Routledge, Great Britain.
The book is considered a basic reference for Bohm's concepts of undivided wholeness and of implicate and explicate orders, as well as of Bohm's rheomode - an experimental language based on verbs. The book is cited, for example, by philosopher Steven M. Rosen in his book The Self-evolving Cosmos,[1] by mathematician and theologian Kevin J. Sharpe in his book David Bohm's World. by theologian Joseph P. Farrell in Babylon's Banksters,[4] and by theologian John C. Polkinghorne in his book One World.
and this very important philosophy on the subject of Consciousness.
Consciousness at its simplest is "awareness or sentience of internal or external existence".[1] Despite centuries of analyses, definitions, explanations and debates by philosophers and scientists, consciousness remains puzzling and controversial,[2] being "at once the most familiar and most mysterious aspect of our lives".[3] Perhaps the only widely agreed notion about the topic is the intuition that it exists.[4]
Opinions differ about what exactly needs to be studied and explained as consciousness. Sometimes it is synonymous with 'the mind', other times just an aspect of mind. In the past it was one's "inner life", the world of introspection, private thought, imagination and volition
[quote] Today, with modern research into the brain it often includes any kind of experience, cognition, feeling or perception. It may be 'awareness', or 'awareness of awareness', or self-awareness.[6] There might be different levels or orders of consciousness,[7] or different kinds of consciousness, or just one kind with different features.[/quote]
Other questions include whether only humans are conscious or all animals or even the whole universe. The disparate range of research, notions and speculations raises doubts whether the right questions are being asked.

The "common denominator" in all those seemingly disparate evolutionary examples is the presence of "microtubules " as the information carrier in ALL organisms. It is the single fundamental organelle present in all living things, so fundmental that it facilitates mitosis itself, a requirement to qualify as a living thing.

IMO, for a thorough and comprehensive understanding of consciousness, it is absolutely necessary to examine all organisms that exhibit sensory awareness and how this information is processed, from the purely chemical interchange of causal properties, to single celled organisms, to multicelled hive organisms, to predatory plants, to phototropism, to navigation via the magnetic field, to every p;ossible mechanism for observation and reaction to external stimuli.

I cannot believe the limited individual aspect approach as it fails to draw comparisons and a possible way to find clues in the study of a wide variety of biological dynamics based on the awareness of the environment and the evolution of survival strategies.
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Because we get report after report about his posts. It is a drain on staff time.
From the same two people? Don't post falsehoods. I am not aware of any other complaints except from exchemist and Dave. Show me complaints lodged by others or modify your accusation of "report after report" which is a blatant LIE!

Trust me, from now on every post will have a reference to microtubules. Fortunately that leaves the entire Eukaryotic biological world to examine for "awareness" of the envirionment , by means of the function of microtubules.

I told you, you are determined to shut me down, because you are too myopic to look at the greater scope of this inquiry.

If Penrose made a post in this thread about the possible quantum processes in microtubules, and would cite the quantum nature of universal information sharing, would you dare shut down the thread because Penrose is a quack and his ORCH OR hypothesis is pure woo? Do you have the qualifications to disavow Penrose or the hundreds of other scientist are engaged in the what may yield the most important discovery since the concept of consciousness emerged?

In the mean time it is you who are posting the off-topic, mean spirited posts, ruining the many hours of research I have devoted to this IMPORTANT and COMPLICATED question.

This is an unresolved aspect of the human experience and we have finally created the observational mechanisms that will allow us to "define" the natural laws which allowed the emergence of consciousness at all. This is a cosmological question and I am so surpised at Dave's vehement objections to explore a cosmic imperative that made the evolution of self-awareness a 100% emergent logical probability.
A result of a Deterministic function, which did not stop at the BB, but began there .

What would it take for a "self-referential mathematical function" (information processing), to equal a "self-aware biological information processing (thinking)" .

If not , what would it take for the more fundamental Order to evolve into the next higher Order, i.e. Bohm's "Wholeness and the Implicate Order"?
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If Penrose made a post in this thread ... would you dare shut down the thread ...
Ah, right out of the Crank textbook.

"Would you laugh at Einstein and Galileo too??"

... the many hours of research I have devoted to this IMPORTANT and COMPLICATED question.
Dude, that's what blogs are for. You've been told a dozen times and you still don't get it. Are you even reading the Moderator posts?
I'm not advocating for it to be closed (nor do I want to be the cause), but this is now the third? fourth? time Moderation has had to step in and list, at great length, the myriad ways in which this thread is a swamp.
There is a better option. Give me a chance to defend the portions which seem to be unrelated to the main topic.
Ah, right out of the Crank textbook.
"Would you laugh at Einstein and Galileo too??"
But you are using this in the wrong context.
In this case it is YOU who is laughing at other reputable theoretical scientist, and I suspect without sufficient credentials to offer critique on David Bohm, or Max Tegmark, or Robert Hazen, or Roger Penrose, perhaps even Stuart Hameroff.

The study of consciousness has no restriction on parameters. That is just imposing silly obstructions in the quest for an an answer to the "hard problem of consciousness".
What Tegmark proposes is to start with "hard facts", rather than problems.

My aim is to present as many "hard facts" as possible, in order to facilitate the solving of the "hard problem".


Knowledge rests on memory, memory rests on storage of knowledge, consciousness rests on ability to compare active sensory input with stored knowledge from memory and making a "best guess" based on the available data.
Dude, that's what blogs are for. You've been told a dozen times and you still don't get it. Are you even reading the Moderator posts?
No, your posts belong in a blog. They have no scientific informational value and are purposely used to shame or demean a person in public. That's what public blogs are for. You'd fit right in on Twitter.

The only other public forum I frequent is Center for Inquiry (humanitarian site). Other public streaming sites I frequent is for broadcasting music and playing poker, very little verbal exchanges....:)

I really cannot understand your antagonistic attitude. You are treating me like a virus, with utterances such as " infecting the forum". In reality, with my many quoted passages from scientific sites, I am bringing scientific knowledge to this forum.

What are you objecting to? The various perspectives I use to provide positive or even negative evidence I use to offer different POV.

All I hear from you is the typical expressions of derision found only on blog sites. I'd love to hear something new about microtubules and their potential uses in information processing.
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There is a better option. Give me a chance to defend the portions which seem to be unrelated to the main topic.
But you are using this in the wrong context.
In this case it is YOU who is laughing at other reputable theoretical scientist, and I suspect without sufficient credentials to offer critique on David Bohm, or Max Tegmark, or Robert Hazen, or Roger Penrose, perhaps even Stuart Hameroff.

The study of consciousness has no restriction on parameters. That is just imposing silly obstructions in the quest for an an answer to the "hard problem of consciousness".
What Tegmark proposes is to start with "hard facts", rather than problems.

My aim is to present "hard facts" in order to facilitate the solving of the "hard problem."


Knowledge rests on memory, memory rests on storage of knowledge, consciousness rests on ability to compare active sensory input with stored knowledge from memory and making a "best guess" based on the available data.
No, your posts belong in a blog. They have no scientific informational value and are purposely used to shame or demean a person in public. That's what public blogs are for. You'd fit right in on Twitter.

The only other public forum I frequent is Center for Inquiry (humanitarian site). Other public streaming sites I frequent is for broadcasting music and playing poker, very little verbal exchanges....:)

I really cannot understand your antagonistic attitude. You are treating me like a virus, with utterances such as " infecting the forum".
You have no ability to stick to the point. None whatsoever.
You have no ability to stick to the point. None whatsoever.
What if the point addresses the various evolved hierarchical states of consciousness displayed by the entire earth biome.

What is the consternation all about? Do you really wish to destroy this thread? What compelling reason is there to say; "folks we have closed this thread down because it has too much information and too many segues into tangently related topics "
Why not keep me on track by asking me pertinent questions. I promised I won't be tempted to stray if the questions are not misleading.

And I will continue to introduce new discoveries in the area of microtubules, consciousness, and a possible quantum function in the neural network and brain.
Yet more random stuff.
No it isn't random stuff. It's all connected and the connection is facilitated by microtubules as the video demonstrates.
I realize that perhaps I might have given "start viewing" times, to avoid time consuming extraneous functions. The problem is that microtubules are involved in all information distribution functions in the body including mitosis itself.

The "start viewing" time of the above video is @ 13:45
(post # 1241) where the role of microtubules is introduced in context of the continual dynamic process of life and evolution in living organisms.
You have no ability to stick to the point. None whatsoever
What point is that? My POV?........:?
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I believe this may explain my intrigue with microtubule as an "information processing network"
, there is also reference to two additonal lectures on microtubules. But this is a overview.
Cell biologist Ron Vale, a pioneer in the field of molecular motors – the tiny, biological machines that can ferry cargo across cells – has been elected the executive director of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s (HHMI) Janelia Research Campus and an HHMI vice president. His appointment will begin in early 2020.
An HHMI investigator at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), Vale will succeed geneticist Gerry Rubin, who has served as Janelia’s executive director since its founding in 2003. Vale is poised to lead Janelia at a defining moment in its history: the research center, internationally recognized for advanced microscopy, cutting-edge tools, and breakthroughs in brain science, recently announced an open competition to decide an additional research area.

Published: 09 August 2018
Bundles of Brain Microtubules Generate Electrical Oscillations
María del Rocío Cantero, Cecilia Villa Etchegoyen, Paula L. Perez, Noelia Scarinci & Horacio F. Cantiello
Scientific Reports volume 8, Article number: 11899 (2018) Cite this article
Microtubules (MTs) are long cylindrical structures of the cytoskeleton that control cell division, intracellular transport, and the shape of cells. MTs also form bundles, which are particularly prominent in neurons, where they help define axons and dendrites. MTs are bio-electrochemical transistors that form nonlinear electrical transmission lines. However, the electrical properties of most MT structures remain largely unknown. Here we show that bundles of brain MTs spontaneously generate electrical oscillations and bursts of electrical activity similar to action potentials.
Under intracellular-like conditions, voltage-clamped MT bundles displayed electrical oscillations with a prominent fundamental frequency at 39 Hz that progressed through various periodic regimes. The electrical oscillations represented, in average, a 258% change in the ionic conductance of the MT structures.
Interestingly, voltage-clamped membrane-permeabilized neurites of cultured mouse hippocampal neurons were also capable of both, generating electrical oscillations, and conducting the electrical signals along the length of the structure.
Our findings indicate that electrical oscillations are an intrinsic property of brain MT bundles, which may have important implications in the control of various neuronal functions, including the gating and regulation of cytoskeleton-regulated excitable ion channels and electrical activity that may aid and extend to higher brain functions such as memory and consciousness

Hard Facts!
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How old are they?
You do realise they are only a few years old, right?

Is there any doubt they are evolved life- forms ?
Which ones?

Which species of moss that make up those balls (there are various species) are "evolved life forms" as per your reasoning and reckoning?

You are carrying on as though they are making a conscious decision to roll 2.5cm a day..

You cannot even fathom that it could be the hundreds of microorganisms that live in the moss, or that being a plant, they may be orientating to ensure the majority of the plants are getting enough light in the day (ever own a houseplant? They will shift and grow towards light on any given day - my orchids will lean and grow towards the light in the window and I turn them around daily to just try to keep them straight in the pot!).. Because you know, they are moss balls.. Or, the sun is melting the ice around them equally on any given day.. Given they "roll" more or less depending on the time of year and season, what do you think is the most likely scenario?

But no no. You have "guessed" that they are evolved life forms apparently with "a form of quorum sensing which makes all the moss balls follow the same mathematical pseudopodal response".

And why? Because microtubules.

What you are failed to consider that the balls all move at the same time in the same direction and that there is no evidence of symbiotic habitants being responsiblefor motion. That means the walking signal is a shared potential and very likely based on a form of quorum sensing which makes all the moss balls follow the same mathematical pseudopodal response.
It's the sun. Not microtubules or evolved life forms.

The rate of glacier moss ball movements is also positively correlated, albeit weakly, with overall glacier ablation (Fig. 3b). It appears likely that the dominant direction of solar radiation, which melts exposed ice surrounding glacier moss balls more rapidly than the insulated ice below them (Porter et al. 2008), is the major force driving glacier moss ball movement. However, the relative contributions of gravity in the downslope direction versus solar radiation is almost certainly dependent on glacier steepness. Porter et al. (2008) posited a considerable effect of gravity on glacier moss ball movement for a relatively steep (9.6°) Icelandic glacier which contrasts with our much flatter study area on the Root Glacier (∼3°). Still, regardless of steepness, differential melt patterns create pedestals that glacier moss balls rest upon and, eventually, enough ice melts below the moss ball causing it to fall and potentially flip (Porter et al. 2008).

From the same two people? Don't post falsehoods. I am not aware of any other complaints except from exchemist and Dave. Show me complaints lodged by others or modify your accusation of "report after report" which is a blatant LIE!
There are currently 5 open reports, about your nonsensical posts.

And that's just for this thread.

You are a drain on staff time.

Trust me, from now on every post will have a reference to microtubules. Fortunately that leaves the entire Eukaryotic biological world to examine for "awareness" of the envirionment , by means of the function of microtubules.
This thread is meant to be about microtubules and consciousness as you have claimed that is where consciousness is from.

You are yet to actually prove any of this.

Instead, you are posting about moss balls and various other things and ridiculous videos about everything but the subject matter.

You have made claims. You need to provide evidence to support those claims.

Otherwise, shut up.

No more videos about random crap or Ted Talks or whining about how you feel you are being silenced.

62+ pages of you posting rubbish, most of which has nothing to do with "consciousness to be found in quantum processes in microtubules".

I have put up with your lying - such as when you claimed you were asked by staff to start this thread - you were not. I have put up with your trolling and misrepresentations. I have also put up with your repeated waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh 'you're like Trump' when I ask you to prove the rubbish you post and tell you repeatedly that this is not your goddamn blog.

I am fairly certain that my colleagues have had enough.

I know I certainly have had enough.

So I will ask you again, explain and prove what do moss balls on glaciers have to do with consciousness in microtubules?

I told you, you are determined to shut me down, because you are too myopic to look at the greater scope of this inquiry.
This isn't an inquiry.

You are posting utter random shite.

62+ pages of it.

Most of which aren't even on topic.

If this was an "inquiry" you would be inviting discussion, raising questions and not making statements of fact about every random shit you find online and trying to link it to microtubules and then pitching fits when people challenge or question you on your dubious claims. Instead, you treat this like it is your blog and then baulk when reminded that this is not your personal blog.. Remember how many times you tried to claim that this is your thread and you direct who can post here?

If Penrose made a post in this thread about the possible quantum processes in microtubules, and would cite the quantum nature of universal information sharing, would you dare shut down the thread because Penrose is a quack and his ORCH OR hypothesis is pure woo? Do you have the qualifications to disavow Penrose or the hundreds of other scientist are engaged in the what may yield the most important discovery since the concept of consciousness emerged?
I would expect anyone, Penrose or anyone else, who makes claims of fact, would be expected to back up those facts.

And if he is unable or unwilling to do so, then yes, he would be a quack or woo.. Remember the rules. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

You've posted repeated videos about how they believe that is where consciousness stems from without any actual fact.

And that is where you come undone. They have made claims and are now trying to prove their claims and are failing. You have taken their claims are you are posting them as fact.

In the mean time it is you who are posting the off-topic, mean spirited posts, ruining the many hours of research I have devoted to this IMPORTANT and COMPLICATED question.
You aren't asking any "important or complicated questions", nor are you actually dealing with any of it.

You are posting random crap that are totally unrelated to the subject matter.

You have made claims that microtubules are involved in making the balls of moss - which are made up of various species of moss mind you - roll over. Without any evidence whatsoever.

Worse still, none of it has anything to do with the subject matter of this thread.

You are literally doing google searches for microtubules and posting whatever you find, sometimes completely out of context - resulting in misrepresentations here - on this site because "microtubules".

This is an unresolved aspect of the human experience and we have finally created the observational mechanisms that will allow us to "define" the natural laws which allowed the emergence of consciousness at all. This is a cosmological question and I am so surpised at Dave's vehement objections to explore a cosmic imperative that made the evolution of self-awareness a 100% emergent logical probability.
A result of a Deterministic function, which did not stop at the BB, but began there .
My god..

What would it take for a "self-referential mathematical function" (information processing), to equal a "self-aware biological information processing (thinking)" .
Nothing that you have been able to prove here.
You do realise they are only a few years old, right?
Are you asking how old glacier mice are live?
"By coming back year after year," says Bartholomaus, "we could figure out that these individual moss balls were living at least, you know, five, six years and potentially much, much longer."
Of course, as a species, moss is some 330 million years old and have had a long time to evolve their specific survival techniques. Which may well have included an evolved ability to "seek" nutrient rich areas in an otherwise sterile landscape, not unlike the slime mold.

Exploring the fossil history of pleurocarpous mosses:
Bryophytes predate the vascular plants and the fossil record of mosses can be traced back in time for at least 330 million years, into the Early Carboniferous ( Hübers and Kerp, 2012 ). However, the long history of mosses is not matched by a corresponding richness of the fossil record of the group, especially for pre-Cenozoic times.
Compared to an estimated 13 000 extant moss species ( Goffi net et al., 2009 ) and to relatively numerous Cenozoic fossil mosses (many of which represent modern families, genera, and species; e.g., Miller, 1984 ; Taylor et al., 2009 ), the pre-Cenozoic moss fossil record, with only ca. 70 described species (e.g., Oostendorp, 1987 ; Ignatov, 1990 ; Taylor et al., 2009 ), represents a small fraction of known moss diversity.
Considered in light of the long evolutionary history of the group, the marked scarcity of pre-Cenozoic mosses indicates that we are still missing most of the diversity representing the first 270 million years (to use a conservative estimate) of evolution in the group. Yet, only by discovering and characterizing this hidden diversity will we be able to understand patterns of moss diversity and evolution in deep time, with all their implications for understanding extant moss diversity. Paleobotanical studies of fossil mosses are our only way to access this hidden world of biological diversity that would remain unattainable otherwise
W4U said; Is there any doubt they are evolved life-forms ?
bells said; Which ones?
All of them?
You are carrying on as though they are making a conscious decision to roll 2.5cm a day..
Just about the same speed as the slime mold moves, and the slime mold is much bigger. It does not have to be conscious at all. The microtubules do all the work as they do in the paramecium.
You have made claims that microtubules are involved in making the balls of moss - which are made up of various species of moss mind you - roll over. Without any evidence whatsoever.
I am pretty sure they were instrumental in the growth and mitotic process of the moss' cell division.
The Plants
All of the roughly 250,000 species of plants -- from simple mosses to complex flowering plants -- belong to the eukaryotes. Plant cells have cellulose-bearing cell walls and chloroplasts.

i.e. Microtubules. A "hard fact"
No, evolution is a probabilistic mathematical function.
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Nothing that you have been able to prove here.
You are asking me to come up with proofs? Why? Before we can ask any scientist to prove a hypothesis , a persuasive theoretical case must be made for the probability of the proposed functionality of the hypothesis. I have no lab. I am merely establishing a background from current knowledge against which proofs may be obtained.

As research in microtubules and their functions is currently in full swing, one may assume that the initial question on the role of MT as being instrumental in information processing has been satisfied and hard science is being performed by hundreds of laboratories and universities to unravel the true potential possessed by that most elegant of naturally self-assembled bi-polar nano scale matrices, which are pervasive in all Eukaryotic biological organisms and do such incredibly diverse number of tasks it is astounding to behold even an animated version of how it works RT. When I realized the true dynamics of living systems inside a large mammal such as humans, being performed by trillions of self-programming nano-scale processors, there just cannot be any other possible system that is observable, except for the microtubular network.
In our search for for the "hard problem" of consciousness, lets begin with "hard facts" and the knowledge that consciousness itself is a "hard fact", and work ourselves up to the point where self-aware consciousness emerges from the total of the mathematical information processing functions which the microtubules and the brain are capable.

Penrose says that "bing" (sensory experience) begins at quantum. Tegmark says "bing" it is a result of an informational pattern arrangement. Hameroff, an expert on the mechanics of controlling consciousness, believes that MT are the nano-scale dynamic processors capable of processing a great variety of very subtle sensory values in a mathematical manner and function and by their sheer numbers make MT an excellent candidate for producing sentient composite or orchestrated sensory experiences.

I believe there is no evidence of any other known information processing system in Eukaryotic other than via the MT network of cytoskeleton .

The realistic and wonderfully descriptive functions in the animated videos which so clearly explain the electro-chemical nature of the information which enables dynamic evolutionary growth in the cellular patterns and transportation of sensory signals for processing by the brain to analyze and render the "thinker" (observer) consciously aware of self in his/her relation to the environment.
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And that is where you come undone. They have made claims and are now trying to prove their claims and are failing. You have taken their claims are you are posting them as fact.
No. The only facts stated by me are gleaned from legitimate research.
Please note the OP title is a question. I am well aware and mindful of the critiques, but also the satisfactory resolution of many of these apparent initial conflicts.

My own reaction is that I cannot think of a "known" alternate candidate for a system large enough to provide capacity for a "generated emergence of consciousness", than microtubules.

I look at the ratio of microtubules that are instrumental in information transportation to the field of consciousness, as looking at a beach and asking which is the hard question that makes a beach. The hard fact is that sand (trillions of tiny little pebbles), makes the beach. By this simple equation the hard fact is that microtubules are the only organelle instrumental in the make up and expressed phenomenon of self-awareness (consciousness) .

A measure of certainty of a theoretical argument encourages exeriment. I have no axe to grind at all.
I think that, apart from the question of the BB, "Conscious self-awareness" one of the last great unresolved mysteries.

Egyptian pyramids anyone?

p.s. pyramidal microtubular nano-structures in the brain are the storage warehouses of memories. Hard fact!
The following is not off-topic in a search for possible explanation of consciousness, IMO. It is phenomenon of "quorum sensing" (a form of processing sensory information) in extremely simple organisms like bacteria.

Quorum sensing is achieved by simple chemical signaling. The intra-species chemical language allows for a specific type of information sharing, primarily when a sufficient number of chemical words are present. A second "inter-species" chemical language has a wide variety of chemical words in order to allow for interspecies sensory communication.

This very sophisticated intra-species signaling mechanism produces a shared response reaction, very much in the model of a herd mind and behavior, except at a completely unconscious level. For all intents and purposes an autonomously functioning system completely outside your conscious control.

This is a scientific announcement and abstract of a quorum sensing information processing system
The opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa possesses two N-acyl-homoserine lactone quorum-sensing systems that regulate large, overlapping sets of genes. Recent global transcriptome and proteome analyses provided a wealth of information about the identity of the regulated genes, N-acyl-homoserine lactone signal specificity, timing of induction, and environmental effects on gene expression.
Quorum-sensing gene expression in P. aeruginosa is also embedded in a highly interconnected network of other regulatory systems with a high potential for integrating and responding to multiple environmental signals. Such epigenetic complexity may constitute the basis for the exceptional adaptibility of P. aeruginosa to diverse environments.
"Quorum-sensing gene expression in P. aeruginosa is also embedded in a highly interconnected network of other regulatory systems with a high potential for integrating and responding to multiple environmental signals"
i.e. the MT network.....:)
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What if the point addresses the various evolved hierarchical states of consciousness displayed by the entire earth biome.

What is the consternation all about? Do you really wish to destroy this thread? What compelling reason is there to say; "folks we have closed this thread down because it has too much information and too many segues into tangently related topics "
Why not keep me on track by asking me pertinent questions. I promised I won't be tempted to stray if the questions are not misleading.

And I will continue to introduce new discoveries in the area of microtubules, consciousness, and a possible quantum function in the neural network and brain.
It is impossible to have a rational discussion with a person who is unable to stick to the point. This negates the purpose of a discussion forum.

If you want to blog, or to create an unindexed and unstructured pile of everything to do with microtubules, scraped off the internet, a discussion forum is not the place to do that. And the pile of unreadable crap so created should certainly not masquerade as addressing one specific hypothesis of Hameroff and Penrose, when only 5% of it is at all relevant.
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