Is Allah...

It never fails to amaze me how westerners believe that their fantasies about other people and their beliefs and opinions, entitles them to impose it as a reality on everyone else.
SAM, I asked your opinion on a few topics. And, yet again, *something about "westerners"*
I am a phase-theta 12.031 Dietetics Scientologist. And while I consider myself more closely aligned with the Los Angeles Ron Hubbard (PBUH) tradition of jurisprudence, I am not aligned exclusively with any one group belief of Scientology. All Praise Ron Hubbard (PBUH), All Praise Xenu (PBUH), I am now 7 of Yn...

LOL Pffffff

Hahahahahhaaaa Hahahahaa AAAAhhhhhahahahaa.....

Islam has never split and is therefor superior in some magical way to other belief systems. Which is why the Qur'an has been superseded by the Baha'i religous books and therefor is no longer needed. Of course, Scientology hasn't split either, nor has Shinto faith. Anyway, never mind those pesty details.

Baha'i Faith in Egypt & Iran
The Baha'is of Egypt and Iran have been subjected to extremes of persecution and systematic oppression. While the case of Egypt has been evolving over the past two years, with hopeful resolution of that struggle on the horizon, the human rights of the Baha'is of Iran are being increasingly violated by an extremist rule. Thus, while Egypt's case will remain to be actively pursued, from now on, there will be more emphasis in this blog on the case of the Baha'is of Iran.

Wow, I am SHOCKED, I just can not believe it. It's shocking, just shocking I tells ya.

Who would have ever thought that teaching people to delineate humans from one another (for example suppose there should be those "People of the Book" and those "Poeple not of the Book) could ever lead to violence? I can understand how Mohammad and his God could have made that little mistake. I mean, it'd take a genius to recognize that segregating people in society based on their beleif could ever result in persecution. Only a super-genius would have ever had the foresight to see that one coming.



pffffffff... enlightened indeed.

phase-theta 12.031 Dietetics Scientologist 7.Yn signing off.
And for the record, yeah, the Jewish God and Islamic God are very similar and it is reasonable to suggest they are the same tribal God. Mohammad could have even been a Jew or of a Jewish sect. Regardless, whatever the case, he certainly co-opted many of the Jewish religous stories into his new religion. The Xian God was born of the Hellonized Jews and Jewish converts in the GreecoRoman world and is certainly a different God.
Oh, another thing that should be pointed out. The whole notion of a continuation doesn't' mean that the Gods are the same.

Muslims say Islam is a continuation because the scriptures were corrupted.
Baha'i say Baha'i faith is a continuation because of their reasons...

Well, really, so does Scientology. Ron Hubbard was a reincarnation of Buddha, Jesus and Mohammad - see, that's the "continuation". You see, back when Ron (PBUH) was living his incarnation as Mohammad (PBUH too), people were too primitive for him to tell them much about the wonders of Xenu (PBUH). Hence Ron instead gave them the Qur'an.

anyway, you get the point....

I think you've already decided what your truth is. Why bother with anyone else's opinion?
SAM, out of the two of us, I think I'm the only one that says I could be wrong. There is a possibility you may be correct. As that is the case, I think you are the one who has decided what the truth is. Anyway, you never venture an opinion as that could endanger your eternal soul

Them's the facts as they stand,

Does the possibility exist that there is no Allah in existence?

See here now, I'll make this easier:

Does the possibility exist that there is no Xenu in existence?


Phase-theta 12.031 Dietetics Scientologist OverLord 7.Yn signing off,
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Gee, you think that is to appeal to Christians? Noooooooo:D

"hey uh, lets throw in a cross and some flying saucers"
I'm just simply saying that Ron was a Prophet and Scientology is a continuation of all world religion.

Dig it man, Ron was the incarnation of Mohammad, Jesus, Zeus, Buddha - all of them man.


Oh yeah, and Scientology is special because it has never split, oh, and I don't think any one has been blown up in the name of Scientology although that time the New Prophet Tom was on the couch was getting close to a theta:quanterium alpha 7 - 9.
Very close.... we are all just soooo lucky. SOOOO LUCKY! If it weren't for Tom, right now you'd be a slave to Xenu, you should get on your knees and lick his salty balls.
Very close.... we are all just soooo lucky. SOOOO LUCKY! If it weren't for Tom, right now you'd be a slave to Xenu, you should get on your knees and lick his salty balls.

Dont get carried away with yourself. I still think you work in a supermarket.

I'm just simply saying that Ron was a Prophet and Scientology is a continuation of all world religion.

oh, escuse me Prophet Mike.
Dont get carried away with yourself. I still think you work in a supermarket.
What's wrong with supermarkets? When I was in HS I worked as a bagger and then a clerk and it was really great fun :D

One late night shift, while stocking some 1% low fat Dairy Land cottage cheese, I perchance to see the Prophet Ron (PBUH) newest novel. The "Misadventures of Xenu: Summer Break '88'. Oh, how Lady Luck smiled on me that wondrous... wait, no, glorious... no, wait..... wonderfully glorious day!!!!

oh, escuse me Prophet Mike.
Ahhhh that's phase-theta 12.031 thank you.

I havn't reached a high enough plain of reality to be a Prophet yet. But Over Lord Q1A1 says that if I would just rely on faith, pay 8.5 times a day (oops I mean pray) ... in the direction of LA (that's important because Xenu like LA), change my name to 'Binky' and direct debit my pay check into her Scientology bank account, perhaps, someday, it just maybe might happen.

Did anyone stop Michael from worshipping Xenu? :shrug:
Does this have something to do with something?

Other than Zoroastrians, Baha'i, Malay Tea-Cup people, Arab polytheist were/are prohibited from worshiping due to the Muslim doctrines of One God and One Book, One Last Prophet my way or the highway.

I suppose when you read:

The Baha'is of Egypt and Iran have been subjected to extremes of persecution and systematic oppression. While the case of Egypt has been evolving over the past two years, with hopeful resolution of that struggle on the horizon, the human rights of the Baha'is of Iran are being increasingly violated by an extremist rule. Thus, while Egypt's case will remain to be actively pursued, from now on, there will be more emphasis in this blog on the case of the Baha'is of Iran.

your thinking, heh, no ones stopping them from doing anything....
Michael said:
Other than Zoroastrians, Baha'i, Malay Tea-Cup people, Arab polytheist were/are prohibited from worshiping due to the Muslim doctrines of One God and One Book, One Last Prophet my way or the highway.

No, they were included in the first peace treaty that Muhammed signed.

The Constitution of Medina, also known as the Charter of Medina, was drafted by the Islamic prophet Muhammad in 622. It constituted a formal agreement between Muhammad and all of the significant tribes and families of Yathrib (later known as Medina), including Muslims, Jews, and pagans.[1][2] The document was drawn up with the explicit concern of bringing to an end the bitter inter tribal fighting between the clans of the Aws (Aus) and Khazraj within Medina. To this effect it instituted a number of rights and responsibilities for the Muslim, Jewish, and pagan communities of Medina bringing them within the fold of one community-the Ummah. [3]
The kind of sad/yet funny things is some women in the USA convert to Islam, change their name to an Arab name, start wearing a burka, pray 5 times a day to Arabia ... and start telling people Mohammad is the Last Prophet, there is only One God and that's Allah and the Qur'an is perfect.


If the same women converted to Scientology, change their name to Bunny-A4, started wearing a pair of rabbit ears, prayed 5 times a day towards LA ... and start telling people Rob Hubbard was the Last True Prophet (reincarnations of Buddha, Mosses, Jesus, Mohammad) there is only One Over Lord and that's Xenu and Dianetics is perfect..... I THINK?!?!? most everyone would realize this women has dropped the ball, lost her marbles and was sucked into a cult and is being brainwashed.

Them's the way I seesum,

phase-theta 12.031, signing off
Yeah, its because some people think other people who make choices that are different to their own, are somehow open to mockery and derision for doing so. Strangely enough, they call it "freedom" of expression, mostly their own.
No, they were included in the first peace treaty that Muhammed signed.
The Tea Cup people of Malay too huh? Why preytell where they imprisoned under "Islamic " law in Malaisa? Oh, OOOOhhhh ... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOhhh... that's right, everyone is misinterpreting the tea-leaves.

Apologists are a baby step in the right direction, only a few hundred more kilometers to go :)

Second baby step, Does the possibility exist that the Qur'an is flawed and not the World's only Perfect Book*.

*Note: Interestingly, the Qur'an is recognized as Perfect by Muslim just as Dianetics is recognized as Perfect by Scientologists. Interesting, see, we have found some common ground between these two "faiths". Now, everyone else who reads both of these books thinks they are book gibberish. Hmmm... another peace of common ground. Intersting, no? One must wonder why? What connects Muslims and Scientologists in this way? What's the common factor between the two faiths???


Da da daa Duuummmmm...
phase-theta 12.031, signing off
Yeah, its because some people think other people who make choices that are different to their own, are somehow open to mockery and derision for doing so. Strangely enough, they call it "freedom" of expression, mostly their own.
As I said before, the English colonists who mocked the King of England heard the same line of reasoning. And so did the American forefathers for removing Xianity from directly controlling government. etc.... etc.... etc.....