Is Allah...

But if the big bang was also the beginning of time that proves the universe really has always been.. :shrug:
I suppose you must also think about what 'time' is. As I understand, it is the measure of change. So, there could be an unchanging universe before the big bang that was timeless.
I have read that in certain circumstance a particle can inexplicably pop into existence. This phenpmenon is associated with QM. But QM breaks down if we zoom out to the atomic level; hence no tables and chairs ex nihilo.
I think I read that a table could in theory pop into existence but the probably is essentially zero?
You tell me, do you brake when you see another ball roll out on the street?
It's more likely there will be children playing with the ball, not just a single child. Also, I'm worried you are speaking to invisible children? Tell me this is not the case.
I suppose you must also think about what 'time' is. As I understand, it is the measure of change. So, there could be an unchanging universe before the big bang that was timeless.

It doesn't matter. "Always" is a temporal expression, so from the beginning of time until now is always.