Is Allah...

Its like talking to Reiku about physics, I don't need to have basic info to make assumptions.
Is that based on more stuff you did not read?
So you will not be referring to Bush, America, American history, the Iraq war etc... as anything but an unknown black box :p that is unless you have read every little everything... please.

I've read enough of both to know two things, the Qu'ran is based on Jewish myths and both are boring as hell to read. :D
Baha'i themselves tell me it's a continuation - their book fixes all the problems with the Qur'an and brings the faith out of the dark ages. So, what I'm really asking you, is your opinion. So? Is it a continuation or a new religion?

What do you think about that whole notion? I mean, the whole idea that there are serious flaws in the Qur'an that needed to be fixed? The Baha'i I know tell me it's quite evident, just look at the mess all Muslim countries are in. Interesting isn't it? the exact things Muslims suggest are wrong with tbe Bible, the Baha'i suggest are wrong with the Qur'an.

I wonder if there is some sort of DNA program running in there?
The Bahai tell you that? Really? Strange, according to evidence I have presented to you when we last had this discussion [or the second last, or third last] they deny being a continuation. But you know better? Not having read any of it?
Seeing as in we are side traked a little. It's interesting to note that the Europeans went into the dark ages at a time of glacial advance (mini ice age) and then came out at the exact time there was a 4 degree warming period and then went right into another dark age at the exact time there was another mini ice age.

It's as if the main factor in European development was the weather. Go figure, I was always under the impression it was their access to Islam and the wonderment of technology found there in. It's as if "Islam" somehow floated up to Europe right at the time of warming and the suddenly the blessings of Islam and Allah floated out right at the resurgent of ice? weird. I didn't realize that religious inspired enlightenment (ouch oxymoron of that size ... oooo) moved with the weather.... huh... very very very strange indeed...

The Bahai tell you that? Really? Strange, according to evidence I have presented to you when we last had this discussion [or the second last, or third last] they deny being a continuation. But you know better? Not having read any of it?
Well, the last time we had this discussion it was in the context of you suggesting that the thing that's so magical about Islam is it has never split, unlike, say, Xianity. You see, that's what really set the two apart (and somehow make Islam special). Then I asked what about the Baha'i. Which you said were Muslims and not a split and Kadark basically said you aren't a Muslim and have no idea what you are talking about.

Is that a good enough summary - am I remembering everything?
The Bahai declare they have not split. More stuff you have not read?
Yeah, and your point? Muslims don't declare they are a new religion either. So, again, what's your opinion. Are they a true continuation of the faith?
It never fails to amaze me how westerners believe that their fantasies about other people and their beliefs and opinions, entitles them to impose it as a reality on everyone else.
So, mike47, Sam and Ghost 007 were unable to answer the question.
It never fails to amaze me how westerners believe that their fantasies about other people and their beliefs and opinions, entitles them to impose it as a reality on everyone else.

Why don't you stop trolling and answer the OP?
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Both Muslims and Jews worship the God of Abraham.
They just follow teachings of different prophets.
The OP is answered so now lets get back to the piddly spat over who's flavor of religion is better.
The answer is mine. It goes like this:
God is cool.
He is smarter than us.
Try to not cause harm to oneself or another.
Operate from a good intention.
Realize everyone fucks up on at least an hourly basis.
Realize that you fuck up even more than that.
Being barely self conscious fuck ups, realize noone is qualified to judge another- much less be the last word on what God thinks.

The most important tenant to understand about Honchoism is that I as the prophet am not required to adhere to the other tenants.

Now all please go suck a tit.
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The most important tenant to understand about Honchoism is that I as the phrophet am not required to adhere to the other tenants.

I assume you mean prophet and other tenets. Assuming you are speaking English.