Interview with Christ...

really i wouldn't ask, i'd tell him to prove he is christ so every other religion would shut the hell up and we'd have less contraversy
3 Man Love is survival. If you look at this world right now, what do you see? Soon the end of it. That's hate man, not survival.

My mom is 71 years old she's been hearing the end of the world since she was a little girl, the end of the world is when you die, she says now. And basically this is true, the world is millions of years older than humans have been able to evolve and polute it, the world is not an end, it is barely begun, compared to the age of the Milky Way Galaxy, and compared to our Universe, the end is not near, this is just a bunch of bull shiet made up by theists, to bring fear in men's heart, "The end of the world" was cried since the days of Napolean, Hitler, and Now the other terrorist known as Bush, the world has survived all the aggressors it has had, the end of the world is just your fear, not reality.

Qorl said:
1 This answer is really easy. Jesus Christ means a really good and sexy Alien (man), born as a human.
Jesus would never say that. ANd this whole alien stuff... hummm... I don't think so...

2 I don't know what prophecy was given about you?
If you don't know the prophecy that the church gave about me which came from "you" and the Father, then you are definetely not the Christ...

3 Good didn't send anyone good in to hell. That was written by manipulators - evil leaders and priests.
Actually... who is good?

Mark 10:17-18
"17 As He was setting out on a journey, a man ran up to Him and knelt before Him, and asked Him, "Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?"
18 And Jesus said to him, "Why do you call Me good? No one is good except God alone. "

We are not "good". We try to be, but we aren't. It is because we try to be good that we go to Heaven. Or at least, I wish so...

I don't know if you still didn't find out who we really are, but you and I are spirits. Not only a flesh walking creatures. You know what that means? That I could navigate any kind of body. Even yours and you mine. It is just a flesh.
I know we are spirits.

By the way, what prophecy was given about you? Don't believe everything you read any more, trust to your hearth in the future.
The prophecy was given by one of my churches. It is not really important for anyone here to know. Doesn't mattter. I just wanted to see with you knew it. Since you don't and I have talked so much with Christ and our Father about it, I don't think you are Him. Not to mention that you don't think nor speak like Him. Chill out. You don't have all this responsability.

Take Care,
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Truthseeker said: Not to mention that you don't think nor speak like Him

Finally, someone who can answer the question I've been asking for years...

Truthseeker: What does Jesus speak like? Does he have an accent, does he slur or spit when he talks? Does he mumble and say "umm" a lot? Please, do tell..
Godless said:
3 Man Love is survival. If you look at this world right now, what do you see? Soon the end of it. That's hate man, not survival.

"...the world is millions of years older than humans have been able to evolve and polute it, the world is not an end, it is barely begun, compared to the age of the Milky Way Galaxy, and compared to our Universe, the end is not near, this is just a bunch of bull shiet made up by theists, to bring fear in men's heart..." "...the world has survived all the aggressors it has had, the end of the world is just your fear, not reality."
M*W: Well said, Godless. Fear breeds hate. Hate breeds fear. Our world (humanity) is still in its childhood. We've got a lot more evolving to do. As we evolve toward a more mature humanity, we will let go of our fears. A perfected humanity need have no fears. As we evolve (grow up), we will conquer diseases, attain longevity, and grow in love. I've said this before, but since we have some newbies, love is heat, light, power, energy, passion, ardor, flame, fire, soul. As we evolve so will our spiritual energy. I don't see the end of the world, I see the end of the world as we know it. Evolution is survival of the fittest. Humanity will survive and diversity will be no more.
M*W: Well said, Godless. Fear breeds hate. Hate breeds fear. Our world (humanity) is still in its childhood. We've got a lot more evolving to do. As we evolve toward a more mature humanity, we will let go of our fears. A perfected humanity need have no fears. As we evolve (grow up), we will conquer diseases, attain longevity, and grow in love. I've said this before, but since we have some newbies, love is heat, light, power, energy, passion, ardor, flame, fire, soul. As we evolve so will our spiritual energy. I don't see the end of the world, I see the end of the world as we know it. Evolution is survival of the fittest. Humanity will survive and diversity will be no more
I agree this is the outcome of humanity..........and only the end of the world as we know it. Well said.
One thing though...I believe the bible states the nature of man is at emnity (war) with God, and those who achive this "higher state" don't make it of thier own works, but through a sacrifice Jesus made offering His own Spirit, by the shedding of His innocent blood.
Man will destroy himself with his destructive nature, and the influence satan rightfully has over him.
Man chose satan as their god, over the Lord in the garden, remember.
And God has no obligation to save them from themselves or the destroyer they turned loose upon themselves.
Jesus will be the only one found worthy, and the "enlightened" kingdom that is now setting up is rightfully His alone and those He soverignly choses to give it to.
He paid for it with His blood.
To try and say man can inheirit all this without going through Jesus, is not going to happen.
This transition you talk of has already started.
His Kingdom is being set up in the hearts of Men now, and the towers have fallen, signifying the day were in.....Isaiah 30:25-26
Qorl said:

I don't need to know about things that are yours. My father is one and I do have a very big family. I am bloodline (Roth) of David. With Good I mean God. Well I am not only a good person but extremely righteous. I will even forgive to Americas and to a G.W.Bush. If they will only go on their knees and throw a PRIDE in the bottoms pit. I am the same as before and if you like me or not is your problem. I know that it's hard to accept the truth. How do you think I feel when I find out who I am? (Limp Bizkit Behind blue eyes). I didn't wont to be who I am. But as I already wrote my lifestyle will be Kings not priest. Man I lived many lives and my personality is perfect, I am 100 % listener. I worked with Nelson on Gas station in West Hollywood. Don't worry Nelson, I think you should chill out. I also know that you're getting signs. You know I will going to married with Beyonce Knowles. She trust in God 100% and people thinks that she's dating someone. Well Queen will have to be a perfect for a King. Look at her; beautiful, sexy and smart. God reads my mind :) I am in love. She doesn't know who will going to married, but she said that God will give her someone special. She also see me in her dreams. How do you feel knowing who Queen is?
I don't know who the "queen" is, and I wonder if this girl knows that you think you are Jesus...
One of the characteristics of righteousness is humility, do you know?... :D

TruthSeeker, I won't please anyone for anything. And if you think that I'm not as before and that I'm some kind of wrong Christ you are wrong. You will have to change your thinking. As is written in the Bible I am the same yesterday and tomorrow. Church, my life and all this things are made that way on purpose. Isn't a massage of belief clear. It really doesn't matter what kind of belief as long is good.
No one is my god but God Himself...
SnakeLord said:
Finally, someone who can answer the question I've been asking for years...

Truthseeker: What does Jesus speak like? Does he have an accent, does he slur or spit when he talks? Does he mumble and say "umm" a lot? Please, do tell..
Simple... When you read a lot what someone writes or listen a lot to someone speaking, you will find a pattern in what they write or speak, and you will be able to recognize it. My english teacher knows that very well... :rolleyes:

You come home from a day at work. You walk in your front room and see a stranger raping your child, and attempting to kill your wife. Tell me... does "love thy neighbour, love thy enemy' actually mean anything anymore? If you have children or a wife, try to imagine them being raped or killed by someone. At this point in time, every single word of jesus becomes worthless, and survival proves it's point. Jesus is but a bystander to survival, and that goes for every single human being on the planet. All the 'love for the lord and your next life', takes a back seat to survival in this life.
I was surprised when I found the answer to this question... it is too obvious and I completly missed...

The answer is: undefined. You won't get this situation. This situation is so rare that it shouldn't be taken into account. The probability of it happening is so low that it is not significant to be considered into the general equation (love one another).
I forgot to answer my own questions... :D

1. What is the secret of life?
Love and be yourself.

2. What is the greatest and only Law under Heaven and Earth?
Love one another.

3. What is written in 1 Corinthians 16:14 without looking it up...?
"Let al that you do be done in Love."

4. What is the most beautiful thing in the universe?
Love, a smile on everyone's face and a baby on my arms....

5. Why we were created in the way we are?
A good story needs a good conflict... :D
Now, seriously, we weren't...

6. Why there is suffering in the world?
Because people don't know any better.

7. What exactly is ignorance?

8. What is eternity, and how does it feel like?
The present moment.

9. How can we reach perfection, if it is possible?
By loving one another, we can reach the limit of perfection, but not perfection itself (i.e. lim of perfection= love). Only truly loving one another, with perfect love, that we can be perfect. Since that is not fully accomplishble without God, that is not presently possible in this world.

10. How can we reach true joy?
Love leads to peace, which leads to true Joy.

Those are my answers, not God's anwers...
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Quote: I don't ˝think˝ I am a Jesus - I KNOW I am.

I don't think I'm a Roman, I know I'm the Roman that nailed your ass to the cross!!.

Qorl said:

The Queen Know-less that's why her surname is Knowles. I don't ˝think˝ I am a Jesus - I KNOW I am.

Did you know that good muslim people believe to a priest or religious leader before to everyone else. Those people do exactly as Alah (me, Jesus Christ, Alien Gray) wont's. They are good people not a terrorists as you see them. Well it will be a shock for them when they will found out who God is.
You are a nice guy. That's why I'm telling ya, please go ask for help. If the girl you like really likes you, then tell her that you think you are "Jesus Christ". If she really likes you, she should be able to listen to that. I really think you should tell her.
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Simple... When you read a lot what someone writes or listen a lot to someone speaking, you will find a pattern in what they write or speak, and you will be able to recognize it. My english teacher knows that very well...

That's remarkable. It's also not an answer to the question. You said you've spoken to jesus "so much", so again I pose the simple question: What's he talk like? Accent? etc etc..

Look.. you either have or you haven't spoken to jesus. All I want to know is if he said anything to you, (which would be probable because you said Qorl didn't speak like him), and if you can describe how he talks.

The answer is: undefined. You won't get this situation. This situation is so rare that it shouldn't be taken into account. The probability of it happening is so low that it is not significant to be considered into the general equation (love one another).

Wont get in this situation? Of course it was just one example of many, and while we can all 'pray' and hope we don't get in such a situation, these things do happen, whether we want them to or not. Furthermore, it's more than 'love one another'... While that most certainly is the cute way of saying it, it has a different ring when you break it down. In jesus own apparent words: "love thy enemy". He even said to love your enemy more. Turn him your other cheek etc. In a position where your wife is being raped, you're being mugged, there's a terrorist on your aeroplane - jesus talk is worthless. Or are you saying you would love your enemy regardless?
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In situations like this I will erase him from the existence - without regret

And so the only viable conclusion is: Love thy enemy whenever it suits you to do so. If he goes against you, don't love him anymore- just annihilate the fucker.

We could go back in time a little bit to the days when god was sitting up a mountain. The words 'thou shalt not kill', spring to mind. It seems god and jesus agree somewhat, but jesus takes it further in saying if someone kills your child, give them your other child also. Mind you, I think even jesus was guilty.. I forget exactly where now, but didn't he give someone who annoyed him a slap?

One thing I don't think jesus picked up on was that in many instances murder, rape etc are not concious choices, but come down to inescapable mental issues. While this might not excuse the actual incident, it would show a technical innocence on the killers part. We could also mention all of those "demon possessed" people who again, are not doing things by their own choice but because they are puppets of satan.

I would have thought jesus wanted you believers to help the possessed individual, and not kill him - regardless of if he's raping your wife or not.

He is not Jesus.... :rolleyes: :D

SnakeLord said:
One thing I don't think jesus picked up on was that in many instances murder, rape etc are not concious choices, but come down to inescapable mental issues. While this might not excuse the actual incident, it would show a technical innocence on the killers part. We could also mention all of those "demon possessed" people who again, are not doing things by their own choice but because they are puppets of satan.
Huumm.... That sounds pretty right, actually....