Interview with Christ...

As a man thinketh, so is he....
You believe you evolved from a way you may be right.
Those who believe they were created by God in His image... are right too.
Imagine that.......two different races on the same planet..
That's what the bible has said all along.
Genesis..............gene (seed), and sis (two).
The two seeds.
Nothing but love will enter there, love is the most important thing.
who care what the world thinks........

Well, there's a great sign of 'love'. :bugeye:

Mankind tramples across the planet, killing and destroying everything he sees. I hate to say it, but this 'love' of yours should be unanimous for everything, or it doesn't actually mean anything. Standing in a church praying doesn't solve anything either, except claiming love for those who agree with your perception of life.

And yet, the bold faced destruction of everything on this planet is simply a sign of man's ability to survive. You have your central heating and nice bricked house and the thanks must go to those before you who fought hard to survive. You no longer live in a cave because of them. They battled the elements, the animals with claws, and the planet they could not comprehend just so you could type on a forum. They did not accomplish this task by love. They did not go out from their caves and offer flowers to the bears, or to their enemies.

I know you'll probably comment that animals were just put here as food for us, but there is no logical reason to assume that. They do not stand still and welcome death if it helps to serve the almighty superior humans. Give them the chance and they will bite your head off. You see, animals want to survive as much as humans do, and as such deserve as much respect and love as any human would. We are no different from them - merely surviving. When you're hungry you'd happily go and kill one of them to ensure your own survival, and so would they. I'm sure most of us would kill and eat another human if it ensured our own survival, (this has been known to happen).

While you can't "take the world with you," you can ensure that your offspring get to live in it. Love doesn't ensure that, the ability to survive does.
You no longer live in a cave because of them. They battled the elements, the animals with claws, and the planet they could not comprehend
Man----never----lived-----in -----caves.
Except maybe to wait for the fall-out to clear.
Man was made immortal, and fell into time......with wisdom and knowledge beyond our comprehension today.
Man has devoled into what he is today, not evolved.
TruthSeeker said:
For everyone, thank you for all your answers.

Btw, here, in Victoria BC, there is another guy that says that he is Jesus... I should post a picture of him and his bike sometime... :D
they must have a Jebus franchise across the country,or maybe its the same guy who travels from city to city. :D
does he wear big sign with "End is near,repent" and such?
[*]What is the most beautiful thing in the universe?
Pamela Anderson :D

[*]Why we were created in the way we are?

b/c when god created man,she was only joking :D

[*]What exactly is ignorance?

avoiding the obvious

[*]What is eternity, and how does it feel like?

feels same like right now,even you lived forever you would still live one day at a time! ;)

[*]How can we reach perfection, if it is possible?

live right,exercise your mind and body,sleep when when hungry.

[*]How can we reach true joy?
flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free
Man----never----lived-----in -----caves.
Except maybe to wait for the fall-out to clear.
Man was made immortal, and fell into time......with wisdom and knowledge beyond our comprehension today.
Man has devoled into what he is today, not evolved.

Well ok, they just went into caves to escape the rain and draw oh-so-cute little pictures on the wall. I guess it's just a shame their art wasn't quite as advanced as it is today. Of course they didn't have art shops of computer software like Photoshop to aid them, which they should have had.

mudhuts vs skyscrapers
feet vs cars, aeroplanes, space rockets
spears and stones vs machine guns and hand grenades
slate and chalk vs internet, telephones, satellite communication
word of mouth vs televised media that can be delivered to the entire world live.
death from headache vs open heart surgery, cloning of new body parts etc
a walk up a mountain vs spirit and opportunity currently sitting on a planet several million miles away.

There is no contest. While I do recognise and appreciate those who abounded in life, and brought humanity that much further, you show simple childlike ignorance to even make the statement you have. I pity you.
mudhuts vs skyscrapers
How do you know they all lived in mudhuts....were you there?

feet vs cars, aeroplanes, space rockets
How do you know they had no car's (India's sanscrit's over 3000 years old tell tales of flying car's and battle with light as a weapon and bomb's that can destoy whole planets........pretty detailed stuff for cavemen... huh?
But again...where you there....? No.
Why hasn't it been found? Some accounts say a weapon terrible as the sun, and the warriors wiped each other out, and there was a flood....what survived the war was buried under 100's of feet of silt.
Metal rusts, wood decays....ect..

spears and stones vs machine guns and hand grenades
Spears and stones ...yes they found some.....but spears and stones only....?

slate and chalk vs internet
In the bible what is the "Eye of Odin"..., sounds like internet to me.

Their art wasn't quite as advanced as it is today.
Oh, really.....lets talk about huge pictures that can only be recognized from thousands of feet in the air....
My kids like to draw......and we like to save those drawings.....even though they aren't very "advanced" ...
Do you think ancient pepole had kids too...?

I expected more liberal thinking from you...S.L.
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How do you know they all lived in mudhuts....were you there?

My mistake. I thought you were smart enough to get the point, obviously not. However, if you would like me to give you a full report on archaeolgical finds, I will do so. If you somehow feel the need to use the "were you there" speech, you'll find I can do exactly the same with everything you say.

How do you know they had no car's (India's sanscrit's over 3000 years old tell tales of flying car's and battle with light as a weapon and bomb's that can destoy whole planets........pretty detailed stuff for cavemen... huh?

The authors of Star Trek talk about strange alien beings with all kinds of bizarre technology and amazing spacecraft. Jules verne spoke of time machines and incredible underwater machines. What's your point?

Furthermore, those very same texts talk about a boy who got his head chopped off by his father. When his father realised it was his son, he went outside and chopped the head off an elephant. He then put the elephant head on his son and brought him back to life. I guess this is a medical technique we've yet to develop heh? Or will you happily swipe this off as simple fantasy story telling because it doesn't fit in with your wishful thinking?

Why hasn't it been found? Some accounts say a weapon terrible as the sun, and the warriors wiped each other out, and there was a flood....what survived the war was buried under 100's of feet of silt.
Metal rusts, wood decays....ect..

Yes, I read it. A weapon as powerful as 10,000 suns that turned an entire race to ashes. The very next sentence talks of how pots broke with no apparent cause and after a few hours the food went off. Sounds like a terrible weapon to me. I guess everything was left under 100's of feet of silt except the beef steak and pottery. I also wonder how the author of that text was lucky enough to be invulnerable to this 10,000 sun powered weapon. Ah yes... the author was the boy with the elephant head - elephant headed boys must be immune.

Spears and stones ...yes they found some.....but spears and stones only....?

Depends on the era. A clear sign of moving forward as opposed to moving backwards... Spears/stones, bows/swords/catapults, pistols/gunpowder, uzi's/scuds..

I guess none of us are as evolved as the elephant headed boy though..

In the bible what is the "Eye of Odin"..., sounds like internet to me.

Lol, seek help. Maybe the word "god" actually refers to a mainframe computer, that analyses all transmissions and sends them through wired links to other humans brains who were always in a state of sleep. This is why god visited them in dreams.. it wasn't a being, it was a computer programme.

Oh, really.....lets talk about huge pictures that can only be recognized from thousands of feet in the air....

Although they look pretty, they hold no weight in comparison to the man-made plaque that's currently sitting on the moon. They're also not as funky as crop circles. What's your reason for them? Aliens? Someone in the sky forcing the crops to form circles with their telepathic thoughts?

My kids like to draw......and we like to save those drawings.....even though they aren't very "advanced" ...
Do you think ancient pepole had kids too...?

Ah yes, the kids drew the pictures while the adults played computer chess and watched porn on their tv sets.

I expected more liberal thinking from you...S.L.

And I expect you'd get the world's lowest score on an IQ test.... T.V
The authors of Star Trek talk about strange alien beings with all kinds of bizarre technology and amazing spacecraft. Jules verne spoke of time machines and incredible underwater machines. What's your point?
Even during Star trek TOS in the 60's.....we had space ships in real life. Apollo.
When Jules Verne wrote 20,000 leauges......we had submarines.
They had been in use since the revolutionary war of 1776.

It's quite a different matter for your so-called "cave dwelling, bronze age" people to write as passed down history, of flying cars, multipule types of fighter aircraft, shooting laser beam, droping atomic style weapons......even down to the radioactive fall-out.

And all you got is a lame ...."Well I don't think clay pots could have survived, and them Indians', it must have been thier imaginations or something, and the author couldn't have lived to tell the story...if there was really an atomic war, ect.......
Such weak whiny nonsense.
The bomb in Hiroshima left three ground zero buildings intact, but crumbling because they were made of solid marble...My father was there and saw them only days after the blast.

I suppose the author couldn't have had a bomb shelter, with all those fighter aircraft flying around....huh? LOL
Oh I forgot...they were cave-men...right
Hey, caves make pretty good bomb shelters don't they.
Your screwed either way....give it up son.
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Even during Star trek TOS in the 60's.....we had space ships in real life. Apollo.
When Jules Verne wrote 20,000 leauges......we had submarines.
They had been in use since the revolutionary war of 1776.

You're missing the point. Anyone can make up a story, and then years later anyone can extrapolate things that sound familiar, and then call it a sign of something. There are no time machines, but if one day in the future they are made, someone like you could come along and claim Jules Verne actually had a time machine. I don't find it surprising that you left that little part of my quote out.

What you're trying to make claim to, is that nobody would write about something unless it existed. I guess this leaves scientists like Einstein in a bit of a pickle. They wrote of things that didn't exist- and worked to make those things exist. So for example:

A scientist says: "Hey, maybe if we do this with atoms blah blah blah we'll end up with a weapon that can do extreme damage.."

At that time this thing does not exist, except for being a thought in the minds of men. Eventually it comes into existence, but was still written about long before it became a reality.

It's quite a different matter for your so-called "cave dwelling, bronze age" people to write as passed down history, of flying cars, multipule types of fighter aircraft, shooting laser beam, droping atomic style weapons......even down to the radioactive fall-out.

No it isn't, especially as the author was a boy with an elephant for a head. Of course, as is The Visitor way, you decided to miss that part out aswell. Imagination isn't excluded from imagining things that don't exist. Don't be a fool. Now who's the one looking at these people as if they were simple cavemen? You think they didn't have the ability to imagine, the ability to dream up wonderful things that didn't actually exist? That includes people with elephant heads.

You think you can pass it off as "oh but when they wrote star trek, spacecraft existed". That may be so, but aliens didn't, (except in the imagination), warp speed didn't, (and still doesn't), and strange new planets didn't, (or have you seen these strange new planets)? It is the same thing: Imagination.

And all you got is a lame ...."Well I don't think clay pots could have survived, and them Indians', it must have been thier imaginations or something, and the author couldn't have lived to tell the story...if there was really an atomic war, ect.......
Such weak whiny nonsense.

I know you're a generally forgetful kind of person, but let's not exclude the boy with the elephant head please.

Furthermore, the humans didn't make these weapons, they were given them by the gods. As such I can see you now believe that the biblical version of there being just one god is false. No? Well it must be... you can't just take one paragraph of a story and call it true, while denying every other sentence? What's the matter Visitor, why are you turning green? You have stated very clearly you believe these weapons existed, so why don't you believe the multitude of gods gave them to mankind?

Why don't you believe in the elephant headed boy?

Why don't you believe in Krishna, Ganga, and so on?

So easy for you to pick and choose heh..

Further on from that we could talk about every other myth in the entirety of human history. Everything from Loch ness to large 7 headed snake women that turn you into stone must be true, otherwise they would never have been written about.

I suppose the author couldn't have had a bomb shelter, with all those fighter aircraft flying around....huh? LOL

Yeah, or maybe his tough elephant head saved him... Nono, maybe one of the gods saved him.

Your screwed either way....give it up son.

A) I ain't your son.

B) If I was, I would be embarrased to be genetically related to such a halfwit.

C) I await your next response but please, don't leave out the important bits like you usually do.
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Katazia said:

I understand that but my point is that the message of 'love' is not prolific throughout the bible which is in essence the instruction manual for Christianity. Had 'love' been such an important message as you seem to want us to believe then why is it not emphasized more frequently and more prevalently than we observe?
From Bible Gateway:
John 13:34-35
34 "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.
35 "By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."

John 15:12
12 "This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you."

John 15:17
17 "This I command you, that you love one another."

Romans 12:10
10 "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor;"

Romans 13:8
8 "Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law."

Galatians 5:13
13 "For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another."

1 Thessalonians 4:9
9 "Now as to the love of the brethren, you have no need for anyone to write to you, for you yourselves are taught by God to love one another; "

1 Thessalonians 5:13
13 "and that you esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Live in peace with one another."

2 Thessalonians 1:3
3 "We ought always to give thanks to God for you, brethren, as is only fitting, because your faith is greatly enlarged, and the love of each one of you toward one another grows ever greater; "

Hebrews 10:24
24 "and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, "

1 Peter 1:22
22 "Since you have in obedience to the truth purified your souls for a sincere love of the brethren, fervently love one another from the heart, "

1 Peter 4:8
8 "Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins."

1 John 3:11
"11 For this is the message which you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another;"

1 John 3:23
23 "This is His commandment, that we believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, just as He commanded us. "

1 John 4:7
"7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God."

1 John 4:12
12 "No one has seen God at any time; if we love one another, God abides in us, and His love is perfected in us. "

2 John 1:5
5 "Now I ask you, lady, not as though I were writing to you a new commandment, but the one which we have had from the beginning, that we love one another. "

There is much more then that. I won't post everything cause it will get pretty big...
I gave you the link cause you can read the entire passages. It is not good to read verses by themselves. I'm showing them by themselve to save spacwe and to give you a hint that thi mesage is all over the place...

You state that love is the MOST important message yet the bible does not reinforce your opinion. It seems to me that you have adopted the idea that love is a panacea yet you are ignoring the large number of other diverse characteristics of humanity, intellectualism is but one other important property that both complements the role of love and at times makes love unnecessary.
Intellectualism is just a way that men found to worship themselves. Men invented intellectualism to feed their egos. It does no good to us. Simplicity is much more important and significant.

I do not see that a perfect society will be the necessary result if everyone simply loves everyone else. I do not have to love someone to be able to effectively communicate and live alongside them without conflict. To suggest that everyone must love everyone imposes a level and depth of emotional commitment that is over the top and will essentially devalue love when used in a more intimate relationship.
Well, first of all, the "love" that I speak of is a virtue. A forgotten virtue, that is... :rolleyes: Anyhow... this love virtue is like compassion. But it is compassion to the limit. It is a completly selfless love totally engaged in community and the life and well being of others. If people were selfless like this "love" sugests, we wouldn't have selfishness, greed, violence, fear, ignorance, etc...!

A perfect world would be one where everyone exhibits a desire to cooperate, be prepared to understand another’s point of view, to be always compassionate, and to desist from any potential hateful conflict. This is not love but instead is the essentials for a peaceful society.
You are describing the love virtue. This love virtue is actually the base of a political system that I'm developing. Not that it will work... who knows... But we should indeed be more compassionate and cooperate more, instead of being so individualistic. Our society, at this point, don't have much values because it is too individualistic. Everyone only think of themselves and don't really care for others. That is sad. Love=caring.

Perhaps you are using the term ‘love’ in a more encompassing mode than you should.

I don't know what is encompassing... :D

Thanks Kat! That was a nice post! :)
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I was impressed by you knowing the 1 Corinthians scripture, since most people haven't a clue of what I'm talking about. However, it is hard for me to believe the fact that you are Jesus Christ. For one thing, the Bible clearly says that there would be many people saying that they are the Christ, and that they would deceive even the elect. Although you seem to know the Bible pretty well, considering the fact that many would say that they are Him, it seem most probable that you are not Jesus Christ. Even if you are not Jesus, you seem to be a nice person. You are not perfect and seem a little far from it, and that is a hint that you are not Him. So I would like you to reflect on the possibility that you are just a normal person that knows God pretty well. I know the scriptures you are talking about. I'm a loving and compassionate person. But that doesn't mean that I'm Jesus Christ! So, I would like you to reflect on the fact that there are others that, like you, are compassionate. Maybe you are not Jesus.

Here are ome tougher question to you:
1. Why there are two names: "Jesus" and "Chirst", and what is the significance of both of them.
2. What was the prophecy that my church gave about me and why I feel umcomfortable about it?
3. If only the ones that "accept Jesus Chirst" in their hearts go to Heaven, why God would send loving and compassionate good people to hell just because they didn't know Jesus or didn't understand?

See ya :)

Standing in a church praying doesn't solve anything either, except claiming love for those who agree with your perception of life.
That's true. That's why it is written:

1 John 3:8
"8 Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth. "


James 2:17
"17 Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself. "

Find the entire passages here:
1 John
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That's true. That's why it is written:

1 John 3:8
"8 Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth. "


James 2:17
"17 Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself. "

yes, yes I've read the bible many times, but the point still stands. Love is not the goal of life, survival is. While churches might very well promote love for 'thy neighbour', and 'thy enemy'. it is simple talk. In the real world it is inconsequential.

Jesus said loving thy enemy was better. Now I will ask a simple and very straightforward question to make a point:

You come home from a day at work. You walk in your front room and see a stranger raping your child, and attempting to kill your wife. Tell me... does "love thy neighbour, love thy enemy' actually mean anything anymore? If you have children or a wife, try to imagine them being raped or killed by someone. At this point in time, every single word of jesus becomes worthless, and survival proves it's point. Jesus is but a bystander to survival, and that goes for every single human being on the planet. All the 'love for the lord and your next life', takes a back seat to survival in this life.

In the words of jesus: When a man slaps your cheek, turn to him your other cheek so he can slap that too. In essence: When a man is raping you daughter, give him your other daughter too. Every single human on the planet would 'fail' here, proving beyond any doubt that survival is more important an instinct than love- even among the religious folk.

Survival of species is dominant, love is simply a secondry feeling which promotes species continuation.

In this instance the 'works' ignores the faith completely, and the works is simple survival of the fittest, whereas the faith promotes love for anyone regardless of what they do.

I must admit, I've had an evening of alcohol, so if this finds you not as it is intended then I apologise. However, even if it doesn't, I would simply be prompted to quote some bible passages that state 'works' are irrelevant and worthless- and it's all based on faith alone.

The 'facts' and the evidence show that survival has a much stronger hold over life than love does. Love is simply an emotion word connected with survival.