Interpretation of the Bible?

I've seen some of the Christian pastors these days with their claims that Jesus dwells in them and their propaganda about being able to do miracles, ect. I've seen TV show of them casting demons....Oh my gosh...if you believe in any of that stuff, please say so shortly, don't elaborate, because this kind of talk disturb my stomach, If you believe in any of this garbage, then we're light years apart in thought process and should not be communicating.


What you see on T.V. today is only an impersonation of the real thing....
Yes, there is a real, the original, the one who's ministry they are all trying to impersonate. It was Jesus Christ working through the ministy of William Branham, and as a prophet of God, real miracles were performed by the thousands. The blind were made to see, deaf hear, limbs regrown and the dead raised.....
But this was all secondary to His real purpose. It was to reveal Himself as "The Son of Man" as He promised He would two thousand years ago.
He has come to call a people out of a people, to get for Himself a Bride - spotless and blemishless, made clean in His own blood.
Yes the days of miracles are NOT passed, there are prophets today, and God still has a people He's leading on an exodus from this world...
Originally posted by TheVisitor
ministy of William Branham... The blind were made to see, deaf hear, limbs regrown and the dead raised.....
Common... say it with me... Magnificent claims require magnificent ____

This guy also thinks that we should go back to a theocracy. Yeah, cause they've worked so well in the past.
Magnificent claims require magnificent ____

This guy also thinks that we should go back to a theocracy. Yeah, cause they've worked so well in the past.


A kingdom is a monarcy, thats whats promised yes.
Christ and His Bride reigning. We are the ambassadors of a KINGDOM.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
A kingdom is a monarcy, thats whats promised yes.
Christ and His Bride reigning. We are the ambassadors of a KINGDOM.
Fine, but this is the land of religious freedom. Go form your kingdom somewhere else.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
Yes, there is a real, the original, the one who's ministry they are all trying to impersonate. It was Jesus Christ working through the ministy of William Branham, and as a prophet of God, real miracles were performed by the thousands. The blind were made to see, deaf hear, limbs regrown and the dead raised.....
But this was all secondary to His real purpose. It was to reveal Himself as "The Son of Man" as He promised He would two thousand years ago.
He has come to call a people out of a people, to get for Himself a Bride - spotless and blemishless, made clean in His own blood.
Yes the days of miracles are NOT passed, there are prophets today, and God still has a people He's leading on an exodus from this world...

Oh my god, are you saying that a phony guy by the name of William Branham is regrowing limbs, raising dead, ect....? Don't you think it would have made news if a dead person was really brought back to life? Or a blind was made to see? Maybe he is an impersonate just like all the other ones....Of couse, they're all phoney, and people are taking second mortgages on their house and alienting themselves for these phonies who are going to shake and pee on themselves when they see the real god.
Fine, but this is the land of religious freedom. Go form your kingdom somewhere else.


We were just discusing the topic of religion, and freedom.
Do my words offend you? I appoligize.
Do Christ's words offend you..?
This is a religious forum, what do you believe?

Okay Bible Thumpers, here's a thought to ponder....

Scientists have found PROOF (PROOF WHICH YOU CAN ACTUALLY TOUCH/FEEL) of the existance of Dinosaurs and again, science has PROVED that "man" was NOT on the earth at the same time AS the dinosaurs. So.....Tell me this:

In Genesis, the scriptures say that God was supposed to have made the heavens and all the creatures of earth - including Adam and Eve, but someone 'splain to me - where do the dinosaurs fit in??

Originally posted by TheVisitor
Do my words offend you? I appoligize.
No you particularly, but anyone who wants to validate government thru religion.

Do Christ's words offend you..?

I do not believe the Branham's words would be those of Christ.

This is a religious forum, what do you believe?

Religious exploration. Not the domination of one overarching religion that creates sheep.
Test for a fundemental Chrisitian

Originally posted by TheVisitor
Fine, but this is the land of religious freedom. Go form your kingdom somewhere else.
Do Christ's words offend you..?
This is a religious forum, what do you believe?

Let's see if you have a clue. You keep saying christ? What is the meaning of the word Christ or Christian. Jesus name in Hebrew and Arabic is Issa the son of Mirium. He was reffered to as the Messiah "pure" or purifier.. What is Christ? Please enlighten me, but save the straight english words, you see Jesus spoke no english
Oh my god, are you saying that a phony guy by the name of William Branham is regrowing limbs, raising dead, ect....? Don't you think it would have made news if a dead person was really brought back to life? Or a blind was made to see? Maybe he is an impersonate just like all the other ones....Of couse, they're all phoney, and people are taking second mortgages on their house and alienting themselves for these phonies who are going to shake and pee on themselves when they see the real god.


It did make the news, all over the country and around the world.

Maybe you missed it, or wern't born yet. This took place in the 40's 50's and 60's. The newspapers carried all the articles and every meeting and sermon, where these things were done was recorded on magnetic tape......1150 tape recordings and even some video footage covering twenty years.

Phoney, I'd check into it first before I'd make a statment like that.
Scientists have found PROOF (PROOF WHICH YOU CAN ACTUALLY TOUCH/FEEL) of the existance of Dinosaurs and again, science has PROVED that "man" was NOT on the earth at the same time AS the dinosaurs. So.....Tell me this:


Science hasn't proved a thing. Carbon 14 dating has been exposed as a hoax, and archeologists have discovered human footprints inside of dinosaur prints made at the same relative time.

Originally posted by TheVisitor
Scientists have found PROOF (PROOF WHICH YOU CAN ACTUALLY TOUCH/FEEL) of the existance of Dinosaurs and again, science has PROVED that "man" was NOT on the earth at the same time AS the dinosaurs. So.....Tell me this:


Science hasn't proved a thing. Carbon 14 dating has been exposed as a hoax, and archeologists have discovered human footprints inside of dinosaur prints made at the same relative time.


Think so, huh? So you are telling me that you believe that dinosaurs roamed the earth at the same time as Adam & Eve??

Originally posted by TheVisitor
Do my words offend you? I appoligize.
No you particularly, but anyone who wants to validate government thru religion.

Do Christ's words offend you..?
I do not believe the Branham's words would be those of Christ.

This is a religious forum, what do you believe?
Religious exploration. Not the domination of one overarching religion that creates sheep.


You go back and read my last 5-10 posts, then come talk to me.
Because you obviously have me confused with someone else..
Validate goverment thru religion.....not me.
You need to do some research before you come to such a quick conclusion.
Re: Persol

Originally posted by TheVisitor
You go back and read my last 5-10 posts, then come talk to me.
Because you obviously have me confused with someone else..
Validate goverment thru religion.....not me.
You need to do some research before you come to such a quick conclusion.
Please don't accuse me of not reading your posts and not doing research. You mentioned Branham and I attacked his belief in the benefits of theology and his claims of miracles.
You seem to share his view that the usa should be a theocracy, and that I disagree with that.
Think so, huh? So you are telling me that you believe that dinosaurs roamed the earth at the same time as Adam & Eve??


Sure do !!!
Read Job 40 and 41. Saying dinosaurs died 60 million years ago only serves the pupose of reinforcing some scientist's "theory" of evolution. And this is used in an attempt to discredit mans belief in God and the bible. You see they find in many "digs", where the bones of groups of dinosaurs are lying together where they died. Exactly as they would be found if they died in a world-wide flood and the waters as they receded concentrated the bodies into the lower lying areas.
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Please don't accuse me of not reading your posts and not doing research. You mentioned Branham and I attacked his belief in the benefits of theology and his claims of miracles.
You seem to share his view that the usa should be a theocracy, and that I disagree with that.


If you mean that I believe this country should be run by those who beleive in God as apposed to those who don't....
Then yes, I do.....guilty as charged.
But that was hardly William Branhams Message.
Do I believe in leaders like Bush speaking of God and asking for God's protection ....?
Yes, I do. This nation was founded a christian nation by our fore-fathers, and the day we cease to be that will be the day of our un-doing.....
God has stated: "A nation that forgets God, that nation shall God destroy"
I'm afraid I'm not buying that one. I personally believe that the bible is nothing but a bunch of diaries of different interpretations of events that may (or may not) have happened way back when. I'm not knocking the christian way of life. I think most christians lead a very respectable life....more respectable than mine, I can assure you. :)

BTW - The "cedar tailed one" is only interpreted as a dinosaur but it cannot be proved. It's like everything... either you believe in it or you don't. Just like Bigfoot, Ghosts, Little Grey men from outer space, etc. It's just a matter of what you believe. You have your beliefs and I have mine. That's the great thing about this forum is to voice your opinion. :)
That's the great thing about this forum is to voice your opinion.


Thats the way it ought to be.....we should be able to disagree on things and still be civil....
I appreciate your input...
Originally posted by Ice Princess
I'm afraid I'm not buying that one. I personally believe that the bible is nothing but a bunch of diaries of different interpretations of events that may (or may not) have happened way back when.

Right on Ice Princess. God will agree with you on that 100%.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
Thats the way it ought to be.....we should be able to disagree on things and still be civil....
I appreciate your input...

So what is the meaning of the word Christ and Christian? Please tell me. I know Islam means submittion, Judiasm mean guidance. What is christianity, and don't tell me followers of Christ, because his name is Issa Elmessaiah.