Interpretation of the Bible?

Originally posted by TheVisitor
This nation was founded a christian nation by our fore-fathers, and the day we cease to be that will be the day of our un-doing.....
So you're trying this one again...
So what is the meaning of the word Christ and Christian?


Sorry, I forgot to answer that didn't I?

Christ means "the anoited" . They were first called Christians at Anteoch, because they "acted like Christ"

A Christian believes "Being dead in Christ, we are Abraham's seed and are heirs, according to the promise." Not Jew outwardly, but Jew inwardly, by having the faith that Abraham had - we take God at His Word and calls those things which are not as though they were.
And we are promised the things He did we would do also....
Nothing in the dictionry

Good try, but there is no meaning to the word anoited. I found anointed and it means with ointment. Also, if it means anoited, why use the word christ? Just name him the anoited.

Got better answer please for the word that describes your faith. It looks like we should be discussing that before we start interpreting the bible.
Main Entry: Christ
Pronunciation: 'krIst
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English Crist, from Old English, from Latin Christus, from Greek Christos, literally, anointed, from chriein
Date: before 12th century

There it is in Websters.......also

Christ : : the ideal truth that comes as a divine manifestation of God to destroy incarnate error

Son of Man
The Rose of Sharron
The Lily of the Vally
The bright and Morning star
El Shaddiai
The I am

How many names do you need......?
Re: Nothing in the dictionry

Originally posted by heflores
Good try, but there is no meaning to the word anoited. I found anointed and it means with ointment. Also, if it means anoited, why use the word christ? Just name him the anoited.
:D oh, my :D
The word CHRIST is derived from the Hebrew word Messiah, Arabic-Masih. Root word m-a-s-a-h-a, meaning to rub, to massage, to anoint. Priests and kings were anointed when being consecrated to their offices. But in its translated, Grecian form "CHRIST", it seems unique:befitting Jesus only.

- see Islam101: Jesus as the Messiah
Now go home and do youre homework ... :rolleyes:
From Websters home dictionary - 1828 A.D.

CHRIST, n. THE ANOINTED; an appellation given to the Savior of the World, and synonymous with the Hebrew Messiah. It was a custom of antiquity to consecrate persons to the sacerdotal and regal offices by anointing them with oil.

Quick definitions (christ)

noun: any expected deliverer
noun: a prophet of the first century; to Christians he was both God and man--the Messiah sent to save the human race from the sin it inherited through the Fall of Man (circa 8 BC - 29 AD)

I have 15 more definitions just from my first search, the internet's a wonderful tool, isn't it ?
Bad logic again...or intentional decoy by TheVisitor

You are mentally challenged. I didn't request a diarehea of words. Just a simple straight meaning like submitter for muslim and guidance for Judia.

Christ does not mean any of the words below, they are just terms placed in the dictionary for relevancy but not as translation of the word christ. Still don't know what the hell is anointed.

Words that you used and my comments
**Son of Man --- Meaning regular person, but you guys say son of god

**Messiah -----okay, that is what the Quran uses to refer to Jesus
Emanuel --- Don't know what that means.

**The Rose of Sharron ----Never heard Jesus refer to himself as such.

**The Lily of the Vally -------Never heard Jesus refer to himself as such

**The bright and Morning star ------well, the bible says that Satan was a morning is Jesus literally a burning body of super gases in outerspace.

**El Shaddiai ---- Means in arabic, the singer....Didn't know that side of Jesus.

**Melchesedic -----Absolutely no meaning, is that a decoy to get me to submit to your powers of inventing words.

**The I am ----- So it Jesus the famous person that said "I'm who I'm and that's all I'm"...hehehe

**Elohim ---- well, that's clear and means Allah or Allahom, depending on the position of word in sentance. So Christians believe in Allah, so what the hell are we fighting about.

Looks like you're as convincing on a simple matter of knowing the meaning of the title of your faith as you are in convincing us that the modern church performs miracles and raise the dead.
Thanks for doing my research

Originally posted by ConsequentAtheist
:D oh, my :D
Now go home and do youre homework ... :rolleyes:

Are you saying the Jesus is a Massage therapist with ointment to rub king bodies...that's why he was called the anointed. And that all christians are rubbers of oils to kings? Why the hell pick a name like that for a faith. Now I have a completely new prespective on Christians, I must say it's better than what I had.

Thanks Consequent Atheist
Here are the definitions

Son of Man - Used to describe the office of a prophet, In old testement all prophets were refered to as 'Son of Man".
It was a title - Jesus was "The Son of Man" the God of the prophets.

Messiah - Saviour of the world, - and your Qaran tells you Jesus is the Messiah............What more do you need?????

El Shaddiai - Means "the breasted one" the one from whom we draw our life.....we nurse from Him as a child, till we are brought up into the full stature of a perfect man...Made in the Image of God.

Melchesidec - The one who made the promise to Abraham, who came to him on the plain of Mammre. God manifested in flesh, talked face to face to Abraham and promised him a son in his old age. The same One again came to Abraham before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and showed the sign of the messaih, He diserned the thoughts in Sarah's heart behind Him in the tent.
As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man.

The I Am - Came to Moses in physical form. Moses saw His back.

Elohim - The Eternal one, existing before time, moved Himself toward the material by the expression of His attributes, the Sons and Daughters of God....

But I gather you Muslims refuse to accept any form of God in the flesh, correct..?

"He who is led by the spirit of God , they shall be called the Sons of God."
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Obviously your posts shows you are well educated and your faith in God is strong for you don't seem to be irritated by the other forum members. Discuss with me about Noah's flood again:

Ancient Egyptian civilization started in the Predynastic period 3100-3500 BCE.
The majority of christian scholars and creation scientists date Noah's flood to c. 2300 BCE.

So clearly, Egyptians lived before Noah's flood and God's intention was to eliminate all life on earth(with exceptions) but yet Egyptian civilization still prospered after Noah's flood date and nor do they have records of a destructive flood. What's a christian explaination on that matter?
Re: Nothing in the dictionry

Originally posted by heflores
Good try, but there is no meaning to the word anoited. I found anointed and it means with ointment. Also, if it means anoited, why use the word christ? Just name him the anoited.

Got better answer please for the word that describes your faith. It looks like we should be discussing that before we start interpreting the bible.

Hebrew.......The Annointed One or Messiah
Emmanuel from Is. means God with us
Re: Thanks for doing my research

Originally posted by heflores
Originally posted by ConsequentAtheist
:D oh, my :D
Now go home and do youre homework ... :rolleyes:

Are you saying the Jesus is a Massage therapist with ointment to rub king bodies...that's why he was called the anointed. And that all christians are rubbers of oils to kings? Why the hell pick a name like that for a faith. Now I have a completely new prespective on Christians, I must say it's better than what I had.

Thanks Consequent Atheist

Jesus was the receiver of the annointing, not the giver.
Originally posted by Darwin Disciple

Ancient Egyptian civilization started in the Predynastic period 3100-3500 BCE.
The majority of christian scholars and creation scientists date Noah's flood to c. 2300 BCE.

So clearly, Egyptians lived before Noah's flood and God's intention was to eliminate all life on earth(with exceptions) but yet Egyptian civilization still prospered after Noah's flood date and nor do they have records of a destructive flood. What's a christian explaination on that matter?

There is an ancient Egyptian Flood Myth
The Egyptian flood myth is decidedly different than the Mesopotamian ones. Re decided that humans had become wicked and indolent, and might rebel against the gods. To better assess the situation he sent his eye, Hathor to Earth to punish the evildoers, if need be. Hathor visited the Earth, and decided that humankind should be destroyed, so she set about slaying all of humanity. The streets were turned to rivers of blood, and the torrent ran into the Nile, causing it to overflow its banks and create the greatest flood that the Earth had known. So great was the flood that it looked as though the entire world would be wiped out. Re did not want the entire Earth to be destroyed, only for humans to be sternly punished. He asked Thoth, God of Wisdom for advice. Thoth had vast quantities of strong barley beer brewed and brought to Hathor, who drank until she became intoxicated and collapses, thereby ceasing her angry mission of total destruction.
Ancient Egyptian civilization started in the Predynastic period 3100-3500 BCE.
The majority of christian scholars and creation scientists date Noah's flood to c. 2300 BCE.

So clearly, Egyptians lived before Noah's flood and God's intention was to eliminate all life on earth(with exceptions) but yet Egyptian civilization still prospered after Noah's flood date and nor do they have records of a destructive flood. What's a christian explaination on that matter?


The area around Egypt was developed before the flood, obviously because of it's close proximity to Eden. But whether it was the same Egyptians who were there after the flood is unlikey. You did call this the Pre-dynastic period. I believe the Sons of God (i.e. Enoch) built the Great pyraimid before the flood as a symbol of God's plan of salvation. The Egyptians after the flood found the Great pyramid and copied it to produce the others which are of inferior quality.
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Re: Re: Nothing in the dictionry

Originally posted by SanDolphin61
Hebrew.......The Annointed One or Messiah
Emmanuel from Is. means God with us

Christ is a transliteration of the Greek word, that is translated the Annointed one in English, and Messiah in Hebrew.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
The area around Egypt was developed before the flood, obviously because of it's close proximity to Eden. But whether it was the same Egyptians who were there after the flood is unlikey. You did call this the Pre-dynastic period. I believe the Sons of God (i.e. Enoch) built the Great pyraimid before the flood as a symbol of God's plan of salvation. The Egyptians after the flood found the Great pyramid and copied it to produce the others which are of inferior quality.
The pyramids of Giza were built during the Old Kingdom, Fourth Dynasty 2500-2600 BCE. The Great pyramid was built for the pharaoh Khufu(Cheops). If you say the sons of God created the Egyptian pyramids, then how did they ever come up with the gods Ra, Nun, Horus, Osiris, Isis, Set, etc.? Since they already had written language before the pyramids were built then they should have recorded the events of Genesis, huh?
Some of the symbology contained in Enoch's Pyramid (The great pyramid)

(It's a type of God's plan of redemption and the Future home of the Bride of Christ - the New Jerusalem.)

Enoch, before the antediluvian destruction brought forth a sign. And in this pyramid is seven steps going to the king's chamber. Watch, on the seventh step what comes out to take the oncomer to introduce to the king. And we're in the seventh church age before the King takes His throne. Remember, the pyramid never did have a capstone. And just before you hit the seventh wall, there's a little introduction plank there, where a messenger comes out to bring you to the king. (The messenger John the Baptist that introduced to the King...) But the Headstone was rejected. the Stone of Scone, or whatever it is, they don't know where it's at, because it's a rejected stone. But that's the stone that caps the whole thing, that makes it the pyramid through the complete seven church ages. Add to faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, knowledge temperance, temperance patience, patience godliness, godliness, brotherly kindness and to your brotherly kindness charity, which is love. There's seven adds, the last one is Christ. Christ is the Headstone, "I am the Door."

If you have a one dollar bill, it's got the pyramid with the all-seeing eye on top of it. on there it's wrote in Latin, This is the Great Seal. They didn't know what they were doing. Neither did Caiaphas know he was prophesying. There's the Great Seal. Here it is. See? The City, it's not just a flat cube like this but it leans up so it can be seen. You think "Fifteen hundred miles high?" That's what the Bible said. Now, it will not be fifteen hundred miles right straight up like that. See? You'll hardly know you're walking up the hill. We have another geographic measure that all sides are equal; that's a pyramid. And upon this holy mountain of the Lord, the Lord shall descend upon top of His mountain. That's the reason the Capstone wasn't put on by Enoch. That's the reason the Capstone has to come now. And the mountain will be pushed up and it'll be the mount of the Lord and in here will dwell the redeemed. On this throne, the new City with its foundations, twelve gates, Jesus the Headstone, the apostles judging the twelve tribes... The pyramid of Enoch casts no shadow no time of the day. no matter where the sun is, there's never a shadow around the pyramid. And there'll never be no night there. Him on top of the mountain floods it with His glory. His glory-Light will be there all the time. There'll be no night there. Jesus the Headstone.

His Spirit-Light floods the pyramid City. Like Peter and John up on top of the mountain, the Light covered the top of the mountain, and a Voice spoke, said, "This is My beloved Son." In Revelations 21:3-4, "The tabernacle of God is with men." God has tabernacled in man by redeeming him, by these three processes. (Jesus comes three times. He come once to redeem His Bride, next time to get His Bride, next time with His Bride)
Notice, outside of its beautiful walls of this City... Now, have you got the City? See, it's a holy mountain. "Nothing shall hurt or destroy in all My holy mountain, saith the Lord." The City is not a cube; it is a mountain and the City is on the mountain. Glory. There you are. There's the paradises of God. The Light of the world... That perfect Kingdom, not the seventh day, the eternal one. See, not the millennium, the new earth.

The throne room has been set up. The twelve foundations have been laid. The streets of gold have been paved. The gates of gigantic pearls are raised and hinged. Like a pyramid she stands so fair and glorious. The heavenly beings who have prepared her watch breathlessly, for she glistens and shines with a glory that is unearthly. Every facet of her beauty tells a story of amazing grace and Jesus' love. She is a city prepared for a prepared people. She awaits only for her inhabitants, and soon they will throng her streets with joy. Yes, it is the last call. The Spirit will not speak in another age. The ages are over.
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