Interpretation of the Bible?

All the information above can be proofed very easily.
Three entities who can't stand each other, christians, jews, and muslims agree on adam and eve, Jesus Christ, the flood, creation of earth and heaven in six days, ect. and all the issues you mention.

Please consider that these people can not even agree on the simplest of things and would rather be stricken blind than read each other's book, so I pronounce it a miracle on it's own that three different books coming down centuries apart state the same stories and basic ideas.

That's because it was all orginally written by the Sumerians and later converted to other religious texts which is why they pretty much all sound the same. Does that now mean the Sumerians are the people we should believe? But why not- 2 minutes ago you were certain your christian bible was the complete truth. If you said 'yes' and now believe Sumerian belief you'd now believe the 'gods' were in fact mortal, but long living, space travellers. To me however that sounds a lot more valid than some big invisible dood who doesn't like working on weekends.
We're not believing in people, we believe in God. Maybe the Sumerians had heard of Him. But surely you don't think they wrote everything down that everybody ever believed? As Darwin's Disciple would say: that's a very nice theory but it's unsubstantiated. Just because its more palatable to you doesn't make it true.

Now I ask you, if religion was invented by humans who worshipped humans, why would they complicate it to a certain point, and then suddenly neither add or subtract from it? Why not just remain good Roman citizens with Caesar as your god?
Pre-Flood history and the Pyramid

The origins of life would sometimes appear to the scientific mind to support evolution, but
the evidence they refer to does not have to discount a creation by God, if looked at with an open mind, and through the scriptures. Life was created on earth , each species being higher and more complex than the last, with animal life being formed up until one was created that could reflect God's image, Man. Species have a certain ability to adapt to their environment but not to change from one species into another, for the scriptures say, " they were commanded each to bring forth of their own kind. It has been proven however, that two species that are lets say, next to one another on the scale of creation can mix and produce a hybrid that was not in the original creation. One example is the Mule, a cross between a Donkey and a Horse. Now this brings me to the mystery of the Serpent's seed. In the garden of God, the Serpent walked upright, talked to Eve, and eventually beguiled her into disbelieving God's word and believing the devil's lie. The true meaning of the word sin is "unbelief", This Serpent however was merely an animal, and therefore could be possessed and used by the devil, for it did not have a soul like a Man. The Serpent was the closest member of the animal species to Man. Adam was created in the image of God, an attribute of God's own genes, a Son of God. And like a son grows up to reflect the image of his father, Adam was to reflect God's image , to manifest God in this physical realm. He was created the first of a new species, higher in power and authority than the angels," The Sons of God". Eve was not in the original creation, but was taken from Adam, a by-product, this is why she could be deceived. Lucifer had stated "he desired a kingdom more glorious than Michael's" , and said "I will ascend up and set as God and be worshipped as God". The scriptures say he deceived one-third of the angels in heaven, and when he spoke through the serpent to deceive Eve he was trying to carry out his plans to destroy God's future kingdom and create his own "Satan's Eden ", where he sits as God, and is worshipped as God, by all the peoples of the earth. Science, education, and modern civilization are all a part of his plan to get people to lean on their own understanding, instead of faith in God, who is the Word (1 john 1:1-14 ).
The bible says "God himself came down in the cool of the evening, and talked with Adam". As he listened to the words God spoke he was partaking (eating ) of the Tree of Life, who is God (In the book of Proverbs it says, "the words of a righteous man are as the fruits of the tree of life")The tree of the knowledge of good and evil , was the serpent , which they were commanded not to eat of least they die. ( a mixed tree containing the truth mixed with lies) The best lie is the one that contains 99% of the truth, and only 1% lie. The Serpent said to Eve, "surely you shall not die, but your eyes shall be opened and you shall be like gods". Adam was created by the spoken Word. Satan can not create something from nothing, he can only pervert something God has already created, so he used the serpent to seduce Eve and thereby create a hybrid race. It's been documented many times that a woman can have sex with two different men within a 24 hour period and conceive by both of them ,giving birth to twins, both of different fathers. The scriptures say "Cain was of his father the wicked one", And after being with the serpent, Eve went to show Adam this that she'd learned, the bible says" Adam knew his wife Eve, and she bore him a son, Cain, and then bare his brother Abel. So there are two sons representing two separate races, The Sons of God, and the Sons of Men
Abel, being a true Son of God, received revelation from God about what had happened in the garden , that it had been blood (not an apple or something) that had caused the fall and had driven them out, and it would take blood, the blood of an innocent one, to bring them back to an unfallen state. Since the whole human race had fell into sin, he saw it would take a kinsman redeemer (Jesus Christ), God coming down as a man to die for our sins, releasing His Holy Spirit to come back upon humanity as a tutor and guide them back into all truth . In the new testament it says " they who are led by the spirit of God, these are called the Sons of God". Cain received no such revelation, being of the serpent's seed, and offered to God a selection of the grains of the field , which were the fruits of his own labors, and his offering was rejected. After Abel was killed, Adam had another son through Eve and his name was Seth. Through Seth's lineage God's line was restored. These Sons of God lived by faith , they were commanded to be separate and not marry amongst the unbelievers of Cain's lineage. They lived enormous lifespans because they walked with God by faith, so much until one (Enoch) walked so close with God that he was translated and was not found. The lifespans of Cain's lineage are not recorded in the bible, they didn't walk by faith in God but leaned to their own understanding, and builded cities , and were the artificers of brass and iron , and the creators of musical instruments. The two races stayed separate until the Sons of God, saw the daughters of men that they were fair , and took themselves wives. This then mixed the races together, and God grieved he ever made man and decided to destroy the world. He used man to do it, just as in this day when He will, (though atomics burning the world with fire),only then it was man's tampering with nature, that caused the world's axis to tilt and brought the first rain on the earth, and the great flood, and the seasons that we've had since that day. (But) Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. He walked with God (Gen. 6:9) and received revelation on how to build the ark, which would carry him and his family over the separating waters of God's judgment, to the other side of the flood. Enoch, who was the seventh from Adam, received a revelation from God also. He was a type of the Elect of God, the Bride of Christ, who will not go through the tribulation of God's wrath to come upon the world in this day, but will be translated, and go to be with Him.
Enoch and the sons of God , built the great pyramid before the flood. It's design represents God's plan of salvation and redemption. It types Christ the Savior who would come, how He would be rejected and crucified, (the stone which the builder's rejected). The capstone was never placed on the Great pyramid for this reason. The main body of the pyramid is atype of the (many-membered) body of the Bride of Christ. Israel rejected the messiah in order that the scriptures might be fulfilled, that Christ would take a bride from the Gentiles. The headstone comes down in this day ( Christ as the judge ) crying grace, grace, to the believer. The stone which if you fall upon, shall break you to pieces, but if it falls upon you, it shall grind you to powder. (To loose your life for the Word of God's sake, is to find it, But he who seeks to save his life shall loose it.) This headstone represents the Son of man's return and the revelation of Himself to His bride, to catch her away, in the marriage of the Lamb (Rev 19: 7-9). It's an invisible union, (for the earth groaneth and trevaileth, for the manifestations of the Son's of God .) Also the pyramid is a type of the city of New Jerusalem, "a city which comes down out of heaven, who's builder and maker is God". It is the "Future home of the Heavenly Bridegroom and the Earthly Bride."
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I see after all this time we have still yet to solve the mysterys of the universe...heck, for that matter we are still on the same old arguments. Ahhh...such is life. Anyway, here goes:

Science does not disprove the creation it actually backs up the "Original" Hebrew Biblical Creation story...A day was not meant as a 24 hour period but translates as an age or period. We have no reason to assume the periods of time were equal (no the sun and moon thing doesnt apply since they werent both created at the very start).THE PROPER TRANSLATION also eludes to seeds not full grown says the waters were to "bring forth movement from a source"..not the same verb as was used in the creation of man. It says there was great chaos and the earth was formed when God moved violently across the face of the deep. Leading one to believe that it was FASHIONED from Something....the form of that something we know not...and It was not a quiet *POOF* magical thing but violent upheaval of a very natural sort.

The Flood
Is scientifically backable and thats pretty old news although I will offer links if you arent able to find them yourself.
As for the plausibility of the Ark We also know it was impossible for ancient man to create StoneHenge..the great pyramids...the pregnancy test...and make detailed accurate maps of the stars with out would be impossible for them to figure the earth was round or create a perfect circle ...Don't We *wink*
There is also the letter from the CIA testifying to haveing possibly found the actuall Ark. The link to that can be searched in the old posts.

The Exodus
There is a great Documentary called Who Was Moses that offers as well as shows the scentific proof that ALL the events of the Exodus very likely occured and tells how. It was natural catastrophys that left very real scientific proof in their wake.

Before I go on let me back up and say...It should not offend a Christian to hear that it happened NATURALY. Nature does not exist seperate from the force that drives it...the energy of life that moves with in all things...the breath that is our spirits...GOD.
He (term used losely) IS the energy that moved upon the face of the deep...he is the power that moves time...he is "I AM"
Once you stop thinking of God in terms of a Man or a being that fits in to your limited ability to percieve you will realize the creation story nor the other storys in the Bible ever...not even once attempted to depict him as some great wizard with a magic wand. As for the simplified depictions of the story the Bible also says "he who has ears let him hear"...and has the added bonus of a nice disclaimer at the begining where the translators aptly apologized for the fact that there was to be much lost in the translation due to incompatibilitys between the languages. You should not NEED God to be some mythical creature looking down from a far to make him impressive enough to take pride in an association.Are not the shear force of the waves crashing on the shore...the miracles of the universe, beauty of the world and the mystery of life awe inspiring enough to bring you to your knees in reverence. God should not be less than He is. It is a spiritual matter.
Genesis 1:31
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

From there to 3:1 it does not state that God made anything NOT good(i.e. the devil). Did evil create itself? If so, then perhaps there is a SECOND creator?
Genesis 9:11
_ And I will establish my covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth.

There have been global floods since then that have killed thousands of people.
Genesis 1:31
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
From there to 3:1 it does not state that God made anything NOT good(i.e. the devil). Did evil create itself? If so, then perhaps there is a SECOND creator?

Genesis 9:11
_ And I will establish my covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth.
There have been global floods since then that have killed thousands of people.


It was said Lucifer was created perfect until inequity was found in him.... that means knowing truth, but doing otherwise.

Satan can't create , but he takes those things God created and perverts them for another purpose - (i.e. changed over to the other side)

There may have been great floods, but none that flooded the entire face of the earth and keep it submerged for an entire year.
This happened because of a catastrophy that threw the entire earth off it's axis 33%. There is scientific evidence to back this up. The bible says before that time it had never even rained, The ground was watered by the principle of condensation due to temperature change when the sun goes down at night. The earth was in perfect balance like a giant teranium.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
It was said Lucifer was created perfect until inequity was found in him.... that means knowing truth, but doing otherwise.

Satan can't create , but he takes those things God created and perverts them for another purpose - (i.e. changed over to the other side)

There may have been great floods, but none that flooded the entire face of the earth and keep it submerged for an entire year.
This happened because of a catastrophy that threw the entire earth off it's axis 33%. There is scientific evidence to back this up. The bible says before that time it had never even rained, The ground was watered by the principle of condensation due to temperature change when the sun goes down at night. The earth was in perfect balance like a giant teranium.

That's really interesting about the earth's axis. Do you have the evidence at hand? BTW, where does is say in the scriptures that Satan is Lucifer?
That's really interesting about the earth's axis. Do you have the evidence at hand?
BTW, where does is say in the scriptures that Satan is Lucifer?

Were Adam and Eve and their descendants before the flood all neanderthals?


Go back a few years and look up the case of the entire woolly mammoth that was found frozen in soild ice still intact.....
Records state it still had fresh sub-tropical fern leaves still in it's mouth. Thats how fast the end came. In some areas that were warm, the tilt moved those places into polar regions ....instantly.

Science also confirms the fact the present day magnetic poles have moved from where they once where.

Also I have the word of a prophet, William Branham, a seer like the old testament prophets. He said this in a sermon titled "Paradox" preached in Bakersfield C.A. in 1964:

In the days of Noah, you remember, it had never rained upon the earth. There'd been no such a thing as rain. The world stood up, straight, just equal with the sun. It was disbelief and disobedience that throwed it out of its cater, makes it lean back, and cause the hot and cold air to bring up the vapor from the seas and make rain.
It had never rained upon the earth. And here comes a man out saying that it's going to rain: strange thing, but it was the Word of the Lord.


Isaiah 14:12-14
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

Luke 10:18 - And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.

2 Corinthians 11:14 - And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

Revelation 12:9 - And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

You do the math............

Also where you see Lucifer saying he "will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north"

You find Satan doing just that....Revelation 2:13 - I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.

This speaks of him taking over the religious systems of the world - particuarly Rome, when the church united with the state and persecuted the real christians to death for their stand on the truth.

Not Adam and Eve, or their true desendants,"the sons of god" no....but the race called the "sons of men", desended from The serpent seduceing Eve, may have been. Or the pure race of the serpents themselves. They were the missing link between man and ape.
My article at the top of this page titled " Pre-flood history and the pyramid" explains it in more detail.
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Regarding Lucifer

In the book of Isaiah before 14:12 in verse 4, God tells Isaiah,

"...that you will take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say:"

and then it continues with what Isaiah has to tell the king of Babylon until we reach verse 12 where we learn who this king of Babylon is, which is Lucifer.

So my conclusion is that Lucifer is NOT Satan, for he is mortal and not an angel. Read over the entire chapter 14 and see if you draw the same conclusion.
and then it continues with what Isaiah has to tell the king of Babylon until we reach verse 12 where we learn who this king of Babylon is, which is Lucifer.

So my conclusion is that Lucifer is NOT Satan, for he is mortal and not an angel. Read over the entire chapter 14 and see if you draw the same conclusion.


The scriptures many times teach truths in the method of "Types and Shadows". This is a type.
The King of Babylon, The king of Tyre..... Satan influences the sons of men, attempting to achieve his goals thru men.
The serpent is many times refered to as "the devil", but the serpent was just an animal that Satan could possess to do his bidding...........

Babylon is used as many diferent types in the bible. The place of the first forced unification of different religions was Babylon, by Nimrod. Babylon is refered to as that great city which sittith on "Seven Hills" in the book of revelation. This city in reality is Rome. The vatican has followed the earlier type set by Babylon in persecuting to death everyone who disagreed with the pope for centuries in what was known as the "Great Inqusition" This is what started the "Dark Ages".
"Mystery Babylon the Great", in Rev 17 is exposed in Rev. 18 as "Babylon the Great, no longer a mystery, because the mysteries today have been revealed to the messenger of the seventh church age, or the seventh angel. Rev. 18 is about today, and the "message" that is calling people out of false religious sysytem.

I don't know what purpose your source has in trying to say Lucifer was mortal........But I assure you it can't be good.
It is an error.
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Originally posted by TheVisitor
I don't know what purpose your source has in trying to say Lucifer was mortal........But I assure you it can't be good.
It is an error.

My source is the Holy Bible, so go figure.
Here are some links that share my conclusion:

However, that does not mean my interpretation of the bible is the correct way, it just means my logic and reasoning differs from yours. You nor I wrote the bible and we can only assume what the author intended to write. If there was only one true and obvious way to interpret the bible then we wouldn't have so many denominations of christianity.
sorry to interrupt...

Genesis 9:11 And I will establish my covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth.

There have been global floods since then that have killed thousands of people.

Perhaps you meant to say local? A "global flood" means worldwide, as in every bit of dry ground engulfed by water. I know at times there many localized areas throughout the world (or globe) that experience flooding but a true global flood means the entire world is underwater.
If there was only one true and obvious way to interpret the bible then we wouldn't have so many denominations of christianity


Good point, there is a way God has chosen, thats through a prophet. He never organized religion, man did. My post "The Message" a few posts back in this same thread (page 3) explains this better.
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Re: Re: Re: Nothing in the dictionry

Originally posted by biblthmp
Christ is a transliteration of the Greek word, that is translated the Annointed one in English, and Messiah in Hebrew.

Yes you are right, however Mashiyach or messiah also means annointed in Hebrew.......This is from Strongs Concordance..........guess I didn't make myself clear :D
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Interpretation of the bible

God sent us the message of Martin Luther with his message, John Wesley, the Pentecostal message, but what did we do with it? The very same thing that they did with that brass serpent; we idolized it, "I belong to this, and I belong to that." You see, you belong to something without the sincerity that's connected with genuine godly worship of the Word.

Now, all they thought they could do was to just go to this snake, or this little thing that God had made out there, had Moses to make and hang on a pole, and they could be healed without any sincerity. They just stood and looked at it. And they got to idolizing it, and God sent a prophet along and destroyed it.