Interpretation of the Bible?

The Bible

Actually, if you apply some science to the Bible, instead of working the two against each other, there are some things that do make sense. In fact, the Catholic church accepted the big bang to be in accordance with biblical scripture-this was in 1951. And God said, Let there be light. This wasn't the light of the sun, which was 4 days later, but my opinion, most likely 4000 years later, 4 million years later or even 4 billion years later. 1 day isn't to be taken literally. The question I have is who or what knew of the big bang 2000 years ago, when Edwin Hubble didn't even come up with the theory until 1929. That's what I question. I don't believe that it's just a coincidence.

I think that all of us are missing something-I don't know what that something is, as of yet, but I do feel we are all missing something-scientists, Christians, etc.
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death sea scroll

Sorry your version of the death sea scrolls must be different than mine because they talk about the claim of a virgin bith not that it was proven and the jewish mesiah is one that they are still waiting for, now this people believes were more down to earth than those of the other sect at the time and the end of time for them were suppose to happend during their life time with the birth of a king, Jesus was not from a line of kings and he never became one either. Is a series of book for the open mided that will be very interesting to read. The hiram key by Christopher knight and Robert Lomas, The blood line of the holy grail by Laurence Gardner, The bible Myth by Gary Greenberg, The bible unearthed, By Israel finkelstein and the Forbidden Archeology by Michael Cremo. I am a believer of a supreme inteligent, all life came from but I do not believe on the religions of the world as to be a fanatic, lots of damage and atrocities has being performed in the name of religion when man discovered that it was a tool to control humanity.
According to Jewish custom, Jesus was decended from King David both legally and biologically. I refer you to for a nice genealogical diagram.

And Jesus is the king of the kingdom of God, otherwise he would not have been put to death, or had any reason to die.

John 18
36Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place."
37"You are a king, then!" said Pilate.
Jesus answered, "You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me."
Originally posted by Jenyar
And Jesus is the king of the kingdom of God, otherwise he would not have been put to death, or had any reason to die.
What? :rolleyes:
He died because what he went around saying was sacreligious and went against the roman church. That "crime" was punishable by death back then.
Jesus christ, whats so hard to understand about that?
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
What? :rolleyes:
He died because what he went around saying was sacreligious and went against the roman church. That "crime" was punishable by death back then.
Jesus christ, whats so hard to understand about that?

that's a good one Lou.

and also, since when is it common practice to kill all Kings ? if jesus claimed to be the king of the kingdom of God it would probably have been more reasonable to put him in the mental asylum than to kill him. Or maybe execution was the mental asylum back then.
He was handed over to the Romans because the Sanhedrin (Jewish court) wanted him dead, since they envied him and were threatened by his authority, but Pilate could find no evidence against him. When the authorities failed to find evidence against him, he was condemned by the populace - by public opinion - and exchanged with a murderer (that was the crime that punishable by death).

So even though he said things that were "sacrilegious" to the synagogue, and suspicious with the romans who did not like his followers calling him "king", he was innocent under all the laws. He was condemned by the Romans for being king of the Jews, and by the Jews for being king of the gentiles (as son of God). Neither believed that both accusations were true, yet he was legally and morally innocent.
Originally posted by Jenyar

So even though he said things that were "sacrilegious" to the synagogue, and suspicious with the romans who did not like his followers calling him "king", he was innocent under all the laws. He was condemned by the Romans for being king of the Jews, and by the Jews for being king of the gentiles (as son of God). Neither believed that both accusations were true, yet he was legally and morally innocent.

but he was king so he was guilty????? i'm confused
yeah but again, exactly how accurate is the bible? In all honesty we really do have no idea. I suspect jesus was killed just for being the creepy cult leader type that he was.
The Romans tried Him for being a Jewish king, when even the Jews denied it. He was innocent of any crime.

Dr. Lou Natic: Suspicion noted.
Originally posted by Jenyar
The Romans tried Him for being a Jewish king, when even the Jews denied it. He was innocent of any crime.

ok..but he certainly behaved suspicious, which would have been good enough reason to kill him in that era?
Not under roman or jewish law. Our legal system today is based on roman law - innocent until proven guilty. And the Sanhedrin had an even more complex procedure of establishing guilt. It needed two or more reliable witnesses. Since Jesus knew the meaning of the laws under which he was to be tried even better than they did, there wasn't any sacrilege except that He was who he said he was - the son of God.
Originally posted by Jenyar
Not under roman or jewish law. Our legal system today is based on roman law - innocent until proven guilty. And the Sanhedrin had an even more complex procedure of establihing guilt. It needed two or more reliable witnesses. They couldn't find any.

but until quite recent it was common to buy witnesses. Maybe that's what happened?
According to the Bible there were bought witnesses, but they were found to be false - remember that quite a few people actually saw him do miracles. I guess their problem that they had too many reliable witnesses.
Originally posted by Jenyar
According to the Bible there were bought witnesses, but they were found to be false - remember that quite a few people actually saw him do miracles. I guess their problem that they had too many reliable witnesses.

Another witness to Jesus birth, message, miracles is found in the Quran. Jenyar, just for curiosity, you seem to be a true christian an knowleagable of the bible, do you find any of the info below contradictory to what is in the bible, new testament? The muslims also deny that Jesus peace be upon him was ever crucified, but that in the maddness of the situation, god confused the people to think that they are killing him, we have no knowledge of what happened to him with the exception that we know he is with god. See below

His Conception is described in 3:45,47 :

Behold! The angels said: "O Mary!"
God gives you glad tidings of a Word from Him:
his name will be Messiah Jesus, the son of Mary,
held in honour in this world and the Hereafter
and of (the company of) those nearest to God."
She said: "O my Lord!
How shall I have a son
when no man has touched me?"
He said: "Even so: God creates what He wills.
When He has decreed a plan, He but says to it,
"Be!" and it is!

The Qur'an confirms that Jesus preached the Gospel, confirming the Law of Moses which preceded him, in 5:46 :

. . . We sent Jesus the son of Mary,
confirming the Law that had come before him.
We sent him the Gospel:
therein was guidance and light,
and confirmation of the Law that had come before him;
a guidance and admonition to those who fear God.

He also performed many miracles in God's name, for example in 3:49 :

"I have come to you, with a Sign from your Lord,
in that I make for you out of clay, as it were,
the figure of a bird, and breathe into it,
and it becomes a bird by God's leave;
and I heal those born blind, and the lepers,
and I quicken the dead, by God's leave"

However, the Qur'an emphatically denies that Jesus ever claimed that he was divine himself. In this passage from 5:116, Jesus is questioned on the Day of Judgement:

And behold! God will say:
"O Jesus the son of Mary! Did you say unto men,
'Worship me and my mother as gods in derogation of God'?"
He will say: "Glory to You!
Never could I say what I had no right (to say) . . .
Never said I to them anything
except what You did command me to say, that is,
'Worship God, my Lord and your Lord'."

As for the crucifixion, this is also emphatically denied in 4:157 :

They [the Jews] said (in boast),
"We killed the Messiah Jesus
his name will be Messiah Jesus, the son of Mary,
the son of Mary, the Messenger of God" -
but they killed him not, nor did they crucify him,
but so it was made to appear to them,
and those who differ therein are full of doubts,
with no (certain) knowledge,
but only conjecture to follow,
for of a surety they killed him not.
Nay, God raised him up unto Himself;
and God is Exalted in Power, Wise.
Originally posted by Jenyar
According to the Bible ...
Jenyar, listen very carefully: IT'S A STORY! It has zero probative value. No one, least of all you, has a clue what Jesus did or said, if anything. Get over it.
Originally posted by ConsequentAtheist
All the information above can be proofed very easily.
Pick one and do it. [/B][/QUOTE]

Originally posted by ConsequentAtheist
All the information above can be proofed very easily.
Pick one and do it. [/B][/QUOTE]

damn...I'm too lazy to actually think about it....How do you proof the existance of anything that happened in the past? I guess you gather evidance and try to relate it to the object of research. You need to isolate all the occurances that could have left similar evidances......and after all that work there will always be doubt and we'll never be able to find the truth with great certainty.....too hard but doable.

But since the bible does not state when the flood happened and does not state the specifics of it like the discharge and water surface elevations, then there is nothing to proof, because we're not sure what magnitude flood are we trying to proof it's occurance. We'll have to take the historical account stated in the bible that some flood of unknown magnitude occured as true.
Originally posted by heflores
damn...I'm too lazy to actually think about it....How do you proof he existance of anything that happened in the past? I guess you gather evidance and try to relate it to the object of research. You need to isolate all the occurances that could have left similar evidances......and after all that work there will always be doubt and we'll never be able to find the truth with great certainty.....too hard but doable.

But since the bible does not state when the flood happened and does not state the specifics of it like the discharge and water surface elevations, then there is nothing to proof, because we're not sure what magnitude flood are we trying to proof it's occurance. We'll have to take the historical account stated in the bible that some flood of unknown magnitude occured as true.

Oh, I am sorry, I must have misunderstood.
I thought you said:

Originally posted by heflores
All the information above can be proofed very easily.

My mistake.:rolleyes: