International Press Conference, Mexican DoD (UFO)

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And people were nominating you to be moderator of this forum!

Stryderunknown said:
1: Balloons launch together in fields during festivals, if you don't believe me check the images or go to one of the many balloon festivals around the country. Which you should do to see the many verious shapes and varieties, perhaps even talk to balloonists that might tell you some stories you want to hear.

That is when they are on the ground.

You will never find a picture of 11 balloons in the sky as close together as these objects are. It would be far to dangerous. A slight wind shift and a disastrous collision could occur.

Stryderunknown said:
As for speed, it's not about what propulsion system uses, it's about what altitude it travels to and what velocity the wind is at that altitude. notibly at high altitudes it's fast and speeds can get

Checkout "Jet Stream" (Covers 250mph winds)

No one in their right mind would fly a balloon (or any aircraft for that matter) in a 250mph wind.

Even if they did, the video of these objects is not consistent with that. You clearly see an ordered, smooth line of flight, not a balloon blowing about wildly in the wind.

Stryderunknown said:
3: A balloon filled with heated air or gas (or helium) is going to cause alterations in the Infrared readout.

You do not seem to be grasping this point.

There is NO balloon in existence that will show up on an infrared camera yet be invisible to the naked eye.

Stryderunknown said:
the balloons are going to be tricked(fitted) out to be unseen by surveillance equipment like Radar or plain spotting by eye. (namely black material and potentially a stealth pod)

You don't seem to understand the current state of aerospace technologies very well. There are materials that can make objects invisible to radar (such was not used here as these objects were detected by the plane's radar). There does not exist any technology that can make any flying object totally invisible to sight, in effect radiating no energy as visible light.

Stryderunknown said:
5: Trained pilots are trained to fly aircraft, that doesn't make them know about everything that flies in the sky. They should have known about "Jet Streams" but they might have only been taught to fly and not about such things.

Oh my God, can you be any more ignorant?

Military pilots receive extensive training on EVERYTHING that is in the sky. Weather balloons, passenger balloons, all manner of aircraft, meteors, atmospheric anomalies, earth lights, missiles and rockets, everything. They are not trained to fly them, but they most certainly know of their existence. You never know what you might encounter during an important flight. They would also be very familiar with wind conditions that might be encountered during flights, including jet streams. Do some basic research next time before spouting such woefully uninformed nonsense.
My "Balloon theory" as you put it, has more Factual evidence pointing towards it being a reality than your "Alien conspiracy theory". Since I've taken the time to look through alot of Ballooning sites, To which I doubt any of you have.

Wheres your proof on any of your counter statements? Do you know how or who was trained, do you know a pilot?, are you a pilot? I would guess no.

Stealthing equipment isn't difficult to make, for instance there are radar jammers, and building a balloon with non-metalic canvasses, rope and non-reflective allows is going to cut down radar to. As for visually seeing them, the Infrared came shows you infrared, If you were to see it the way it was, I would guess you probably wouldn't be able to see what they were because of how dark it was.

As for Basic research, the only people that never do basic research are you lot that complain about skeptics who ask you for "proof" at every opportunity. I'm not posting to create arguement but just to help you all from getting too deluded, otherwise you generate a "Superstring Conspiracy theory", where one conspiracy leads to another and you become schizophrenic.
My "Balloon theory" as you put it, has more Factual evidence pointing towards it being a reality than your "Alien conspiracy theory". Since I've taken the time to look through alot of Ballooning sites, To which I doubt any of you have.

Oh my god, stryder, where is this factual evidence? All you've done is posted pictures of balloons. How do you have the gall to call me close-minded? This is the close-minded skepticism I have seen recently, and it's shocking, it's by YOU!

Since, when did I say it is alien UFO? I in fact said it could be a US classified aircraft. You are the only one being irrational here.
Balloons are factual evidence of Floating Objects with capsules or baskets strapped to the bottom.

Question for you UFO believers, What form of proof would you require to believe it's a balloon? (Other than Roswell, thats been done)
Stryder, I'll believe it is a balloon, when you can prove it is a baloon, and baseless conjecture is not proof. Also, Roswell was not a balloon either. Is this just one of those, "I'm right, you're wrong" things?
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Stryderunknown said:
Wheres your proof on any of your counter statements? Do you know how or who was trained, do you know a pilot?, are you a pilot? I would guess no.

I have heard from pilots on the training they received and I have done research on various people, looked at military records, etc.

Stryderunknown said:
As for visually seeing them, the Infrared came shows you infrared, If you were to see it the way it was, I would guess you probably wouldn't be able to see what they were because of how dark it was.

The incident occurred at 5:00 pm local time. It would hardly be "too dark" to see them at that time.

Stryderunknown said:
I'm not posting to create arguement but just to help you all from getting too deluded

You are past deluded with this balloon theory.
Stryderunknown said:
Other than Roswell, thats been done)

What does Roswell have to do with this event?


You keep bringing up unrelated references to support your incredibly weak theory.

This is simply more evidence of just how weak it is.
"Other than Roswell, thats been done"

I dont think it has?

You would think that the merlin pilots would know the diffrence between a ballon and something else, i think the mexiacan dod would not release something like this if they had any doubts that it is something that doesnt have a mundayne explanation.

Also, how are jets meant to chase and lose contact with balloons?
Ive been channel hoping the news channels and found nothing about this, in desperation i checked a childrens news program (newsround) and they had a bit about it, however the report was complete crap!

Basicly all they said was a ufo enthusiast has released some footage, there was no mention of the mexican dod releasing it accept that is was captured by a military reconisance aircraft.

So basicly it was labeled deluded pap!

If this is the only tv news coverage it will get in the uk ,then whats the bloody point
Come on Stryder, you're making yourself look like an idiot. I am being honest. At best, just say it was a classified aircraft testing advanced propulsion and cloaking technology ;)
Actually Roswell was a Joke, a bit like schizophrenia comment (Although some might differ from that opinion). My reason for jokes is because your defense on it being a UFO is a joke, and again you all seemed to miss one point.

What proof would you require for you to believe it's a balloon?
Star_One said:
"Other than Roswell, thats been done"

I dont think it has?

You would think that the merlin pilots would know the diffrence between a ballon and something else, i think the mexiacan dod would not release something like this if they had any doubts that it is something that doesnt have a mundayne explanation.
Also, how are jets meant to chase and lose contact with balloons?

I would think the Mexican DoD would have investigated this incident fully before going public, and investigated from every angle.

The Secretary of the Defense took notice of Mayor Jasso's report and began a full investigation studying and evaluating every element of the case. Statements of the crew, images, lectures, meassurements of all the equipment as well as a complete evaluation of the meteorological data . The incident was taken very seriously by the Department of Defense Staff and after several weeks of investigation they decided under the command of General Clemente Vega Garcia to contact researcher and tv journalist Jaime Maussan for a special colaboration in this investigation as an experienced researcher in these matters.
Mexican DoD Acknowledges
"What proof would you require for you to believe it's a balloon? "

We get a choice? How about all the "proof" you have, let's just hope it's better than, "airfoce don't know about balloons"

I would also like to ask you a question. If it is proven that the aircraft was real, was using advanced propulsion, and had cloaking technology, you would believe it was aliens?
Why would proof of the technology translate to proof of aliens?

:m: Peace.
FieryIce, you should check:

Advanced propulsion? As pointed out the location on the map exists in alignment with a "Jet Stream" that could take a balloon over Cuba past eastern Florida and even across the Atlantic to West Africa, Why use propulsion that needs a fuel source when you have the wind?

As for "cloaking technology" if it was cloaked, it wouldn't have been spotted now would it?

If you could prove a propulsion system was used (other than alot of hot air), that it was cloaked and the species on board weren't bound by our biosphere laws and conditions, then I 'might' think it alien.
FieryIce said:
I hate to think what all pilots, all Air Force pilots, all Air Force personnel over the globe would do with Stryder, BBH, Skinwalker et. al. if they were mocked like is being done to Mayor Magdaleno Jasso Núñez.

I'm not mocking the Mayor, pal, I'm mocking you. It is interesting that, even as you lump together your casual detractors with the people that are actually arguing coherently, you also lump yourself together with a group of Mexican politicians and pilots.

I would hate to think what all pilots, all Air Force pilots, and all Air Force personnel over the globe if put in the same room as Stryder, BBH, Skinwalker et. al. just what would transpire.

I'm sure they would beat us up. And then you could laugh. And maybe then they would say "That FieryIce sure is cool!" Would you feel vindicated then? Are these your tiny dreams? Have you clenched your fists in private since public school, praying that aliens would show up and torture the people you don't like?

Grow up. Your desire for petty vengeance is consuming you, and you run around like a puppy after people like Norval who promise you a future where you get a shiny rocketship and everyone who was ever mean to you burns in hell. You're one step away from being a born-again Christian fundy.
Advanced propulsion? As pointed out the location on the map exists in alignment with a "Jet Stream" that could take a balloon over Cuba past eastern Florida and even across the Atlantic to West Africa, Why use propulsion that needs a fuel source when you have the wind?

You posted something about 250mph jets streams. Do you know that figher jets can travel at 2000-3000mph, hence if they have to chase it and say all of them are "travelling at tremendous speed" it would not support your jet stream theory, would it? Are you going be rational about this now, or not?

If you could prove a propulsion system was used (other than alot of hot air), that it was cloaked and the species on board weren't bound by our biosphere laws and conditions, then I 'might' think it alien.

Which means if it was not the ballon you seem to think it is, then it is really a flying craft with alien technology, thus you would be willing to entertain the possibility that it is an alien species. I will hold you to your word on this.
The Mexican plane was hardly a jet fighter, It was a Propeller driven Biplane, which have a particular velocity limit and of course they aren't too good in high speed winds.

Plus they probably had a pre-destined flight plan (Like most Aircraft pilots have to state before and during their flight), to deviate from it would require asking ground control permission to deviate.

As for holding me on my word, I am allowing myself to see other possibilities purely not to be tarred hipocritical when it comes to a fact I take for granted being wrong. This is something that others should also potentially accustomise to for themselves, such as the factor when its proven that its not a UFO and not piloted by an alien.
Stryderunknown said:
What proof would you require for you to believe it's a balloon?

Answer me this. If these object are obviously balloons, why are you the only one so far ANYWHERE to postulate such an explanation.

Show me anyone else who agrees with you, even one.
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