International Press Conference, Mexican DoD (UFO)

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an>roid.v2 said:
But the basket area/distance from the main structure of both types differ drastically, as you can easily spot. Besides, if reflected heat from the spheres is illuminating the baskets (and distorting them) then why aren't the cones also being illuminated (and distorted)?

As to the former, I don't see what you're referring to, though I might remind you that the images aren't of visual spectrum, but of thermal/infrared. One also cannot equate brightness with amount of heat. It is the contrasts of temperature which the FLIR will show, making some objects very easy to discern, but others difficult because of temperature consistencies. It could very well be that the "illumination" of the area below is not a reflection at all but IR emanating from the baskets themselves. Or it could be a combination of both.

Having viewed many objects (natural, manmade and man) through various IR and thermal devices, I long ago learned not to accept what I saw at face value. I've seen cows in the right profile appear to be people and people appear as animals. I once observed a pair of people carrying a third which looked for all the world like horse walking sideways. The trick to it is experience and experimentation. The balloon hypothesis, as far as the two objects are concerned, is a testable one for anyone with a FLIR. I'd say that there are without a doubt those that have already observed known balloons in FLIR that could corroborate or falsify the hypothesis. The UFO hypothesis is non-falsifiable and not testable...
Hey Skins!
Hows it going?
Whats your take.
Balloons or what?
I am waiting to see what this other 10 minutes of video is going to show.
Hey Skin, do you remember the phenomenon "The pheonix lights"
I'll see if I can post it.
If you just type in cnn ufos in google its the first one about clintons ex associate causing a shit storm. If you get a chance take a look.
You might remember what any of the conclusions were about that one.
I can't remember what came of that.
Your probly the only intelligent skeptic I admire.
Just cause your damn good at it! :D
Thanks in advance.
I never stated that I accepted those appearances. Only that I acknowleged them. In fact, that I know what the real sources were for the apparent images is enough to offer credibility to the fact that I investigated further than first appearances rather than return back to my unit with stories of sideways-walking livestock.
This is great news, however in 1991 belgium f16's caught a ufo(pulling of EXTREME manuveres) on radar, this moved the belguim airforce to call a press confernce and let everyone know that anomolous objsects are flying around the sky in belgium.

That conference seems o have been ignored, it wouldnt surprise me if this news will be as well.

It will probably take something to actualy land in the middle of new york before people take note
As people have said, large groups of hot air balloons don't tend to follow and circle speeding jets. I can't imagine why :rolleyes:

This is no where near the most convincing ufo footage out there, I mean, it is in no way unconvincing but there are thousands of pieces of footage like this, and thousands much stranger. There are plenty of pieces of footage made in the daytime that make a mockery of multi million dollar special effects.
UFO's are a fact, them being alien spacecraft is not. Its just a pretty good guess if you have to make one.
Star_One said:
It will probably take something to actualy land in the middle of new york before people take note
That would certainly be more convincing than "something" make cryptic designs in farmer John's cornfield during the dark of night.

;) Peace.
lol you have a point :D ....

Did military jets chase the objects????

"The plane's captain, Maj. Magdaleno Castanon, said the military jets chased the lights "and I believe they could feel we were pursuing them."
Dr lou for moderator!
*quick advertisement from M7* :D
Anyone famaliar with the Disclosure project?
Well it seems that there is finally some actions being done in the courts.
Finally. Its only been three years. I'm not getting any younger, I am getting better looking however. :D
The shit is going to hit the fan!!
Off topic, but what the hell is the government going to say when all of this comes out, what is going to be their excuse for witholding all of the evidence up until now?
I mean really, I guess were just going to have to bend over and take it as usual :rolleyes: .
Blah Blah---verbal enima!

Just awnsered my own question through some searching.
I guess it is because of the energy source available from these E.T.s that will in one big swoop change our whole economic sysytem.
Go figure.
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moementum7, what I find lacking in logic of this non-disclosure from agencies is the entire concept of what will the people do when they find out? Or, how are the people going to react? The longer this goes on the more severe the answers to those questions is going to be.
Why can't they just get over it, get over their inflated perception of themselves and just release the information, let the chip fall as they may but get over themselves and move on.

With that said, I did a few searches this morning for news coverage and this is what I have found so far:

Reuters covered the article under Technology & Science, Science
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Shanghai Daily
Reuters, UK
Yahoo News, Mexico Air Force Video Creates UFO Stir

It is totally illogical to even consider balloons, even balloons of the best design. Is it just an American thing for explanations of aerial unknowns to be balloons?
QUOTE “Mexico has a long history of fanciful UFO sightings, most of which are dismissed by scientists as space debris, missiles, weather balloons, natural weather phenomena or hoaxes. “ END QUOTE

This is like a “disclaimer” to the whole story, reminds me of Persol, Goofy, Skinny, and Balloon Trafficking Stryder,,, FOCLMFAO
Just to let you skeptics know, were ready to openly point at you, and laugh at you ;) You will eat all your own words, along with your excrement.
However, some points you may need to take into consideration:

1. This maybe covered up by the Mexican government on the orders of the US

2. They maybe revealed to be classified US aircraft, which will directly prove, US had this advanced propulsion technology, that has been claimed for a long time.

Either way, it's a spike in the coffin of the skeptics. Just be aware, as full disclosure may just be around the corner, and on that day, be ready to tear the skeptics apart :)
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Those photos are pretty bad. Can't tell what it is, for all we know they are airplanes flow by humans. Until better evidence of there structure and flight profile come up then.

I have always believed in aliens, just not ones in the local area and anal probing us. I have always believed the military could be working all kinds of top-secret projects, just none involving aliens. But disclose of aliens and secret agreements with aliens by the world government, never. The day that happens is the day hell freezes over and I can go ice skating!
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Think about this. Infrared picked them up, but they were not visible to the naked eye, even though they were there. Have you ever taken a camcorder, and pointed a TV Remote Control at it, holding down the channel button, while looking through the viewfinder of the camera? You will see the infrared light through the viewfinder, even though you can't see it with the naked eye. This may explain the large amount of sightings that are caught on tape, yet no visual contact was ever made with the naked eye.

I'll be interested to see what the U.S. Government has to say about this case, especially since it is coming directly from the mouth of the Mexican Air Force.
Comment, 5-12-4

This is exactly the reaction I would expect now that people are privy to who is using what tactics.

Good post Mikey, but I think even more severe.
Time grows VERY SHORT.The Powder Keg

Just imagine me sitting on a powder keg watching the fuse slowly burn. All you so called de-bunkers and pseudo science critique types standing around with your mouths hanging open.

I calmly pull out a smoke and reaching down I use the end of the fuse to light up. Smiling at all your faces with that doomed look of frustration. “Disclosure is inevitable”, I say as I take a long drag and pull the smoke deep into my lungs. Just watching the looks on your faces makes my heart very warm.

Reaching down for that slowly burning fuse I set the hot coal of my smoke against it. Only much closer to the powder keg and smile as the fuse starts burning closer. Watch em run now.

Some just can’t handle the truth as it makes them out to be what they really are.
Cowards and slanderers It is with great satisfaction I watch the developments over the past thirty years on these topics.

Time grows VERY SHORT.
Bravo Craterchains! Encore!

Everything you said, the way you said it, is oozing with truth. In reality these characters that call themselves skeptics, are in reality slanderers, trolls, fools and pseudo-intellectuals, yet they think they are intellectuals. As time runs out, and disclosure nears, just watch how their disguise falls off, stripping them down to their mousehood. It is then, where all will gather around them, and laugh and openly point at them, and laugh. I say to you "believers" be prepared to tear them apart on the day and be ruthless and unforgiving on that day :)
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Fiiiiieryyyyy... you asked for this one, after that formate biz.

The region does'nt register volcanic activity nor teutonics movements.

Dictionary: Teutonic
Of or relating to the ancient Teutons.
Of or relating to the Germanic languages or their speakers.

Perhaps their German sensors aren't sensitive enough.

All I have to say is:

Hast Du etwas Zeit für mich
Dann singe ich ein Lied fuer Dich
Von 99 Luftballons
Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont
Denkst Du vielleicht grad' an mich
Dann singe ich ein Lied fuer Dich
Von 99 Luftballons
Und dass sowas von sowas kommt

99 Luftballons
Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont
Hielt man fuer UFOs aus dem All
Darum schickte ein General
Eine Fliegerstaffel hinterher
Alarm zu geben, wenn es so war
Dabei war da am Horizont
Nur 99 Luftballons

99 Duesenjaeger
Jeder war ein grosser Krieger
Hielten sich fuer Captain Kirk
Das gab ein grosses Feuerwerk
Die Nachbarn haben nichts gerafft
Und fuehlten sich gleich angemacht
Dabei schoss man am Horizont
Auf 99 Luftballons

99 Kriegsminister
Streichholz und Benzinkanister
Hielten sich fuer schlaue Leute
Witterten schon fette Beute
Riefen: Krieg und wollten Macht
Mann, wer haette das gedacht
Dass es einmal soweit kommt
Wegen 99 Luftballons

99 Jahre Krieg
Liessen keinen Platz fuer Sieger
Kriegsminister gibt es nicht mehr
Und auch keine Duesenflieger
Heute zieh ich meine Runden
Seh die Welt in Truemmern liegen
Hab' nen Luftballon gefunden
Denk' an Dich und lass' ihn fliegen

This radio transcript from the early '80s CLEARLY shows a GERMAN plan to create paranoia and incite war by using BALLOONS. Now the evidence is CLEARLY BEFORE US of an insidious group of GERMAN BALLOONISTS stirring up trouble in MEXICO.

And what is FieryIce's response?

The region does'nt register volcanic activity nor teutonics movements.


Does this mean that poor young Fiery has been taken in by their vicious lies? Or is she IN ON THE CONSPIRACY? You decide!
Looks at the above post,,,, coughs.
The mark of all great conspiracies is the corruption of common knowledge.

Keep going BBH and Stryder, et all

SkinWalker said:
The whole story from Mexico has the appearance of people seeking the limelight.

This is even more absurd than the balloon theory.

You debunkers have really outdone yourselves on this one.

The researcher who reported this was contacted by the Mexican Air Force. This story comes from them and no one else. Are you telling me the Mexican AF concocted this whole scenario to "seek the limelight?"

Totally ridiculous.
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