International Press Conference, Mexican DoD (UFO)

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The one thing that was totally missed by BBH was:

The Secretary of the Defense took notice of Mayor Jasso's report and began a full investigation studying and evaluating every element of the case. Statements of the crew, images, lectures, meassurements of all the equipment as well as a complete evaluation of the meteorological data . The incident was taken very seriously by the Department of Defense Staff and after several weeks of investigation they decided under the command of General Clemente Vega Garcia to contact researcher and tv journalist Jaime Maussan for a special colaboration in this investigation as an experienced researcher in these matters.

Need I say say more than just just quote the facts?
Norval said:
The mark of all great conspiracies is the corruption of common knowledge.

Like the "common knowledge" that the apocalypse is just around the corner? You're not the only one saying that the world is going to end for the unrighteous, in fact you're part of a large, cacophonous chorus.

Fluid1959 told us that the Mars Rover was going to catalyze the Disclosure once it arrived on Mars, and that all the non-believers were going to be sorry.

It never ... quite happened, if you recall.

I am actually most interested to find out how believing in alien presence on our planet would help anyone when the aliens finally show themselves. Won't it all be moot at that point? Especially considering the violent imagery you throw around? Or do the bad aliens only kill people who don't denounce them? Or do the good aliens kill the people who were tricked?

Or is it just a mild paradigm shift, such as going from believing that the world is run by rich old men to believing that it's run by rich old aliens? Most people won't have a real hard time making that leap... I mean, if they're gonna tell us and all.
<IMG SRC="Http://">

Fly above there in the dark, and tell me that you wouldn't be surrounded, or feel you were being "chased". Remember chasing is a relativistic statement, and if you can't ID one "Object" who's to say that the one you see behind you is the same one.

I did say drug traffickers could use the method to shift drugs, or even people.

However I also mentioned from seeing on a site that mentioned Helium use in balloons, that the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) Uses Helium balloons and satellite equipment to help detect drug traffickers.

Also Helium balloons are inflated and then enclosed (they tie a knot in them so to speak) this means the balloons can be any shape, and netting can be used to keep the Ball like balloon in place, especially when you look at the High Wind speeds they are aiming for. Look at the location on a map and check out the local contour areas, my presumption is the take off spot would be Flat for the number of balloons with a mountain nearby to gain altitude quickly.

Also identify the wind speeds for that altitude, they aren't gentle up their. They are Fast and thats the reason why some aircraft don't go about certain altitudes because of the forces those winds cause on them.

As for why a canopied pod strapped below, that altitude is also very cold and there would also be oxygen problems, so if people were on board a pod would be needed. (Although if it was DEA equipment it's more likely to be just protected electronics equipment that can be picked up by boat later)

Oh and as I mentioned previously, Japan launched a Balloon bomb attack on America during WW2, but I think only 4-6 people were killed and that was only from poking at one that had crash landed.

(In fact all the original UFO sightings around that period would have been bombs, but as you should be aware the Mass Hysteria of such acts would of caused problems so a silent shroud befell the truth.)

You said I was being close-minded to the skeptic point of view, yet here you are heralding this rather ridiculous baloon theory you have concoted, simply from what you seen in the released videos, and sticking to it, even though it does not concur with any of the facts. Is that not close-minded?
The Humanlike Robot said:
If anybody, besides the I-want-to-believe-sympatizers, will be impressed by the Mexican Air Force video, it'll be insiders, ufologists, specialists, real balloonists and fellow-pilots who are in a better position to discern accuracys — not the mob and blue-heads-in-the-sand.

If you think I posted in this thread for any other reason than to make a joke, you are sadly mistaken. Let the experts do their experting; let them interpret correctly or incorrectly. In twenty years time little will have changed, people will still be posting their UFO videos, and people like Norval and Mikey will still be telling us that the Apocalypse is going to be here "Real Soon."
Stryderunknown said:
Fly above there in the dark, and tell me that you wouldn't be surrounded

Those balloons seem pretty visible to me.

These objects were not. They were only detected by an infrared camera and by radar. They emitted no visible light.

Sorry, your hopeless explanation loses. Again.
CrazyMikey, I'm not being closed minded, you show me something that doesn't fit the current balloon framework and I'll open up to it, but until then, there balloons, just balloons and nothing but balloons.

(Feel a bit like Fluid must repeating it though)

Oh and the picture of balloons are Commerical ones, not Clandestine ones for catching smugglers or smuggling.
I think, all of us, including the "believers" should not jump to conclusions just yet, and wait for what the Mexian Air force divulges.
Stryderunknown said:
In fact all the original UFO sightings around that period would have been bombs

Do you have a single piece of evidence to support this conclusion?

Have you personally investigated every single sighting of that period and found each one perfectly explained by a bomb?

Have you identified which bombs resulted in which sightings?

It's ill-informed and far reaching conclusions like this that are the bane of UFO debunkers.
Stryderunknown, you are not being close-minded, yet you are saying it is a baloon, simply because you think it is? That is being close-minded.
coolmacguy said:
Do you have a single piece of evidence to support this conclusion?

Have you personally investigated every single sighting of that period and found each one perfectly explained by a bomb?

Have you identified which bombs resulted in which sightings?

It's ill-informed and far reaching conclusions like this that are the bane of UFO debunkers.

Well coolmac, it seems like Stryderunknown does not need evidence, rather just a hypothesis - an idea, that does not need to be tested.
<IMG SRC="Http://">
You can find countless instances of pictures on google of Rounded balloons, notibly I did a "helium Balloon" search.

Haven't any of you ever watched the film "Terminal Velocity"? I only mention that as thats what game the idea for drug traffickers using non-metalic rig systems.
(Btw, I did a bit more research on the DEA's type of balloon, however that is a "Blimp")

Will answer your 6 points in a moment.
Stryderunknown said:
You can find countless instances of pictures on google of Rounded balloons, notibly I did a "helium Balloon" search.

What does that have to do with this incident. The objects are not balloons and look nothing like them. They have a rounded shape. That is the ONLY similarity.

Stryderunknown said:
Haven't any of you ever watched the film "Terminal Velocity"?

What does that have to do with any of this? This incident is reality, not fantasy.

1: Balloons launch together in fields during festivals, if you don't believe me check the images or go to one of the many balloon festivals around the country. Which you should do to see the many verious shapes and varieties, perhaps even talk to balloonists that might tell you some stories you want to hear.

2: Again balloons taking off will surround anything thats flying through the field at which they were inflated, As for speed, it's not about what propulsion system uses, it's about what altitude it travels to and what velocity the wind is at that altitude. notibly at high altitudes it's fast and speeds can get

Checkout "Jet Stream" (Covers 250mph winds)

3: A balloon filled with heated air or gas (or helium) is going to cause alterations in the Infrared readout. As for drawing the shape to it, Look very carefully at the un-drawn version which I left so people could examine what they could see for themselves.

4: As I've mentioned again and again, if people want to do something from these balloons thats either illegal because they didn't tell the authorities that they were going up in their airspace or because they intend to do something criminal like drug/people running, then the balloons are going to be tricked(fitted) out to be unseen by surveillance equipment like Radar or plain spotting by eye. (namely black material and potentially a stealth pod)

5: Trained pilots are trained to fly aircraft, that doesn't make them know about everything that flies in the sky. They should have known about "Jet Streams" but they might have only been taught to fly and not about such things.

6: personal attacks based upon someone giving a different opinion from the rest of you isn't exactly a reason why it's not a balloon.

I'm not suggesting the uncapsulated enviroment would be used at high altitudes, since the temperature/windspeed and oxygen content wouldn't be hospitable. So I suggest a capsulated system or module like is used with high altitude ballooning, Perhaps even Atlantic travelling capacity.

I honestly cannot imagine anything more ridiculous,

1. Many balloons, to give the feeling of chasing
2. Balloons are moving fast due to wind speed
3. Fighter jets, and advanced detection equipment do not detect them as balloons, because it too dark.
4. Drug's being smuggled on balloons

5: Trained pilots are trained to fly aircraft, that doesn't make them know about everything that flies in the sky. They should have known about "Jet Streams" but they might have only been taught to fly and not about such things.

Actually trained pilots know about balloons, and other types of flying aircraft. That was beyond silly.

As coolmac said, you skeptics really have outdone yourself this time.
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Trained pilots can't pilot balloons without different training. What you are suggesting is that a pilot that fly's a small two person propellor bi-plane, can just dive into a balloon, a Commerical Airline Superbus or Helicopter and pilot it, but the fact is they can't. It's a bit like saying you know how to ride a bike, and it automatically means you know about every other road vehicle and how to drive them.
I hate to think what all pilots, all Air Force pilots, all Air Force personnel over the globe would do with Stryder, BBH, Skinwalker et. al. if they were mocked like is being done to Mayor Magdaleno Jasso Núñez. The FLIR operator Lt. Mario Adrián Vázquez and RADAR operator Lt. German Ramirez, all of them members of the 501 Aerial Squadron, not to mention even General Clemente Vega Garcia, Secretary of Defense and his major staff.

I would hate to think what all pilots, all Air Force pilots, and all Air Force personnel over the globe if put in the same room as Stryder, BBH, Skinwalker et. al. just what would transpire.

Trained pilots can't pilot balloons without different training. What you are suggesting is that a pilot that fly's a small two person propellor bi-plane, can just dive into a balloon, a Commerical Airline Superbus or Helicopter and pilot it, but the fact is they can't. It's a bit like saying you know how to ride a bike, and it automatically means you know about every other road vehicle and how to drive them

I can't believe you are still holding onto this baloon theory. I mean come on, be skeptical, but don't be brain dead. Pilots are not trained to pilot baloons, but seriously, it does not take much to pilot a baloon. Further still, even if they are not trained to pilot baloons, they know what a baloon looks like, and what a flying aircraft looks like, and if they are telling you what they say was a flying unknown aircraft? Why are you telling them it was a baloon :D
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