International Press Conference, Mexican DoD (UFO)

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The Mexican plane was hardly a jet fighter, It was a Propeller driven Biplane, which have a particular velocity limit and of course they aren't too good in high speed winds.

Please confirm that it was a propeller driven bi-plane, and cite the speed limit of a propeller driven bi-plane.

You still have not proved it was a baloon.
The C-26 has a top speed of ~450mph. Much faster than the jet streams. I wouldn't count on the Mexcian Air Force to have anything flying faster than 1000mph.
Isn’t it fascinating that the “balloons” were surrounding a jet at close proximity yet they could not see them out the windows? They were on ground tracking and on all the sensors aboard the plane, but were invisible to the eye? Now that I find very interesting.

OHHHhhhhhhhh god my sides hurt. Then we have Big butt head reacting like lucifer in front of god or something

C 26 Metroliner Fairchild

Small narrative about Flying in Jet Streams

A good source for Streams on/around March 5th this year can be found here:

Also if they were in such close proximity, Why did they have to use a ZOOM to spy them?

Btw, Jet Stream speeds on the day in question were up to 170mph in places, although I would suggest the balloons were just getting into the tail end circa 70-90mph.

Will cover that data in a moment or two.
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---"Just watched the video. But if they were balloons, wouldn't there be a bulb-like thing tugging something along at an angle, considering the velocity they're apparently flying at, as perceived by the passing clouds? Come on, they're smoothly swooping through the clouds -- not simply gliding. "

Balloons never "tow" along their gondola at an angle, both gondola and balloon move along with the wind, no matter how fast the wind is. Also, those "gondolas" are too large in relation to the "balloon".

Anyway, wow, this is a very interesting phenomenon!
Stryderunknown, do you have any proof they were ballons? You are steadifast it was a balloon, yet have absolutely no proof, and even the links you are citing, clearly show that the C - 26 travel far faster than a jet-stream and if they called it "tremendously fast" I'm sure they've seen F-16's before, and if they call this UFO tremendously fast, then what do they call F-16's? And you don't use your common sense, that if they were balloons they would not do what they have been reported to, and they would easily be detected, especially with the so called hi-tech equipment the Mexian airforce had. If your theory doesn't work, drop it, and try and find one that does, don't be a stubborn child and scream, "No i'm right; you're all wrong" it makes you look like you're stupid. And you're not.
Mikey said:
Then we have Big butt head reacting like lucifer in front of god or something

And shall I be hurled headlong from the ethereal sky with hideous ruin and combustion?

BTW, which one of you is God, you or Fiery? You, I suppose. Heh.
Don't get too mad here guys but:

Between the 3rd and 5th of March 2004, There was the Mexican Business Aviation Show at Toluca, Mexico.

By my calculations its almost nearly in perfect alignment with the direction at which the airforce guys were looking (other than they were a little more north but in alignment with the direction that the hot air balloons might close the show with a mass send off and catch the Jet stream)

This particular business show had such companies as "Janes" there, which means that some of the things on show in the business world would potentially be kept from the public to begin with.
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The C-26A is the civilian equivalent of the Fairchild Metro III with the C-26B being equivalent to the Fairchild Metro 23. The C-26B(CD) [Counter Drug] and the UC-26 are National Guard Bureau aircraft used to support the Air National Guard in drug control operations.

The aircraft represents an on-call, rapid response

C-26A is the civilian equivalent of the Fairchild Metro III

Your Government Will Inform You Of What You Need To Know. Until You Are Told Otherwise You Should Carry On As If It Were Normal. Go About Your Business And Your Work. Continue To Read Your Bibles And Watch Television. There Is No Reason To Worry At This Time Folks, Just Another Sighting. Everything Is Under Control. :cool:
We are making this material available in its efforts to advance the understanding of environmental issues and sustainability, human rights, economic and political democracy, and issues of social justice. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of the copyrighted material as provided for in Section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use such copyrighted material for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use' must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

Fair Use

I have not violated the Fair Use, Copyright. I am not taking putting up these posts from my own advantage, like taking the crap off of ones like BBH, Stryder et. al. is for my own good. The information I have posted is to get it out to more readers. So Fair Use is not violated.
Actually it wasn't the Fair use section I meant, I was pointing more the the relevance of whether they care if it's factual, or even what they would do about it if it isn't factual.
FieryIce said:
I did a few searches this morning for news coverage and this is what I have found so far:

Reuters covered the article under Technology & Science, Science
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Shanghai Daily
Reuters, UK
Yahoo News, Mexico Air Force Video Creates UFO Stir

It is totally illogical to even consider balloons, even balloons of the best design. Is it just an American thing for explanations of aerial unknowns to be balloons?

Well then Stryder, if is not sufficient enough for you then try my earlier post.
Stryderunknown said:
Don't get too mad here guys but:

Between the 3rd and 5th of March 2004, There was the Mexican Business Aviation Show at Toluca, Mexico. By my calculations its almost nearly in perfect alignment with the direction at which the airforce guys were looking (other than they were a little more north but in alignment with the direction that the hot air balloons might close the show with a mass send off and catch the Jet stream)

This particular business show had such companies as "Janes" there, which means that some of the things on show in the business world would potentially be kept from the public to begin with.

By my calculations its almost nearly in perfect alignment with the direction at which the airforce guys were looking (other than they were a little more north but in alignment with the direction that the hot air balloons might close the show with a mass send off and catch the Jet stream)

Your calculations! Right you actually know the direction in which they were looking, and the direction in which this airshow took place, and you're ignorant enough, to think the Mexian Air force would not know about it, and you think this airshow would be at night, with a damn hot air balloon as a finale, that then suddenly is encapsulated by a jet stream that shoots it at 100 mph through the sky, and C-26, travelling at 500 mph, would call it "tremendously" fast. Do you do this with anything that comes in your head, refuse to let go of it and dismiss everything that doesn't help it.
Actually yes, Check the pictures from your belowed, you'll notice a GPS location for the aircraft and a direction and angle at which their camera was looking. (-133deg)

The location of Toluca is south of the direction specified. In fact the direction looked on the map points directly towards a jetstream that at it's fastest point was 170mph, and at the crude map with the directional bearing suggests anything flying would come across it.

Business Airshows also tend to show off their warez, which means stuff that is in prototype stages, therefore a plane not keeping up with something thats faster or potentially built for speed and stealth would be understood.

Again you state that they were following, trailing or encircling the plane (which is without any proof or evidence), however the very footage shows the balloons at a distance. According to the map the distance could be about 400-500miles from their position. This would make sense considering the altitude they were at and the angle to which they were viewing.

As for the Mexican airforce not being told, Why should they its a Civilian business show, with private charters and flight plans, not military ones.
As for the Mexican airforce not being told, Why should they its a Civilian business show, with private charters and flight plans, not military ones.

If everything else you said so far, was not ignorant and light-headed enough, this really takes the cake. You do not think the Mexian airforce monitor their own air space, and you don't think civilian air shows have to take permission to use the air space, and you think ballons will be used as a finale in an airshow at night time!

You're so convinced, you're even calling these unidentified crafts balloons now and even have the audacity to say "there is no proof" to those UFO's circling around the C-26. You're too close-minded to continue this particular discussion with Sryder. It's very ironic, how we have to provide you mountains of evidence to prove a case for you, yet you say "no proof" yet here you are with absolutely nothing, with a bad idea, and nothing to support it but flawed and ignorant thinking, and yet calling it proof.

You have perfectly demonstrated how poorly thought out the skeptic explanations have always been. This only shows how strong our case is, compared to your, "balloon, flares, frisbees, neon lights" theories.
Any military pilot, even if they are mexican, can tell the difference between a balloon or known type of aircraft, and something unknown. Finally we have here credible witnesses to a UFO. Balloons would not chase the plane, and could also be easily tracked from the ground, so someone could follow up that angle. Wether they come from outer space is another matter entirely. The grouping of the objects seems strange, why two groups of three?
Mikey, there isn't proof that they were encircled. there's proof they saw something, there's proof that it was distant however there's no proof to it being in close vacinity, to say it was in close proximity without proper proof is just rhetoric from your consistancy.
Mikey, there isn't proof that they were encircled

I'm sorry, but did the account not mention the crafts encircled them, or did I just imagine that?

At the middle of a complete confusion and disconcert among the C26A crew the unknown objects suddenly made a maneuver surrounding the mexican Air Force airplane in a circle at close range. The RADAR and FLIR presented an insolit image of an eleven objects near by in a circle formation around the Merlin C26A. The situation turned out of control.
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