International Press Conference, Mexican DoD (UFO)

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Firstly May seems to be the month that Ballooners start off to float across the skies in their droves.

Secondly Mexico has a very long running history with hot air balloons:

This one is a dateline of aeronautics over Mexico

Also checkout:
A nice little map on that page showing the route that some "Round the world ballooners" would have taken, and it goes over Mexico.

This last link is extremely concerning with the world in it's current predicament:
Balloon bombs of world war II
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It was during this round and round maneuvers to identify these two objects that something amazing happened. In a matter of seconds more unknown objects arrived to the scene and the disconcert of the C26A crew was total.
Mexican DoD Acknowledges

When did balloons become as maneuverable as jet fighter plane "at 10,500 feet"?
Hello friends. I have been away, but only tend to visit UFO issues when something is happening. Otherwise, you are almost staring at the water waiting for it to boil ya know.

And so.., this is what is happening. The situation in the Middle East has reached such a level that it is dominating the news. The murder of the American trying to find a job in communications on top of the senate hearings this morning made my day off mind boggling.

Hence, I am bored reading around and come across this:

and the this:

This video is 15 minutes long according to CNN. I want to see it, how bout you? Anyone who could provide a link..., it would be appreciated. I think we have something here folks. As the pilots yell out, "we are not alone." Woohoo.
If you look at the static picture I embedded into one of the posts, it clearly shows a basket, and if you watch carefully as they move at velocity, you can see the basket being toed.

I mentioned that one particular round the world event followed a particular path (Notibly a path at which winds blow at 10-12km Alt. called the "Jet Stream", since it's a balloon race):
Particular this image:
<IMG SRC="">

Now cross that with a Map of LAT N 18deg 26.56' LON W -90Deg 46.02'
And you get this:
<IMG SRC="Http://">

Just looking up some info on Helium to explain what you see through infrared, when I came across this:
Apparently the DEA uses Radar detectors on balloons around the boarders of the US to catch Drug Traffickers.
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Stryder, I respect your skeptic evaluation of this and look forward to more contrary opinions as the facts unfold here. Case in point, there are basket looking things below the objects as you stated. However, this video is 15 minutes long and has been reviewed by the US DoD. Lets just hope they or even Mexican military would let us know it was balloons before sending it out to CNN.

I would agree with others here as of yet that they seem to be travelling in formation clearly and at speeds more consistent with the aircraft which was trying to follow them. We seriously need the whole video to understand what happened.

What should be in the whole video is the objects speeding off at speeds beyond our technology and then returning invisible and surrounding the Mexican aircraft. CNN states the UFOs did apparently surround the aircraft. went into more detail, which I am skeptical of. I would like to see the whole video to confirm that the pilots did in fact get stressed and turned their lights off in an effort to rid the plane of the UFOs surrounding it.

P.S. My 2nd link didn't work, but so you know ABC news did a story on it tonight despite the fact that it didn't really need a fluff news story.
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The airplane was under the command of Mayor Magdaleno Jasso Núñez. The FLIR operator was Lt. Mario Adrián Vázquez and the RADAR operator Lt. German Ramirez, all of them members of the 501 Aerial Squadron.



The located zone was in optimal meteorological conditions, winds no bigger than 35 kms. / hour, relative humidity of 72% and a temperature average of 34° C. At 10,500 Fts. temperature average -27° C and a visibility average of 96%.

The region does'nt register volcanic activity nor teutonics movements. There was not detection of electric current storage and distribution of importance.

On the basis of the previous thing there were not found sources of electric magnetic phenomenons by electric centrals or sismic movements. There were not found posibilities of any Ball of Fire effect caused by volcanic activity.

There were not registries of solar storms in that moments or relevant solar explosions. Therefore the posibilities of ionization luminic effects like St. Elmo Fire or electric storms were discarded. Study and Analisis elaborated by Rodolfo Garrido Cotham according to the Merlin C26A digital equipment data.


Waiting for the download of the videoooo.
Taking forever..........
The sad thing is, I wish I would be able to get more enjoyment in saying....
I told you so! :D
I really have to feel sorry for all these skeptics.
But I guess they are getting their fair share of the laughs before hand.

It's funny, I almost wish there wasn't E.T.
It sure would make life more simple.
As long as they don't fuck with my schedule. :D
Come on download!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

Thanks for all the effort Stryder.
why does an unidentified flying object instantly becomes an object flown by some space aliens? :rolleyes:
edit: downloading the vid
but I think the pic showing baloon baskets below is a strong point for the baloon explanation
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I don't know, why does it?
Actually,to me it seems like every unidentified object is a ballon. :D
then what do you think are those baskets below the objects? space probes?
and 11 000 feet isn't that much for a baloon, a baloon can fly up to the very edge of our atmosphere
First I will just say that while I harbor no ill will towards UFO skeptics and their viewpoints, this balloon thing is so absurd that it really is incredibly sad.

To anyone dumb/gullible enough to buy this nonsense, please consider the following:

1. There were eleven objects detected, all traveling at very close range. Balloons do not do this, as it is far to dangerous.

2. These objects surrounded a jet aircraft and matched its velocity for several minutes. Please show me any balloon that can travel several hundred miles per hour. If you watch the video, you can see this motion yourself.

3. The images recorded do not remotely resemble a balloon. There are two lights on some of the objects. Stryder drew a silhouette around them with the shape of a balloon. That is not what was seen. The video shows these objects at very close range. No balloon is decipherable. Also, please show me any balloon or device that can produce the level of illumination these objects had while totally masking the shape and features of the balloon.

4. While the images recorded on the infrared camera clearly show the objects, the pilots were unable to see them. The report stated they made several maneuvers to try to gain visual contact with the objects but were unsuccessful. Please show me any balloon that can become invisible.

5. Trained pilots as well as high ranking Mexican generals remain baffled as to the origin of these objects. They have made no statement to the effect that these objects could even possibly be balloons. They found no resemblance. Does Stryder actually think he is more qualified to judge the appearance or origin of anomalous aerial vehicles?

6. There has been extensive discussion of this case today in many places on the net, much of which I have read. The ridiculous "balloon" explanation has surfaced in none of these so far except on this forum. It is a figment of Stryder's imagination, nothing more.

Just to clarify, I am not saying these objects represent alien spacecraft. Clearly that would be presumptuous at this point. What we do have is a legitimate unknown, an unidentified. The balloon explanation does not even come close to fitting the facts of this case. It is therefore not a reasonable explanation.
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After seeing the video, why the fuck with all of that technology for imagery we cant get any close ups.
Come on!
We can see moons on other planets but cant read the license plate of those objects!!!
I'm disaponited.
Still interesting.
And I still know somethings up. ;)
Matter of time.
I don't know enough about the behavior of baloons, so.......... :confused:
In this particular instance...I digress.
They sure get moving what ever they are!
That is a very good point.
#1. Traveling that close at those speeds is preposterous.
Baloons,no way.

Invisible balloon traffickers.
Hmmmm.....possible. AHAHAHAHAHAHAAH
Maybe. :D
Seriously, that is a good one.....isn't it?
Fucking creative!
Too fucking funny!
Every time I read it.
Invisible balloon traffickers....HAHAHAHAHAHA!
This has got to stop.
It hurts!
Who says we can't get close-ups. I saw a much better view on CNN TV today.

NASA has a program for that as you know. Like I stated before, this is about 1 minute of a 15 minute tape. Lets see it in its entirety....
Yeah, I only saw about 3 minutes worth.
Those fucking things get flying fast!
I hope you guys will post some more on here if anything new comes your way on this topic.
Invisible balloon trafickers...hahahahaahh
Sorry Stryder.
Just let me enjoy the simple things in life.
Wow,, this could be the first thread that has ever gotten moved from pseudoscience to the hard science forum.

Balloon traffickers,,,, FOCLMFAO,,, ohhhhh god it hurts,, HA HA HA HA HA HA

Edited to add,,,
uhmmmmmm I thought that those balloons were shoved up the bums?
OHHHhhhhhh god it hurts,, Stryder,, how does it feel to be a balloon trafficker?
:bugeye: :D
I would hate to be around when Stryder's balloon bursts.
The two photos above are very clearly balloon analogs as one would expect in a thermal image. The air in the balloon itself is heated and the area below appears larger than it actually is because of reflected heat from above. Both objects move in unison, again, as one would expect from a pair of balloons at the same altitude. The other objects are very clearly something else, based on their speed and analog. They also appear to be moving in unison and/or formation.

The whole story from Mexico has the appearance of people seeking the limelight. Some stories indicate 8, 11, and 16 objects, which introduces contradiction to the overall story. Also, the crew states that they observed objects in all directions -three on radar, the rest on thermal, but the FLIR they were using on the C-26, while it has 360 degree pan, can only see one direction at a time.

Empirical data shouldn't be a problem. Quatification of the objects should be a simple matter of counting the radar contacts and the thermal analogs. FLIR has a resolution of that allows discerning objects of 1.5 by 6 feet at distances up to 30,000 feet. Moreover, the FLIR on drug interdiction aircraft, particularly C-26's, have laser rangefinding capabilities, so accurate ranges and speeds/headings relative to the C-26 should also be available. If the crew were too incompetent to use the equipment, what qualifies them to be accurate observers?

Norval and Fiery's comments compliment their belief systems perfectly. Rejection of plausible speculation for only those speculations that support the already established beliefs. Use of ridicule rather than logical refutation. Expected to say the least.
FieryIce said:

The located zone was in optimal meteorological conditions, winds no bigger than 35 kms. / hour, relative humidity of 72% and a temperature average of 34° C. At 10,500 Fts. temperature average -27° C and a visibility average of 96%.

One would expect "general conditions" to indicate surface conditions since surface data is what concerns the vast majority of the people in a given locality, even pilots who need to be aware of wind speeds/directions when landing/taking off.

What were the conditions at the altitudes in question?

That you apparently failed to consider this demonstrates a serious lack of critical thinking and a willingness to only look for that data which supports your belief system.
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