Integrating European Muslims: Europe’s Fearful Bid

Since you don't seem to have anything substantial to say, I leave you with all your truth and wisdom.

I asked you to quote any post of mine in which I have preached about wrongs committed by Muslims. You replied with a link to a thread I started quoting an article not by me, but by somebody else.

I know that your style of posting is based on cut-and-paste, and you might well adopt the words of other people as your own, but I do not. When sciforums had signatures, the one at the bottom of my posts said "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain an idea without accepting it - Aristotle". When I quote somebody else, Proud_Muslim, it doesn't automatically mean I agree with them. In the case of the thread you linked to, I asked for thoughts on the author's opinions. I never claimed they were my opinions.

In future, I hope you will be more careful, and will think before you make unfounded accusations.

Terrorism is like beauty, in the eyes of the beholder.

What do you mean by that? Are you saying you think terrorism is a good thing?

Beside, what do you mean by respect ??? to drink Alcohol and go whoring and clubbing !!! is that what do you want Muslims to do to show 'respect ' ??

Your poor understanding of western culture is becoming evident again. Most westerners do not drink to excess, and by far the majority do not "go whoring and clubbing". Your stereotyping is laughable.

Yes, I want an Islamic revolution but not in Europe, I wanted in the Islamic world, I want every Muslim country to have the NUKES so that no fucking westerner will dare to mess with us !! Muslims had enough colonial rule and now occupation ( 3 Muslim countries are now occupied by the western terrorists ) so revolution is a MUST and guess what ? IT IS COMING.

You sound like bin Laden.

Well Mr.Ignorant, MALAYSIA which is MUSLIM COUNTRY is one of the most advanced and rich in the world, in fact, it is one of top 15 most advanced and rich in the world.

And, in its most recent election, only a few days ago, it overwhelmingly voted against its fundamentalist Muslim party, to keep in power a moderate government.

You are fool to think the veil is a symbol of oppression, many WHITE BLUE EYES European women who are converting to Islam in their thousands every year wear the hijab ( headscarf), after all, it is better than wearing BIKINI where women are reduced to sexual objects.

Some people think that the hijab actually reduces women to sexual objects more effectively than the bikini.

Well, at least, we supress EVIL, yes, we are proud to prevent same sex marriages( latest western amazing civilized development! )

What is evil about a same-sex marriage?

Multiple Marriages !! mmmm I dont know a single Muslim man who is marrying more than one, PLUS, it is better and more HUMANE for a woman to be considered as wife than to be treated as SECERT LOVER, MISTRESS OR GIRLFRIEND where men change them as they change their chewing gum !!! at least second wife will be treated as WIFE with full legal protection, while you hedonistic animals go from one woman to anther screwing them and then changing them with no mercy or passion!!! dont you think ?

Perhaps in the Muslim world women have no say in such things, but in western societies women have a choice about whether they want to be somebody's "secret lover, mistress or girlfriend".

well, statistics coming from WESTERN SOURCES say ISLAM IS THE FASTEST GROWING RELIGION ON EARTH , Surely, this indicates that Muslims are doing very very you want some SOURCES from western outlets about this ??????

No, we've seen and debunked your sources before.
rainbow__princess_4 said:
Oh and another note, two wrongs do sometimes make a right as has been proved many times before. The traditional explanation- a man steals a toaster from his neighbour. The owner goes to his house and steals it back. They both stole when they shouldn't have. But justice has been done and it is right.

Taking back what is rightfully yours is not wrong, so there is only one wrong in your example.
The Bell Superstition of Muhammad

Muhammad was a very superstitious Arab. Let’s read his words from a book of his sayings: Sahih Muslim.

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (Muhammad) as saying: The bell is the musical instrument of the Satan.

source – Sahih Muslim Book 024, Number 5279

Does anybody know if Cat Stevens used bells in his songs?

Kind Regards
The following statement by Proud Muslim is not true:

Proud Muslim said:
Well Mr.Ignorant, MALAYSIA which is MUSLIM COUNTRY is one of the most advanced and rich in the world, in fact, it is one of top 15 most advanced and rich in the world.

The distribution of wealth in a country is given by the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita.

For the year of 2002, Malaysia was ranked 50th of the countries of the world.

Luxembourg was number one.

Source –

Kind Regards
Proud_Muslim said:
I am not even in England.
You're lying, you told me that you live in Manchester. But if you don't live in England anymore..... Well thats great news..... One less fanatical muslim in England, thats brilliant.
*Vienna sticks arse towards the sky and bows in the direction of the local fish 'n chip shop*


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TRUE BELLS, you behave like heavy bull !!
That should be heavy cow PM.

Anyway, I guess you are young beautiful lady from I right ?
Young - no. Beautiful - no, I'm a heavy cow remember. From Australia - live here but not from here.

Sure, medieval point of view better than some stone age views !! dont you think !!
If you're trying to make a point or win an argument, that is not the way you should be going about it.

You are very ignorant, Norway and Sweden has considerable Muslim minority, Finland has at least 50,000 Muslim out of total 5 milion....go read little bit more.
Refer to above about how to win an argument or prove a point. 1% of a population is not a great number.

And if you dont believe in authrity you become beast, for beast, everything is barbaric.
So all the Afghani people who did not believe in the authority of the Taliban regime and fought against it because of its very nature were beasts? For all the Palestinians who do not believe in the stupid Isreali authority and are fighting against it are beasts? Again refer to above about how not to win an argument or prove a point.

Yeah, soon third of the world will be Muslim so watch out !
Watch out for what? Voices of dissent will be silenced? Give me a break.

And you just follow the back of the next girl you meet in the night club !
Is it a problem that he walks behind the girl he meets in a nightclub? Many people meet their partners in nightclubs, what of it? Many people meet their other half's in Church, on the street, in restaurants, in schools, etc. The rules arethe same everywhere. Meet the other person, feel attraction, date, fall in love and the rest as they say is history.

prove it...
You're living proof.

using your stone age logic, we can say that statistics can prove that the earth is flat !!!
You tell me. You yourself stated that 1% of people in Finland are Muslims and you spoke about it as though it were a great majority. What does your statistics prove? To me it shows that 1% are Muslims and 99% are not. So from that, I could surmise that 99% have not converted.

You are so ignorant of history....shame really.
And you're proving yourself to be ignorant of current times. That is a shame in itself.

If someone sticks to his religion does that mean he is fanatic?? are you that dumb to believe so ?
And if someone swaps and converts to other religions, does that mean that they are flighty? You are a Muslim and you are proud to be so. Good for you. But you continuously rant about the superiority of your reliigon and yourself over that of others. Not once have I ever seen you show some modesty and understanding. Not once have I ever seen you discuss in a rational manner the beliefs of others. You continuously denigrate the beliefs of others to show that your beliefs are superior. You have become what you blame others of doing to you.

When I met her, she was already Muslim, she did not convert for me, she converted because she found the truth..her converstion despite her being european and white and from very very civilized northern country expell the LIE that islam is backward for the rest of your questions, they are typical ignorant sterotyping !! typical western BULL.
No she found her truth. You find your truth in your religion and she found hers as well. It does not mean that it is the truth for everybody. I don't see Islam as a backward religion. On the contrary I find it one that should be admired for the devotion it receives from its followers and members. I also find the same for people who are Christian, Hindus, Buddhist, Jewish, etc. What I do find to be backwards is when members of any religion define themselves as only their religion and refuse to look at anything else on the outside of it. I find it backwards when people become so entrenched in their beliefs that they dispel anything else as being lies or false, regardless of what proof there is. I once watched this documentary about women and Islam. The woman who was investigating Islam was herself a Muslim who lived in the West. She went to Iran to interview a leading cleric (I cannot remember his name for the life of me) and she asked him about how the laws of Islam view a girl becoming a woman when she becomes 9, she must then stop playing with boys and stay indoors and act like a lady. This cleric told her that he disagreed with it because to him, and to anyone with an ounce of intelligenc, it was obvious that a 9 year old was hardly a woman but a child and should continue to act like a child until she reaches the stage where she does become a woman. He went against his religious teachings and laws because he saw for himself that it was a ridiculous notion to expect a 9 year old girl to not be a child. He was prime example of how not to be backwards in ones religious beliefs. He saw that some aspects of his religion were wrong and he admitted it.

BULL, prove that 1 in 5 is homo.......dont speak from what you see in your night club and your pub mate, dont think if you live in screwed up shit society like yours, everyone in the world is like you !!!
Please tell me that you are not denying that there are Muslim homosexuals.


Oooh thats a good one from you. OK then, you'll not object to joining the British forces fighting against muslim countries and killing muslims..... WILL YOU.
That is obscene.

You are living proof of what can go wrong in the West. You discount one whole group of people because of their religion. You are as fanatical about your hate as PM is about his religion. Really says something. You are the same sheep in different coats of wool.


Does anybody know if Cat Stevens used bells in his songs?
I think 'Oh very young' had tubular bells in the background.

But if you're going to look at such things and point the finger, don't forget that the Catholic church also had a rule that a woman going through her menstrual cycle should not enter a church due to her being unclean. Very few women take notice of such things today now do they. All religions have their little ancient beliefs that today are proven to be absolutely ridiculous. If you're going to point the finger at one, you should also be looking at the rest of them as a comparison.
Bells[B said:
You are as fanatical about your hate as PM is about his religion

Yes, funny enough after talking 'to' PM I often feel the same hatred towards muslims :confused:

Guessing it has something to do with the way PM (and alot of other muslims in europe) act.
Vienna said:
Oooh thats a good one from you. OK then, you'll not object to joining the British forces fighting against muslim countries and killing muslims..... WILL YOU.

Bells said:

That is obscene.

You are living proof of what can go wrong in the West. You discount one whole group of people because of their religion. You are as fanatical about your hate as PM is about his religion. Really says something. You are the same sheep in different coats of wool.

Obscene lol, of course not. Isn't that exactly what the British forces have just done?

The problem with muslims and islam, they cannot seperate their politics and religion, and thats why they will never be "British"

If you are British, then you will fight for this country, against whoever!

Perhaps consciption should be brought back for all, this would educate the immigrants who wish to be British, and those who THINK they are British. If you are born here, are you born a muslim or British?, both have different laws, you can't have it both ways.

A child of Asian parents born in Britain does not have British ethnicity.

Just to take one example, a Pakistani, although a racial Indian, speaks a different language from an Indian. Hence he feels he cannot become an Indian. (But even Indians do not call themselves Indians, I am told.) What is now causing racial chaos is not merely the fact that some Pakistanis and some Indians seem to think they can overnight become 'British', but just as many of them do not think they can become British!

They know that back in their own countries (which are not anyway ethnic nations in the same way that European ones are) they cannot even move from one tribe to another. A Pushtun in Afghanistan for example, cannot overnight become Tadjik. How therefore can he become 'British'.

Furthermore, a Protestant in England would find it far easier to convert to Catholicism than a Sunni in Iraq would in trying to convert to Shi-itism. He would very likely risk his life trying to do so. (Incidentally, in a recent poll many ethnic minorities said they could not define themselves as English because they said it sounded 'white'! At least they got that bit right!).

The British, have nothing to be ashamed of, and we should be more vocal about this. We have been generous and altruistic; we have done our bit in letting hundreds of thousands of immigrants live next to us. If we really were 'racist' we wouldn't have let in any at all.
A4Ever said:
Since you don't seem to have anything substantial to say, I leave you with all your truth and wisdom.

Since your lies and ignorance are exposed, I will not leave you with your ignorance, I would advice you to read little bit more about Islam, here is good start:
James R said:

I asked you to quote any post of mine in which I have preached about wrongs committed by Muslims. You replied with a link to a thread I started quoting an article not by me, but by somebody else.

Oh I see, now you are blaming the 'someone else' who wrote the article not you !!

I know that your style of posting is based on cut-and-paste, and you might well adopt the words of other people as your own, but I do not.

You know James, you are so arrogantly self rightous, your own thread about Islam and feminism WAS INDEED, CUT AND PASTE AND WAS NOT YOUR OWN WORDS, but oh well !! :rolleyes:

When sciforums had signatures, the one at the bottom of my posts said "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain an idea without accepting it - Aristotle". When I quote somebody else, Proud_Muslim, it doesn't automatically mean I agree with them. In the case of the thread you linked to, I asked for thoughts on the author's opinions. I never claimed they were my opinions.

Well this is not true, scrolling down the same thread we see that you indeed embraced most of these opinions which mean you agree with them...come on james, admint once in your life you were wrong !!

In future, I hope you will be more careful, and will think before you make unfounded accusations.

In the future, you need to be more humble, you need to rid yourself from this arrogance and self-rightousness, it is not healthy at all, you know !!
Proud_Muslim said:
Since your lies and ignorance are exposed, I will not leave you with your ignorance, I would advice you to read little bit more about Islam, here is good start:

I agree with everything A4ever has said, does that make me a liar and ignorant too, no of course not. What he has said has been true.

Oh, and since when does a link to a cheap web site prove your point. You prove nothing apart from your fanatism towards a religion created by a lowlife.

Proud_Muslim said:
In the future, you need to be more humble, you need to rid yourself from this arrogance and self-rightousness, it is not healthy at all, you know !!

That statement applies to you ONLY.

James R was perfectly correct in what he told you, perhaps you have difficulty understanding English... Not suprising really.
James R said:

What do you mean by that? Are you saying you think terrorism is a good thing?

Well, it depends on how you define terrorism...I dont think George Washington was terrorist when he was blowing up the brits during the American indepedence, was he james ?? :rolleyes:

Your poor understanding of western culture is becoming evident again. Most westerners do not drink to excess, and by far the majority do not "go whoring and clubbing". Your stereotyping is laughable.

I have been living in the west for nearly 7 years now, I can claim that I know at least the basics about your culture.

I agree with you, generalization is the tool of the fools, I did not say all westerners are drunk, i did not say all of them go whoring and clubing, I said, some of them want Muslims to do that to be '''accepted'' in the society, please go back to my post to read more...

You sound like bin Laden.

You know James, Most Muslims agree with Bin Laden about his principles which are universal Muslim girevances, we disagree about the means, I have no problem supporting the JIHAD in Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Kashmir, The Philippenes and Chechnya where Muslims are oppressed, I am fully with those mujahidins, but I am not with killing innocent Americans or westerners, this is not Islam.

And, in its most recent election, only a few days ago, it overwhelmingly voted against its fundamentalist Muslim party, to keep in power a moderate government.

Which only VENDICATE my views about Islam and Muslims, we are MATURE enough to know who will lead us to prosperity and who will not, the results of these elections PROVE that Muslims are against extremism and indeed can handle democrasy as much the most democratic countries in the world.

Some people think that the hijab actually reduces women to sexual objects more effectively than the bikini.

because those 'some' dont understand what the word sexual object mean ! :rolleyes:

What is evil about a same-sex marriage?

OH PLEASE.......GIVE ME A FREAKING BREAK !! how about the destruction of the nuclear family ????

Perhaps in the Muslim world women have no say in such things, but in western societies women have a choice about whether they want to be somebody's "secret lover, mistress or girlfriend".

I like this word 'perhaps' :

entries found for perhaps.
per·haps ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pr-hps)
Maybe; possibly.

Do you always use this ''perhaps'' in your discussions ?????? :rolleyes:

No, we've seen and debunked your sources before.

Where ?? show me where you debunked that islam is the fastest growing religion in the world???? you were very quick to CLOSE my thread about BRITIAN'S ELITE CONVERTING TO ISLAM, apparently, it was too embrassing for you !!!!
Bachus said:
Yes, funny enough after talking 'to' PM I often feel the same hatred towards muslims :confused:

Guessing it has something to do with the way PM (and alot of other muslims in europe) act.

Who gives a shit about you hating Muslims ??? we are here to STAY, soon, our religious holidays will be national holidays wheather you like it or not...

Bells said:
I once watched this documentary about women and Islam. The woman who was investigating Islam was herself a Muslim who lived in the West. She went to Iran to interview a leading cleric (I cannot remember his name for the life of me) and she asked him about how the laws of Islam view a girl becoming a woman when she becomes 9, she must then stop playing with boys and stay indoors and act like a lady. This cleric told her that he disagreed with it because to him, and to anyone with an ounce of intelligenc, it was obvious that a 9 year old was hardly a woman but a child and should continue to act like a child until she reaches the stage where she does become a woman. He went against his religious teachings and laws because he saw for himself that it was a ridiculous notion to expect a 9 year old girl to not be a child. He was prime example of how not to be backwards in ones religious beliefs. He saw that some aspects of his religion were wrong and he admitted it.

This is pure nonesense and bullshit, where in Islam it says 9 years old girl should behave as woman !!! can you please provide evidence for that from the Quran ?????????????? :rolleyes:

Please bells,Dont speak out of your pathetic ignorance of Islam...

Please tell me that you are not denying that there are Muslim homosexuals.

of course there are, but they are very tiny minority.
Proud Muslim said:
Muslims agree with Bin Laden about his principles which are universal Muslim girevances........................

but I am not with killing innocent Americans or westerners, this is not Islam.

Muslims are against extremism and indeed can handle democrasy as much the most democratic countries in the world.
Just like they do in Iraq... LOL!

Where ?? show me where you debunked that islam is the fastest growing religion in the world????
The fastest growing "beliefs" are Atheism and Agnostics

you were very quick to CLOSE my thread about BRITIAN'S ELITE CONVERTING TO ISLAM, apparently, it was too embrassing for you !!!!
I'm still waiting for you to name the other 13,998 elite which have converted.

Proud_Muslim said:
Who gives a shit about you hating Muslims ??? we are here to STAY, soon, our religious holidays will be national holidays wheather you like it or not...
Yeah right, and the Jolly Green giant is Mayor of London.

Keep it up Proud Muslim. The more you post your lies and hate on these boards, my repulsion for muslims and Islam grows even more.
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Bachus said:
Don't intend to run off, like many others won't do that either.

Right on, stay polite and respectful so that Muslims will show the same in return, after all, it is MUSLIMS who will pay your pension when you get old, it is the Muslims who will take care of you when you will be thrown into an eldery home to spend your last days, so think about the future my friend, we dont hate you, we dont bite the hand that take care of us, however, we CHOP OFF the hand that dare to harm us.
Proud_Muslim said:
Right on, stay polite and respectful so that Muslims will show the same in return, after all, it is MUSLIMS who will pay your pension when you get old, it is the Muslims who will take care of you when you will be thrown into an eldery home to spend your last days, so think about the future my friend, we dont hate you, we dont bite the hand that take care of us, however, we CHOP OFF the hand that dare to harm us.

Respect is earned not given.