Integrating European Muslims: Europe’s Fearful Bid

A4Ever said:
Conclusion: Europe is fucked. Our own laws of equality and fraternity have lead millions of fundamentalistic medieval dumbasses to our countries. There is no way back, cause our stupid nationality laws have given everybody the European nationality.

Europe is not yet fucked, the Al Queda is threatening European countries, and Political Correctness is stifling the Europeans. And while the Government in the UK is still making preferences to ethnic minors and immigrants over the British natives there will always be resentment. Al Queda only has to attack the UK just the once, and when it does, the attitudes of the general public towards Islam will be devastating. I remember the terrible riots after 9/11, I can't imagine what will happen when Al Queda hits the UK. Maybe Al Queda just might stifle Islam in Europe all by itself.
Vienna said:
Wow look, here's Toledo Cathedral. Remember this one do you Proud Muslim.
This city of Spain used to belong to your muslim ancestors, and look at it now.
It's all Christian.

NAH, you are the stupid here, Toledo was christian, then became Muslim then christian again.

Istanbul was christian then Muslim, then MUSLIM...opps....did I expose your stupidity !! :D
Proud_Muslim said:
NAH, you are the stupid here, Toledo was christian, then became Muslim then christian again.

Istanbul was christian then Muslim, then MUSLIM...opps....did I expose your stupidity !! :D
Not at all - you just confirmed yours.

BTW - you couldn't defeat Vienna - and you'll never master this one.

Toodle pip old boy. :D
Proud_Muslim said:
The regained independence after what ?? after you robbed our land of its wealth ! after you turned our economies into western dependent consuming economies !!!

Europe would help, if Syria and it's fellow countries would stop supporting terrorism.

Ending colonisation is a step in the good direction. A lot of what happens next is up to the newly dependent states.

Proud.Muslim said:
Amnesty told Ireland, which took over the union's rotating presidency on January 1, that only two of the 15 current member states - Luxembourg and the Netherlands - could be given a clean bill of health.

Don't you see the difference? We have laws concerning human rights, and we have institutions to exercise control. We can only grow towards more respect for human rights.

Don't worry, no decapitations in Europe.

Proud_Muslim said:
You are a LIAR, Muslims dont go around knocking doors and asking people to believe in Allah or they are condemned to hell !!

We can get serious fines for crossing a street when the red light is on. But what do you know, it still happens a lot.

By the way, believing in "hell" as you seem to do, proofs how underdeveloped your religion really is. Hell is used to keep people small, to make them do what you want them to do.

If your religion ever develops into something civilised, your spiritual leaders will tell you that all those texts you so blindly follow should not be taken so literaly.

Proud_Syrian said:
Muslims dont own and operate large TV missionary stations in which brain washing materials are displayed 24 hours / 7 days a week.

Maybe they should have them, so we can zap them away. Just like we zap away those idiots that are on now. We laugh at them. Do you understand that? Taking something lightly? Understanding that it is only crap that stupid people believe in blindly?

Proud_Muslim said:
know what is your problem !! you are annoyed that ONLY Muslims seems to follow their religion to the letter, you are pissed off that Muslims practice their great religion whenever they go..

There are other underdeveloped people who follow religion blindly, don't be too flattered. And yes, it pisses me of that you people pracitce your religion WHEREVER you go. It's rude and stupid.

Proud_Muslim said:
Again, you are a LIAR, most of the Muslims in Europe speak the langauge of the country they live in, most NORTH AFRICAN MUSLIMS in Europe speak FLUENT French since the age of 5 years old and you bloody know it..

Maybe those coming from French colonies. And you are talking about the MEN aren't you? It's not just language. It is a lack of respect for the guest country.

Proud_Muslim said:
I speak 3 European Languages and I am respecting the laws and the culture I am living in, I work hard, I pay my tax ( so that my adopted governemnt can pay your parents pension )...

But deep down, you are waiting for the Islamic revolution. That's the problem.

Proud_Muslim said:
The problem is your OWN racism and discrimination against minorities, I was just watching the Swedish TV, before I wrote this post to you, the speaker was Basher Qurashy, the head of the European anti racism centre, he stated SHOCKING facts about discrimination against minorites in Denmark for example, the rate of unemployment between minorities reachs STAGGERING 85 % !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and you talk about adopting !!

Maybe this has something to do with the crimerates among these minorities? Have numbers and statistics 'bout those?

Proud_Muslim said:
Muslims dont sell out their religion for earthy rubbish, this must be very clear for you.

It's this stubborn holding on to medieval principles that keeps all those countries from developing. But at least have the decency to screw up your own countries.

Proud_Muslim said:
Did you know that the president of the largest Muslim country in the world is MUSLIM WOMAN ??? President megawati of Indonesia .

Have you read my post about Trappes in France? I'm sure all these women, suffocating in their veils will love to know this.

Proud_Muslim said:
And of course PORN, SEX, ALCOHOL, DRUGS ABUSE, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, RAPE, HEDONISISM..ETC are all MODERN European traits...keep all that to you, we are quite happy with what we many times you fell on the ground in the middle of the street DRUNK while peeing in your pants ????

Happy with what you have? Supressing homosexuals and women, drinking in hidden places, multiple mariages to have at least SOME relief of sexual tension,... yes... good for you.

I don't drink. Did you know there were non-Muslims who don't drink?

Proud_Muslim said:
I did not ignore your post, but I dont answer LIES and RUBBISH...when you come up with FACTS supported with credible sources, then you can be dignified with answer, I dont have time for LIES you know...

Did you KNOW that capitalizing WORDS makes them SOUND more TRUE?

Proud_Muslim said:
it is amazing your bigotry and hate !! When Muslims were ruling SPAIN, it was the beacon of TOLERANCE and CIVILIZATION

I wonder why we still kicked them out? Life was going great obviously.

Proud_Muslim said:
As for christianity being superior, you will be very interested to read this:

I didn't say that. I said that it is all about how you handle your religion. And that's where Muslims often fail.

Me: 2 wrongs don't make a right, Proud_Muslim.

You: I agree james, so when will you recognize your own wrongs instead of preaching on Muslims their wrongs ????

I challenge you to quote any post of mine where I have preached about wrongs committed by Muslims. If you're going to make silly accusations, you ought to be prepared to back them up.
This thread is just insane! Proud Muslim is [deleted], ignoring her would be the best option. She's one of those people who is [deleted] you can't argue with them because they never truely get your point, and they always think they are smarter than you because they never truely get your point.
The sad thing is that it's [deleted] people like Proud Muslim which make it so easy for terrorists to recruit people to blow themselves up.
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Nebuchadnezzaar said:
The sad thing is that it's retarded people like Proud Muslim which make it so easy for terrorists to recruit people to blow themselves up.
Sad? Frankly who cares what they want to do to themselves and family and friends? Doesn't affect you, no use being sad.
Oh and another note, two wrongs do sometimes make a right as has been proved many times before. The traditional explanation- a man steals a toaster from his neighbour. The owner goes to his house and steals it back. They both stole when they shouldn't have. But justice has been done and it is right.
rainbow__princess_4 said:
Sad? Frankly who cares what they want to do to themselves and family and friends? Doesn't affect you, no use being sad.

Well sad because these idiots have the tendency to also blow up innocent bystanders.
A4Ever said:
Europe would help, if Syria and it's fellow countries would stop supporting terrorism.

Terrorism is like beauty, in the eyes of the beholder.

Ending colonisation is a step in the good direction. A lot of what happens next is up to the newly dependent states.

Give me a break [deleted], you went from the door and came back again from the window.

Don't you see the difference? We have laws concerning human rights, and we have institutions to exercise control. We can only grow towards more respect for human rights.

Your laws are joke, your laws are there just to throw sands in the are bunch of HYPOCRITES.

Dont get me wrong, I am not generalizing all Europeans, SCANDINAVIAN countries apart from shity denmark are the most civilized of all EU memebrs.

We can get serious fines for crossing a street when the red light is on. But what do you know, it still happens a lot.

Can you prove it ???????? :rolleyes:

By the way, believing in "hell" as you seem to do, proofs how underdeveloped your religion really is. Hell is used to keep people small, to make them do what you want them to do.

On the other hand, disbelieving prove your primitive mind and your inability to see the obvious and the very clear, GOD.

If your religion ever develops into something civilised, your spiritual leaders will tell you that all those texts you so blindly follow should not be taken so literaly.

And who the hell you are to tell 2 BILLION MUSLIM around the globe about what they should take literaly and what they should not ??

Dont tell me you suddenly become self appointed expert on Islam !!! :rolleyes:

Maybe they should have them, so we can zap them away. Just like we zap away those idiots that are on now. We laugh at them. Do you understand that? Taking something lightly? Understanding that it is only crap that stupid people believe in blindly?

Thank you for confirming the fact that MUSLIMS dont go around knocking doors and broadcasting shit all the time.

There are other underdeveloped people who follow religion blindly, don't be too flattered. And yes, it pisses me of that you people pracitce your religion WHEREVER you go. It's rude and stupid.

GREAT....expect more pissing off as time goes by and as Europe fall in its ageing period....soon, Muslims will hold their EID celebrations in your city centres and guess what ? you will be standing there watching THE MUSLIM CRESCENT SHINING OVER EUROPE.

So you better be nice to Muslims now so that they will be nice to you when you get old, mind you, it is my MUSLIM kids who will run Europe in 30-50 years as statistics tell us.

We are loyal, Muslims are very loyal citizens, if they are treated well, they will give up their lives for their lands....just look at MUSLIM SPAIN, it was the Muslims who crushed the VIKINGS and burnt their ships and prevented them from ever attacking SPAIN AGAIN.

Maybe those coming from French colonies. And you are talking about the MEN aren't you? It's not just language. It is a lack of respect for the guest country.

You are the last people on earth to talk about respect!! did you respect our culture and our traditions when you colonized us for long years ????

Beside, what do you mean by respect ??? to drink Alcohol and go whoring and clubbing !!! is that what do you want Muslims to do to show 'respect ' ??

But deep down, you are waiting for the Islamic revolution. That's the problem.

You know, the land I live in now gives me so much care and support, the people that I live with are so kind and nice with me, do I wish any harm to them ?? NEVER...I will die for them, I will die for fighting for this land.

My wife is white European convert to Islam, do I wish any harm to her non muslim family ?? NEVER...they are my family, they are the uncles and the aunties of my MUSLIM childern.

Yes, I want an Islamic revolution but not in Europe, I wanted in the Islamic world, I want every Muslim country to have the NUKES so that no fucking westerner will dare to mess with us !! Muslims had enough colonial rule and now occupation ( 3 Muslim countries are now occupied by the western terrorists ) so revolution is a MUST and guess what ? IT IS COMING.

Maybe this has something to do with the crimerates among these minorities? Have numbers and statistics 'bout those?

And ever asked yourself why someone with job and secure future will ever committ a crime ????????????????

It's this stubborn holding on to medieval principles that keeps all those countries from developing. But at least have the decency to screw up your own countries.

Well Mr.Ignorant, MALAYSIA which is MUSLIM COUNTRY is one of the most advanced and rich in the world, in fact, it is one of top 15 most advanced and rich in the world.

Indonesia enjoys great prosperity and success.

DUBAI....ever heard of DUBAI in the UAE ( United Arab Emirates ) ? Dubai is a great MUSLIM success story.

Look at PAKISTAN, they produce their own nuclear submarines and their own aircrafts:


JF-17" (Joint Fighter-17) Code Name: "Thunder"Type: Single Seat Multirole Day/Night Fighter

Pakistani Ballistic Missiles

Iraqi scientists sacred the shit out of the west and that is why you went after Iraq and destroy it.

Have you read my post about Trappes in France? I'm sure all these women, suffocating in their veils will love to know this.

You are fool to think the veil is a symbol of oppression, many WHITE BLUE EYES European women who are converting to Islam in their thousands every year wear the hijab ( headscarf), after all, it is better than wearing BIKINI where women are reduced to sexual objects.

Happy with what you have? Supressing homosexuals and women, drinking in hidden places, multiple mariages to have at least SOME relief of sexual tension,... yes... good for you.

Well, at least, we supress EVIL, yes, we are proud to prevent same sex marriages( latest western amazing civilized development! )

Drinking in hidden places !! why ? sadly, in some muslim countries they allow alcohol like Syria, Egypt, Turkey, Tunisia, Morocco...etc but this will change soon..I promise.

Multiple Marriages !! mmmm I dont know a single Muslim man who is marrying more than one, PLUS, it is better and more HUMANE for a woman to be considered as wife than to be treated as SECERT LOVER, MISTRESS OR GIRLFRIEND where men change them as they change their chewing gum !!! at least second wife will be treated as WIFE with full legal protection, while you hedonistic animals go from one woman to anther screwing them and then changing them with no mercy or passion!!! dont you think ?

I don't drink. Did you know there were non-Muslims who don't drink?

Good for you, at least you know how evil alcohol is!! and yes, i know some westerners who dont drink..yes, not all western people are evil..I dont generalize.

Did you KNOW that capitalizing WORDS makes them SOUND more TRUE?


I wonder why we still kicked them out? Life was going great obviously.

Because you were murderers and terrorists, after the last muslim city of granada fell, the age of European BARBARISM started with colombus butchring MILLIONS of latin Americans for jesus !!!

I didn't say that. I said that it is all about how you handle your religion. And that's where Muslims often fail.

well, statistics coming from WESTERN SOURCES say ISLAM IS THE FASTEST GROWING RELIGION ON EARTH , Surely, this indicates that Muslims are doing very very you want some SOURCES from western outlets about this ??????
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Proud_Muslim said:
You are such a DESTINGUISHED MORON, you dont know even know how to distinguish between MALE AND FEMLAE POSTERS !!! :D
Hey I used to think you were female until someone pointed out to me that you were in fact male. Must have been all the whining that you are known to do. :p

And PM, for future reference, one cannot tell one's sex just by their names, some you can, but most you cannot. There is no photo of you accompanying your name to indicate that you are male. Hell, you thought I was a guy until I told you otherwise. :rolleyes:
Again a lot of bitching and whining from pm. I'm done with this ass, I'm glad I know there are more intelligent muslims out there. As for this fundamentalist, hope you leave europe soon.
Bells said:
And PM, for future reference, one cannot tell one's sex just by their names, some you can, but most you cannot. There is no photo of you accompanying your name to indicate that you are male. Hell, you thought I was a guy until I told you otherwise. :rolleyes:

TRUE BELLS, you behave like heavy bull !! :p

Anyway, I guess you are young beautiful lady from I right ?
Bachus said:
Again a lot of bitching and whining from pm. I'm done with this ass, I'm glad I know there are more intelligent muslims out there. As for this fundamentalist, hope you leave europe soon.

Sure, when you have nothing intelligent to say, you ran off !! see ya !! :D
Proud_Muslim said:
Terrorism is like beauty, in the eyes of the beholder.

Please, don't stop posting evidence of your medieval point of view.

Proud_Muslim said:
Your laws are joke, your laws are there just to throw sands in the are bunch of HYPOCRITES.

I thought you didn't generalise...

Independent judges, free elections, personal freedom, equality,..... all the stuff your country is missing out on. What a shame.

Proud_Muslim said:
Dont get me wrong, I am not generalizing all Europeans, SCANDINAVIAN countries apart from shity denmark are the most civilized of all EU memebrs.

Yes. They were the first to legalize same sex marriages. I'm glad you support these visionary countries of liberty and personal freedom.

There's also a very low Muslim population in those countries. You think there's any connection between the low Muslim rate and the level of civilisation?

Proud_Muslim said:
On the other hand, disbelieving prove your primitive mind and your inability to see the obvious and the very clear, GOD.

Not as clear as you think. Only clear if you believe in authority. Which makes you a sheep. For sheep, everything is obvious.

Proud_Muslim said:
And who the hell you are to tell 2 BILLION MUSLIM around the globe about what they should take literaly and what they should not ??

Ah, the argument of the greatest number. I wonder why any Germans ever opposed national socialism. After all, the majority of people were supporting it.

Seeing hell as a symbol is an example of another point of view, besides your blind religion. You can never understand that, can you? Just follow the herd.

Proud_Muslim said:
Thank you for confirming the fact that MUSLIMS dont go around knocking doors and broadcasting shit all the time.

Why would they? They have a much more brutal manner of sticking it in your face.

Proud_Muslim said:
GREAT....expect more pissing off as time goes by and as Europe fall in its ageing period....soon, Muslims will hold their EID celebrations in your city centres and guess what ? you will be standing there watching THE MUSLIM CRESCENT SHINING OVER EUROPE.

I bet on the bloody kick them all out revolution. We'll see.

Proud_Muslim said:
So you better be nice to Muslims now so that they will be nice to you when you get old, mind you, it is my MUSLIM kids who will run Europe in 30-50 years as statistics tell us.

Statistics can proof anything. 90% of all people know that.

Did you understand that western joke?

Proud_Muslim said:
We are loyal, Muslims are very loyal citizens, if they are treated well, they will give up their lives for their lands....just look at MUSLIM SPAIN, it was the Muslims who crushed the VIKINGS and burnt their ships and prevented them from ever attacking SPAIN AGAIN.

Nah, the vikings just got tired of all the victories. Besides, why would they visit Muslims? These people have the nasty habbit of visiting all the time without being invited anyway.

Proud_Muslim said:
You are the last people on earth to talk about respect!! did you respect our culture and our traditions when you colonized us for long years ????

I would have strongly opposed colonisation if I had been already born then.

Proud_Muslim said:
Beside, what do you mean by respect ??? to drink Alcohol and go whoring and clubbing !!! is that what do you want Muslims to do to show 'respect ' ??

To not be such annoying fanatics all the time.

Proud_Muslim said:
You know, the land I live in now gives me so much care and support, the people that I live with are so kind and nice with me, do I wish any harm to them ?? NEVER...I will die for them, I will die for fighting for this land.

Too much support. Will end soon, trust me.

Proud_Muslim said:
My wife is white European convert to Islam, do I wish any harm to her non muslim family ?? NEVER...they are my family, they are the uncles and the aunties of my MUSLIM childern.

What a coincidence! Did she convert before or after you met her....? Was it necessary for your old fashioned and stupid religion for her to convert? Does she leave the house a lot? Do you have 6 or 7 children? Does she go out alone with friends?

Proud_Muslim said:
Yes, I want an Islamic revolution but not in Europe, I wanted in the Islamic world, I want every Muslim country to have the NUKES so that no fucking westerner will dare to mess with us !! Muslims had enough colonial rule and now occupation ( 3 Muslim countries are now occupied by the western terrorists ) so revolution is a MUST and guess what ? IT IS COMING.

Proud_Muslim said:
you will be standing there watching THE MUSLIM CRESCENT SHINING OVER EUROPE.

Proud_Muslim said:
[/B]And ever asked yourself why someone with job and secure future will ever committ a crime ????????????????

No inherent respect for property and personal freedom?

Proud_Muslim said:
[/B]You are fool to think the veil is a symbol of oppression, many WHITE BLUE EYES European women who are converting to Islam in their thousands every year wear the hijab ( headscarf), after all, it is better than wearing BIKINI where women are reduced to sexual objects.

How about somewhere in between... Lets say walking around the street without a veil, yet fully clothed? I would dig that.

Converting... yes... not door to door, no. By marrying the women and force them to convert. By taking over neighbourhoods and shutting out non Muslims.

Proud_Muslim said:
[/B]Well, at least, we supress EVIL, yes, we are proud to prevent same sex marriages( latest western amazing civilized development! )

1 in 5 people is homosexual. You bragging with your 2 billion Muslims... that means there are a lot of evil people among those... I always knew your religion wasn't all that great as you keep screaming. Don't drop the soap in a Muslim shower...

Proud_Muslim said:
[/B]Drinking in hidden places !! why ? sadly, in some muslim countries they allow alcohol like Syria, Egypt, Turkey, Tunisia, Morocco...etc but this will change soon..I promise.

I also hope it will change. That there will be more than 5 countries who see that oppression never works.

Proud_Muslim said:
[/B]Multiple Marriages !! mmmm I dont know a single Muslim man who is marrying more than one, PLUS, it is better and more HUMANE for a woman to be considered as wife than to be treated as SECERT LOVER, MISTRESS OR GIRLFRIEND where men change them as they change their chewing gum !!! at least second wife will be treated as WIFE with full legal protection, while you hedonistic animals go from one woman to anther screwing them and then changing them with no mercy or passion!!! dont you think ?

Lots of Muslim men have European girlfriends. Then it is time to marry, and they dumb their girlfriend for a Muslim wife. Preferably someone they never saw before, from the home country, to import more Muslims.

Muslim men can divorce their women on the fly. Is that legal protection?

You know what offers great "protection"? A police state, in which you can't even breathe without permission. That's a bit like the Muslim marriage, isn't it?

Proud_Muslim said:
[/B]well, statistics coming from WESTERN SOURCES say ISLAM IS THE FASTEST GROWING RELIGION ON EARTH , Surely, this indicates that Muslims are doing very very you want some SOURCES from western outlets about this ??????

So cockroach population in Mexico, by your definition of doing well, is also on a roll?

...Keep watching the skies! I'm sure Rantisi will be doing an Israeli rocket driven flyby soon, hopefuly followed by a bunch more of those fanatic dumbwits.
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Proud_Muslim said:

Dont get me wrong, I am not generalizing all Europeans, SCANDINAVIAN countries apart from shity denmark are the most civilized of all EU memebrs.
Well why don't you leave England [deleted]

GREAT....expect more pissing off as time goes by and as Europe fall in its ageing period....soon, Muslims will hold their EID celebrations in your city centres and guess what ? you will be standing there watching THE MUSLIM CRESCENT SHINING OVER EUROPE.
And we will blast it out of the sky

So you better be nice to Muslims now so that they will be nice to you when you get old, mind you, it is my MUSLIM kids who will run Europe in 30-50 years as statistics tell us.
Statistics are just numerical lies.

We are loyal, Muslims are very loyal citizens, if they are treated well, they will give up their lives for their lands....just look at MUSLIM SPAIN, it was the Muslims who crushed the VIKINGS and burnt their ships and prevented them from ever attacking SPAIN AGAIN.
Just like you prevented the Christians entering Spain... LOL!

NEVER...I will die for them, I will die for fighting for this land.

Oooh thats a good one from you. OK then, you'll not object to joining the British forces fighting against muslim countries and killing muslims..... WILL YOU.
That is what you have just said, or is this another lie of yours?

I want every Muslim country to have the NUKES so that no fucking westerner will dare to mess with us.
Muslims had enough colonial rule and now occupation so revolution is a MUST and guess what IT IS COMING.

Well com'on Ghandi, bring it on. You are [deleted]

Well Mr.Ignorant, MALAYSIA which is MUSLIM COUNTRY is one of the most advanced and rich in the world, in fact, it is one of top 15 most advanced and rich in the world.

Indonesia enjoys great prosperity and success.

DUBAI....ever heard of DUBAI in the UAE Dubai is a great MUSLIM success story.

Look at PAKISTAN, they produce their own nuclear submarines and their own aircrafts:
Well whopee dink, you never know, these countries may even become civilised one day

Iraqi scientists sacred the shit out of the west and that is why you went after Iraq and destroy it.
LOL! And what is an Iraqi scientist called = ASIF.

Because you were murderers and terrorists, after the last muslim city of granada fell, the age of European BARBARISM started with colombus butchring MILLIONS of latin Americans for jesus !!!
You [deleted], you have violent thoughts, you contradict yourself all the time, you hate the west and its people. Sometimes I wonder if you are mature enough to handle life. I believe you secretly wish you were a white westerner, and it is the green monster called jealousy making you [deleted]
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A4Ever said:
Please, don't stop posting evidence of your medieval point of view.

Sure, medieval point of view better than some stone age views !! dont you think !!

I thought you didn't generalise...
Independent judges, free elections, personal freedom, equality,..... all the stuff your country is missing out on. What a shame.

All the above is only for you, when it comes to minorities, you treat them like shit and you know it.

Yes. They were the first to legalize same sex marriages. I'm glad you support these visionary countries of liberty and personal freedom.


There's also a very low Muslim population in those countries. You think there's any connection between the low Muslim rate and the level of civilisation?

You are very ignorant, Norway and Sweden has considerable Muslim minority, Finland has at least 50,000 Muslim out of total 5 milion....go read little bit more.

Not as clear as you think. Only clear if you believe in authority. Which makes you a sheep. For sheep, everything is obvious.

And if you dont believe in authrity you become beast, for beast, everything is barbaric.

Ah, the argument of the greatest number.

Yeah, soon third of the world will be Muslim so watch out ! :D

Seeing hell as a symbol is an example of another point of view, besides your blind religion. You can never understand that, can you? Just follow the herd.

And you just follow the back of the next girl you meet in the night club ! :rolleyes:

Why would they? They have a much more brutal manner of sticking it in your face.

prove it...

I bet on the bloody kick them all out revolution. We'll see.

yeb, wait and see dude.

Statistics can proof anything. 90% of all people know that.

Did you understand that western joke?

using your stone age logic, we can say that statistics can prove that the earth is flat !!! :D

Nah, the vikings just got tired of all the victories. Besides, why would they visit Muslims? These people have the nasty habbit of visiting all the time without being invited anyway.

You are so ignorant of history....shame really.

I would have strongly opposed colonisation if I had been already born then.

Too late, but not too late to PAY BACK.

To not be such annoying fanatics all the time.

If someone sticks to his religion does that mean he is fanatic?? are you that dumb to believe so ?

Too much support. Will end soon, trust me.

NAH...I am not talking about the English hooligans, I am not even in England.

What a coincidence! Did she convert before or after you met her....? Was it necessary for your old fashioned and stupid religion for her to convert? Does she leave the house a lot? Do you have 6 or 7 children? Does she go out alone with friends?

When I met her, she was already Muslim, she did not convert for me, she converted because she found the truth..her converstion despite her being european and white and from very very civilized northern country expell the LIE that islam is backward for the rest of your questions, they are typical ignorant sterotyping !! typical western BULL.

No inherent respect for property and personal freedom?

Tell that to your father and maybe grandfather who colonized the Muslim world.

Converting... yes... not door to door, no. By marrying the women and force them to convert. By taking over neighbourhoods and shutting out non Muslims.

You are really an absurd man !! how can taking over neighbourhoods and shuting out non muslims contribute to westerners converting to islam !!!

1 in 5 people is homosexual. You bragging with your 2 billion Muslims... that means there are a lot of evil people among those... I always knew your religion wasn't all that great as you keep screaming. Don't drop the soap in a Muslim shower...

BULL, prove that 1 in 5 is homo.......dont speak from what you see in your night club and your pub mate, dont think if you live in screwed up shit society like yours, everyone in the world is like you !!!

I also hope it will change. That there will be more than 5 countries who see that oppression never works.

we shall see.

Lots of Muslim men have European girlfriends. Then it is time to marry, and they dumb their girlfriend for a Muslim wife. Preferably someone they never saw before, from the home country, to import more Muslims.

typical liar...

Muslim men can divorce their women on the fly. Is that legal protection?

And muslim women can divorce their men on the fly, it is called FREEDOM, ever heard of this word ????????????????????

You know what offers great "protection"? A police state, in which you can't even breathe without permission. That's a bit like the Muslim marriage, isn't it?

No, it is like your current western societies nowadays where you cant leave home after darkness and where every home is equiped with burglary alarams !!!

So cockroach population in Mexico, by your definition of doing well, is also on a roll?
...Keep watching the skies! I'm sure Rantisi will be doing an Israeli rocket driven flyby soon, hopefuly followed by a bunch more of those fanatic dumbwits.

Maybe you are [deleted]....but hey, we should both keep watching the skies....dont you think ???
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