Integrating European Muslims: Europe’s Fearful Bid

Muslim immigration is a huge problem in Europe, especialy those from Arab countries.

I saw a BBC doc about Trappes in France. It is a city overrun by Muslims. All the pubs are closed, because Muslims can only drink alcohol when nobody sees it. There is one bookstore. It sells the Koran and books like it. More and more women walk about the street with veils.

The Muslims start their own school, full of misinformation. They teach about the big bang. But then they add that Allah has said all these things already a long time ago. Proud of integrating big bang theory, they don't see the danger of mixing science and religion. They don't see that if you hook a theory to Allah, it is hard to change it afterwards.

The children are taught in school that Coca Cola is the drink of Satan. That's why they come home and take the bottles out of their parents' refrigerators to throw them away. So the Muslims aren't only mixing religion with science, they also add politics to the stinking pile.

The Muslim women wanted to go and protest against a French law on the wearing of veils. Immediately, the men took over the organisation. They rented the busses: one for the men, and one for the women. The man checked the slogans to see if they liked them. They also instructed the women about not talking to the press. Muslims tend to supress women and give all sorts of stupid explanations for doing so: they want it like that! She wants to stay home with the children! She likes to obey me.

The Muslims didn't get a permit to build an Islamic center in Trappes. So 1000 of them marched to the city hall in protest. They obtained the permit. Now they know that politics can't stop them. It won't take long before muslims are in city counsil. Trappes is now beautified by a 7000 square meters center for Islam.

Concerned inhabitants of Trappes, non Muslims, held an evening of debate about the rights of women and anti-discrimination. Muslim women were present. They can not be debated. They have the truth in a book, you know? They aren't sensitive for debate and arguments, cause they use authority as an argument.

A man who ran an improvisation school saw how the number of female members started decreasing. Muslim women shouldn't be doing stupid things like improvisation. There are lots of babies to make and raise.

I said before: it are mainly the Arab Muslims that cause trouble. I live in Belgium. Some metro stations are governed by gangs of North Africans: people from Maroq and the like. I don't know if they hide behind religion or not for what they do, but they just terrorize the people and they destroy the trains. Police doesn't dare to enter these stations, much too dangerous.

Conclusion: Europe is fucked. Our own laws of equality and fraternity have lead millions of fundamentalistic medieval dumbasses to our countries. There is no way back, cause our stupid nationality laws have given everybody the European nationality.

I say medieval not as a random flame, but because it is true. These people don't have the background it takes to see how important it is to separate church, state and religion. Within the next 50 years, the problem will become more urgent. There is no solution, this will end in violence: riots and more wars. What the Muslims need, is their own renaissance. I can't believe the stupidity of fundamentalists.

That's all I have to say. Run while you can. Northern European countries aren't that bad. A large ranch in Californië will keep you safe for a while.

God created the world, religion will end it.
Proud_Muslim said:
Vienna is confused man, May God help him, I dont hate him, I feel sorry for him, his hate will consume him:


I think you need to lay off the drugs PM, it's not doing you any good.

Oh and as a repressed female with no rights and no freedom, i think most of us feel sorry for you. Go to your local library, read some history, educate yourself and get a life!
Why is that so important to you?

Besides the UK already had a female prime minister if i'm not mistaken.
I agree james, so when will you recognize your own wrongs instead of preaching on Muslims their wrongs ???? :rolleyes:
...the moment they understand the importance of distinction between relgion, politics and science?
A4Ever said:
Conclusion: Europe is fucked. Our own laws of equality and fraternity have lead millions of fundamentalistic medieval dumbasses to our countries. There is no way back, cause our stupid nationality laws have given everybody the European nationality.

You can rant the way you want about Islam and Muslims, you can LIE and mislead and misinform people the way you want, but Muslims are here to STAY, if you dont like it go and climb the wall and shake your tail.

When you bastard Europeans came and COLONIZED our countries for long years ( Algeria for 130 years ) Syria for 26 years, MUSLIM INDIA FOR 200 YEARS, Morocco for nearly 50 years, Egypt for about 30 years, Iraq for 30 years, Libya for 40 years...etc and when you dumbed your jews on our land ( Palestine ) to get rid of them, you did not think about the future...well, it is JUST ABOUT TIME YOU PAY BACK, and how sweet seeing you paying back !! :p

When the adulterous French were colonizing my land( Syria ) they did not learn ARABIC, they did not respect the culture of the land they live in, they tried to change it, they tried to erase ARABIC and ISLAM from our collective memory, Now, in Algeria, they speak very broken Arabic with so many French words in it !!! at least, Muslims in Europe are not doing that, do you want us to go further to do the same things you europeans did to us ???

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You give good examples of the point I am trying to make...

The UN Charter forbids colonisation. We realised it was wrong to do so, and the colonies regained independence. Respect for other countries and cultures is also written down in many legal documents. All members of the EU support the Charter of Human Rights. You know what human rights are?

Muslims have this annoying way of shoving their religion in your face as the truth. What they need is their own renaissance. A religion with worldy powers has never done any good for anyone.

When you go to a country, you adapt. You learn the language, you respect the laws and the culture. Muslims don't have that reflex. They define themselves by an agressive interpretation of an otherwise 12 in a dozen relgion.

Of course there are Muslims with whom living together in the same country is possible. It depends on their level of adaptation and respect for others. But I have yet to encounter the first male Muslim who saw a female as his equal. Of course that is just an example, but it is so typical for these medieval minds. What year are Muslims in now? Already passed 1500? Let me know if you do...

Oh, you were asking James. Then ignore my answer, just as you ignored most of my post. Take out a few lines at which you can spout your propaganda. Here, I'll give you an example:

do you want us to go further to do the same things you europeans did to us ???

Is that a threat? Cause if it is, it is just proof of how superior Christianity is! You came to Spain and tried to take over Europe! Now we will crush you like the Muslim dogs you are! Prepare for more spanking of your booty!

Proud_Muslim said:
You can rant the way you want about Islam and Muslims, you can LIE and mislead and misinform people the way you want, but Muslims are here to STAY, if you dont like it go and climb the wall and shake your tail.
Ha! time to stir it up.

We kicked you out of europe before and will do it again
A4Ever said:
You give good examples of the point I am trying to make...
The UN Charter forbids colonisation. We realised it was wrong to do so, and the colonies regained independence.

The regained independence after what ?? after you robbed our land of its wealth ! after you turned our economies into western dependent consuming economies !!!

Respect for other countries and cultures is also written down in many legal documents. All members of the EU support the Charter of Human Rights. You know what human rights are?

Oh yes, EU Countries respect human rights : :rolleyes:

Amnesty finds only two EU states uphold human rights

Amnesty told Ireland, which took over the union's rotating presidency on January 1, that only two of the 15 current member states - Luxembourg and the Netherlands - could be given a clean bill of health.,7369,1121918,00.html

Muslims have this annoying way of shoving their religion in your face as the truth. What they need is their own renaissance. A religion with worldy powers has never done any good for anyone.

You are a LIAR, Muslims dont go around knocking doors and asking people to believe in Allah or they are condemned to hell !!

Muslims dont own and operate large TV missionary stations in which brain washing materials are displayed 24 hours / 7 days a week.

I know what is your problem !! you are annoyed that ONLY Muslims seems to follow their religion to the letter, you are pissed off that Muslims practice their great religion whenever they go..

When you go to a country, you adapt. You learn the language, you respect the laws and the culture.

Again, you are a LIAR, most of the Muslims in Europe speak the langauge of the country they live in, most NORTH AFRICAN MUSLIMS in Europe speak FLUENT French since the age of 5 years old and you bloody know it..

I speak 3 European Languages and I am respecting the laws and the culture I am living in, I work hard, I pay my tax ( so that my adopted governemnt can pay your parents pension )...

The problem is your OWN racism and discrimination against minorities, I was just watching the Swedish TV, before I wrote this post to you, the speaker was Basher Qurashy, the head of the European anti racism centre, he stated SHOCKING facts about discrimination against minorites in Denmark for example, the rate of unemployment between minorities reachs STAGGERING 85 % !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and you talk about adopting !!

Have a look here:

And this one:

European Union annual report: signs of growing racism and xenophobia

Muslims don't have that reflex. They define themselves by an agressive interpretation of an otherwise 12 in a dozen relgion.

Muslims dont sell out their religion for earthy rubbish, this must be very clear for you.

Of course there are Muslims with whom living together in the same country is possible. It depends on their level of adaptation and respect for others. But I have yet to encounter the first male Muslim who saw a female as his equal.

You have seen that because you are either ignorant or BLIND, I tend to take the first which mean you are ignorant:

Did you know that the president of the largest Muslim country in the world is MUSLIM WOMAN ??? President megawati of Indonesia .

Of course that is just an example, but it is so typical for these medieval minds. What year are Muslims in now? Already passed 1500? Let me know if you do...

And of course PORN, SEX, ALCOHOL, DRUGS ABUSE, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, RAPE, HEDONISISM..ETC are all MODERN European traits...keep all that to you, we are quite happy with what we many times you fell on the ground in the middle of the street DRUNK while peeing in your pants ????

Oh, you were asking James. Then ignore my answer, just as you ignored most of my post. Take out a few lines at which you can spout your propaganda. Here, I'll give you an example:

I did not ignore your post, but I dont answer LIES and RUBBISH...when you come up with FACTS supported with credible sources, then you can be dignified with answer, I dont have time for LIES you know...

Is that a threat? Cause if it is, it is just proof of how superior Christianity is! You came to Spain and tried to take over Europe! Now we will crush you like the Muslim dogs you are! Prepare for more spanking of your booty!

it is amazing your bigotry and hate !! When Muslims were ruling SPAIN, it was the beacon of TOLERANCE and CIVILIZATION, I refer you to famous WESTERN NON MUSLIM HISTORIAN, DEAN DERHAK:

did you know that long before the renaissance there was a place of humanistic beauty in Muslim Spain? Not only was it artistic, scientific and commercial, but it also exhibited incredible tolerance, imagination and poetry. Moors, as the Spaniards call the Muslims, populated Spain for nearly 700 years. As you'll see, it was their civilization that enlightened Europe and brought it out of the dark ages to usher in the renaissance. Many of their cultural and intellectual influences still live with us today.


As for christianity being superior, you will be very interested to read this:


Church may end up as sect, warns bishop,2763,1174137,00.html

The 'Withering' of Christianity in Europe

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Bachus said:
Ha! time to stir it up.
We kicked you out of europe before and will do it again

LOL !! What do you call this city now ?? who run this EUROPEAN EX-CHRISTIAN CITY NOW ??? :D


yep, you guess it, it is ISTANBUL and guess what ? it was the captial of christianity, now it is MUSLIM !!! :)
Proud_Muslim said:
LOL !! What do you call this city now ?? who run this EUROPEAN EX-CHRISTIAN CITY NOW ??? :D


yep, you guess it, it is ISTANBUL and guess what ? it was the captial of christianity, now it is MUSLIM !!! :)

So? wtf is your point?

Guess I should post a picture of Israel and say: "This was a muslim country now it ain't" ?
You made stupid statement that you crushed Muslims from Europe, I countered that by exposing your ignorance not only of history but of reality as well.

Go and read little bit more about the world we live in before you come here and spit your ignorance.
Proud_Muslim said:
You made stupid statement that you crushed Muslims from Europe, I countered that by exposing your ignorance not only of history but of reality as well.

I was referring to Spain and Vienna. Istanbul can be stolen as far as I care.

Proud_Muslim said:
Go and read little bit more about the world we live in before you come here and spit your ignorance.
Please try to make a sentence with the following words: Pot, cattle, black :rolleyes:
Bachus said:
I was referring to Spain and Vienna. Istanbul can be stolen as far as I care.

Istanbul is now Muslim city, all your argument about you kicking muslims out collapse when we know that this city was indeed the captial of christendom and now in MUSLIM are too dumb to admit your defeat !!!

Please try to make a sentence with the following words: Pot, cattle, black

I dont know what the hell you are refering to, maybe some silly pathetic American cultural expression...but hey, watch the pot and the cattle in your back !!


Wow look, here's Toledo Cathedral. Remember this one do you Proud Muslim.

This city of Spain used to belong to your muslim ancestors, and look at it now.

It's all Christian.

Proud Muslim - I have given an example of your stupidity, tell me what does it prove. Apart from nothing.........
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