Influencing children to become homosexual

Should parents ever try to infulence their children to become homosexual?

  • YES

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • NO

    Votes: 40 95.2%

  • Total voters
leopold99 said:
you probably feel like i do, how can a man love another man?
I understand how a man could love another man, but I can't understand any sexual interaction between two men.
D'ster said:
Do you guys think it is OK for parents to try to influence their childern to become homosexual?
It's impossible for someone to be influenced into become homosexual. They are born that way.
I voted "no", because the poll question makes no sense.
Because there were two threads, this one and out about heterosexual influence, with almost the same subject and it was hard to distinguish the two.
D'ster said:

Why are you gay dudes always so dramatic?

Why are heteros so emotionally disconnected and spiritually dead?

I find this interesting because I realize, that no one want's anyone to be homosexual.

I find it interesting that ignorance could be so powerfully compelling.

For instance, do I want my daughter to be homosexual? I could care less, as long as she finds happiness. Do I want my daughter to be heterosexual? I could care less, as long as she finds happiness.

Uh-oh. I don't proactively want my daughter to be gay. I must be a homophobic nut like you?

Think of it this way: Hetero men who have problems with homosexuality are generally driven by self-loathing and jealousy. They are so afraid of being gay that they don't want to be hit on by men. To the other, they get upset that a woman doesn't want to have sex with them. A heterosexual woman who says no, as the old joke goes, is a bitch. A homosexual woman who says no to a guy is, well, a bitch.

(The old joke: What is the difference between a slut and a bitch? A slut has sex with everyone; a bitch has sex with everyone but you.)

Don't be so anxious to reaffirm machismo through sublimated hatred.

In the meantime, my advice is that people should stop coveting their children's sex lives.
tiassa said:
For instance, do I want my daughter to be homosexual? I could care less, as long as she finds happiness. Do I want my daughter to be heterosexual? I could care less, as long as she finds happiness.
Hey thats great, really. This shows how emotionally connected and spiritually alive you are.

But the question is, what would you choose for your daughter IF you could?
Even after someone compleatly tried to change the question, the poll numbers speak for themselfs.

Influencing children to become homosexual

Old Question:
Do you think it is OK for parents to try to influence their children to become homosexual?

Big difference
D'ster said:
Do you guys think it is OK for parents to try to influence their childern to become homosexual?


I agree most people are inclined toward heterosexuality and a smaller group of people are inclined to homosexuality. The natural facts surrounding every human being in the world create enough influence, you don't need to brainwash a kid either way. Simply tell them each lifestyle is chosen because of innate preferences and their are natural consequences for both. It is up to the child to make the choice themselves.

Influencing by brainwashing them to be a homosexual or hetrosexual is something I disagree with, but I'm not into legislating preference based parenting. So, if a kid has to endure brainwashing of anysort in terms of sexual preference, it's just the bad luck of that kid. They'll still make it to emacipation where they will have plenty of time to be exposed to other ideas that aren't so controlled.
The question actually reads:

"Should parents ever try to infulence their children to become homosexual?"

I assume you're referring to the thread title change. The old title was "So do you guys think it is ok" ... and that was it.

The thread title was changed for two reasons:

1. It was completely uninformative about the content of the thread.
2. There was another almost identical thread with an almost identical title.
Back to the topic.

It is interesting comparing this thread with the other one. At this point in time responses are as follows:

1. Should parents ever try to influence their children to become homosexual?
Yes: 2 votes. No: 29 votes.

2. Should parents ever try to influence their children to become heterosexual?
Yes: 10 votes. No: 10 votes.

This smacks of inconsistency to me, assuming that some of the same people voted differently in the two threads.

Would one of you like to explain to me why it would be ok for a parent to influence a child to become heterosexual (presumably against his or her "natural" inclination), while it would not be permissible to encourage a child to become homosexual?

Seems like a double-standard to me. I can only assume it is based on fear and prejudice. But I could be wrong.
It depends on what the conditions are. If a parent's child wants to be homosexual, then why wouldn't you encourage it? And if they don't, why would you?At this point it is doin no damage to the future of the human species. We are starving, so maybe it's better that reproduction doesn't happen with some. Also, there are many, many orphins out there.
James, why not suggest (or even create) a new thread that is more balanced? I guess the main problem with this and the other poll is that is assumes one can even influence children in the first place. I suppose we could assume one can for sake of argument, but the debate as to whether or not is is possible would need to be posted elsewhere, philosophy or human science.

I do not want to create this new thread, assuming one needs to be created, as I do not care enough to actively discuss the topic(s) at length.
James R said:
This smacks of inconsistency to me, assuming that some of the same people voted differently in the two threads.
Why don't you just change the title of the thread maybe that will get the poll the way YOU want.

OOOO yea, you already tried that.
James R said:
Would one of you like to explain to me why it would be ok for a parent to influence a child to become heterosexual (presumably against his or her "natural" inclination), while it would not be permissible to encourage a child to become homosexual?
What sicko would WANT their children to be homosexual? Were just supposed to tolerate homosexuality,

not hope for it.
James R said:
Seems like a double-standard to me. I can only assume it is based on fear and prejudice. But I could be wrong.
It is based on common sence, homosexuality and hetrosexuality are two different things, so are the standards. Do you believe the two are the same?

James R,
Would you be just fine with a couple that was trying to encourage their child to be homosexual?
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D'ster said:
What sicko would WANT their children to be homosexual? Were just supposed to tolerate homosexuality,
what is it that you consider homosexuality 'sick'?

if homosexuality is 'sick' why has it endured for ages?

you are beginning to sound bigoted and biased which is not good to an objective discussion.
I still don't understand what this "influence" looks like. Is it "influencing" a child to not interrupt their natural course? When I was five, I held hands with and even kissed a girl I knew, and everyone thought it was cute. Should they have shamed me if it was a boy? What of my daughter? Should I lecture her and shame her and punish her if she holds hands with and kisses another girl? (This is, of course, a couple years away, at least, so I have the luxury of preparing, you see.)

To the other, I was riding to a football game once with my dad, a friend of his, and the friend's two boys. The younger of the boys somehow got green ink all over his hands. Instead of worrying about the interior of the car, staining clothes, or other practical concerns, the father snapped that the boy looked like a goddamn faggot leprechaun. Should I make homosexuality a basis for demeaning disciplinary language with my daughter? ("You look like a f@cking indigo girl!")

Should I reward and encourage her first forays into the world of boys? ("Are you going to spread for him, dear?" Or, "What's wrong? Why don't you like him? Are you a f@cking dyke?")

How would anyone suggest that I mold my daughter to be either hetero- or homosexual? The most apparent way is negative reinforcement, a method I find excessive to vice in all but the most serious issues.

How, aside from cheering slatterny or patronizing the "cuteness" of a prepubescent crush, might I reinforce heterosexuality as proper? Perhaps with condemning, baseless bigotry against gays?

Is it really proper to raise your child specifically to be a bigot?
leopold99 said:
what is it that you consider homosexuality 'sick'?
I did not say homosexuality was sick, I said a parent WANTING there child to be homosexual was sick.
leopold99 said:
if homosexuality is 'sick' why has it endured for ages?
So has rape, pedofilia, beastiality and murder.
leopold99 said:
you are beginning to sound bigoted and biased which is not good to an objective discussion.
And now a little name calling, nice.

Look, the point is that no one wants their child to be homosexual.
D'ster said:
And now a little name calling, nice.

Look, the point is that no one wants their child to be homosexual.
well first of all i said beginnig

second i am not homosexual so i am ill prepared for this discussion.
but i can say this, i wouldn't want my child to be maladjusted.
in all honesty i wouldn't want my child to be homosexual because it is not quite acceptable. if i knew for sure that my child would not be ridiculed and shamed for being homosexual i would not have a problem with it.

i think the question we need to be asking is "does homosexuality pose a threat to society?" and what threat might that be.

i have had friends that were homosexual, they seemed no different than you and i.

like i said earlier i cannot fathom loving a man like i do a woman.
D'ster said:

Look, the point is that no one wants their child to be homosexual.

As compared to what? Your point is an empty one. If it matters so much to parents to hold proprietary influence over their child's sexuality, what the hell is wrong with the parents?

So has rape, pedofilia, beastiality and murder.

What has this to do with anything? Don't tell me we're suddenly revisiting the tired, hateful comparison between issues of duress and honest consent. Really. Until someone makes the usefulness of that argument clear, it shouldn't be used.

(Please note that I have not used my authority to ban that argument outright; there is still a remote possibility--which I am obliged to acknowledge--that one day someone will get around to showing how the "rape, pedophilia, and bestiality" argument isn't simple pinheaded hatred fomented by bigots and provocateurs alike without any decent consideration. In other words, you have the spotlight; either make the point or drop it.)