Influencing children to become homosexual

Should parents ever try to infulence their children to become homosexual?

  • YES

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • NO

    Votes: 40 95.2%

  • Total voters
leopold99 said:
calm down mystech there's no need to get your panties in a bunch.
i would be willing to bet that most of the anti-gay posters in this thread have never been to a gay bar nor do they have any gay friends.
to be honest i am not exactly pro gay nor am i anti gay
i have, or had, gay friends and i have been to gay bars
i have even been to gay bars posing as a date for one of my gay friends
the fact of the matter is that homosexuality is not some new fad. it has been around since ancient times.

I have gay friends too, of both sexes( can I say that?); there's more to a person than his sexuality. My friends are my friends and its none of my business who they choose to sleep with (though I reserve the right to nag them anyway).
samcdkey said:
Our conclusion is that parents have the opportunity and ability to influence their children's sexual behaviour decisions. Comments?
Sexual behavior, yes. But not sexual orientation. That is built-in.

We all agree that parents can indoctrinate gay children into believing that being gay is immoral and into trying to assimilate and behave like straight children. Since the slight enlightenment of the past few decades many of us have met gay people who lived their early lives masquerading as straight people, even to the point of thinking they were straight and just needed to expunge themselves of the "sins" of their gay "thoughts."

If you gay-bashers don't think that was a horrible fate, just imagine yourselves with the roles reversed. You grew up in a gay-majority community, with gay parents (okay so they used AI or adopted you from Romania), and were taught from birth that homosexuality is the only right way to live and that any thoughts you might have to the contrary were evil. And no self-respecting child of theirs would even have those thoughts so you couldn't exactly discuss it with them. You dated other gay people of your own sex, just like everybody else. You kissed them, let them fondle you, tried your best to engage in romances. Eventually you married one of them and either before or after the wedding you had homosexual relations with them.

Do I need to continue or are you already throwing up?


Of course it's possible to affect people's behavior. People make overwhelmingly painful sacrifices all the time in order to do what society or their parents tell them is right.

But it does not change who they are.

Any "scholar" who trumpets a study proving that parents can make their gay children act like straight children is no scholar at all.
while i agree that a person cannot change their genes a persons environment can, does, and will have a significent effect on not only your behaviour but also your IQ
Mystech said:
What? Man I don't know who told you about the birds and the bees, but let me assure you that it's got nothing to do with base-ball and monster trucks. It's all about who you're attracted to and that's that.

Maybe you're confused, maybe the only portrayal of gay people you've ever seen is on Will & Grase, but we're not all show-tune singing fops, and frankly the vast majority of us still act just as stupid and macho as straight-guys, some to fit in, but of course most because hey, we're guy's too and we like football and we like fast cars, and hey we just happen to like guys to!

Growing up I wasn't sitting around playing with dolls (no, they were Action figure! Spiderman != Barbie) I played war with my friends, using sticks as guns because my mom wouldn't let us have actual toy guns, and we beat each other up, and fell out of trees and came home with scraped knees and elbows from trying to take our bicycles off of make-shift ramps. I was in the boyscouts, too, and in fact every gay man that I have dated and maintain contact with today was in either boyscouts or cubscouts at some point in their youth as well (I'm honestly starting to think that there may be some sort of connection!). I love guns, and target shooting and have an almost encyclopedic knowledge of military arms throughout the 20th century, and now and again I come home and fall asleep with the History Channel on and never wonder if perhaps there were more to history than war - it's just fun to learn about!

On the other hand we're used to persecution, we're used to morons like you who think that we should all be lisping sissies, and at the same time we've all had to go through the trauma of admitting to first ourselves and eventually others that yeah, though they may like it our sexual desires run along different lines than those of most people, and we know we can get away with seeming slightly less masculine now and again because people already think that about us anyhow, so who gives a shit. We're not like the straight guys who have to get in a fist-fight every time someone sneers at them for getting a manicure now and again (though even I have to admit that that's pretty gay).

So why don't you learn a little bit before you open your big mouth and announce to everyone how utterly clueless you are on this topic. You don't raise a kid to be straight or gay, you just raise 'em, if he's a boy he gets a cowboy hat and a toy gun, and if you're a girl you get a skirt and a dolly because kids are dumb and don't care anyway, they'll figure themselves out later in life, and it's got nothing to do with whether or not you took 'em to football practice or taught 'em how to light a fire.

And finally a question: What parents, exactly, do you think are raising their kids to be gay? And how exactly does one go about that? Ask 'em "So little Johnny did you kiss any boys at school today? No? Better get on that, Son!" For some reason I just don't see that happening. Try to keep in mind that it's evangelical Christian nut-jobs who are trying to force their values and way of life on anyone, not the other way around - most of their opponents just want the freedom and peace to be left alone and do things the way they see fit.
Why are you gay dudes always so dramatic?
If you guys would allow me I would like to ask this question:

Would you guys think it is OK for parents to hope their children will be homosexual?
D'ster said:
Would you guys think it is OK for parents to hope their children will be homosexual?
I wouldn't recommend it, since if their child turns out heterosexual, their disappointment could damage their relationship with their child...

Same goes for disappointment in gay children, of course.
D'ster said:
If you guys would allow me I would like to ask this question:

Would you guys think it is OK for parents to hope their children will be homosexual?

Do you have a personal interest in this? Because this is a really strange question.

Anyway I know someone who had 3 sons and wanted a daughter, then had a fouth son. ( This is in a rural Asian country so no American values apply). So she dressed her son in girls clothing till the age of 3 when he went to preschool and discovered that boys wear different clothes; he used to wear masculine clothes in school and feminine clothes at home till age 5 after which his father stepped in and everything went back to normal. Since he is a friend he confessed that though he did not like the clothes he had to wear them for his mother.

So he was "forced" into an "unnatural" situation.

But it had no effect on his sexual preferances and he is happily married with 4 children. And no he does not wear his wife's clothes at home.
well that's because everyone including homosexuals realize how hard it is to be accepted in society
samcdkey said:
well that's because everyone including homosexuals realize how hard it is to be accepted in society
Maybe thats because homosexuality is negitive action and not a good for socity?
D'ster said:
Maybe thats because homosexuality is negitive action and not a good for socity?

Maybe its a response to the burgeoning population of the world, i.e. nature's way of saying, hey that's enough!!
If you look at it in that sense, then it isperfectly natural.

After all when lemming (e.g.) populations increase beyond control, a very large group of them jump into the sea and commit mass suicide. That' snot good for lemming society either, is it?

In fact homosexuality in animals is found to a greater extent in those animals who are relatively safe from predators and hence able to multiply with ease, e.g. penguins and sheep.

I believe there is a genetic basis for homosexulaty; because sex is, by definition, a process of transmission of genes to the next generation.
samcdkey said:
...After all when lemming (e.g.) populations increase beyond control, a very large group of them jump into the sea and commit mass suicide. That' snot good for lemming society either, is it?
Sorry, but that's a myth perpetrated by over-eager nature filmmakers (in the 50's I think).
superluminal said:
Sorry, but that's a myth perpetrated by over-eager nature filmmakers (in the 50's I think).

oooh god I am so dated; sorry should have checked out the facts; a little busy today :)

If anyone would want to influence their child in anyway to be homosexual.

Did you vote yes or no?

I voted "No".

I would also have voted "No" to the question: "Should parents ever try to infulence their children to become heterosexual?"

This shows the importance of framing your poll questions carefully. That way, you'll test opinion on the subject you really want to know about, rather than some other thing which is much less interesting and controversial.