Influencing children to become homosexual

Should parents ever try to infulence their children to become homosexual?

  • YES

    Votes: 2 4.8%
  • NO

    Votes: 40 95.2%

  • Total voters
D'ster said:

But the question is, what would you choose for your daughter IF you could?

My observational experience suggests that she would encounter fewer vital risks in untangling the nasty web of sexual relationships should she be lesbian. Nonetheless, her sexuality is not mine to choose; her happiness is not mine to snuff out.

And since I am not a woman, and cannot be a lesbian, "choosing" the sapphic paradise for her would still be unwise, as my perceptions of lesbian relationships is largely superstitious. I may observe, I may be acquainted, but I am still connecting the dots on my own pages, and run the obvious risk of seeing the star of the goddess where the image really is Barney the Purple Dinosaur's pecker.

That I must explain these notions at all is a chilling reminder of the diversity of human experience. For instance, I don't think you're actually trying to be stupid, hateful, or priggish, but I do admit it escapes me why this is so important to you.

What sicko would WANT their children to be homosexual? Were just supposed to tolerate homosexuality, not hope for it.

"Supposed to"? Who's making the rules that makes us "supposed to" do this? You?

Tell me: why do you "tolerate" heterosexuality? Because you're heterosexual and afraid of homosexuality, and that makes heterosexuality automatically "better"? I wonder why you are afraid of homosexuality...

And who said anything about hoping for homosexuality? The question you asked was "Should parents influence their children to become homosexual?"

It is based on common sence, homosexuality and hetrosexuality are two different things, so are the standards. Do you believe the two are the same?

Didn't you understand my point? Let me explain it again for you.

We are talking about parents influencing their children to adopt one or other kind of sexuality - assuming that is even possible, which I seriously doubt.

Now, you hold an obvious double standard, in that you think it is fine for parents (probably a duty) to steer their children's sexuality towards heterosexuality, but you consider it morally wrong to steer their sexuality towards homosexuality. Probably you think it is "unnatural" to be homosexual, or some similar rationalisation. Which prompts the question: if homosexuality is so unnatural, why would it be necessary to influence children to become heterosexual? It should be automatic, in your ideal world. So, it seems the real world doesn't match up with your biased views. What a shame.

Would you be just fine with a couple that was trying to encourage their child to be homosexual?

Haven't I already answered this several times? Go back and look, if you're still in doubt.
D'ster, it seems to me that you are very close-minded. You make ridiculous generalizations about black people and are equally ignorant toward homosexuals. You say that anyone who would WANT their child to be homosexual is a sicko. Then would you also say those who WANT their children to be heterosexual are sickos? If not, please tell me why?

Homosexual orientation, as it is part of nature, must be a result of natural selection. Therefore, nature should not be crossed in it's decision to make the individual homosexual.
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Oniw17 said:
Homosexual orientation, as it is part of nature, must be a result of natural selection. Therefore, nature should not be crossed in it's decision to make the individual homosexual.
Rape, pedofilia, beastiality and murder, as it is part of nature, must be a result of natural selection. Therefore, nature should not be crossed in it's decision to make the individual rape, pedofilia, beastiality and murder.
D'ster said:
Rape, pedofilia, beastiality and murder, as it is part of nature, must be a result of natural selection. Therefore, nature should not be crossed in it's decision to make the individual rape, pedofilia, beastiality and murder.

Yes, but homosexuality is a personal sexual preference; how can you classify it with criminal acts?
perplexity said:
As a matter of personal preference perhaps?

--- Ron.

So is smoking pot, I believe, and homosexuality is not legally a crime, is it?
samcdkey said:
So is smoking pot, I believe, and homosexuality is not legally a crime, is it?

Depends where and when.

Should parents ever try to influence their children to smoke pot?

I wonder how a parent would ever hope not to influence.

--- Ron.
perplexity said:
Depends where and when.

Should parents ever try to influence their children to smoke pot?

I wonder how a parent would ever hope not to influence.

--- Ron.
Exactly ;)
perplexity said:
Should parents ever try to influence their children to smoke pot?

I wouldn't convince a child to do anything really. I advocate independance for the most part (guidance is needed, but in just the right amount as to learn to make their own decisions). I would hope a child would learn what rules can be broke within a responsible range. I drank alcohol before I was 21 but I was responsible about it. I have smoked pot a few times, I was responsible about it. My dad told me about how he was at my age, and he was pretty much the same as I am.

I do not want to be living in a world of robots when I get older, nor do I want to live in anarchy and total social chaos.
Precisely. Gay-bag homos are not morally correct, and have been proven to have a negative effect on the people surrounding them. IE, vomiting, laughinhg until you cry, seeping hatred ect.
Athiest Hater #1 said:
Precisely. Gay-bag homos are not morally correct, and have been proven to have a negative effect on the people surrounding them. IE, vomiting, laughinhg until you cry, seeping hatred ect.

Please tell me you are not a Muslim :(
Athiest Hater #1 said:
No I specified earlier what Sexual Orientation I am. None. Sex is wrong, it's just a fact.

I wish your parents had shared these thoughts :confused: